Subscribe to newsletter, mailchimp - mailchimp

Is it possible to have single button on website that leads user to MailChimp subscribe form that is not physically on that website? Like for example MailChimp "Thank you" page.

Go to MailChimp Dashboard.
Select the list that you want to setup the subscriber form.
Go to 'Signup forms'
Select 'General forms'
Build the form and copy 'Signup form URL'
Use the URL in your website, which leads anyone to the subscription form of your MailChimp list.


Bigcommerce Mailchimp integration creates users without subscribtion status

Good morning, i installed mailchimp app into my bigcommerce store, i can now see the new bigcommerce customer appera in mymailchimp list when they sign up in bigcommerce. The problem is that the "Email marketing" status is not "Sbuscribed" but it is blank, and i cannot use theese contacts to send emails.
I create the bigcommerce users using API and not the template signup form, and the "accepts_marketing" flat is false by default and it is readonly.
How can i solve this problem? i need the users as Subscribed in my mailchimp.
The "accepts_marketing" flag on the customer record indicates whether the customer has opted in to receive abandoned cart recovery and review emails--it's not used to track marketing newsletter preferences. Newsletter subscriptions fall under the Subscribers resource:
The Mailchimp app will be listening for a POST to the /customers/subscribers resource to create a new newsletter subscriber, so if you're creating users programmatically, you'll need to create the subscriber separately from the customer record.

Mail chimp unsubscribes directly without confirmation page

I have the email marketing setup for the newsletter with mailchimp. When the subscribers get the email there is a standard static footer added by mailchimp automatically.
This has an unsubscribe link which directly unsubscribed the users without asking for confirmation email step.
I would like to have another step to confirm with user as this happens even with a forwarded email it removes the user from the subscription.
There is a way around for this, remove the |UNSUB| merge tag from your email footer and add custom Unsubscribe Form URL.
You can get your custom Unsubscribe Form URL, from the List you want it for.
Choose the list -> Signup Forms -> Form Builder -> Unsubscribe Form (choose this from Forms and Response emails drop down)
This will ask users to provide their email address to unsubscribe from the list.
Edit: This have a disadvantage of asking user email again and confirming the same, I will also suggest to remove |UNSUB| and use |UPDATE_PROFILE| (which have unsubscribe option with updating preference, user may change their mind)
Hope this will help.

Mailchimp API - send update notification for existing subscribers

I have the following workflow using the Mailchimp API:
User is signing up on a form and uses the button "I want to opt in for the newsletter"
The User is posted to the Mailchimp API with status pending and receives a double-opt-in email
The User clicks on the confirm button and his status is changing to ```subscribed``
Now there is a chance, the user is coming back to another form in my app, but clicks again on the button "I want to opt in for the newsletter"
Now I have two possibilities:
My script is checking weather the user already exists on the list, in this case -> ignore and do nothing
My script triggers a Mailchimp "Update Details" Mailing which asks the user to update its details
1st case is easily doable with the Mailchimp API.
2nd case I know is possible via Mailchimp Widgets but I have not found anything in the API docu to trigger this update mailing.
I know about the different status: but nothing is reflecting this particular case ("User already subscribed").
I'd like to know how I can do that and how I can trigger an "update details" mailing via the API.
As far as I know and from what it sounds like you've seen as well there isn't a pre-built option or endpoint in place to trigger MC's update profile email.
But because this version of their email is essentially just a link to the existing subscribers list profile, one of the following workarounds might be worth a shot.
1) Use their API automation workflow option to send existing subscribers an email with their update profile link using the merge tag:
Doc on that Automation API endpoint:
Doc on update profile:
Alternatively if you'd like to try and serve subscribers their profile link right on your form after your script check in #2 that to could be done after retrieving:
the subscribers unique_email_id
and appending that hashed id to end of the lists specific Update profile URL as the value for e=
Which would lead them to their existing pre-filled update profile form:
E.g: http://mailchimp.{USX}{unique_email_id}
Your list specific URL sans the e= value can be obtained from using the update profile merge tag in their Campaign builder and using preview or sending yourself a test email.

Braintree - Form validation before opening the lightbox

This is the first time I am implementing Braintree.js, I am using "Add PayPal button" approach to display the PayPal button on the page. Once the PayPal button is generated (by passing braintree token) I need to invoke some Ajax function to validate the form fields and once these are validated then only want to open the PayPal lightbox and get the nonce value after the final submit on the lightbox. How do I implement the ajax call using the braintree generated "PayPal" button BEFORE opening the lightbox. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in anticipation.
Currently there is not a callback that fires before the PayPal lightbox or popup opens.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you want to use the PayPal button as your form's submit button, which is not that button's intended function. Using Braintree's PayPal integration returns a nonce which you can then submit along with rest of your form as a separate action. When a user submits the form, you can validate that your form fields are valid, and that a nonce has been successfully generated before submitting it.
For a more in-depth description of integrating with PayPal visit Braintree's PayPal Guide.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

Send a 'click' to Google Analytics from ruby

I'm building an app with some 'mail tracking' feature and want to notify google analytics about a click in a link from ruby.
I've already changed all external links from email to go to my server to be redirected, so I know what and when the user clicked.
I want to send this click just knowing the 'UA-XXXXX' and the clicked url.
Is there a way? Or the best solution is to render a html page and with JS send the click event?
UPDATE: Ok, I've found gabba but don't know how to send an 'click' event.
Generally its better to use the JS api, since it has access to all of the other data that analytics tracks, like the visitor browser/os/geoip and can tie all that to a 'visit'.
If you are embedding links in emails, you might consider using the source/medium/campaign flags in the links.
So technically its not tracking the 'clicks' as an event, more like tracking the fact that the user came to your site from that particular email. You could use a separate campaign label if you wanted the individual click granularity. (If, for example you had the same url in the email more than once and you wanted to know whether they clicked the first or second one in the email)
