ServiceStack session handling in a Load balanced environment - session

I am using ServiceStack as base library in one of my project.
I have structured my application in two part API and WEB application which are separate project and repository.
Authentication should happen on the API layer and it should be cached there. I am using Ormlite cache client in API Server.
In API AppHost.cs
var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory("ConnectionString",SqlServerDialect.Provider);
container.RegisterAs<OrmLiteCacheClient, ICacheClient>();
Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new APISession(),
new IAuthProvider[] {
new APICredentialsAuthProvider(new AppSettings())
In APICredentialsAuthProvider i am saving session which gets stored in Db in CacheEntry table
I am authenticating the user in Web application via ajax call using apiurl/auth which return the AuthenticateResponse with sessionId with it.
I am updating this sessionId to cookie as s-id and later in pre request filter based on the request type it is being updated in ss-id or ss-pid.
//Inside Web application apphost
this.PreRequestFilters.Add((req, res) =>
System.Net.Cookie cookie = req.Cookies["s-id"];
req.Cookies["ss-id"] = cookie;
This approach does not fetch the session from cache which is Ormlite in my case and respective configuration in provided in Web and Api application.
What is the best way to achieve this?
However i am able to access the session by using cache client
//Inside Web application apphost
this.PreRequestFilters.Add((req, res) =>
System.Net.Cookie cookie = req.Cookies["s-id"];
req.Cookies["ss-id"] = cookie;
APISession cachedSession = GetCacheClient(req).Get<APISession(SessionFeature.GetSessionKey(cookie.Value));
WEBSession session.PopulateWith<WEBSession, APISession>(cachedSession);
this works fine and i am able to fetch the session, but by putting this in pre request filter increases the db calls from my web application (on each request).
Is there any alternate solution available to achieve the same?
Thanks in advance!!

If you are load balancing multiple Web Apps behind the same domain then using any of the distributed Caching Providers like OrmLiteCacheClient will send ServiceStack's ss-id/ss-pid Cookies when making a request to either of the Apps: -> http://internal:8001/
/app2 -> http://internal:8002/
/app3 -> http://internal:8003/
Then as long as each app is configured with the same OrmLiteCacheClient a Session created in one App would be visible in all 3 Apps.
You can prevent further DB access for retrieving the Session for that request by setting it on IRequest.Items, e.g:
req.Items[Keywords.Session] = session;
Then any access to the Session for that Request will be resolved from the IRequest Items Dictionary instead of hitting the DB.
Another alternative Auth solution that will let you authenticate in all 3 Apps is to use the stateless JWT Auth Provider.


Securing .NET Framework Web API with Azure AD (Client credentials flow)

I have a .NET 4.7 Web API project (not .NET CORE).
I am trying to setup authentication with an Azure AD directory, I setup an application in my AD, and I got the client id (application id)
I would like to use the Client Credentials grant type. So I went ahead and retrieved a token via the access token URL I am passing in the client id, and secret, for this I am using Postman
Now in my project I've implemented the following logic in my web api project:
var clientId = "AZURE APPLICATION ID";
app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(new JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions
AllowedAudiences = new List<string> { clientId },
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidateAudience = false,
ValidAudience = clientId
On my controller, I applied the [Authorize] attribute
When calling the API controller endpoint (making sure I am passing in the Authorization header with the value "Bearer MYTOKEN") I get the error returned in Postman:
"Message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."
Is there a way I can dive deeper to figure out what might be wrong?
I don't see anything in my output window in visual studio, are there some events I can hook into why it is failing?
EDIT: Adding more information per Carl:
The token seems to be valid, here are the results from, i even setup an "admin" role via the manifest:
Here is my code, I am not specifying the public signature (not sure how to do that yet), but I've even turned off IssueSignature validation.
This is what my controller looks like:
My fiddler request and response (does having an http endpoint instead of https for local development make a difference?) I don't believe it does:
Inspect your access token and ensure the aud claim value equals the clientId. Usually the aud claim will be something like api://clientId which is not what you have setup in your code. If that's the case set it as "api://" + clientId
You should get a 401 error, which means that the aud of your token is not your api. The cause of the error is usually that you set the wrong scope when requesting the token. I used the client credential flow Make a demo for you:
You need to create two applications in Azure ad, one representing the client application and the other representing the api application, and then use the client application to call the Web api application.
First, you need to expose the api of the application representing the web api, you can configure it according to the following process:
Azure portal>App registrations>Expose an API>Add a scope>Add a client application
Next, you need to define the manifest of api applications and grant application permissions to your client applications (this is the role permissions you define yourself, you can find it in My APIs when you add permissions)
This is the process of defining the manifest.
This is to grant permissions for the client application (You can find your expose api permissions in My APIs.):
Request access token:
Parse the token:

Where and how to store the access token and refresh token

I have a dotnet core 2.2 MVC web application which uses a web api to perform some database queries. I have implemented JWT token based authetication for web api. Tokens are generated at the api and the web application has received the access token, expiry and refresh token. I need to store this token details at my client , so that I can either use it to access web api(before expiry) or generate new token using the refresh token if the token expires.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
You have various options (secure http-only cookie, localstorage, session storage, etc.).
In the most simple scenario, you can store it in a cookie so that it is sent along with each request :
The cookie should always have the HttpOnly flag to prevent XSS attacks in the browser.
The cookie should also use the Secure flag in production, to ensure that the cookie is only sent over HTTPS.
Protect your forms against CSRF attacks (by using ASP.NET Core’s AntiForgery features, for example).
Previous answers don't provide clear explanation about the reasons of using those solutions.
Typical systems look like on the picture below and there are two common Client Application architectures used in WEB:
Singe Page Application running in browser
Server side MVC application
In case of SPA the tokens are stored in browser (session storage or local storage) and are cleared automatically by either browser or the app itself when expire. FYI, obtaining refresh token is not possible in SPA because of security reasons.
In case of MVC app (your case) the things get more complicated. You have two options: either store it in http-only cookie or some external session store. Aspnet core supports both cases but each has caveats. A good article here. In short, if your are concerned about cookie size then use Distributed Session Storage which adds more complexity to the system architecture. Otherwise cookies is the easiest solution and is enabled by default in aspnet core, you just need to set options.StoreTokens = true and options.SignInScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme.
There are multiple ways to store the tokens. Usually applications doesn't store access token anywhere, but they do store refresh token in a permanent storage.
Let's take a look at what you need to store at web and api end.
First, user will request to login in web application with credentials, web app will pass this request to the api project - which interacts with DB.
Now, api will generate access tokens and refresh token and the save refresh token to that DB. Web api then need to store access token and refresh token in temporary storage like cookie or session.
When access token is expired; you need to make a call for a new tokens, which will update the previous refresh token in the DB.
Refresh token - in DB
Access token and refresh token - web temporary storage
Make the call from ui to web application server(controller) controller which in turn makes call to get the token from api.
get the token from api response and store it in cookie.
you controller should look something like this
var option = new CookieOptions
Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(response.ExpiresIn)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain))
option.Domain = domain;
Response.Cookies.Append({cookiename}, response.AccessToken, option);

Hooking up IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation and Reference Tokens with ASP.NET Core Identity

I am try to build out an Angular 6 application backed by a ASP.NET Web API back end. The application authenticates users against a separate Identity Server 4 that federates Azure AD ultimately returning a Bearer reference token.
From a login and then authenticate (the token) perspective, everything is working. The user access the site, gets redirected to Azure AD, logs in, and gets redirected back to the Angular 6 app. For the API calls, the token is injected into the header and the ASP.NET Core authentication middleware validates the token and returns the data.
.AddAuthentication(options => {
options.DefaultScheme = IdentityServerAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = IdentityServerAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultChallengeScheme = IdentityServerAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultSignInScheme = IdentityServerAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
.AddIdentityServerAuthentication(options => {
options.Authority = AuthClient.SsoBaseUrl;
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
options.ApiName = AuthClient.SsoClientName;
options.ApiSecret = AuthClient.SsoClientSecret;
My problem is that I am trying to incorporate ASP.NET Core Identity and I am unsure of where/how to tie the claims principal returned via AddIdentityServerAuthentication.
In a previous version (ASP.NET Framework 4.7) of this application, we used Ws-Federation which redirected back to ExternalCallbackLogin() in AccountController which executed the usual AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync() and then SignInManager.ExternalSignInAsync() and then (if required) AppUserManager.CreateAsync() and AppUserManager.AddLoginAsync().
This code basically checked the [AspNetUserLogins] table for the provider specific key (from the claims) to map to a user in the [AspNetUsers] table.
With the change to IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation I cannot figure out where to put this logic. Since I am using reference tokens it does not look like the JwtBearerEvents (specifically the OnTokenValidated event) is not being raised. In fact, it does not look like there are any Introspection events...??
I am tried testing the logic in a test endpoint that called the above "Manager" methods (technically it was the updated for ASP.NET Core Identity equivalent methods) but that is not working either.
For example, the very first call to SignInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync() returns null.
What am I doing wrong?

HTTP 500 using OAuthAuthentication with Azure Active Directory to secure ASP.NET 5 Web API

For context, I have OpenIdConnect with an ASP.NET 4 Web App working using Owin (and a lot of help from Modern Authentication with Azure Active Directory for Web Applications.
I now want to secure a separate ASP.NET 5 Web API project (to be hosted in the same AD tenant in Azure as a microservice). I started with the simple ASP.NET 5 WebApi generated in Visual Studio and added the following to the Configure in Startup.cs (at the beginning of the pipeline):
app.UseOAuthAuthentication(new OAuthOptions()
ClientId = "71d33a1c-505c-4815-a790-8494dd2bb430",
ClientSecret = "LajQFbf1/Nyt/6zCP5vE5YWj5VC4aNaC3i/SRtEj2sI=",
TokenEndpoint = "",
AuthorizationEndpoint = "",
AuthenticationScheme = "OAuth2Bearer",
CallbackPath = "/api/values"
This gives me an error that indicates SignInScheme must be provided, but I'm not clear on what that value should be. If I add in a string, say "OAuth2Bearer", I get further, but still get a 500 error on the request, but no exception raised in the API app, nor does the breakpoint on the first line in my API controller implementation get hit.
What am I missing? Ideally, I want to then extend the Events of OAuthOptions to add a custom claim, analogous to what I did with OpenIdConnect and the SecurityTokenValidated notification.
The OAuth2 base middleware cannot be used for token validation as it's an OAuth2 client middleware made for handling interactive flows like the authorization code flow. All the existing OAuth2 social providers (e.g Facebook or Google) inherit from this middleware.
You're actually looking for the JWT bearer middleware:
app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(options => {
options.AutomaticAuthenticate = true;
options.AutomaticChallenge = true;
options.Authority = "[address of your OIDC server]";
options.Audience = "[audience of the access tokens issued by the OIDC server]";
To learn more about the different OAuth2/OIDC middleware in ASP.NET Core, don't miss this other SO post: Configure the authorization server endpoint.

OWIN Authentication Server for multiple applications

I am in the process of implementing a solution that has an MVC client (lets call this CLIENT at localhost:4077/) with a WebAPI service (called API at localhost:4078/)
I have implemented OWIN OAuth in the API but wanted to know whether the OWIN could be implemented in a separate solution (lets call it AUTH at localhost:4079/token) to generate the token for the CLIENT, then the CLIENT passes this to the API (as the Bearer authorisation token)
The reason i am querying this is that there is likely to be additional WebAPI services that will be accessed by the CLIENT and i'd like to use OWIN between the client and all API services.
The issue is i am not sure if the token generated by the AUTH service could be used to authorise all requests on the CLIENT and all API services.
Has anyone implemented anything like this and if so could you provide an example, i am pretty new to OWIN and OAUTH so any help would be greatly appreciated
Separating the authorization server from the resource server is extremely easy: it will even work without any extra code if you use IIS and if you have configured identical machine keys on both applications/servers.
Supporting multiple resource servers is a bit harder to implement with the OWIN OAuth2 server if you need to select which endpoints an access token can gain access to. If you don't care about that, just configure all your resource servers with the same machine keys, and you'll be able to access all your APIs with the same tokens.
To have more control over the endpoints that can be used with an access token, you should take a look at AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server - a fork of the OAuth2 server that comes with OWIN/Katana - that natively supports this scenario:
It's relatively easy to set up:
Add a new middleware issuing tokens in your authorization server application (in Startup.cs):
app.UseOpenIdConnectServer(new OpenIdConnectServerOptions
Provider = new AuthorizationProvider()
Add new middleware validating access tokens in your different API servers (in Startup.cs):
app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(new JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions
// AllowedAudiences MUST contain the absolute URL of your API.
AllowedAudiences = new[] { "http://localhost:11111/" },
// X509CertificateSecurityTokenProvider MUST be initialized with an issuer corresponding to the absolute URL of the authorization server.
IssuerSecurityTokenProviders = new[] { new X509CertificateSecurityTokenProvider("http://localhost:50000/", certificate) }
app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(new JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions
// AllowedAudiences MUST contain the absolute URL of your API.
AllowedAudiences = new[] { "http://localhost:22222/" },
// X509CertificateSecurityTokenProvider MUST be initialized with an issuer corresponding to the absolute URL of the authorization server.
IssuerSecurityTokenProviders = new[] { new X509CertificateSecurityTokenProvider("http://localhost:50000/", certificate) }
Finally, add a new OpenID Connect client middleware in your client app (in Startup.cs):
app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
// Some essential parameters have been omitted for brevity.
// See for more information
// Authority MUST correspond to the absolute URL of the authorization server.
Authority = "http://localhost:50000/",
// Resource represents the different endpoints the
// access token should be issued for (values must be space-delimited).
// In this case, the access token will be requested for both APIs.
Resource = "http://localhost:11111/ http://localhost:22222/",
You can have a look at this sample for more information:
It doesn't use multiple resource servers, but it shouldn't be hard to adapt it using the different steps I mentioned. Feel free to ping me if you need help.
