How to get the path in build.gradle - gradle

I am working on build.gradle in a project directory. i want to know how can I get the path of the directory with one folder back in gradle task
task myTask << {
println file('.')
println projectDir}
This would return me the path which say is c:\a\b\c which is current directory
but i want to go to the path c:\a\b

task currentDir << {
println file('.')
println projectDir
task previousDir << {
println file('..')
println file("$projectDir/..")


How to reference a subproject dir from a root gradle task when calling task from subproject

I have a root project gradle task defined below. I am
task createVersionTxtResourceFile {
doLast {
def webAppVersionFile = new File("$projectDir/src/main/resources/VERSION.txt")
def appVersion = project.ext.$full_version
println "writing VERSION.txt to " + webAppVersionFile + ", containing " + appVersion
In a few subprojects, I want to run this task and create the VERSION.txt file in the subproject's src/main/resources/VERSION.txt. My problem is that the root level task's $projectDir is the root project.
Is it possible to define a root level task that uses the sub-project directory when invoking it? Or perhaps there's a better approach all together.
You could do it slightly more controlled when you register an action to wait for the java plugin to be applied on the subproject. With this you can create the task only in subprojects who contain the desired compileJava task and configure everything from the root project.
subprojects { sub ->
//register an action which gets executed when the java plugins gets applied.
//if the project is already configured with the java plugin
//then this action gets executed right away.
sub.plugins.withId("java") {
//create the task and save it.
def createVersionTxtResourceFile = sub.tasks.create("createVersionTxtResourceFile") {
doLast {
def webAppVersionFile = new File("${sub.projectDir}/src/main/resources/VERSION.txt")
def appVersion = rootProject.full_version
println "writing VERSION.txt to " + webAppVersionFile + ", containing " + appVersion
// set the task dependency
sub.tasks.compileJava.dependsOn createVersionTxtResourceFile
I ended up just defining the task in each subproject, and setting a dependency on it in the appropriate subprojects:
subprojects {
task createVersionTxtResourceFile {
doLast {
def webAppVersionFile = new File("$projectDir/src/main/resources/VERSION.txt")
def appVersion = rootProject.full_version
println "writing VERSION.txt to " + webAppVersionFile + ", containing " + appVersion
then in a subproject build.gradle:
compileJava.dependsOn createVersionTxtResourceFile

Gradle project, sub projects executed repeatedly

I have a project with sub projects. The layout:
#Build Number for ANT. Do not edit!
#Wed Nov 210 2121:210:2121 PST 2102121
include ('subproj1', 'subproj2')
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {url ""}
subprojects {
project (':subproj1') {
def oldN = new File("D:/rootproj/subproj1/mybuild.number").text.split("=")[1]
def newN = (oldN.toInteger() + 1).toString()
file: "mybuild.number",
token: "${oldN}",
value: "${newN}"
println "From subproj1 : ${newN}"
task hello(overwrite: true){
println "hello from subproject 1"
project (':subproj2'){
println "the build Dir: $buildDir"
task hello(overwrite: true){
println "hello from subproject 2"
when I run
gradle -q subproj1:hello
gradle -q subproj2:hello
from the rootproj, I always get e.g.
From subproj1 : 24
the build Dir: D:\rootproj\subproj2\build
From subproj1 : 25
the build Dir: D:\rootproj\subproj2\build
1. Why the two sub projects always get executed twice, therefore the build number is incremented twice, instead of once?
2. why all sub projects get executed even though I explicitly specified the project:task in the command line?
I have searched the Internet, could not find useful information.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Change build.gradle as #JB Nizet suggested:
move the ant.replace to task incr
comment out subprojects
It works exactly as I expected.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {url ""}
//subprojects {
def oldN = new File("E:/hqin/build/gradle/rootproj/subproj1/mybuild.number").text.split("=")[1]
def newN = (oldN.toInteger() + 1).toString()
project (':subproj1') {
task incr {
file: "mybuild.number",
token: "${oldN}",
value: "${newN}"
println "From subproj1 : ${newN}"
task hello(overwrite: true, dependsOn: 'incr'){
println "hello from subproject 1"
project (':subproj2'){
task hello(overwrite: true){
println "the build Dir: $buildDir"
println "hello from subproject 2"
Regarding the second point: because your code is run as part of the project configuration, which is always run, whatever the task being executed. If you want code being executed when a task is executed, then it should be inside the doLast closure of a task definition:
task someTask {
doLast {
Regarding the first point: the closure passed to subprojects is executed for every subproject. So, it's called once for the subproject 1, and configures subproject 1 and subproject 2, then it's called again for subproject 2, and reconfigures subproject 1 and subproject 2 again. You shouldn't have subprojects at all.

Gradle: Not able to run zipTree in doFirst block

I am trying to explode some jar files in a doFirst block as follows -
task copyBinaries(type: Copy){
def Jar1 = ""
def Jar2 = ""
def Jar3 = ""
doFirst {
Jar1 = configurations.Lib1.singleFile
Jar2 = configurations.Lib2.singleFile
Jar3 = configurations.Lib3.singleFile
inputs.files configurations.Lib1
inputs.files configurations.Lib2
inputs.files configurations.Lib3
from(zipTree(file(Jar1))) {
from(zipTree(file(Jar2))) {
from(zipTree(file(Jar3))) {
In order the avoid resolution of dependencies in the configuration phase, I am extracting the file names from the configurations in the doFirst block. The problem is, since the Copy task needs the source and destination of copy during configuration phase, gradle sees Jar1, Jar2, Jar3 as empty strings and throws and error.
I am looking for a way to let the Copy task receive arguments (source file) during execution phase (after doFirst block is executed).
How can I address this situation? Thanks.
I've had a similar situation where I had to copy from a path that was created as output of another one.
I solved this with just declaring the copy logic in my task's doLast block:
task copyStuff {
doLast {
copy {
from zipTree('path/to/archive')
into 'destination/dir'
You just have to make sure, that your task runs after the task that creates the needed outputs with using dependsOn for example.

variable is read-only when it shouldn't be

When i execute this in my script
artifacts = ['abc123-com', 'abc123-ejb', 'abc123-spec', 'abc123-war', 'abc123-war2']
task clone_workspace() << {
for (item in artifacts) {
println item
i get
> Cannot set the value of read-only property 'artifacts' on root project 'abc123'.
I have tried scoping to project with project.artifacts, and to ext with project.ext.artifacts.
what am I doing wrong here?
The following minimalist Gradle file illustrates that project already has a property for artifacts (documented here):
println "TRACER : " + project.artifacts.class
bash$ gradle
TRACER : class org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.DefaultArtifactHandler_Decorated
By contrast, this version of the original is happier:
def myArtifacts = ['abc123-com', 'abc123-ejb', 'abc123-spec', 'abc123-war', 'abc123-war2']
task clone_workspace() << {
for (item in myArtifacts) {
println item

Gradle: run a clean up task at every execution (test, build, etc.)

I have a simple custom task that cleans up some local properties files to work for the given dev environment. I'd like Gradle to run this task every time I run any command, e.g., test, build, clean, etc.
Is there a way to do so?
The standard way is to declare the dependency on every task such as:
task myclean() << {
println "myclean"
task mytask1(dependsOn: myclean) << {
println "mytask1"
task mytask2(dependsOn: myclean) << {
println "mytask2"
Alternatively you can add a dependency to every task after they have been declared:
task myclean() << {
println "myclean"
task mytask1() << {
println "mytask1"
task mytask2() << {
println "mytask2"
projects.tasks.findAll { it != myclean }.each { it.dependsOn << myclean }
