Waiting until all processes end to execute next line in Bash - bash

In a script I'm writing right now, I create many background processes in attempts to run my script on multiple devices in parallel. This functionality works, but it would appear I have no control of it. The simple wait command does not get me the results I need.
Abridged code:
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Displaying devices to be configured:"
./adb devices | sed "1d ; $ d"
echo ""
echo "###########################"
echo "# #"
echo "# Starting configuration! #"
echo "# #"
echo "###########################"
echo ""
# All commands ran through this function
DeviceConfig () {
# Large list of commands
# This is the loop that spawns all the processes. Note the ampersand I'm using.
for usb in $(./adb devices -l | awk '/ device usb:/{print $3}'); do ( DeviceConfig & ) ; done
echo ""
echo "###########################"
echo "# #"
echo "# Configuration complete! #"
echo "# #"
echo "###########################"
While this will successfully run all my commands in parallel, my output is not as intended.
Actual output:
Wed Oct 5 13:11:26 EDT 2016
Displaying devices to be configured:
3100c2759da2a200 device
3100c2ddbbafa200 device
# #
# Starting configuration! #
# #
# #
# Configuration complete! #
# #
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings }
Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings }
Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front
(The ... is to imply more output from the script.)
Putting a wait in the loop does not solve the issue. Putting a wait after the loop does not solve the issue. How do I write this loop so the configurations happen in between the Starting configuration! and Configuration complete! output?

You can ask wait to wait on multiple processes, e.g.:
for usb in $(./adb devices -l | awk '/ device usb:/{print $3}'); do DeviceConfig & pids+=($!); done
wait "${pids[#]}"


How I combine a bash hookscript with a Perl hookscript for use with Proxmox?

I am trying to use Promox VE has the hypervisor for running VMs.
In one of my VMs, I have a hookscript that is written for the bash shell:
if [ $2 == "pre-start" ]
echo "gpu-hookscript: Resetting GPU for Virtual Machine $1"
echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:01\:00.0/remove
echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan
which is to help with enabling GPU passthrough.
And then I have another hookscript that is written in Perl, which enables virtio-fs:
# Exmple hook script for PVE guests (hookscript config option)
# You can set this via pct/qm with
# pct set <vmid> -hookscript <volume-id>
# qm set <vmid> -hookscript <volume-id>
# where <volume-id> has to be an executable file in the snippets folder
# of any storage with directories e.g.:
# qm set 100 -hookscript local:snippets/hookscript.pl
use strict;
use warnings;
print "GUEST HOOK: " . join(' ', #ARGV). "\n";
# First argument is the vmid
my $vmid = shift;
# Second argument is the phase
my $phase = shift;
if ($phase eq 'pre-start') {
# First phase 'pre-start' will be executed before the guest
# ist started. Exiting with a code != 0 will abort the start
print "$vmid is starting, doing preparations.\n";
# print "preparations failed, aborting."
# exit(1);
} elsif ($phase eq 'post-start') {
# Second phase 'post-start' will be executed after the guest
# successfully started.
print "$vmid started successfully.\n";
} elsif ($phase eq 'pre-stop') {
# Third phase 'pre-stop' will be executed before stopping the guest
# via the API. Will not be executed if the guest is stopped from
# within e.g., with a 'poweroff'
print "$vmid will be stopped.\n";
} elsif ($phase eq 'post-stop') {
# Last phase 'post-stop' will be executed after the guest stopped.
# This should even be executed in case the guest crashes or stopped
# unexpectedly.
print "$vmid stopped. Doing cleanup.\n";
} else {
die "got unknown phase '$phase'\n";
What would be the best way for me to combine these two files into a single format, so that I can use it as a hookscript in Proxmox?
I tried reading the thread here about how to convert a bash shell script to Perl, and not being a programmer, admittedly, I didn't understand what I was reading.
I appreciate the teams help in educating a non-programmer.
Thank you.
insert pls.
system('echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:01\:00.0/remove');
system('echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan');
Had your original code above evaluated return code of these perl calls (it is not the case):
echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:01\:00.0/remove
echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan
you could apply solutions from:
Getting Perl to return the correct exit code

Parallel subshells doing work and report status

I am trying to do work in all subfolders in parallel and describe a status per folder once it is done in bash.
suppose I have a work function which can return a couple of statuses
#param #1 is the folder
# can return 1 on fail, 2 on sucess, 3 on nothing happend
cd $1
// some update thing
return 1, 2, 3
now I call this in my wrapper function
while read -r folder; do
tput cup "${row}" 20
echo -n "${folder}"
ret=$(work "${folder}")
tput cup "${row}" 0
[[ $ret -eq 1 ]] && echo " \e[0;31mupdate failed \uf00d\e[0m"
[[ $ret -eq 2 ]] && echo " \e[0;32mupdated \uf00c\e[0m"
[[ $ret -eq 3 ]] && echo " \e[0;32malready up to date \uf00c\e[0m"
) &>/dev/null
done < <(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -printf "%f\n" | sort)
echo "waiting for pids ${pids[*]}"
wait "${pids[#]}"
and what I want is, that it prints out all the folders per line, and updates them independently from each other in parallel and when they are done, I want that status to be written in that line.
However, I am unsure subshell is writing, which ones I need to capture how and so on.
My attempt above is currently not writing correctly, and not in parallel.
If I get it to work in parallel, I get those [1] <PID> things and [1] + 3156389 done ... messing up my screen.
If I put the work itself in a subshell, I don't have anything to wait for.
If I then collect the pids I dont get the response code to print out the text to show the status.
I did have a look at GNU Parallel but I think I cannot have that behaviour. (I think I could hack it that the finished jobs are printed, but I want all 'running' jobs are printed, and the finished ones get amended).
a separate child process is spawned for each folder to be processed
the child process generates messages as work progresses
messages from child processes are to be displayed in the console in real time, with each child's latest message being displayed on a different line
The general idea is to setup a means of interprocess communications (IC) ... named pipe, normal file, queuing/messaging system, sockets (plenty of ideas available via a web search on bash interprocess communications); the children write to this system while the parent reads from the system and issues the appropriate tput commands.
One very simple example using a normal file:
> status.msgs # initialize our IC file
child_func () {
# Usage: child_func <unique_id> <other> ... <args>
local i
for ((i=1;i<=10;i++))
sleep $1
# each message should include the child's <unique_id> ($1 in this case);
# parent/monitoring process uses this <unique_id> to control tput output
echo "$1:message - $1.$i" >> status.msgs
( child_func 3 & )
( child_func 5 & )
( child_func 2 & )
while IFS=: read -r child msg
tput cup $child 10
echo "$msg"
done < <(tail -f status.msgs)
the (child_func 3 &) construct is one way to eliminate the OS message re: 'background process completed' from showing up in stdout (there may be other ways but I'm drawing a blank at the moment)
when using a file (normal, pipe) OP will want to look at a locking method (flock?) to insure messages from multiple children don't stomp each other
OP can get creative with the format of the messages printed to status.msgs in conjunction with parsing logic in the parent's while loop
assuming variable width messages OP may want to look at appending a tput el on the end of each printed message in order to 'erase' any characters leftover from a previous/longer message
exiting the loop could be as simple as keeping count of the number of child processes that send a message <id>:done, or keeping track of the number of children still running in the background, or ...
Running this at my command line generates 3 separate lines of output that are updated at various times (based on the sleep $1):
# no ouput to line #1
message - 2.10 # messages change from 2.1 to 2.2 to ... to 2.10
message - 3.10 # messages change from 3.1 to 3.2 to ... to 3.10
# no ouput to line #4
message - 5.10 # messages change from 5.1 to 5.2 to ... to 5.10
NOTE: comments not actually displayed in console
Based on #markp-fuso's answer:
printer() {
while IFS=$'\t' read -r child msg
tput cup $child 10
echo "$child $msg"
parallel --lb --tagstring "{%}\t{}" work ::: folder1 folder2 folder3 | printer
You can't control exit statuses like that. Try this instead, rework your work function to echo status:
cd $1
# some update thing &> /dev/null without output
echo "${1}_$status" #status=1, 2, 3
And than set data collection from all folders like so:
while read -r folder; do
work "$folder" &
done < <(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -printf "%f\n" | sort)
echo "$data"

Bash concurrency when writing to file

I want to run a script agains a long subset of items, and each of them run concurrently, only when every iteration finishes, write it to a file.
For some reason, it writes to the file without finishing the function:
function print_not_semver_line() {
echo -n "$repo_name,"
git tag -l | while read -r tag_name;do
semver $tag_name > /dev/null || echo -n "$tag_name "
echo ""
echo "Repo Name,Not Semver Versions" > $csv_name
while read -r repo_name;do
cd $repo_dir
print_not_semver_line >> $csv_name &
done < ~/Scripts/all_repos/all_repos.txt
of course without &, it does what it supposed to do, but with it, it gets all messed up.
Here's an alternative that uses xargs for its natural parallelization, and a quick script that determines all of the non-semver tags and outputs at the end of the repo.
The premise is that this script does nothing fancy, it just loops over its provided directories and does one at a time, where you can parallelize outside of the script.
log() {
now=$(date -Isec --utc)
echo "${now} $$ ${*}" > /dev/stderr
# I don't have semver otherwise available, so a knockoff replacement
function is_semver() {
echo "$*" | egrep -q "^v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$"
log "Called with: ${#}"
for repo_dir in ${#} ; do
log "Starting '${repo_dir}'"
git -C "${repo_dir}" tag -l | \
while read tag_name ; do
is_semver "${tag_name}" || echo -n "${tag_name} "
log "Done '${repo_dir}'"
echo "${repo_dir},${bad}"
log "exiting"
I have a project directory with various cloned github repos, I'll run it using xargs here. Notice a few things:
I am demonstrating calling the script with -L2 two directories per call (not parallelized) but -P4 four of these scripts running simultaneously
everything left of xargs in the pipe should be your method of determining what dirs/repos to iterate over
the first batch of processes starts with PIDs 17438, 17439, 17440, and 17442, and only when one of those quits (17442 then 17439) are new processes started
if you are not concerned with too many things running at once, you might use xargs -L1 -P9999 or something equally ridiculous :-)
$ find . -maxdepth 2 -iname .git | sed -e 's,/\.git,,g' | head -n 12 | \
xargs -L2 -P4 ~/StackOverflow/5783481/62283574_2.sh > not_semver.csv
2020-06-09T17:51:39+00:00 17438 Called with: ./calendar ./callr
2020-06-09T17:51:39+00:00 17439 Called with: ./docker-self-service-password ./ggnomics
2020-06-09T17:51:39+00:00 17438 Starting './calendar'
2020-06-09T17:51:39+00:00 17440 Called with: ./ggplot2 ./grid
2020-06-09T17:51:39+00:00 17439 Starting './docker-self-service-password'
2020-06-09T17:51:39+00:00 17442 Called with: ./gt ./keyring
2020-06-09T17:51:39+00:00 17440 Starting './ggplot2'
2020-06-09T17:51:39+00:00 17442 Starting './gt'
2020-06-09T17:51:39+00:00 17442 Done './gt'
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17442 Starting './keyring'
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17438 Done './calendar'
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17438 Starting './callr'
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17439 Done './docker-self-service-password'
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17439 Starting './ggnomics'
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17442 Done './keyring'
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17439 Done './ggnomics'
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17442 exiting
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17439 exiting
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17515 Called with: ./knitr ./ksql
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17518 Called with: ./nanodbc ./nostalgy
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17515 Starting './knitr'
2020-06-09T17:51:40+00:00 17518 Starting './nanodbc'
2020-06-09T17:51:41+00:00 17438 Done './callr'
2020-06-09T17:51:41+00:00 17438 exiting
2020-06-09T17:51:42+00:00 17440 Done './ggplot2'
2020-06-09T17:51:42+00:00 17440 Starting './grid'
2020-06-09T17:51:43+00:00 17518 Done './nanodbc'
2020-06-09T17:51:43+00:00 17518 Starting './nostalgy'
2020-06-09T17:51:43+00:00 17518 Done './nostalgy'
2020-06-09T17:51:43+00:00 17518 exiting
2020-06-09T17:51:43+00:00 17440 Done './grid'
2020-06-09T17:51:43+00:00 17440 exiting
2020-06-09T17:51:44+00:00 17515 Done './knitr'
2020-06-09T17:51:44+00:00 17515 Starting './ksql'
2020-06-09T17:51:55+00:00 17515 Done './ksql'
2020-06-09T17:51:55+00:00 17515 exiting
The output, in not_semver.csv:
./docker-self-service-password,2.7 2.8 3.0
./ggplot2,ggplot2-0.7 ggplot2-0.8 ggplot2-0.8.1 ggplot2-0.8.2 ggplot2-0.8.3 ggplot2-0.8.5 ggplot2-0.8.6 ggplot2-0.8.7 ggplot2-0.8.8 ggplot2-0.8.9 ggplot2-0.9.0 ggplot2-0.9.1 ggplot2-0.9.2 ggplot2- ggplot2-0.9.3 ggplot2- show
./grid,0.1 0.2 0.5 0.5-1 0.6 0.6-1 0.7-1 0.7-2 0.7-3 0.7-4
./knitr,doc v0.1 v0.2 v0.3 v0.4 v0.5 v0.6 v0.7 v0.8 v0.9 v1.0 v1.1 v1.10 v1.11 v1.12 v1.13 v1.14 v1.15 v1.16 v1.17 v1.18 v1.19 v1.2 v1.20 v1.3 v1.4 v1.5 v1.6 v1.7 v1.8 v1.9
./ksql,0.1-pre1 0.1-pre10 0.1-pre2 0.1-pre4 0.1-pre5 0.1-pre6 0.1-pre7 0.1-pre8 0.1-pre9 0.3 v0.2 v0.2-rc0 v0.2-rc1 v0.3 v0.3-rc0 v0.3-rc1 v0.3-rc2 v0.3-rc3 v0.3-temp v0.4 v0.4-rc0 v0.4-rc1 v0.5 v0.5-rc0 v0.5-rc1 v4.1.0-rc1 v4.1.0-rc2 v4.1.0-rc3 v4.1.0-rc4 v4.1.1-rc1 v4.1.1-rc2 v4.1.1-rc3 v4.1.2-beta180719000536 v4.1.2-beta3 v4.1.2-rc1 v4.1.3-beta180814192459 v4.1.3-beta180828173526 v5.0.0-beta1 v5.0.0-beta10 v5.0.0-beta11 v5.0.0-beta12 v5.0.0-beta14 v5.0.0-beta15 v5.0.0-beta16 v5.0.0-beta17 v5.0.0-beta18 v5.0.0-beta180622225242 v5.0.0-beta180626015140 v5.0.0-beta180627203620 v5.0.0-beta180628184550 v5.0.0-beta180628221539 v5.0.0-beta180629053850 v5.0.0-beta180630224559 v5.0.0-beta180701010229 v5.0.0-beta180701053749 v5.0.0-beta180701175910 v5.0.0-beta180701205239 v5.0.0-beta180702185100 v5.0.0-beta180702222458 v5.0.0-beta180706202823 v5.0.0-beta180707005130 v5.0.0-beta180707072142 v5.0.0-beta180718203558 v5.0.0-beta180722214927 v5.0.0-beta180723195256 v5.0.0-beta180726003306 v5.0.0-beta180730183336 v5.0.0-beta19 v5.0.0-beta2 v5.0.0-beta20 v5.0.0-beta21 v5.0.0-beta22 v5.0.0-beta23 v5.0.0-beta24 v5.0.0-beta25 v5.0.0-beta26 v5.0.0-beta27 v5.0.0-beta28 v5.0.0-beta29 v5.0.0-beta3 v5.0.0-beta30 v5.0.0-beta31 v5.0.0-beta32 v5.0.0-beta33 v5.0.0-beta5 v5.0.0-beta6 v5.0.0-beta7 v5.0.0-beta8 v5.0.0-beta9 v5.0.0-rc1 v5.0.0-rc3 v5.0.0-rc4 v5.0.1-beta180802235906 v5.0.1-beta180812233236 v5.0.1-beta180824214627 v5.0.1-beta180826190446 v5.0.1-beta180828173436 v5.0.1-beta180830182727 v5.0.1-beta180902210116 v5.0.1-beta180905054336 v5.0.1-beta180909000146 v5.0.1-beta180909000436 v5.0.1-beta180911213156 v5.0.1-beta180913003126 v5.0.1-beta180914024526 v5.0.1-beta181008233543 v5.0.1-beta181018200736 v5.0.1-rc1 v5.0.1-rc2 v5.0.1-rc3 v5.0.2-beta181116204629 v5.0.2-beta181116204811 v5.0.2-beta181116205152 v5.0.2-beta181117022246 v5.0.2-beta181118024524 v5.0.2-beta181119063215 v5.0.2-beta181119185816 v5.0.2-beta181126211008 v5.1.0-beta180611231144 v5.1.0-beta180612043613 v5.1.0-beta180612224009 v5.1.0-beta180613013021 v5.1.0-beta180614233101 v5.1.0-beta180615005408 v5.1.0-beta180618191747 v5.1.0-beta180618214711 v5.1.0-beta180618223247 v5.1.0-beta180618225004 v5.1.0-beta180619025141 v5.1.0-beta180620180431 v5.1.0-beta180620180739 v5.1.0-beta180620183559 v5.1.0-beta180622181348 v5.1.0-beta180626014959 v5.1.0-beta180627203509 v5.1.0-beta180628064520 v5.1.0-beta180628184841 v5.1.0-beta180630224439 v5.1.0-beta180701010040 v5.1.0-beta180701175749 v5.1.0-beta180702063039 v5.1.0-beta180702063440 v5.1.0-beta180702214311 v5.1.0-beta180702220040 v5.1.0-beta180703024529 v5.1.0-beta180706202701 v5.1.0-beta180707004950 v5.1.0-beta180718203536 v5.1.0-beta180722215127 v5.1.0-beta180723023347 v5.1.0-beta180723173636 v5.1.0-beta180724024536 v5.1.0-beta180730185716 v5.1.0-beta180812233046 v5.1.0-beta180820223106 v5.1.0-beta180824214446 v5.1.0-beta180828022857 v5.1.0-beta180828173516 v5.1.0-beta180829024526 v5.1.0-beta180905054157 v5.1.0-beta180911213206 v5.1.0-beta180912202326 v5.1.0-beta180917172706 v5.1.0-beta180919183606 v5.1.0-beta180928000756 v5.1.0-beta180929024526 v5.1.0-beta201806191956 v5.1.0-beta201806200051 v5.1.0-beta34 v5.1.0-beta35 v5.1.0-beta36 v5.1.0-beta37 v5.1.0-beta38 v5.1.0-beta39 v5.1.0-rc1 v6.0.0-beta181009070836 v6.0.0-beta181009071126 v6.0.0-beta181009071136 v6.0.0-beta181011024526
To reduce verbosity, you could remove logging and such, most of this output was intended to demonstrate the timing and running.
As another alternative, consider something like this:
log() {
now=$(date -Isec --utc)
echo "${now} ${*}" > /dev/stderr
# I don't have semver otherwise available, so a knockoff replacement
function is_semver() {
echo "$*" | egrep -q "^v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$"
function print_something() {
local repo_name=$1 tag_name=
git tag -l | while read tag_name ; do
is_semver "${tag_name}" || echo -n "${tag_name} "
echo "${repo_name},${bad}"
csvdir=$(mktemp -d not_semver_tempdir.XXXXXX)
csvdir=$(realpath "${csvdir}")/
log "Temp Directory: ${csvdir}"
while read -r repo_dir ; do
log "Starting '${repo_dir}'"
if [ -d "${repo_dir}" ]; then
repo_name=$(basename "${repo_dir}")
tmpfile=$(mktemp -p "${csvdir}")
tmpfile=$(realpath "${tmpfile}")
cd "${repo_dir}"
print_something "${repo_name}" > "${tmpfile}" 2> /dev/null
) &
outfile=$(mktemp not_semver_XXXXXX.csv)
cat ${csvdir}* > "${outfile}"
# rm -rf "${csvdir}" # uncomment when you're comfortable/confident
log "Output: ${outfile}"
I don't like it as much, admittedly, but its premise is that it creates a temporary directory in which each repo process will write its own file. Once all backgrounded jobs are complete (i.e., the wait near the end), all files are concatenated into an output.
Running it (without xargs):
$ find . -maxdepth 2 -iname .git | sed -e 's,/\.git,,g' | head -n 12 | \
2020-06-10T14:48:18+00:00 Temp Directory: /c/Users/r2/Projects/github/not_semver_tempdir.YeyaNY/
2020-06-10T14:48:18+00:00 Starting './calendar'
2020-06-10T14:48:18+00:00 Starting './callr'
2020-06-10T14:48:18+00:00 Starting './docker-self-service-password'
2020-06-10T14:48:18+00:00 Starting './ggnomics'
2020-06-10T14:48:18+00:00 Starting './ggplot2'
2020-06-10T14:48:19+00:00 Starting './grid'
2020-06-10T14:48:19+00:00 Starting './gt'
2020-06-10T14:48:19+00:00 Starting './keyring'
2020-06-10T14:48:19+00:00 Starting './knitr'
2020-06-10T14:48:19+00:00 Starting './ksql'
2020-06-10T14:48:19+00:00 Starting './nanodbc'
2020-06-10T14:48:19+00:00 Starting './nostalgy'
2020-06-10T14:48:38+00:00 Output: not_semver_CLy098.csv
r2#d2sb2 MINGW64 ~/Projects/github
$ cat not_semver_CLy098.csv
ksql,0.1-pre1 0.1-pre10 0.1-pre2 0.1-pre4 0.1-pre5 0.1-pre6 0.1-pre7 0.1-pre8 0.1-pre9 0.3 v0.2 v0.2-rc0 v0.2-rc1 v0.3 v0.3-rc0 v0.3-rc1 v0.3-rc2 v0.3-rc3 v0.3-temp v0.4 v0.4-rc0 v0.4-rc1 v0.5 v0.5-rc0 v0.5-rc1 v4.1.0-rc1 v4.1.0-rc2 v4.1.0-rc3 v4.1.0-rc4 v4.1.1-rc1 v4.1.1-rc2 v4.1.1-rc3 v4.1.2-beta180719000536 v4.1.2-beta3 v4.1.2-rc1 v4.1.3-beta180814192459 v4.1.3-beta180828173526 v5.0.0-beta1 v5.0.0-beta10 v5.0.0-beta11 v5.0.0-beta12 v5.0.0-beta14 v5.0.0-beta15 v5.0.0-beta16 v5.0.0-beta17 v5.0.0-beta18 v5.0.0-beta180622225242 v5.0.0-beta180626015140 v5.0.0-beta180627203620 v5.0.0-beta180628184550 v5.0.0-beta180628221539 v5.0.0-beta180629053850 v5.0.0-beta180630224559 v5.0.0-beta180701010229 v5.0.0-beta180701053749 v5.0.0-beta180701175910 v5.0.0-beta180701205239 v5.0.0-beta180702185100 v5.0.0-beta180702222458 v5.0.0-beta180706202823 v5.0.0-beta180707005130 v5.0.0-beta180707072142 v5.0.0-beta180718203558 v5.0.0-beta180722214927 v5.0.0-beta180723195256 v5.0.0-beta180726003306 v5.0.0-beta180730183336 v5.0.0-beta19 v5.0.0-beta2 v5.0.0-beta20 v5.0.0-beta21 v5.0.0-beta22 v5.0.0-beta23 v5.0.0-beta24 v5.0.0-beta25 v5.0.0-beta26 v5.0.0-beta27 v5.0.0-beta28 v5.0.0-beta29 v5.0.0-beta3 v5.0.0-beta30 v5.0.0-beta31 v5.0.0-beta32 v5.0.0-beta33 v5.0.0-beta5 v5.0.0-beta6 v5.0.0-beta7 v5.0.0-beta8 v5.0.0-beta9 v5.0.0-rc1 v5.0.0-rc3 v5.0.0-rc4 v5.0.1-beta180802235906 v5.0.1-beta180812233236 v5.0.1-beta180824214627 v5.0.1-beta180826190446 v5.0.1-beta180828173436 v5.0.1-beta180830182727 v5.0.1-beta180902210116 v5.0.1-beta180905054336 v5.0.1-beta180909000146 v5.0.1-beta180909000436 v5.0.1-beta180911213156 v5.0.1-beta180913003126 v5.0.1-beta180914024526 v5.0.1-beta181008233543 v5.0.1-beta181018200736 v5.0.1-rc1 v5.0.1-rc2 v5.0.1-rc3 v5.0.2-beta181116204629 v5.0.2-beta181116204811 v5.0.2-beta181116205152 v5.0.2-beta181117022246 v5.0.2-beta181118024524 v5.0.2-beta181119063215 v5.0.2-beta181119185816 v5.0.2-beta181126211008 v5.1.0-beta180611231144 v5.1.0-beta180612043613 v5.1.0-beta180612224009 v5.1.0-beta180613013021 v5.1.0-beta180614233101 v5.1.0-beta180615005408 v5.1.0-beta180618191747 v5.1.0-beta180618214711 v5.1.0-beta180618223247 v5.1.0-beta180618225004 v5.1.0-beta180619025141 v5.1.0-beta180620180431 v5.1.0-beta180620180739 v5.1.0-beta180620183559 v5.1.0-beta180622181348 v5.1.0-beta180626014959 v5.1.0-beta180627203509 v5.1.0-beta180628064520 v5.1.0-beta180628184841 v5.1.0-beta180630224439 v5.1.0-beta180701010040 v5.1.0-beta180701175749 v5.1.0-beta180702063039 v5.1.0-beta180702063440 v5.1.0-beta180702214311 v5.1.0-beta180702220040 v5.1.0-beta180703024529 v5.1.0-beta180706202701 v5.1.0-beta180707004950 v5.1.0-beta180718203536 v5.1.0-beta180722215127 v5.1.0-beta180723023347 v5.1.0-beta180723173636 v5.1.0-beta180724024536 v5.1.0-beta180730185716 v5.1.0-beta180812233046 v5.1.0-beta180820223106 v5.1.0-beta180824214446 v5.1.0-beta180828022857 v5.1.0-beta180828173516 v5.1.0-beta180829024526 v5.1.0-beta180905054157 v5.1.0-beta180911213206 v5.1.0-beta180912202326 v5.1.0-beta180917172706 v5.1.0-beta180919183606 v5.1.0-beta180928000756 v5.1.0-beta180929024526 v5.1.0-beta201806191956 v5.1.0-beta201806200051 v5.1.0-beta34 v5.1.0-beta35 v5.1.0-beta36 v5.1.0-beta37 v5.1.0-beta38 v5.1.0-beta39 v5.1.0-rc1 v6.0.0-beta181009070836 v6.0.0-beta181009071126 v6.0.0-beta181009071136 v6.0.0-beta181011024526
knitr,doc v0.1 v0.2 v0.3 v0.4 v0.5 v0.6 v0.7 v0.8 v0.9 v1.0 v1.1 v1.10 v1.11 v1.12 v1.13 v1.14 v1.15 v1.16 v1.17 v1.18 v1.19 v1.2 v1.20 v1.3 v1.4 v1.5 v1.6 v1.7 v1.8 v1.9
ggplot2,ggplot2-0.7 ggplot2-0.8 ggplot2-0.8.1 ggplot2-0.8.2 ggplot2-0.8.3 ggplot2-0.8.5 ggplot2-0.8.6 ggplot2-0.8.7 ggplot2-0.8.8 ggplot2-0.8.9 ggplot2-0.9.0 ggplot2-0.9.1 ggplot2-0.9.2 ggplot2- ggplot2-0.9.3 ggplot2- show
docker-self-service-password,2.7 2.8 3.0
grid,0.1 0.2 0.5 0.5-1 0.6 0.6-1 0.7-1 0.7-2 0.7-3 0.7-4
use a variable or temp file for buffering lines. random file name is used
($0 = script name, $! = most recently background PID)
make sure you have write permissions. if you are worried about eMMC Flash Memory wear-out or write speeds you can also use shared-memory /run/shm
print_not_semver_line() {
# random file name for line buffering
local tmpfile="${0%.*}${!:-0}.tmp~"
touch "$tmpfile" || return 1
# redirect stdout into different tmp file
echo -n "$repo_name," > "$tmpfile"
git tag -l | while read -r tag_name;do
semver $tag_name > /dev/null || echo -n "$tag_name " >> "$tmpfile"
echo "" >> "$tmpfile"
# print the whole line from one single ride
cat "$tmpfile" && rm "$tmpfile" && return 0
however, it is recommended to limit the maximum number of background processes. for the above example you can count open files with lsof
this function is waiting for given file name. it will check for similar file names and wait until number of open files is below allowed maximum. use it in your loop
first argument is mandatory file name
second argument is optional limit (default 4)
third argument is optional frequency for lsof
usage: wait_of <file> [<limit>] [<freq>]
# wait for open files (of)
wait_of() {
local pattern="$1" limit=${2:-4} time=${3:-1} path of
# check path
[ "$path" = "$pattern" ] && path=.
[ -e "$path" ] && [ -d "$(realpath "$path")" ] || return 1
# convert file name into regex
while [[ "$pattern" =~ "00" ]]
# check path with regex for open files > 4 and wait
of=$(lsof -t "$path"/$pattern 2> /dev/null | wc -l)
while (( ${of:-0} > $limit ))
of=$(lsof -t "$path"/$pattern 2> /dev/null | wc -l)
sleep $time
return 0
# make sure only give one single tmp file name
wait_of "${0%.*}${!:-0}.tmp~" || exit 2
print_not_semver_line >> $csv_name &

How to create a customized log monitoring job in java which provide reports of exception message happened on log file

Should able to process larger log files and provide exception message reports
After completion of log analysis, report notification trigger to specific mail id's.
And also please suggest which framework is the best for processing large files.[eg: spring boot/batch]
I would suggest to go with ELK stack. Stream the logs to elastic search and set up alerts in Kibana.
Can use sendmail client on system and run script on that system to send alert on any Exception.
exception="Exception" # "Error", "HTTP 1.1 \" 500", etc
# log file to scan
# file where we will keep log of this script
# a file where we store till what line the log file has been scanned
# initalize it with 0
# subject with which you want to receive the mail regading Exception
subject="[ALERT] Exception"
# from whom do you want to send the mail regarding Exception
# to whom do you want to send the mail
# number of lines, before the line containing the word to be scanned, to be sent in the mail
# number of lines, before the line containing the word to be scanned, to be sent in the mail
# start line
fromLine=`cat $countPath`
# current line count in the file
toLine=`wc -l $logFileToScan | awk '{print $1}'`
#logs are rolling so if fromLine has a value greater than toLine then fromLine has to be set to 0
if [ "$fromLine" == "" ]; then
echo `date` fromLine values was empty, set to 0 >> $logFilePath
elif [ $fromLine -gt $toLine ]; then
echo `date` logfile was rolled, updating fromLine from $fromLine to 0 >> $logFilePath
# if from n to lines are equal then no logs has been generated since last scan
if [ "$fromLine" == "$toLine" ]; then
echo `date` no logs genetared after last scan >> $logFilePath
echo `date` updating linecount to $toLine >> $logFilePath
echo $toLine > $countPath
logContent=`tail -n +"$fromLine" $logFileToScan | head -n "$((toLine - fromLine))" | grep -v $ignoredException | grep -A $linesAfter -B $linesBefore $exception`
logContent=`echo $logContent | cut -c1-2000`
if [ "$logContent" == "" ]; then
echo `date` no exception found >> $logFilePath
/usr/sbin/sendmail $to <<EOF
subject: $subject
from: $from

Bash - Log all commands and exit codes in a script

I have a long (~2,000 lines) script that I'm trying to log for future debugging. Right now I have:
function log_with_time()
while read a; do
echo `date +'%H:%M:%S.%4N '` " $a" >> $LOGFILE
exec 7> >(log_with_time)
PS4=' exit($?)ln:$LINENO: '
set -x
echo "helloWorld 1"
which gives me very nice logging for any and all commands that are run:
15:18:03.6359 exit(0)ln:28: echo 'helloWorld 1'
The issue that I'm running into is that xtrace seems to be asynchronous. With longer scripts, the log times fall behind the actual time the commands are called, and the exit code doesn't match the logged command.
There has to be a better way to do this but I'd be happy if I could just synchronize xtrace.
tldr: How can I generally log the time, command and exit code for all commands in a script?
(First time posting, feedback appreciated)
PS4=' time:$(date +%H:%M:%S.%4N) ln:$LINENO: '
set -x
echo "fail" >> $LOGFILE
return 1
trap 'echo exit:$? >> $LOGFILE' DEBUG
solves all of my synchronization issues. exit codes and timestamps are working beautifully. My only issue now is one of formatting: the trap itself is getting reported by xtrace.
time:18:30:07.6080 ln:27: fail
time:18:30:07.6089 ln:12: echo fail
time:18:30:07.6126 ln:13: return 1
time:18:30:07.6134 ln:28: echo exit:1
I've tried setting +x in the trap but then set +x gets logged. If I could find a way to omit one line from xtrace, this log would be perfect.
The async behavior is coming from the process substitution -- anything in >(...) is running in its own subshell on the other end of a FIFO. Since it's a separate process, it's inherently unsynchronized.
You don't need log_with_time here at all, though, and so you don't need BASH_XTRACEFD redirecting to a process substitution in the first place. Consider:
# aside: $(date ...) has a *huge* amount of performance overhead here. Personally, I'd
# advise against using it, unless you really need all that precision; $SECONDS will
# be orders-of-magnitude cheaper.
PS4=' prior-exit:$? time:$(date +%H:%M:%S.%4N) ln:$LINENO: '
$ true
prior-exit:0 time:16:01:17.2509 ln:28: true
$ false
prior-exit:0 time:16:01:18.4242 ln:29: false
$ false
prior-exit:1 time:16:01:19.2963 ln:30: false
$ true
prior-exit:1 time:16:01:20.2159 ln:31: true
$ true
prior-exit:0 time:16:01:20.8650 ln:32: true
Per conversation with Charles Duffy in the comments to whom all credit is given:
Process substitution >(...) is asynchronous, allowing the log writing to fall behind and out of sync with the xtrace.
Instead use:
PS4=' time:$(date +%H:%M:%S.%4N) ln:$LINENO: '
for synchronously logging the time and line.
Furthermore, xtrace is triggered before running the command, making it a bad candidate for capturing exit codes. Instead use:
trap 'echo exit:$? >> $LOGFILE' DEBUG
to log the exit codes of each command since trap triggers on command completion. Note that this won't report on every step in a function call like xtrace will. (could use some help with the phrasing here)
No solution yet for omitting the trap from xtrace, but it's good enough:
PS4=' time:$(date +%H:%M:%S.%4N) ln:$LINENO: '
set -x
fail() # test function that returns 1
echo "fail" >> $LOGFILE
return 1
success() # test function that returns 0
echo "success" >> $LOGFILE
return 0
trap 'echo $? >> $LOGFILE' DEBUG
echo "complete"
time:14:10:22.2686 ln:21: trap 'echo $? >> $LOGFILE' DEBUG
time:14:10:22.2693 ln:23: echo 0
time:14:10:22.2736 ln:23: fail
time:14:10:22.2741 ln:12: echo fail
time:14:10:22.2775 ln:13: return 1
time:14:10:22.2782 ln:24: echo 1
time:14:10:22.2830 ln:24: success
time:14:10:22.2836 ln:17: echo success
time:14:10:22.2873 ln:18: return 0
time:14:10:22.2881 ln:26: echo 0
time:14:10:22.2912 ln:26: echo complete
