I have a weird problem with Android Studio. I started a empty project and when I started to write code the windows magnifier not works properly.
The function "focus the text entry" is not working when I use Android Studio. I am not sure if this is a problem of my PC or Android Studio. When I code in Visual Studio and Eclipse the Windows magnifier tool I don't have this problem. Here is a video of the problem; as you can see the text entry focus does not work only in Android Studio.
Does someone know how to fix that? I don't have good eyes that's why I need the magnifier and the "focus the text entry" function.
I reecently updated my Unity editor from 5.1 to 5.4.f2f, and my IDEs started misbehaving. I use Visual Studio 2015 Community, and when I updated its Intellisense stopped recognizing all Unity terms. When I open scripts from the Inspector, VS opens nothing first, and open the script with broken Intellisense if I try and open it a second time. Monodevelop also cannot recognize any Unity terms. When I try and "Open C# Project," Visual Studio opens nothing.
The Unity editor also keeps on mentioning in the Inspector that GameObject scripts are missing too.
I'd really appreciate some help here guys. Keep in mind that I've also accidentally pressed the "Publish" button at the bottom of the VS window, but It was after the issue surfaced, so I'm not sure if it has any ties to this.
I think I solved the Problem.
It involved manually opening the Unity project in Explorer and opening the projects .sln file.
Apparently, this is a Windows OS flaw.
I got this answer from This link
I'm using Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Edition (Update 3), with Xamarin 4.2 installed.
I have the emulators downloaded via Xamarin Android Player, however I don't have an option to select the emulators from Visual Studio (Refer attached image).
VS Select Emulator
There is no emulator dropdown next to debug button in toolbar, and VS always defaults to the first emulator, and doesn't let me choose one, even if there are multiple emulators available in XAP.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
After trying to figure out the problem for days, I was finally able to identify the real cause of the issue. I had to enable Standard toolbar in VS (Right-click on Toolbar, and select Standard. Refer Screenshot) to finally have the ability to select emulators.
I was under the assumption that the emulator list appears in Debug toolbar, and did not try checking the toolbar menu earlier.
Thanks for all the replies, and hope this helps someone else facing this issue.
This would appear to be this bug:
If so, the issue occurs when selecting the startup project with the drop down list in the tool bar. Instead try selecting the start up project by right-clicking on the project on the Solution Explorer and choose "Set as startup project"
It seems you didn't select the startup project. In Solution Explorer right click on your Android project and choose "Set as StartUp Project". Then default emulator options should be visible and you can change it via drop down menu.
Anyway I recomend you to use Visual Studio emulator
I have ubuntu 15.10 and android studio 2.1. If open android studio thru
usr/share/applications/Android Studio
the menu bar says Android Studio 2, which is what I want. However, when I open up studio through the command line~ ./studio.sh it opens up studio and the menu bar always shows an old project at the top, even when I have a different project opened up. Any help would be appreciated. I'm somewhat new to linux.
Here is a screen shot to help explain
I finally figured it out. There is a file in .local/share/applications/jetbrains-studio.desktop and I just deleted it. Once I restarted Android Studion in the terminal: ~$studio.sh it works fine. Also something worth saying, the same thing happened with eclipse.
When using Android Designer in Visual Studio I can't toggle between the source and content of my view. From some reason in the same solution in Xamarin Studio I can do that. I have looked all over the place but it is not there, also from memory I was able to do this in this solution a while back.
I had a similar problem to this before which was solved once I renamed all the folders under Resources to lower case letters.
Below is a picture of the window with a missing and another one with the toggle buttons there (in Xamarin Studio).
I'm using the android designer in visual studio 2010, and I can put things on the layout without a problem. when i click to change the view from '4in WVGA (Nexus S)' to anything else, the background 'bounding box' changes size, but the content does not resize.
This happens even if I just create a brand new layout and don't put anything onto it.
Also, when I try to apply different themes, nothing changes. Anything I'm doing wrong, or is it a bug?
Found out that this is a known bug. MonoDevelop works fine. I assume they're working on it.