Rewrite an OpenERP 7 method to Odoo 8 syntax? - syntax

I have the following OpenERP 7 method:
# Function to get the vat number (CIF/NIF) and then show it on invoice form view
def _get_vat_num(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, args=None, context=None):
partner_pool = self.pool.get('res.partner')
invoice_pool = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
res = {}
for inv in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
invoice = invoice_pool.browse(cr,uid,, context=None)
partner = partner_pool.browse(cr, uid,, context=None)
res[] = partner.vat
return res
inv_vat = fields.Char(compute='_get_vat_num', string="CIF/NIF")
I need to rewrite it to Odoo v8 syntax. I have tried but it doesn't work:
def _get_vat_num(self):
partner_pool = self.env['res.partner']
invoice_pool = self.env['account.invoice']
res = {}
for inv in self.browse(
invoice = invoice_pool.browse(
partner = partner_pool.browse(
res[] = partner.vat
return res
What should be the correct code?

It looks like you're setting a functional field. You should instead be able to define the field as a related field like so:
inv_vat = fields.Char(string="VAT", related="partner_id.vat")
If you really want it as a functional field, this is how you would do it
inv_vat = fields.Char(string="VAT", compute="_get_vat_num")
def _get_vat_num(self):
# self is a recordset of account.invoice records
for invoice in self:
# to set a functional field, you just assign it
invoice.inv_vat = invoice.partner_id.vat
Check out the recordset documentation:
And the computed fields documentation:


DRF- multiple search filter with AND condition

I want to implement with multiple search with AND condition. I have implemented like below, but multiple search is working fine with OR condition. But I need to apply AND condition How can i achieve??
class EmployeeViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = EmployeeSearchSerializer
def get_queryset(self):
search_query = self.request.query_params.get('search')
split_query = search_query.split()
employment = None
employee1 = []
employment1 = []
for query in split_query:
employee = PositionFulfillment.objects.filter(
Q(employment__employee__code__icontains=query) |
Q(employment__employee__person__name__icontains=query) |
if employee:
print("employee", employee1)
active_employee = PositionFulfillment.objects.filter(primary_flag=True, thru_date=None)
if active_employee:
employment = active_employee.filter(
Q(position__position_type__name__icontains=query) |
Q(employment__organization__name__icontains=query) |
if employment:
all_results = list(chain(*employee1, *employment1))
return all_results
class EmployeeSearchSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
code = serializers.CharField(read_only=True, source='employment.employee.code')
name = serializers.CharField(read_only=True, source='')
surname = serializers.CharField(read_only=True, source='employment.employee.person.surname')
position = serializers.CharField(read_only=True, source='')
organization = serializers.CharField(read_only=True, source='')
status = serializers.CharField(read_only=True, source='employment.status.status.employment_status')
class Meta:
model = PositionFulfillment
fields = ["code", "name", "surname", "position", "organization", "status"]
Any help appreciated,..
Note:I am passing data through postman params search = xxx yyyy
You have to pass them as separate arguments to the filter methods, or even chain filtering :
Keyword argument queries – in filter(), etc. – are “AND”ed together.
If you need to execute more complex queries (for example, queries with
OR statements), you can use Q objects.
Q(pub_date=date(2005, 5, 2)) | Q(pub_date=date(2005, 5, 6))
Gives :
SELECT * from polls WHERE question LIKE 'Who%'
AND (pub_date = '2005-05-02' OR pub_date = '2005-05-06')

How to use scopes to filter data by partial variable

I have some working script filtering my results with Active Record Scoping. Everything works fine when i want to filter by comparing params with data from database.
But i have some function counting car price inside _car.html.erb partial, the result of this function depends on params result.
How can i scope search results by result of this function and show only cars which are under some price (defined in params).
Some code to make it more clear:
car.rb (model file)
scope :price_leasing, -> (price_leasing) { where('price_leasing <= ?', price_leasing) }
# for now price_leasing is getting price from database
scope :brand, -> (brand) { where brand: brand }
scope :car_model, -> (car_model) { where car_model: car_model }
scope :category, -> (category) { where category: category }
cars_controller.rb (controller file)
def index
#cars = Car.where(nil)
#cars = #cars.price_leasing(params[:price_leasing]) if params[:price_leasing].present?
#cars = #cars.brand(params[:brand]) if params[:brand].present?
#cars = #cars.car_model(params[:car_model]) if params[:car_model].present?
#cars = #cars.category(params[:category]) if params[:category].present?
#brands = Brand.all # importing all car brands into filters
in index.html.erb i have "render #cars" code
if #cars.size > 0
render #cars.where(:offer_status => 1)
render html: '<p>Nie znaleziono pasujących wyników.</p>'.html_safe
inside _car.html.erb file i have function from helper
<h3 class="car-cell__price"><%= calculate_car_price(car.price, %> <span class="car-cell__light-text">zł/mc</span></h3>
my calculate_car_price() function inside helper
def calculate_car_price(car_price, car_id)
car = Car.find(car_id)
fullprice = car_price
if params[:price_leasing].present?
owncontribution = params[:price_leasing].to_i
owncontribution = car.owncontribution
pv = fullprice - owncontribution + (0.02 * fullprice)
if params[:period].present?
carperiod = params[:period].to_i
carprice = (Exonio.pmt(0.0522/60, carperiod, pv)) * -1
carprice = (Exonio.pmt(0.0522/60, 60, pv)) * -1
p number_with_precision(carprice, precision: 0)
i would love to scope by the result of this function. Is it possible?
The thing about scopes are that they are implemented at the database level. You want to select records that have a value
To do what you want at the DB level, you would need to a virtual column in the database, the implementation will change based on which database product you're using (I would not expect a virtual column definition in postgreSQL to be the same as a virtual column definition in mySQL)
So I'm not sure there's an optimal way to do this.
I would suggest you build your own class method and instance method in your model Car. It would be less performant but easier to understand and implement.
def self.car_price_under(target_price, params)
select { |v| v.car_price_under?(target_price, params) }
def car_price_under?(target_price, params)
full_price = price
if params[:price_leasing].present?
my_own_contribution = params[:price_leasing].to_i
my_own_contribution = owncontribution
pv = full_price - my_own_contribution + (0.02 * full_price)
if params[:period].present?
car_period = params[:period].to_i
new_car_price = (Exonio.pmt(0.0522/60, car_period, pv)) * -1
new_car_price = (Exonio.pmt(0.0522/60, 60, pv)) * -1
new_car_price <= target_price
This would let you do...
#cars = Car.where(nil)
#cars = #cars.brand(params[:brand]) if params[:brand].present?
#cars = #cars.car_model(params[:car_model]) if params[:car_model].present?
#cars = #cars.category(params[:category]) if params[:category].present?
#cars = #cars.car_price_under(target_price, params) if target_price.present?
Note that this is happening in rails, NOT in the database, so the car_price_under method should be called after all other scopes to minimise the number of records that need to be examined. You cannot chain additional scopes as #cars would be an array... if you want to be able to chain additional scopes (or you want an active record relation, not an array) you could do something like #cars = Car.where(id: #cars.pluck(:id))

one2many field get row number

I have a module contain one2many filed.
while I create data line in this o2m field, I'd like to append a row number to it.
I have try some method that I found in forum, like this link.
but since I have no function called _onchange_partner_id() , I don't know how to use it.
or this link .
but it seems like an old version method that I can't get well.
class YcWeight(models.Model):
_name = "yc.weight"
customer_detail_ids = fields.One2many("yc.weight.details", "name", "customer details")
class YcWeightDetails(models.Model):
_name = "yc.weight.details"
name = fields.Many2one("yc.weight", "weight detail list", ondelete="cascade")
no = fields.Integer("row number")
the "no" is a field that I want to show number of row count.
my problem is :
how can I get get the number of rows?
since onchage decorated function can't get data from db.
I find a solution by myself and it is simple:
use depends decorator.
class YcWeightDetails(models.Model):
_name = "yc.weight.details"
name = fields.Many2one("yc.weight", "weight detail list", ondelete="cascade")
no = fields.Integer("row number")
compuute_no = fields.Integer("invisible field", compute= "_get_row_no")
create a field "compuute_no" to compute.
def _get_row_no(self):
if self.ids:
count =1
for rec in self:
weight_id = self.env['yc.weight.details'].search([('id','=',])
weight_id.write({'no': count})
or overwrite create method
def create(self, vals):
main_key = self.env["yc.weight"].search([], order="id desc", limit=1).id
item_key = vals["name"]
if item_key and main_key == item_key:
number = len(self.env["yc.weight.details"].search([("name", "=", item_key)]))
vals.update({"no": number + 1})
return super(YcWeightDetails, self).create(vals)
hope it can help you.

How can I create a complete_name field in a custom module for a custom hierarchy like used on product categories in Odoo?

I'm trying to create a field “complete_name” that displays a hierarchy name similar to whats done on the product categories grid but I can't seem to get it to work. It just puts Odoo in an endless loading screen when I access the relevant view using the new field "complete_name".
I have tried to copy the code used in addons/product/ and migrate to work with Odoo 9 API by using compute instead of .function type but it did not work.
Can someone help me understand whats wrong? Below is my model class which works fine without the complete_name field in my view.
class cb_public_catalog_category( models.Model ):
_name = "cb.public.catalog.category"
_parent_store = True
parent_left = newFields.Integer( index = True )
parent_right = newFields.Integer( index = True )
name = newFields.Char( string = 'Category Name' )
child_id = newFields.One2many( 'catalog.category', 'parent_id', string = 'Child Categories' )
complete_name = newFields.Char( compute = '_name_get_fnc', string = 'Name' )
def _name_get_fnc( self ):
res = self.name_get( self )
return dict( res )
Your compute function is supposed to define the value of an attribute of your class, not return a value. Ensure the value you are assigning complete_name is a string.
Also name_get() returns a tuple. I am not sure if you really want a string representation of this tuple or just the actual name value.
Try this
def _name_get_fnc( self ):
self.complete_name = self.name_get()[1]
If you really want what is returned by name_get() then try this.
def _name_get_fnc( self ):
self.complete_name = str(self.name_get())
If you are still having issues I would incorporate some logging to get a better idea of what you are setting the value of complete_name to.
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _name_get_fnc( self ):"COMPUTING COMPLETE NAME")"COMPLETE NAME: " + str(self.name_get()))
self.complete_name = self.name_get()
If this does not make it apparent what the issue is you could always try statically assigning it a value in the off chance that there is a problem with your view.
def _name_get_fnc( self ):
self.complete_name = "TEST COMPLETE NAME"
After further review I think I have the answer to my own question. It turns out as with a lot of things its very simple.
Simply use "_inherit" and inherit the product.category
model. This gives access to all the functions and fields
of product.category including the complete_name field
and computes the name from my custom model data. I was
able to remove my _name_get_func and just use the inherited
The final model definition is below. Once this
update was complete I was able to add a "complete_name" field
to my view and the results were as desired!
class cb_public_catalog_category( models.Model ):
_name = "cb.public.catalog.category"
_inherit = 'product.category'
_parent_store = True
parent_left = newFields.Integer( index = True )
parent_right = newFields.Integer( index = True )
name = newFields.Char( string = 'Category Name' )
child_id = newFields.One2many( 'catalog.category', 'parent_id', string = 'Child Categories' )

How to save a set of things over and over (autosave)

I am creating a set of things (each thing has FK to the set) directly with forms. The problem I am having is with the view(s).
I want to create the set for the things and then update all the things over and over using AJAX (Kind of like autosave). In my case the set is a SurveySet and the thing is a Survey.
def screen_many(request):
if not request.is_ajax():
# get an ordered QuerySet of students
students = ids_to_students(request.GET.items())
e_students = ids_to_students(request.GET.items(), 'e')
i_students = ids_to_students(request.GET.items(), 'i')
survey_count = len(students)
# Build a dataset of students with there associated behavior types.
data = [{'student', 'behavior_type': 'E'} for s in e_students]
data += [{'student', 'behavior_type': 'I'} for s in i_students]
# Use that dataset as initial data for a formset
SurveyFormset = formset_factory(SurveyForm, extra=0)
survey_formset = SurveyFormset(initial=data)
# ... not shown: customizing the crispy form helper
# Make a new survey set...
ss = SurveySet()
if request.is_ajax():
surveyset = get_object_or_404(SurveySet,
surveys = surveyset.survey_set.all()
survey_formset = SurveyFormset(request.POST, instance=surveyset)
if survey_formset.is_valid():
# Create surveys for this surveyset
for form in survey_formset.forms:
saved =
saved.surveyset = ss
formsetWithStudents = zip(survey_formset.forms, students)
c = {
'formsetWithStudents' : formsetWithStudents,
'students' : students,
'survey_count' : survey_count,
'e_students': e_students,
'i_students': i_students,
'survey_formset': survey_formset,
return render_to_response("reports/screen_many.html", c)
If my URL looks like this: The view makes 3 survey sets all the while complaining that there is an
UnboundLocalError at /screen_many/
local variable 'ss' referenced before assignment
I feel like I need to make a separate view just for the ajax and I want the SurveySet object to only be created once.
So, in other words. I am filling in forms of a formset which update after clicking "view next form" This is in my template.
var posting = $.post('/screen_many/', $('form').serializeArray() );
Or I could send the POST data here:
def save_as_you_go(request):
if request.is_ajax():
# Get the surveyset from POST
ss = request.POST['form-0-surveyset']
surveyset = get_object_or_404(SurveySet, pk=ss)
surveys = surveyset.survey_set.all()
SurveyFormSet = inlineformset_factory(SurveySet, Survey, form=SurveyForm, can_delete=False, extra=0)
survey_formset = SurveyFormSet(request.POST, instance=surveyset)
if survey_formset.is_valid():
for form in survey_formset.forms:
student =
student.surveyset = surveyset
return HttpResponse('saved.')
return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
But then I get
[u'ManagementForm data is missing or has been tampered with']
Forgive me if my answer seems naive--I am new to Python and Django, but it looks like you are setting the ss variable in the non-ajax request and then referencing it in the ajax request. Perhaps you can set ss prior to the if statements?
#set ss variable before if statements
ss = SurveySet()
if not request.is_ajax():
###do your non-ajax request stuff
if request.is_ajax():
###do your ajax request stuff
