Making Logo as Welcome Header in Neat Theme in Bigcartel - themes

I am currently working on customizing the welcome page for my Bigcartel site.
I am using the Neat theme and would like to add my logo as the welcome header that appears over the slideshow, instead of just having the standard text.
The problem I am having is when I enter the code for the image, it either erases the slideshow or gives me the image with the header text still appearing.

To replace the Home page welcome text with your uploaded header image, head to Customize Design > Advanced > Home then find the following code:
{% if theme.welcome_header != blank or theme.welcome_subheader != blank %}
<div class="featured_holder">
<div class="featured">
{% if theme.welcome_subheader != blank %}<p>{{ theme.welcome_subheader }}</p>{% endif %}
{% if theme.welcome_header != blank %}<h2>{{ theme.welcome_header }}</h2>{% endif %}
Shop Now
{% endif %}
Remove that block, and replace it with the following:
<div class="featured_holder">
<div class="featured">
<img src="{{ theme.logo.url | constrain: '400' }}" alt="{{ }}">


Shopify Theme Development - Section and Block development

Hello Shopify Theme Development Pros,
I am trying to add a block in a section of my theme and although the input block shows up on the screen, when I input type nothing shows up on the actual website. I have tried defining styles in CSS as well, but no luck.
This is what I have added to the block settings in the liquid file...
"type": "text",
"id": "review_title",
"label": "Review Heading",
"default": "Enter title here"
And this is the html that I added...
<div class="testimonial-heading> {% if section.settings.review_title != blank %} <p> {{ section.settings.review_title | escape }} </p> {% endif %}</div>
When you are using blocks you need to loop them since there are dynamic content that can be added multiply times.
So at the moment you are targeting the settings object and not the blocks section.settings.review_title.
In order to list the blocks you need to do the following:
{% for block in section.blocks %}
<div class="testimonial-heading">
{% if block.settings.review_title != blank %}
<p> {{ block.settings.review_title | escape }} </p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

How to embed html using plugin in Jekyll?

I have this problem I want to inject html into markdown file (blog post) but It's little bit long so I want to have plugin with parameters because it will change and I may add it multiple times. When search inject html I only found that you can insert html directly into markdown files, but I want to have one tag that will do this for me, to not duplicate the code, it will also be easier to update if Codepen decide to change the embed code.
This is the code I want to add, Codepen embed demo with button:
<div id="codepen">
<button class="btn" onclick="document.body.classList.toggle('sticky')">Dock</button>
<iframe height="265" scrolling="no" title="in browser sql terminal"
frameborder="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true">
See the Pen <a href=''>in browser sql terminal</a> by Jakub T. Jankiewicz
(<a href=''>#jcubic</a>) on <a href=''>CodePen</a>.
I want to have params username and id (maybe also title and full name), what is the easiest way to create such plugin and how to use in my markdown file?
You don't need a plugin to do this.
You can use a Jekyll include.
layout: page
title: Codepen include example
author: jcubic
name: Jakub T. Jankiewicz
id: dVBaRm
title: "in browser sql terminal"
{% include codepen.html %}
{% if page.codepen %}
{% assign c = page.codepen %}
<div id="codepen">
<button class="btn" onclick="document.body.classList.toggle('sticky')">Dock</button>
<iframe height="265" scrolling="no" title="{{ c.title }}"
src="//{{ }}/embed/{{ }}/?height=265&theme-id=dark&default-tab=result"
frameborder="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true">
See the Pen <a href='{{ }}/pen/{{ }}/'>in browser sql terminal</a> by {{ }}
(<a href='{{ }}'>#{{ }}</a>) on <a href=''>CodePen</a>.
{% endif %}
You can also use a parametrized include.
{% include codepen_param.html
name="Jakub T. Jankiewicz"
title="in browser sql terminal"
{% assign pen = include %}
<div id="codepen">
<button class="btn" onclick="document.body.classList.toggle('sticky')">Dock</button>
<iframe height="265" scrolling="no" title="{{ pen.title }}"
src="//{{ }}/embed/{{ }}/?height=265&theme-id=dark&default-tab=result"
frameborder="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true">
See the Pen <a href='{{ }}/pen/{{ }}/'>in browser sql terminal</a> by {{ }}
(<a href='{{ }}'>#{{ }}</a>) on <a href=''>CodePen</a>.
Like this, you can call any number of pens from your page.

How to display data from Jekyll data file based on current page variable

The Problem
I have a div on my Jekyll site where I would like to display data that is generated from _data/book-data.yml, for example:
- name: johnson-everything-under
title: Everything Under
author: Daisy Johnson
publisher: Faber & Faber
pub-date: 12/12/2012
- name: johnson-train-dreams
title: Train Dreams
author: Denis Johsnon
publisher: Granta
pub-date: 01/01/2001
I'm trying to find a way to display the data that corresponds to the relevant page (each book entry has a different page), and I thought maybe this would be possible if the name key corresponds to the page.url, or some other page variable.
What I've tried
On a working page, I have an include which contains the following HTML:
<div class="book-meta">
{% if page.category == "reviews"%}
<div class="book-thumbnail">
<img class="post-thumbnail-lg" src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/{{ page.thumbnail }}" alt="{{ page.thumbnail }}">
{% for book in %}
<div class="book-details">
<ul class="book-meta-list">
<li class="book-meta-item"><p>{{ }}</p></li>
<li class="book-meta-item"><p><em>{{ book.title }}</em></p></li>
<li class="book-meta-item"><p>{{ book.publisher }}</p></li>
<li class="book-meta-item"><p>{{ }}</p></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
The CSS is not important, but as it is currently the output of the above HTML is:
Desired output
As you can see, the output contains both the blocks of metadata from the .yml file. I would like to find a way so that only the relevant block of data (the first block in this instance) is displayed:
Potential solution(s)
I thought that there might be a way of matching a page.variable to the YAML block name so only the right book data gets output. Something along the lines of:
{% assign url_substring = page.url | split, '/' | last %}
// url_substring = johnson-everything-under
{% for book in %}
{% if url_substring == %}
// = true
<p>{{ book.title }}<p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Other than the fact that I can't get this to work properly, I can also see that the liquid tag {{ book.title }} has no way of knowing which book title to output, even if the page.url matches.
I'm not sure if I'm on the right track here, so if anyone has any other suggestions on how this might be achievable, I'd love to hear it. Thanks in advance.
You can use Jekyll's where filter coupled with a smart include:
{% assign book = | where: 'title', include.title | first %}
<div class="book-meta">
<div class="book-thumbnail">
src="{{ book.thumbnail | prepend: 'assets/images/' | relative_url }}"
alt="{{ book.title }}"
<div class="book-details">
<ul class="book-meta-list">
<li class="book-meta-item"><p>{{ }}</p></li>
<li class="book-meta-item"><p><em>{{ book.title }}</em></p></li>
<li class="book-meta-item"><p>{{ book.publisher }}</p></li>
<li class="book-meta-item"><p>{{ }}</p></li>
Note that I also included thumbnail info in the data file..
Then just pass the title parameter to the include (in the layout for your book's page):
{% include books.html title = 'Everything Under' %}
If you'd like to render a "listing", then just loop through and render:
{% for book in %}
{% include books.html title = book.title %}
{% endfor %}

Content types of my images doesn't display

Why is it the images will not display if I'm going to loop them like this?
{% for item in content.field_room_gallery_pictures['#items'].getValue() %}
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4 image-item">
{% endfor %}
And when I fetched the data if there is or not using kint.. it will display an array with the value of 3 using this code..So it means in my field_room_gallery_pictures there is an array of data.
have your tried this:
{% for i in 0..content.field_room_gallery_pictures|length %}
{%if content.field_room_gallery_pictures[i]['#item'].entity.uri.value != "" and content.field_room_gallery_pictures[i]['#item'].entity.uri.value is not empty %}
{{ content.field_room_gallery_pictures[i]}}
works fine for me.

Jekyll Pagination Path Doesn't Include Page Number

I am attempting to create pagination in Jekyll under the path '/notes/'.
In my _config.yml, I have:
paginate: 2
paginate_path: "/notes/:num/"
In my /notes/index.html, I have:
<div class="pagination">
{% if paginator.previous_page %}
{% else %}
<span class="previous section link">Previous</span>
{% endif %}
<span class="page_number section">{{ }} / {{ paginator.total_pages }}</span>
{% if paginator.next_page %}
{% else %}
<span class="next section link">Next</span>
{% endif %}
When I load http://localhost:4000/notes, I see that the 'Previous' link is not linking to /notes/2, but instead it simply links to /notes/, the page that I am already on. Additionally, when looking in the generated _site folder, I see that /notes/2 has not been created, despite having more than two posts created.
So, I suppose my question is, how can I fix this and get jekyll to paginate properly?
