How can I install a systemd service using Ansible? - ansible

I want to install a systemd service from a Jinja2 template. How do I do this?
Do I have to use copy module to copy the file to /lib/systemd/system and then use systemd module to enable it?
Is there a better way?

I use the template module to install the .service file into the /etc/systemd/system. According to this digital ocean blog post /lib/systemd/system should be reserved for packages bundled with the OS itself, and third party services should be defined in /etc/systemd/system.
With ansible's systemd module I'd start the service with daemon_reload=yes.
Prior to Ansible 2.2: I do a systemctl daemon-reload afterward (can use an ansible handler for this if appropriate) to prod systemd to pick up the new file.
- name: install myservice systemd unit file
template: src=myservice.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/myservice.service
- name: start myservice
systemd: state=started name=myservice daemon_reload=yes
# For ansilble < 2.2 only
#- name: reload systemd unit configuration
# command: systemctl daemon-reload


Auto boot MailHog on Ubuntu 20.04

I installed MailHog in my staging environment by following these steps:
sudo apt-get -y install golang-go
go get
In order to manually start the service I do:
cd ~/go/bin
Since I'm using Laravel I already have supervisor running for workers.
I'm wondering if there is a way to add a new .conf file in order to start MailHog.
I tried to follow how Laravel workers are started, but so far no luck
I get mailhog:mailhog_00: ERROR (no such file) when I try to start supervisor.
I need a way to auto boot MailHog, no matter if I need supervisor or via services.
I'll really appreciate it if you can provide the "recipe" for starting MailHog from the supervisor or by using a service.
I figure out how the complete installation/setup should be:
Downloading & installation
sudo apt-get -y install golang-go
go get
Copy Mailhog to bin directory
sudo cp ~/go/bin/MailHog /usr/local/bin/MailHog
Create MailHog service
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/mailhog.service <<EOL
ExecStart=/usr/bin/env /usr/local/bin/MailHog > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Note: Change the User=ubuntu to your username.
Check status service is loaded successfully.
sudo systemctl status mailhog
mailhog.service - MailHog
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/mailhog.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Start service
sudo systemctl enable mailhog
Reboot system and visit
You don't need a supervisor, you can use Linux systemd to create a startup application.
systemd is the standard system and service manager in modern Linux. It is responsible for executing and managing programs during Linux startup
before that add mailhog to your system path variable to call it only by name
export PATH=$PATH:/home/YOUR-USERNAME/go/bin/MailHog
sudo systemctl enable mailhog
or if you are using any desktop environment , you can follow this

How can I enable an Apache module on ddev?

I'm using webserver-type: apache-fpm with ddev and need to enable a module. How do I do that?
Probably the best way to do this is with a .ddev/web-build/Dockerfile based on this one (if you needed hearteat module):
RUN a2enmod heartbeat
That will enable a module long before apache actually comes up, so if you have an apache config that depends on the module, it will work OK.
An alternate technique is to use a2enmod inside the web container and then apachectl graceful to restart apache to pick up the changes.
So ddev ssh and then a2enmod heartbeat && apache2ctl graceful (if you were enabling the "heartbeat" module)
Using ddev exec: ddev exec "a2enmod heartbeat && apache2ctl graceful"
Using a post-start hook:
- exec: a2enmod heartbeat && apache2ctl graceful

Ansible module: should I configure using systemd or service?

I want to configure the following linux command using Ansible:
sudo systemctl enable XXX.service
should I use:
name: XXX.service
enabled: yes
name: XXX.service
enabled: yes
And what are the difference among using systemctl, systemd and service?
Referring to ansible systemd module and ansible service module I think you should use the systemd module.
It's designed to control systemd. systemd is designed to replace service, so you can see xxx.service in systemctl command, but it's systemd system, it's different than service.
use "service", it will systemd's systemctl command anyway.

How to create new system service by ansible-playbook

I have created a script to start/stop my application. Now I want to add it as a centos system service. First I created a task to create a link from my script to /etc/init.d/service_name as below.
- name: create startup link
file: src={{ cooltoo_service_script }} dest={{ cooltoo_service_init }} state=link
After create the service, I want to add it to system service. The command used to do that is "chkconfig --add service_name". I wonder whether there is a ansible module to do that instead of hardcoded the command in ansible-playbook file. I have looked at this page but it only shows how to manage a service not create a new one.
The below code snippet will create Service in CentOS 7.
- name: TeamCity | Create environment file
template: src=teamcity.env.j2 dest=/etc/sysconfig/teamcity
- name: TeamCity | Create Unit file
template: src=teamcity.service.j2 dest=/lib/systemd/system/teamcity.service mode=644
- reload systemctl
- name: TeamCity | Start teamcity
service: name=teamcity.service state=started enabled=yes
Description=JetBrains TeamCity
ExecStart={{teamcity.installation_path}}/bin/ start
ExecStop={{teamcity.installation_path}}/bin/ stop
TEAMCITY_DATA_PATH="{{ teamcity.data_path }}"
- name: reload systemctl
command: systemctl daemon-reload
Reference :
Ansible playbook structure:
The 'service' module supports an 'enabled' argument.
Here's an example part of a playbook, which I will freely admit does look like a newbie attempt. This assumes RHEL/CentOS 6.x, which uses SysV, not systemd.
- name: install rhel sysv supervisord init script
copy: src=etc/rc.d/init.d/supervisord dest=/etc/rc.d/init.d/supervisord owner=root group=root mode=0755
- name: install rhel sysv supervisord sysconfig
copy: src=etc/sysconfig/supervisord dest=/etc/sysconfig/supervisord owner=root group=root mode=0640
- name: enable sysv supervisord service
service: name=supervisord enabled=yes
- name: start supervisord
service: name=supervisord state=started
IMPORTANT A lot of custom init scripts WILL FAIL with Ansible and SysV init; the reason being that the 'status' option (service supervisord status) needs to a return an LSB-compliant return code. Otherwise, Ansible will not know if a service is up or down, and idempotency will fail (restart will still work because that is unconditional)
Here's part of a script, which I've just rewritten to make use of the 'status' function within /etc/init.d/functions (you'll notice this same pattern in other Red Hat provided init-scripts in /etc/init.d/
/usr/bin/supervisorctl $OPTIONS status
status -p $PIDFILE supervisord
# The 'status' option should return one of the LSB-defined return-codes,
# in particular, return-code 3 should mean that the service is not
# currently running. This is particularly important for Ansible's 'service'
# module, as without this behaviour it won't know if a service is up or down.
If the status action is requested, the init script will return the
following exit status codes.
0 program is running or service is OK 1 program is dead and /var/run
pid file exists 2 program is dead and /var/lock lock file exists
3 program is not running 4 program or service status is unknown
5-99 reserved for future LSB use 100-149 reserved for distribution use
150-199 reserved for application use 200-254 reserved
Indeed the service module only manages already registered services as you have figured out. To my knowledge there is no module to register a service.
Are you aware this step can be skipped with some modifications to your init.d script? If the script follows those rules you can just use the service module to enable/start the service.
For RedHat/CentOS 7 (using systemd/systemctl), the equivalent of chkconfig --add ${SERVICE_NAME} is systemctl daemon-reload [via].
Then, using the systemd module of Ansible 2.2 or greater, you may start a service with a preceding systemctl daemon-reload like so [via]:
# Example action to restart service cron on centos, in all cases, also issue daemon-reload to pick up config changes
- systemd:
state: restarted
daemon_reload: yes
name: crond
Based on my experience, the daemon_reload parameter can also be used within the generic service module as well, although it isn't documented, and might fail on non-systemd systems:
- service:
state: restarted
daemon_reload: yes
name: crond

How can I change WebUI interface port 8080 for RethinkDB on Linux?

I'm running RethinkDB on Amazon Linux AMI. I already have services running on 8080 so I need to change the port for the WebUI interface. How would I do that?
I happen to find the documentation here
$ rethinkdb --bind all --http-port 9090
Karthick here has the right answer if you are running your instance of RethinkDB from the command line and daemonizing it.
In case you are running the default system configuration of RethinkDB after say sudo apt-get install rethinkdb and want to change it there you have to change the configuration file by following these steps:
You want to look under the directory /etc/rethinkdb and find the RethinkDB configuration file and change the http-port value to the new port you'd like it to be on.
Then if your system uses init.d you should be able to restart with sudo service rethinkdb restart. If your system usessystemdthen you'll do something like thissudo systemctl [restart|stop/start] rethinkdb`
These two links will be a good resource to you in this case:
