SSDT in Visual Studio 2015 Oracle Connection Issue - oracle

I am trying to setup SSDT so that I am able to run reports locally and edit them in Visual Studio. I have a previous report that I know works. I have installed the Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2015. I can configure the dataset and have tested the connection my Oracle Database,It works. When I preview the report I can input my parameter but when I click view report I get the following error.
An error occurred during local report processing.
An error has occurred during report processing
An attempt has been made to use a data extension 'ORACLE' that is either not registered for this report serve or is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services.
We are running SQL Server 2012
I have Visual Studio 2008,2012,2015. I'd prefer to do everything in Visual Studio 2015. I've already setup all the TNS information as well. What settings or installs am i missing.

I've recently bumped into this issue and it was very tricky to resolve. It looks like there was an undocumented change to the drivers used in the SQL 2016 RTM release, as I didn't strike these issues on the same machine when it had the RC3 build.
Anyway in case it helps, here are the setup steps I'm using (with thanks to Dan English for some tips):
Install Oracle drivers: Oracle Client 12c (32-bit) plus ODAC.
a. Download and unzip the following files from and ):
b. Run winnt_12102_client32\client32\setup.exe. For the Installation Type, choose Admin. For the installation location enter C:\Oracle\Oracle12. Accept other defaults.
c. Start a Command Prompt “As Administrator” and change directory (cd) to your ODAC112040Xcopy_32bit folder.
d. Enter the command: install.bat all C:\Oracle\Oracle12 odac
e. Copy the tnsnames.ora file from another machine to these folders:
i. C:\Oracle\Oracle12\network\admin
ii. C:\Oracle\Oracle12\product\12.1.0\client_1\network\admin
Install Oracle drivers: Oracle Client 12c (64-bit) plus ODAC.
a. Download and unzip the following files from and ):
b. Run winx64_12102_client\client\setup.exe. For the Installation Type, choose Admin. For the installation location enter C:\Oracle\Oracle12_x64. Accept other defaults.
c. Start a Command Prompt “As Administrator” and change directory (cd) to the C:\Software\Oracle Client\ODAC121024Xcopy_x64 folder.
d. Enter the command: install.bat all C:\Oracle\Oracle12_x64 odac
e. Copy the tnsnames.ora file from the K drive folder (see 4.a. above) to these folders:
i. C:\Oracle\Oracle12_x64\network\admin
ii. C:\Oracle\Oracle12_x64\product\12.1.0\client_1\network\admin
After all that, most SSRS components worked OK. The exception was the SSRS Portal where Data Source setup and Test worked OK, but (bizarely) running reports gives an error:
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
Eventually I gave up on this and went with an EZCONNECT connection string: host:port/sid. I never liked TNSNAMES files anyway, so this was my excuse to kill them for good.

I had this exact problem until I also installed Oracle Data Access Components. This link is for ODAC with ODT for Visual Studio - like you, I'd already installed ODT for VS 2015 but this didn't seem to be a problem.


SSIS OLEDB Connection Manager error - Unable to create the type with the name 'DTS.ConnectionManagerOleDb.7

I have several SSIS packages created some time ago which read data from one instance of SQL Server and load them to another SQL Server instance, connections have always been OLEDB and has been working fine up until earlier today when I opened one of the packages and all the OLEDB connections are now failing with an error saying 'Unable to create the type with the name 'DTS.ConnectionManagerOleDb.7'.
If I try and create a new OLEDB connection I get the 'object reference not set to an instance of an object' error'.
Have been using Visual Studio Professional 2017 15.9.37 and SSIS 15.0.2000.150, also tried with VS 2019 Community and getting the same error.
I've tried creating a new project and package and get the same error when creating an OLEDB connection manager.
Anyone with any idea what is going on? Was working on one of these packages this morning and it was working fine, since this afternoon it's buggered.
You should do these things:
Keep the Current VS Enterprise (5.7.1)
Uninstall only your SSDT through VS Installer
Current VS Enterprise (5.7.1) with PRIOR SSDT (5.5.2) (You have to install this version to resolve your issue)
enter link description here

(ORA-12154) Unable to connect to data source in tnsnames.ora from migrated SSIS project in VS 2017

I have a directive to pull code off of an old server and move it to my workstation, and also to update all TFS connections to our new TFS 2017 setup. I found a very important SSIS project that was only maintained by the person I replaced; it was still in VS BIDS 2008, and therefore can't connect to TFS 2017. This means I need to migrate the solution. For the most part, I've done so, but it has an Oracle connection that is giving me trouble, since the original provider is no longer supported. I'm not able to resolve the name when attempting to update the connection. The error is ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified.
What I've done so far:
Install Oracle Client 12c with Administrative tools
Install the ODAC and ODP.Net
Install the SSIS Connectors v5.0 for Oracle
Added all server entries to tnsnames.ora and confirmed the syntax of the file
Successfully used tnsping to touch the server (20ms ping)
Rebooted the machine to satisfy "The I.T. Crowd" checklist
Pinged again just to make sure nothing involving network policy modified the files on reboot
Opened the old data connection in the connection manager pane of the .dtsx editor in VS 2017 and changed to the Oracle Provider for OLE DB
Confirmed the login is correct and the Data Source Name matches the name in tnsnames.ora
Confirmed TNSNAMES is in the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH variable for sqlnet.ora
Looked for a solution online (including here) and found that none quite apply to using the SSIS editor.
I was going to try bypassing the alias via the Data Link Properties and just pasting in the location, but there's a problem there, as well:
Also, all of the "advanced" tab is inactive. I can edit values in the "All" tab but the Location property isn't there.
I've hit that "where do I go from here" wall. How can I successfully connect to this datasource?
I found the culprit. Thank you to everyone for your assistance.
The cause was a stumbling block created in the installation and troubleshooting process. When the ODAC installed, it used a different user due to site permissions; the other location was in the system %PATH% above the correct one. By reordering the list so that the correct path to the tnsnames.ora file was on top and rebooting the system, the problem was resolved.

Cannot Import DTSX files back into SQL Server 2008r2 Int Services after export and edit in VSPro2013

I've carried out a lot of work here and want to be able to use my DTSX packages
But I get the version incompatibility and the Error message is specific
But there must be some way I can run my packages. They appear to not be able to be run from within VS2013 Pro editor
My question is, what do I need to install exactly to all allow me to execute these saved packages?
By asking here i can save time since there are many versions and many add ons etc
First - how to run a SSIS 2008 package?
There is a good overview here, by Ashish Kumar Mehta of MSSQTips, on how to execute packages both remotely on the server or locally. Either way you need the SQL Server Client Tools installed from the SQL Server media (CD, image, etc.). There's no possibility of running a package locally from Management Studio or raw Visual Studio. You can run the package remotely through Management Studio only if that package was stored within the SQL Server. Theoretically, you can run a package in development mode via VS2013, see below.
Second - how to modify a SSIS 2008 package?
Unlike subsequent SQL Server (and SSIS) versions, with 2008 you couldn't just use your regular Visual Studio with a downloadable plugin. You had to install one Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), a Visual Studio 2008 derivative (i.e. not a plugin) available on your SQL Server media. That's the way to go if you want to edit the package but also maintain its 2008 version. Otherwise, you're free to upgrade the package to Integration Services 2014 level by several methods, and start hacking at it via Visual Studio 2013 with a downloadable Data Tools - Business Intelligence plug-in. Be advised, it's not possible to convert the package back to 2012 nor 2008 versions.

MVC3 Sample Project Database Error

I am running Visual Studio 2010 and I created the default MVC3 sample project. The project starts fine and I get the home page.
But when I go to register a new user I get this error,
An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 5177 and the SqlException message is: An unexpected error occurred while checking the sector size for file 'D:\WORK\VISUAL STUDIO PROJECTS\VISUAL STUDIO 2010\MVC3\MVC3\APP_DATA\ASPNETDB_TMP.MDF'. Move the file to a local NTFS volume, where the sector size can be retrieved. Check the SQL Server error log for more information.
CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.
Creating the ASPNETDB_af8cb88b53744229b5d3dca30395b572 database...
I also have SQLServer 2008 R2 installed.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
I had the same problem. It is trying to create a database 'D:\WORK\VISUAL STUDIO PROJECTS\VISUAL STUDIO 2010\MVC3\MVC3\APP_DATA\ASPNETDB_TMP.MDF' and failing to create it. Firstly check if the file already exists and manually delete it if so. For me, it was because I was creating a drive using the Windows command:-
subst x: "e:\My Work"
And my solution was on X:, which for some reason the app did not like. You can also try creating the database 'D:\WORK\VISUAL STUDIO PROJECTS\VISUAL STUDIO 2010\MVC3\MVC3\APP_DATA\ASPNETDB_TMP.MDF' manually in Visual Studio and see if you get the same error.
If you can't create it, look at the drive/folder settings such as make sure it is NTFS drive and check rights etc.
For me, the problem was caused by the disk mapping, I have mapped a folder C:\abc as a virtual disk, then the error occurred while I run app from the virtual disk, move the projects outside of the virtual disk solves my problem.
you need to have express edition installed, generally to run the programs which we download from online. or else if you have developer edition or enterprise edition of SQL installed you need to change the connection string in web.config to you database and before that don't forget to copy database form APPData folder to you database.
Hope this should work.

VS2010 Database Compare. How do you create a *.DBSchema extensioned file?

I'd like to take a snapshot of my database, make some changes and then use the db compare functionality to identify the changes, and who knows, maybe even generate scripts to make the change.
I'd like to avoid having to backup the current db and restore it as a separate db just to have a "before" snapshot. I'm guessing I shouldn't have to.
Obsviously, I'm clueless about db projects and am looking to be pointed in the right direction.
On the machine which you will generate the schemafile, do the following:
Download Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows Desktop. Install 32 bit version first, then 64 bit (if your server is 64 bit)
Copy the files in (Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VSTSDB\Deploy) to the machine on which you will run VSDBCMD.EXE, ignore the CE files in step 2, you have already installed these in the Compact SQL install above.
Read and understand Command-Line Reference for VSDBCMD.EXE
Generate the dbschema file by running this from the command prompt: VSDBCMD /a:import /cs:"DbConnectionString" /dsp:SQL /ModelFile: outputfilname.dbschema
I'm using VS2010 Premium and I was able to do the following:
In Server Explorer, add a Data Connection to database A and database B
Right click on database A and choose Compare Schema
Pick database B as the Target, set the options/variables, then click OK
I also have SQL Server Developer Edition maybe that is what adds this functionality.
Not sure why, but this didn't work for a SQL Azure database.
