Best place to hook path conversion in to Emacs under Windows - shell

I use GNU Emacs on Windows with git-bash for unix tools like locate, grep and find. The git-bash tools spit out paths in the following form:
Emacs needs for functions like find-file, find-file-at-point or (with the helm-package) the function helm-find-file its paths in the form
I wrote a converter-function which converts the former into the latter and I hooked it via defadvice in expand-file-name. This works reasonable well (e.g. in my initial use case to make helm-locate cooperate with the git-bash locate).
However in some cases it does not work, like in interactive use of find-file-at-point. So my question is what is a more universal place to hook this converter in to make even interactive calls work properly?

jenesaisquoi's comment brought me to cygwin-mount.el. I tried it with gitbash - and it magically works!
The reason is that gitbash provides a similar mount command as cygwin does and gitbash's paths are cygwin paths as well.
Just make sure the gitbash binaries are in emacs' PATH environment variable.


Emacs custom shell commands

Is there a possability in Emacs to run custom commands or a set of commands (eg. shell) with a user defined emacs shortcut/hook?
To make this clearer. I am working with an embedded system (target), but developing on the host. After writing and compiling code (eg using emacs compile command), I would like to copy (eg. scp) the binary to the system right away.
Furthermore it would be good if the custom shorcut/hook would be easy to adjust (eg. ip address of the target).
Btw: I am aware of the "shell-command" in emacs, but that is not quite what I am looking for.
Would appreciate any advice. Thanks!
I ended up using C-x C-f /root#my-target-ip:/tmp/myfile to edit the file directly on the target. Then you can run it with shell-command ./myfile from within emacs.

Custom console using git bash

I understand that console applications using git bash invoke sh.exe but I wonder how they continue to use sh.
I see on console apps often you do a sh.exe --login. I would guess this creates a session somewhere and I would presume that the console application would execute commands against it somehow?
Essentially I switched from UNIX to Windows. I have tried a lot of console apps (best being console2 and just git-bash) but they still do not work for me well.
Ia m annoyed enough that I fancy trying to programming a simple shell in Java. (I am a Java developer by trade.)
Any help would be great thanks to understand this, looking but searchs with console or git-bash in google generate so much random noise.
If you are using one of the various Unix shells ported to Windows, you should be aware that most of these shells use some heuristic to make Windows look like Unix, either to build a compatibility layout or for user convenience.
For instance, the git command is probably stored in a git.exe file but your shell scripts imported from your Unix workstation all say git so the shell will lookup git.exe if it does not find git.
Nobe of these heuristics works perfectly, so you have to expect regular inconsistencies and disagreements, especially if your are mixing several Unix ports together.
As for the meaning of --login, it is synonymous to -l and its main effect is to decide which initialization files are read by bash on startup`
-l Make bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell (see

Automation on Windows with Bash like syntax

Is there a way that we can write automation scripts in bash syntax and run it on Windows host (We can call the executable file .exe of Windows). The Windows batch syntax looks quite complex :D
Any suggestions are appreciated.
You can use cygwin or mingw sys for this.
They are both just BASH implementation available on WinXX (actually they are much more, but you need now only bash).
But there are some differences:
cygwin uses its own file system hierarchy, with Win drives mapped to a part. subdirs. All related to file names is more unix-style. There are some problems with passing pathnames to Windows programs.
MinGW is more Windows friendly, file paths are like in Windows, less problems with Windows native programs.
You should try yourself and choose what you need.
You could install cygwin and run bash.
You can get a win32 port of bash. Cygwin is enormous, but native windows bash and a few utilities can be had for a much smaller footprint.
Start with UnxUtils, which includes a sh based on zsh (it's quite slow, though).
If that's not enough you can get a win32 bash from some places, though most are older versions.

Cygwin automatic script launch

Im trying to automatically run a script using Cygwin via CMD. I basically created a BAT file that goes to the directory and executes an .SH file. SH files are accosiated with Cygwin, and I tried something like "cygwin" in the command line. But all it really does is open Cygwin. I want Cygwin to automatically run the script file. Is there any easy way to do this, I've been trying to find but can't. Thank you!
You'll want to call the shell script with a particular shell, e.g. bash.
When having Cygwin open, call which bash to figure out where the binary is located. Cygwin also comes with tools that can convert paths between Cygwin and Win32 form, which is pretty helpful in cases like yours.
There is one other thing that may work, depending on your setup. There is an environment variable named PATHEXT which declares file extensions that are deemed "executable" by CMD. This can be used to your advantage, if Windows is configured so that the shell's "open" verb executes the correct shell for the file extension .sh (in your case).
Good luck.
From Cygwin Terminal, read man mintty. Try something like the following from a Windows Command Prompt:
c:\cygwin\bin\mintty --hold always --exec /cygdrive/c/path/to/bash/
I also found this!
I didn't quite understand it at first, but then it worked as I wanted it. Just if anyone knows, is there a way to make the script run without the CMD window open?? Thanks

Emacs ido-style shell

Is there a command line shell or shell customization that supports emacs-style ido find file? In emacs, I can navigate to a directory extremely quickly using C-x C-f and (ido-mode t).
Ideally, I'm looking for a solution that can be used outside of emacs. Though I'd be open for a way to quickly change directories within an eshell buffer.
Since I also wanted something like this, I tried to implement it as a bash completion
function. Obviously it means. you have to use bash.
It is only lightly tested, so please feel free to try and report bugs /comments.
Try the Z-shell. It has much better completion than bash. I must admit I haven't used it for a while though and stuck with bash because it's always available.
Bash has an environment variable called CDPATH which can contain a list of directories to search when using the cd command. Also, check out the "Programmable Completion" and "READLINE" sections of the Bash manual. You should be able to cobble together something that works for you.
The best I've been able to come up with so far is autojump. Still looking for a solution closer to ido, but autojump is a great little app.
I know that some terminal emulator support extension, for instance rxvt-unicode can be extended with Perl scripts. I'm not sure since i never wrote an extension myself, but maybe what you want is doable this way.
If you want to have a look at some Perl scripts for urxvt there are some examples in /usr/lib/urxvt/perl with the default urxvt install on Debian.
If you want ido completion in eshell or similar, it might be best to write a function that uses ido to read a directory, then inserts the command to cd to that directory into the shell buffer. I don't use eshell myself, so I couldn't comment on how to actually write this function, but it's an idea.
fzf, the command-line fuzzy finder, adds fuzzy completion for bash and zsh.
According to the developer:
It's an interactive Unix filter for command-line that can be used with
any list; files, command history, processes, hostnames, bookmarks, git
commits, etc.
This is a portable solution (works on Linux, Mac, Windows), which has no dependencies.
