WebLogic ModuleException on Hibernate Dialect - oracle

The database group recently upgraded the database to Oracle12c. I am currently using Hibernate 4.3.9. When I try to deploy the application, WebLogic throws an exception:
weblogic.application.ModuleException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unable to determine dialect to use [name=Oracle, majorVersion=12]; user must register resolver or explicitly set 'hibernate.dialect'.
HibernateUtil has
props.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", "utilities.OracleDialectExtended");
Where OracleDialectExtended extends Oracle10gDialect in order to register a Double as a float. HibernateUtil is being used to set the properties rather than in hibernate.cfg.xml.
Everything I have read indicates that using Oracle10gDialect should be OK. In fact, when I use the same set up in a batch type mode (not using WebLogic) I am able to connect with and work with Oracle without a problem.
Does anyone know how to resolve this? Or is this a WebLogic problem that needs to be addressed by a WebLogic admin.

Try with this:

Just to follow up - in the end I upgraded Hibernate from 4.3.9 to 5.1.2 and things started working again.
Not the most ideal solution since a database upgrade shouldn't break an application but it was the fastest way to get things up and running again.


Wildfly using h2 for datasource instead of driver I specified

I added ojdbc6.jar driver to Wildfly as a deployment, and created a datasource which uses the ojdbc6.jar driver. This worked and I was able to access the database in my project - displaying info from the database using a servlet.
However when I restarted my computer it no longer worked (but I hadn't changed anything) and was throwing me org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException even though I am not trying to connect to the h2 database.
So basically Wildfly seems to keep overwriting the setting for my Datasource to use the ojdbc6 driver and changing it to use the h2 driver and I don't know how to stop this.
Can anyone help?
I have seen online for this problem about editing a persistence.xml file but I don't have one.. should I create one?

Spring-jdbc 5.0.5 NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate ORA-01000

After migrating from Spring 4.1.7 to Spring 5.0.5 we have ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded when using with Oracle 12c and ojdbc7 driver
Exception raised after following code
private void executeBatch(Map<String, Object>[] updateBatchParams) {
int[] updateResults = namedJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(SQL, updateBatchParams);
The issue is very similar to https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-16139.
But we dont have ability to update ojdbc driver.
Any ideas how the issue can be fixed?
P.S. Created an issue in Spring jira
Juergen Hoeller:
There hasn't been any recent work on this. Since this is effectively
a bug in the Oracle JDBC driver, I'm afraid we won't be introducing a
workaround for an older driver at this point.
You could try setting spring.jdbc.getParameterType.ignore=true as a
system property on in a spring.properties file in the root of your
classpath, or use spring-jdbc-4.3.17 for the time being... with all
other jars set to 5.0.6 (which isn't officially supported but should
work fine in practice). I strongly recommend upgrading the JDBC driver

spring boot datasource tomcat jdbc properties not working

I have a Spring Boot application (version 1.5.1.RELEASE) and I am using spring-boot-starter-data-jpa as a dependency to manage my database. I am using postgres as my database and configured it using the below properties.
Now when I run my tests which are almost 120, I get too many client already open error for abou 10 test cases while starting the test case itself and it fails.(remaining 100 test cases pass with success as they are able to get a connection to database)
First thing I did is increased my default postgres max connections count from 100 to 200 in the postgres server config file and my tests pass successfully after this change.
Now I investigated a bit and tried setting the parameters for connection pooling properties such as :
However these properties do not work and the tests fails again giving the same error as above. I tried reading from multiple different blogs and spring documentation for setting the connection pool properties but did not find what might be going wrong with me.
I also think that if I set the above property spring.datasource.tomcat.max-active to 100 connections it should work with the help of tomcat jdbc pooling as i think in current scenario it is trying to open a new connection to database for each test case and I am in a fear that this same scenario might happen when I deploy this code to production environment and a new connection will be opened to the database for each request.
Does anyone have faced this problem before or is there something wrong I am doing.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Try upgrading Spring boot version, 1.5.10-RELEASE is the current version.
Also, I found the connection pool properties for my application were not being applied when the property prefix tomcat was included. If you are still having issues try removing that.
See https://artofcode.wordpress.com/2017/10/19/spring-boot-configuration-for-tomcats-pooling-data-source

AbstractMethodError When using Jboss5 and Hibernate 4

I am trying to Upgrade my Spring 1.9 Application to Spring 4 and therefore I also have to upgrade Hibernate. As database I am using Oracle.
When starting the application everything is fine until I am using Clobs, then the following Exception is thrown:
I also already upgradet my JDBC driver, does anyone have hint, what else to try?
The problem is the jboss-common-jdbc-wrapper.jar located under ${JBOSS_HOME}\common\lib obviously it was implemented against an Interface which was created in a version which is less then JDK_1.6. Therefore the method was never implemented though.
After replacing this Jar, with the same vom a JBoss AS 6.1 everything is working fine.

SQL logging in Websphere 6.1

I am looking for a tool that Logs SQL statemetns fired in the application as I use the application.
I found p6spy. But there is an issue with that. It doesnt seem to be compatible with XA Datasources.
Is there a way to make p6spy work on Websphere 6.1 OR is there an alternative to p6spy ?
Also, if anyone has any AspectJ code that intercepts the PreparedStatment object and dumps the SQL, that would also be great.
It is not mandatory for the JDBC drivers to implement a feature to be able to extract / print out the SQL statements. To be honest, I would do this in database. All reasonable database products can log in detail everything that comes in. Also, you can at the same time get further information like execution plans and their impact on the server.
It does depend on the way that you are accessing the database. If you are using Hibernate then you can make that spit out its SQL, if you are accessing the datasource through WAS then you can use the trace service. Set the trace to something like:
=info: com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.=detail
And see what you get out of it.
I seem to remember there being some parameter you can add to your jdbc url configuration, and/or the connection. Can't remember the details.
You shold change trace level into jdbc driver.
If you using DB2 then change custom properties for data source
if you using Oracle then change driver on the ojbdc6_g.jar and change JVM properties
