How do i add more that one Validator argument in Angular 2 form - validation

I have tried adding multiple angular validator arguments [i.e Validators.minLength(8) and Validators.maxLength(12) ] to my form and i cant seem to get it to work...these arguments are attached to the (password and passwordc) instance in the code below. Any help please?
export class signupComponent {
signupform: FormGroup;
constructor(public fb: FormBuilder) {
this.signupform ={
firstname: ['', Validators.required],
lastname: ['', Validators.required],
email: ['', Validators.required],
**password: ['', Validators.minLength(8), Validators.maxLength(12), Validators.pattern('[A-Za-z]{5}')],
passwordc: ['', Validators.minLength(8), Validators.maxLength(12), Validators.pattern('[A-Za-z]{5}')],
}, { validator: passwordMatcher }),**
shortbio: ['', Validators.required]

To support multiple validators, you have to use the Validators.compose( [ ] ) method that accepts an array of validators. In your case:
password: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.minLength(8), Validators.maxLength(12), Validators.pattern('[A-Za-z]{5}')])]

password: ['', [Validators.minLength(8), Validators.maxLength(12), Validators.pattern('[A-Za-z]{5}')]]
This should do the job for you.


Strapi how query relationship in CRON

I'm trying to write a CRON in strapi to query product that is post_status: "Draft" and username blocked is false. If true, it should not show and results.
The username has a one to many relations with the product.
"use strict";
module.exports = {
"*/1 * * * *": async () => {
const draftProductToPublishToFacebook = await
post_status: "Draft",
published_at_lt: new Date(),
username: {
blocked: false,
Sample data
post_status: 'Draft',
_id: 5eef02af7761f1425dd0ccec,
stock_status: 'test',
product_status: 'publish',
__v: 0,
username: {
confirmed: true,
blocked: false,
_id: 5eef05985f864742725ab8e1,
username: 'test2',
email: '',
provider: 'local',
createdAt: 2020-06-21T07:00:40.996Z,
updatedAt: 2020-07-17T01:24:58.918Z,
__v: 0,
role: 5ee30d5424f89d5253877e90,
id: '5eef05985f864742725ab8e1'
published_at: 2020-08-02T00:20:00.000Z,
id: '5eef02af7761f1425dd0ccec'
The error I'm getting
(node:3652) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "{ blocked: false }" at path "username" for model "product"
'username.blocked': false
should work.

How do I clear the FormArray in Angular Reactive Forms

I am doing resetting of form. It resets the whole form but except FormArray.
Creating the form and declaring formArray within it
this.invoiceForm ={
'name': ['', Validators.required],
'gst': [''],
'currency': [''],
'addressLine1': ['', Validators.required],
'addressLine2': [''],
'city': ['', Validators.required],
'state': ['', Validators.required],
'country': ['', Validators.required],
'postalCode': ['', Validators.required],
'email': ['', [Validators.required,]],
'invoiceparticulars': this.formBuilder.array([]),
'isGstshidden' : true
Trying to modify details of the form from the incoming data by resetting the data even though I called reset() function formArray retaining previous entries in it.
let modifyData = this.modifyInvoiceArray[index];
this.invoiceNumber = modifyData.invoiceNumber;
this.invoiceForm.patchValue({name: modifyData.address.Name});
this.invoiceForm.patchValue({gst: modifyData.GSTnumber});
this.invoiceForm.patchValue({addressLine1: modifyData.address.AddressLine1});
this.invoiceForm.patchValue({addressLine2: modifyData.address.AddressLine2});
this.invoiceForm.patchValue({city: modifyData.address.City});
this.invoiceForm.patchValue({country: modifyData.address.Country});
this.invoiceForm.patchValue({postalCode: modifyData.address.PostalCode});
this.invoiceForm.patchValue({state: modifyData.address.State});
Angular 8
simply use clear() method on formArrays :
OR :
let frmArray = this.invoiceForm.get('invoiceparticulars') as FormArray;
Try to add this code
const control = <FormArray>this.invoiceForm.controls['invoiceparticulars'];
for(let i = control.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {

JSON schema validation with perfect messages

I have divided the data entry in a REST call in 4 parts. Data can be sent to REST call via:-
query params
path params
request body
So in order to validate the presence of any key in any of the above 4 parts I have created a schema in this format. So if in case I have to validate anything in query params I will add the key 'query' and then add the fields inside that, that needs to be validated
const schema = {
id: 'Users_login_post',
type: 'object',
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
headers: {
type: 'object',
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
Authorization: {
type: 'string',
minLength: 10,
description: 'Bearer token of the user.',
errorMessages: {
type: 'should be a string',
minLength: 'should be atleast of 23 length',
required: 'should have Authorization'
required: ['Authorization']
path: {
type: 'object',
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
orgId: {
type: 'string',
minLength: 23,
maxLength: 36,
description: 'OrgId Id of the Organization.',
errorMessages: {
type: 'should be a string',
minLength: 'should be atleast of 23 length', // ---> B
maxLength: 'should not be more than 36 length',
required: 'should have OrgId'
required: ['orgId']
Now, in my express code, I created a request object so that I can test the validity of the JSON in this format.
router.get("/org/:orgId/abc", function(req, res){
var request = { //---> A
path: {
orgId : req.params.orgId
headers: {
Authorization : req.headers.Authorization
const Ajv = require('ajv');
const ajv = new Ajv({
allErrors: true,
let result = ajv.validate(schema, request);
And I validate the above request object (at A) against my schema using AjV.
The output what I get looks something like this:
data/headers should have required property 'Authorization', data/params/orgId should NOT be shorter than 23 characters
Now I have a list of concerns:
why the message is showing data word in the data/headers and data/params/orgId even when my variable name is request(at A)
Also why not my errormessages are used, like in case of orgId I mentioned: should be atleast of 23 length (at B) as a message, even then the message came should NOT be shorter than 23 characters.
How can I show request/headers instead of data/headers.
Also, the way I used to validate my path params, query params, header params, body param, is this the correct way, if it is not, then what can be the better way of doing the same?
Please shed some light.
Thanks in advance.
Use ajv-keywords
import Ajv from 'ajv';
import AjvKeywords from 'ajv-keywords';
// ajv-errors needed for errorMessage
import AjvErrors from 'ajv-errors';
const ajv = new Ajv.default({ allErrors: true });
AjvKeywords(ajv, "regexp");
// modification of regex by requiring Z
const ISO8601UTCRegex = /^(-?(?:[1-9][0-9]*)?[0-9]{4})-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-(3[01]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9])T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(.[0-9]+)?Z$/;
const typeISO8601UTC = {
"type": "string",
"regexp": ISO8601UTCRegex.toString(),
"errorMessage": "must be string of format 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Got ${0}",
const schema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
foo: { type: "number", minimum: 0 },
timestamp: typeISO8601UTC,
required: ["foo", "timestamp"],
additionalProperties: false,
const validate = ajv.compile(schema);
const data = { foo: 1, timestamp: "2020-01-11T20:28:00" }
if (validate(data)) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
} else {
console.log(JSON.stringify(validate.errors, null, 2));
AJV cannot know the name of the variable you passed to the validate function.
However you should be able to work out from the errors array which paths have failed (and why) and construct your messages from there.
To use custom error messages in your schema, you need an AJV plugin: ajv-errors.

Properly chaining reducers when using combining them may not be appropriate

In my application, the state tree has this shape:
rooms: Map({
// room being the room's id
room: Map({
id: '',
name: '',
users: Map({
// user being the user's id
user: Map({
id: '',
name: '',
rank: ' '
In order to update a user's state, I've been writing my reducers as follows:
function roomsReducer(state = Map(), action) {
return selectRoom(state, action);
return state;
function selectRoom(state, action) {
let room = state.get(;
return state.set(, roomReducer(room, action));
// and so on and so forth until I reach the user I want to update
Is there a way I an combine the users reducer with room, despite it having id and name properties? If not, is there a better way I could be managing my state to make reducing more manageable?
This is a problem with how you structure your state. Editing users would be much easier if it was normalized like so:
rooms: Map({
5: Map({
id: '5',
name: 'some name',
users: [1,4,52]
users: Map({
1: Map({
id: '1',
name: 'Charles',
range: 'Master'
4: Map({
id: '4',
name: 'Sally',
range: 'Master'
52: Map({
id: '52',
name: 'Harry',
range: 'Novice'

sails waterline sort on number not working(sails-redis)

I am trying to do sort id
module.exports = {
autoPK: false,
attributes: {
id: {
type: 'integer',
primaryKey: true
mymodal.find().sort({id: 'asc'}).exec(function (err, res) {
[ { id: '2', },{ id: '1'},{ id: '11' } ]
[ { id: '1', },{ id: '11'},{ id: '2' } ]
[ { id: '1', },{ id: '2'},{ id: '11' } ]**
Can anybody help me out. Please..
Sorting on string working, but on number(interger).
Is there any with my query or issue with sails waterline criteria sort
First you should do query find and later sort()
.sort({id: 'asc'})
.exec(function(err, res) {
I went through the sails-redis adapter index and schema, few things are missing. while parsing the input data like '11' the method not worried about the data type.
Data like { id: 1 } and { id: '1'} is consider to be different even though in the model
type: 'integer
changes code:
case 'integer':
values[key] = parseInt(values[key]);
case 'float':
values[key] = parseFloat(values[key]);
changes working for me. Make sure the values[key] is not null
The documentation isn't great on this, but it looks like you might need to use binary notation if you pass an object to sort(). Easier to just pass a string:
Model.find().sort('id asc').exec(function (err, res) {
