What is the best way to update default CKEditor plugin code to add custom features? - ckeditor

I need to add custom functionality to default CKEditor features, for example:
Add a new option in "Link Type" picklist in Link overlay in addition to existing "URL" and "E-mail" options. This new option will be used to generate links specific to an organization using an ID.
How can I achieve above goal while keeping the CKEditor code maintainable? i.e I should be able to upgrade CKEditor to newer versions without having to reapply all custom code changes again.
I am using CKEditor version 4.5.10 (dev)


CKEditor delete Format combobox

When I delete the Format combobox in toolbar, CKEditor deletes my own formatting.
I would like to use formatting as separate buttons. Is that even possible?
CKEditor by default has some filter rules, which prevent of having trash in output HTML.
When you add a plugin, then such plugin usually register set of rules which are necessary for its work. E.g. When you add an image plugin then <img> tags starts to be allowed in editor contents.
So when you remove formatting plugin, then most probably you also remove those filtering rules. That's why your formatting is removed from the editor. You can add your own custom rules with: extraAllowedContent.
I don't know how are you going to add separate buttons with formatting, but in case of creating your own plugin you can also register proper filter rules inside your plugin code.

I wish to add a button on the admin dashboard in Joomla 3.5, where in code do I need to make changes?

This button would be 'share' and placed at the article editor just like we have buttons like 'save','edit' etc
I facing a problem understanding joomla code structure and which file I need to make changes so as to add this button. Should it be administrator/layout/editor/ ?
There is a free plugin that can help you share your contents in social network. have a look http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/social-web/social-comments/social-comments-and-sharing-for-joomla .
Also there are several other plugins that may suit your requirements then to hack the core files http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension?searchall=share+button
if you want to develop your custom editor button then you can check this link
Add Custom Button to Joomla's Article Editor (TinyMCE)

How to add custom text when JCE 2.3.1 is loaded?

I have a Joomla 2.5 site with K2 and I have installed JCE Editor 2.3.
How can I add custom text by default so that when I open a new article in my editor, some text is preloaded?
The custom text is my ads3ns3 script and some other divs. If I can get this to automatically appear, then I can bypass the tedious copy/paste step every time.
I searched all the JSE files, but I didn't find any input field that would hold my custom text.
I've open all the .php files but still nothing.
You could use JCE Template Manager plugin to achieve this without need to rewrite JCE core files .. JCE is known as a target for Joomla hacks and needs to be updated regularly, and if you edit JCE core files you would have to apply described change all over again with every new update.

How to edit the default navigator options of jqgrid using struts2-jquery tag?

I am using struts2-jquery grid plugin and would like to know if there's any option to modify navigator options like changing default add icon and title. This option is originally included in jqgrid API but I m afraid I cannot see it in the struts2-jquery plugin. Am I missing it or what?
It's currently not available in struts2-jquery grid plugin. We can either file a enhancement request or use a custom navigator button.

Making TinyMCE image pick dialog point to a default folder on Plone

Plone 4.1.
What would be the easiest way to make TinyMCE image picker dialog point to a site default folder (/image-bank) instead of current folder?
This + folder display as album would provide a rudimentary image bank support for Plone easily.
I'd hope to achieve this feature for
All Plone out of the box content types (ATContentTypes)
My custom AT content types
MY custom Dexterity content types
Portlet editor WYSIWYG (is it zope.formlib?)
If it's difficult to edit Python code all over the places, it's accetable just to a Javascript snippet patching TinyMCE settings on the client side.
Mikko: What a coincidence. I'm just trying to achieve the same thing. I managed to create a more specific adapter than `Products/TinyMCE/adapters/Upload/Upload`.
This new adapter changes the upload folder (by setting self.context) to the central-images-folder and then updates radio button listing (and image preview) with the central-folder images (and just uploaded image). This is done by defining an uploadOk method inside the new adapter.
However, to change the initial folder, I think the only way is to customize ploneimage.html.pt or ploneimage.js inside the skins/tinymce/plugins/ploneimage folder. But changing any of these two large files (which might change in the future), could make new releases of TinyMCE not to work with your changes. So you will be forced to re-customize them again.
My idea (which I already emailed this morning to Four Digits) is to provide this feature with TinyMCE out-of-the-box, via a configuration option. This way the package files would be always aware of this feature and future changes won't harm this new functionality.
