Laravel Commands, Pthreads and Closure - laravel-5

There is a need to perform a specific process multiple threads. I learned about the extension for php - pthreads.
For example, a simple script outside Laravel works fine and I liked the results. I decided to move in Laravel, and faced with the problem. Of course I searched in google, found some questions on stackoverflow, where replied the author of extension. But me did not help his answers, so I ask you to help me.
Answered Question extension author.
There is a class App\Commands\QuestionsParserCommand. Inside I created an instance of the class App\My\Questions\QuestionsParser and call the method init(). Then the code of the method init():
// Create a pool
$pool = new Pool($this->threads, ParserWorkers::class);
// Create a thread class
$thread = new class extends Threaded
public function run()
// The class will receive data from a provider
// that will be shared between threads through ParserWorkers.
// It will work with the API and store the data in the database.
// The need to work with the threads,
// because the data for processing an incredible amount.
echo '+';
// Start a threads
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->threads; $i++) {
Class ParserWorkers inherits from Worker and yet has an empty method run().
As a result, I run the script and get a message in the log of php:
[13-Oct-2016 11:27:35 Europe/Moscow] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed in [no active file]:0
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in [no active file] on line 0
Information: Laravel 5.2.43, php 7.0.8, Windows
Thank you all!

First you can get acquainted with the strategy of the author of the library:
The strategy used here ensures that each thread (Worker) gets a thread local copy of the framework, or whatever is being loaded, but does not break the abilities of objects that descend from pthreads.
Secondly, to start working with laravel features (like Service Providers, Facades, Helpers, etc), you need to initialize laravel.
I looked at how to initialize the application in the tests/CreatesApplication.php file. The code below shows how to do this for Laravel 5.7 with php 7.2.
Important: specify the correct path to autoload.php and app.php relative to the Autoloader.php file location.
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Worker;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel;
class Autoloader extends Worker
public function run()
require __DIR__. '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require __DIR__.'/../../../bootstrap/app.php';
public function start($options = PTHREADS_INHERIT_ALL)
return parent::start(PTHREADS_INHERIT_INI);
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Exception;
use Threaded;
class OperatorThread extends Threaded
* #var OperatorThreaded
private $operator;
private $error;
public function __construct(OperatorThreaded $operator)
$this->operator = $operator;
public function run()
try {
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$this->error = (string) $exception;
public function getError() {
return $this->error;
namespace App\Console\Commands;
class OperatorThreaded
private $i;
public function __construct($i)
$this->i = $i;
public function handle()
if (app()->isBooted()) {
echo $this->i . PHP_EOL;
Now you can use Laravel with pthreads:
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Pool;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
class Test extends Command
protected $description = 'test';
protected $signature = 'test';
public function handle()
$operators = [];
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
$operators[] = new OperatorThreaded($i);
$pool = new Pool(count($operators), Autoloader::class);
foreach ($operators as $operator) {
$thread = new OperatorThread($operator);
while ($pool->collect());
$ php artisan test

foreach ($this->pool as $w) {


Magento 2 orderFactory not found in vendor directory

I am using Magento 2.3.4 inside a docker container for a payment gateway extension. First things first, here is the affected code:
namespace Magento\PGM\Block;
use Magento\AdminNotification\Model\Inbox;
use Magento\Checkout\Model\Session;
use Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager;
use Magento\Framework\App\Response\Http;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context;
use Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderAddressInterface;
use Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Payment\Transaction;
use Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Payment\Transaction\Builder as TransactionBuilder;
use Magento\Sales\Model\OrderFactory;
use Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface;
use Magento\PGM\Logger\Logger;
class Main extends Template
protected $_objectmanager;
protected $checkoutSession;
protected $urlBuilder;
protected $response;
protected $config;
protected $messageManager;
protected $transactionBuilder;
protected $inbox;
private $logger;
private $orderFactory;
public function __construct(Context $context, Session $checkoutSession, OrderFactory $orderFactory = null, Logger $logger, Http $response, TransactionBuilder $tb, Inbox $inbox)
$this->checkoutSession = $checkoutSession;
$this->orderFactory = $orderFactory ?: ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(OrderFactory::class);
$this->response = $response;
$this->config = $context->getScopeConfig();
$this->transactionBuilder = $tb;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->inbox = $inbox;
$this->urlBuilder = ObjectManager::getInstance()
public function getParentId()
return $this->getData(OrderAddressInterface::PARENT_ID);
protected function _prepareLayout()
$method_data = array();
$order = $this->orderFactory->create()->load($this->getParentId());
if ($order) {
$payment = $order->getPayment();
// The error is thrown here (" Call to a member function setTransactionId() on null")
private function setApiData($order, $testmode, $instance)
I am getting this error:
Call to a member function setTransactionId() on null
I think that this is just a symptom though. The order object is not created, my IDE marks the $order->getPayment() method as not found at all.
The code itself should not be the problem, but the folder 'Sales\Model' does not contain an orderFactory.php file. Is the file missing or deprecated? Several modules use this file and create orders like this, for example the Paypal PGM, and use the OrderFactory.php file.
As i know The Factory class name is the name of Model class and append with the Factory word. So for our example, we will have TopicFactory class. You must not create this class. Magento will create it for you. Whenever Magento’s object manager encounters a class name that ends in the word ‘Factory’, it will automatically generate the Factory class in the var/generation folder if the class does not already exist. You will see the factory class in
So the first step you should go to the folder Generation to see the class is there or NOT.
If it's not there, i think you're are facing permission issue , magento cant generate (can't create file or folder) the Factory Class in Generation folder.
Hi orderFactory does not have payment in DB, so you cannot use this to get payment. You can try this:
use Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Payment\Transaction\CollectionFactory;
protected $transactions;
public function __constructor(CollectionFactory $transactions)
$this->transactions = $transactions;
In your method:
$transactions = $this->transactions->create()->addOrderIdFilter($orderId);

Mocking class instantiation in a feature test

I'm currently working on my first Laravel project — a service endpoint that returns a resource based on a recording saved in S3. The service doesn't require a DB, but my idea was, I could keep the controller skinny, by moving the logic to a "model". I could then access the resource by mimic'ing some standard active record calls.
Functionally, the implementation works as expected, but I am having issues with mocking.
I am using a library to create signed CloudFront URLs, but it is accessed as a static method. When I first started writing my feature test, I found that I was unable to stub the static method. I tried class aliasing with Mockery, but with no luck — I was still hitting the static method. So, I tried wrapping the static method in a little class assuming mocking the class would be easier. Unfortunately, I'm experiencing the same issue. The thing that I am trying to mock is being hit as if I'm not mocking it.
This stack overflow post gives an example of how to use class aliasing, but I can't get it to work.
What is the difference between overload and alias in Mockery?
What am I doing wrong? I'd prefer to get mockery aliasing to work, but instance mocking would be fine. Please point me in the right direction.
 Thank you in advance for your help.
// app/Http/Controllers/API/V1/RecordingController.php
class RecordingController extends Controller {
public function show($id){
return json_encode(Recording::findOrFail($id));
// app/Models/Recording.php
namespace App\Models;
use Mockery;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use CloudFrontUrlSigner;
use Storage;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
class Recording
public $id;
public $url;
private function __construct($array)
$this->id = $array['id'];
$this->url = $this->signedURL($array['filename']);
// imitates the behavior of the findOrFail function
public static function findOrFail($id): Recording
$filename = self::filenameFromId($id);
if (!Storage::disk('s3')->exists($filename)) {
abort(404, "Recording not found with id $id");
$array = [
'id' => $id,
'filename' => $filename,
return new self($array);
// imitate the behavior of the find function
public static function find($id): ?Recording
$filename = self::filenameFromId($id);
if (!Storage::disk('s3')->exists($filename)){
return null;
$array = [
'id' => $id,
'filename' => $filename,
return new self($array);
protected function signedURL($key) : string
$url = Storage::url($key);
$signedUrl = new cloudFrontSignedURL($url);
return $signedUrl->getUrl($url);
* wrapper for static method for testing purposes
class cloudFrontSignedURL {
protected $url;
public function __construct($url) {
$this->url = CloudFrontUrlSigner::sign($url);
public function getUrl($url) {
return $this->url;
// tests/Feature/RecordingsTest.php
namespace Tests\Feature;
use Mockery;
use Faker;
use Tests\TestCase;
use Illuminate\Http\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithFaker;
/* The following is what my test looked like when I wrapped CloudFrontUrlSigner
* in a class and attempted to mock the class
class RecordingsTest extends TestCase
/** #test */
public function if_a_recording_exists_with_provided_id_it_will_return_a_URL()
$recordingMock = \Mockery::mock(Recording::class);
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
$id = $faker->numberBetween($min = 1000, $max = 9999);
$filename = "$id.mp3";
$path = '/api/v1/recordings/';
$returnValue = '';
$this->app->instance(Recording::class, $urlMock);
Storage::disk('s3')->put($filename, 'this is an mp3');
$response = $this->call('GET', "$path$id");
// The following is what my test looked like when I was trying to alias CloudFrontUrlSigner
/** #test */
public function if_a_recording_exists_with_provided_id_it_will_return_a_URL1()
$urlMock = \Mockery::mock('alias:Dreamonkey\cloudFrontSignedURL');
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
$id = $faker->numberBetween($min = 1000, $max = 9999);
$filename = "$id.mp3";
$path = '/api/v1/recordings/';
$returnValue = '';
$this->app->instance('Dreamonkey\cloudFrontSignedURL', $urlMock);
Storage::disk('s3')->put($filename, 'this is an mp3');
$response = $this->call('GET', "$path$id");
$ phpunit tests/Feature/RecordingsTest.php --verbose
There was 1 failure:
1) Tests\Feature\RecordingsTest::if_a_recording_exists_with_provided_id_it_will_return_a_URL
Expected status code 200 but received 500.
Failed asserting that false is true.
You're getting a 500, which means there's something wrong with the code. Just by scanning it I notice you're missing a filenameFromId method on the Recordings class, and the Test is creating a mock named $recordingMock, but you try to use $urlMock. Try to fix those issues first.
Then you're mocking the class, but you never replace it in your application (you did it in the old test apparently).
Generally you want to follow these steps when mocking:
1. Mock a class
2. Tell Laravel to replace the class with your mock whenever someone requests it
3. Make some assertions against the mock

Laravel/PHPUnit: Class not being mocked when tests are run

I'm testing a class that calls a custom service and want to mock out the custom service.
The error is:
Error: Call to a member function toArray() on null
This is because in getrandomInfo() there is a database call to fetch an ID and the test database is currently returning null because there is no entry, but the test should never even go that far because I am mocking out the getData function.
Machine Config:
Laravel 5.2
PHPUnit 4.8
I can not update my configuration.
namespace App\Jobs;
use App\Services\CustomApi;
class MainClass
public function handle()
try {
$date = Carbon::yesterday();
$data = (new CustomApi($date))->getData();
} catch (Exception $e) {
Log::error("Error, {$e->getMessage()}");
nameSpace App\Jobs;
use App\Services\CustomApi;
class MainClassTest extends \TestCase
/** #test */
public function handleGetsData()
$data = json_encode([
'randomInfo' => '',
'moreInfo' => ''
$customApiMock = $this->getMockBuilder(App\Services\CustomApi::class)
->getMock('CustomApi', ['getData']);
$this->app->instance(App\Services\CustomApi::class, $customApiMock);
(new MainClass())->handle();
CustomApi Snippet
namespace App\Services;
class CustomApi
* #var Carbon
private $date;
public function __construct(Carbon $date)
$this->date = $date;
public function getData() : string
return json_encode([
'randomInfo' => $this->getrandomInfo(),
'moreInfo' => $this->getmoreInfo()
I have tried many variations of the above code including:
Not using `disableOriginalConstructor()` when creating $externalApiMock.
Not providing parameters to `getMock()` when creating $externalApiMock.
Using `bind(App\Services\CustomApi::class, $customApiMock)` instead of instance(App\Services\CustomApi::class, $customApiMock) for the app.
Using willReturn($data)`` instead `will($this->returnValue($data))`.
I ended up creating a Service Provider and registering it in the app.php file. It seemed like the application was not saving the instance in the containers but works when it is bound to the service.

How do I provide output to console when seeding or migrating tables?

I have a plugin in october and i'm creating the neccessary tables and seeding them per the docs.
I wish to provide console output when doing that so I can debug the process i'm setting up and catching any eventualities.
How can I output information to console when running php artisan october:up?
use Db;
use Seeder;
class SeedGeoStateTable extends Seeder
public function run()
foreach(array_merge(glob(__DIR__.'/seed/geo_state/*.txt'), glob(__DIR__.'/seed/geo_state/*.json')) as $file) {
public function insert($file) {
// output to console which file i'm seeding here
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($file),true);
foreach($json as $entry) {
In your seeder you have the command property available, with the following methods available:
To see all available methods check Illuminate\Console\Command.
public function run()
$this->command->comment('Seeding GeoState...');
foreach(array_merge(glob(__DIR__.'/seed/geo_state/*.txt'), glob(__DIR__.'/seed/geo_state/*.json')) as $file) {
By using the Symfony class ConsoleOutput
$output = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput(2);
This will output information to console.
In the examples case
use Db;
use Seeder;
class SeedGeoStateTable extends Seeder
public function run()
foreach(array_merge(glob(__DIR__.'/seed/geo_state/*.txt'), glob(__DIR__.'/seed/geo_state/*.json')) as $file) {
public function insert($file) {
// output to console which file i'm seeding here
$output = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput(2);
$output->writeln("Seeding table with file $file");
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($file),true);
foreach($json as $entry) {

Event fails when using serialization in laravel 5.4

I have different models, which describe different tables in database.
I use this trait for these classes
trait ApplicationModelTrait
protected static $_currentModel = null;
protected $currentModel;
public static function setCurrentModel(ApplicationModel $model) {
static::$_currentModel = $model;
public function __construct(array $attributes = [], ApplicationModel $model = null) {
$this->currentModel = $model !== null ? $model : static::$_currentModel;
if($this->currentModel === null) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No model passed');
All models are similar. The only difference is what fields exist in database for every model, so I describe these fields in separate config and main model class ApplicationModel has some methods to work with different tables. For example
public function getInstanceTable() {
return 'application_model_instances_' . $this->name;
public function getCommentsTable() {
return 'application_model_instance_' . $this->name . '_comments';
Where application_model_instances_{name} contains (obviously) instances of this model and application_model_instance_{name}_comments contains comments for instances of this model.
Everything works fine except events.
When I add comment to model instance, I pass as argument current model
$comment = new ApplicationModelInstanceComment([], $this->currentModel);
$comment->text = $request->input('comment');
// etc.
After comment has been saved I want it to be instantly delivered to user browser via websocket
event(new CommentCreated($comment, $this)); // this represents model instance class
And, finally, the event
namespace App\Events;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\PrivateChannel;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\InteractsWithSockets;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcast;
use App\Models\Application\ApplicationModelInstanceComment;
use App\Models\Application\ApplicationModelInstance;
class CommentCreated implements ShouldBroadcast
use InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
public $comment;
public $instance;
public function __construct(ApplicationModelInstanceComment $comment, ApplicationModelInstance $instance)
$this->comment = $comment;
$this->instance = $instance;
public function broadcastOn() {
$notifiableUsers = $this->instance->getNotifiableUsers(); // this method is used to fetch list of users who must get this comment in their browser
$channels = [];
foreach($notifiableUsers as $user) {
$channels[] = new PrivateChannel('user.' . $user->id);
return $channels;
But when I add comment Laravel my code throws an exception (this is what I see in network tab in Google Chrome because request is done via ajax:
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
1/1 InvalidArgumentException in ApplicationModelTrait.php line 20: No model passed
in ApplicationModelTrait.php line 20
at ApplicationModelInstanceComment->__construct() in SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers.php line 45
at CommentCreated->getRestoredPropertyValue(object(ModelIdentifier)) in SerializesModels.php line 41
at CommentCreated->__wakeup()
at unserialize('O:38:"Illuminate\\Broadcasting\\BroadcastEvent":4:{s:5:"event";O:25:"App\\Events\\CommentCreated":3:{s:7:"comment";O:45:"Illuminate\\Contracts\\Database\\ModelIdentifier":2:{s:5:"class";s:54:"App\\Models\\Application\\ApplicationModelInstanceComment";s:2:"id";i:68;}s:8:"instance";O:45:"Illuminate\\Contracts\\Database\\ModelIdentifier":2:{s:5:"class";s:47:"App\\Models\\Application\\ApplicationModelInstance";s:2:"id";i:11;}s:6:"socket";N;}s:10:"connection";N;s:5:"queue";N;s:5:"delay";N;}') in CallQueuedHandler.php line 95
at CallQueuedHandler->failed(array('commandName' => 'Illuminate\\Broadcasting\\BroadcastEvent', 'command' => 'O:38:"Illuminate\\Broadcasting\\BroadcastEvent":4:{s:5:"event";O:25:"App\\Events\\CommentCreated":3:{s:7:"comment";O:45:"Illuminate\\Contracts\\Database\\ModelIdentifier":2:{s:5:"class";s:54:"App\\Models\\Application\\ApplicationModelInstanceComment";s:2:"id";i:68;}s:8:"instance";O:45:"Illuminate\\Contracts\\Database\\ModelIdentifier":2:{s:5:"class";s:47:"App\\Models\\Application\\ApplicationModelInstance";s:2:"id";i:11;}s:6:"socket";N;}s:10:"connection";N;s:5:"queue";N;s:5:"delay";N;}'), object(InvalidArgumentException)) in Job.php line 158
at Job->failed(object(InvalidArgumentException)) in FailingJob.php line 33
I've passed model into ApplicationModelInstanceComment upon creation of comment, so everything is fine here. There is some problem with deserialization, but I do not know how to deal with this problem.
