Rahmenprogramm nicht gefunden für Include ZR_PO_NUMBER_UC_INT - include

I try to create an include according to the tutorial SAP ABAP Include Programs. Unfortunately I get the message: Rahmenprogramm nicht gefunden für Include ZR_PO_NUMBER_UC_INT

what you're missing is the main program, the report that includes your Include. In your tutorial this program is created in Step 5. So you need something like this:


System.DLLNotFoundException during runtime (start from visual studio 2017 - x86, debug)

While running my program, when i open the main window, i get a System.DllNotFoundException.
The complete exception i get from vs reads:
Message=Die DLL "FTDIInterface.dll": Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007007E) kann nicht geladen werden.
at FTDILib.FTDID2XX_Interface.FTDI_Stop()
at FTDILib.SerialConnection.FTDISerial.Stop()
at FTDILib.SerialConnection.FTDISerial.Finalize()
i checked if the dll are in the correct directories.
Then i used
dumpbin /dependents FTDIInterface.dll
to check for dependencies and got two:
FTD2XX.dll and KERNEL32.dll
FTD2XX.dll exists in the same path as FTDIInterface.dll.
It has four other dependencies:
SETUPAPI.dll, KERNEL32.dll, USER32.dll and ADVAPI32.dll
All those exist in C:\Windows\system32 which i added to the refernce paths in the properties of my project.
Why do i get this exception and how may i fix it?
Thank you
I solved the problem by placing copies of FTDIInterface.dll and ftd2xx.dll in System32 and SysWOW64.
I can't help but think, that it is very strange that i have to place my custom library inside a system folder.
Any thoughts on the matter?

Invalid Certificate Windows App - How to fix it?

I compiled an app for windows with cordova. I got the files in the screenshot.
First of all I started the installation file for the certificate. At the end it says that the certificate was installed successfully.
If I open the .appx file now and click "install", I get an error, that says (I translated it into English myself, the original language is German, I poste the original text below):
English translation: Either you have to install a new certificate for the app packet or you need a new app packet with trustworthy certificates. To do so, please contact your system administrator or app developer. A certificate chain was processed but ended with a untrustworthy root certificate (0x800B0109).
original text: Entweder Sie müssen ein neues Zertifikat für dieses App-Paket installieren, oder Sie benötigen ein neues App-Paket mit vertrauenswürdigen Zertifikaten. Wenden Sie sich dazu an Ihren Systemadministrator oder App-Entwickler. Eine Zertifikatkette wurde zwar verarbeitet, endete jedoch mit einem nicht vertrauenswürdigen Stammzertifikat (0x800B0109).
What have I done wrong and how can I fix it?
The solution is, to install the certificate on the "local computer". Then choose the second option (where you can choose the directory where it is saved) and choose the Trusted Root Certification directory.

How to manually download components for the VS 2017 installation?

While installing Visual Studio 2017 I encountered the error while downloading the JDKV2-Component for Xamarin (maybe someone could edit the English error message in?):
Paket "JavaJDKV2,version=1.8.2,chip=x86" konnte von "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=863182" nicht heruntergeladen werden.
WebClient-Download fehlgeschlagen: Timeout für Vorgang überschritten
Bits-Download fehlgeschlagen: Fehlerkontext: BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_REMOTE_FILE, Fehlercode: -2145844841
WinInet-Download fehlgeschlagen: Function: InternetOpenUrl, HR: -2147012894, Message: Unknown error 12002
Betroffene Workloads
Mobile-Entwicklung mit .NET (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetCrossPlat,version=15.0.27128.1)
Mobile-Entwicklung mit C++ (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeMobile,version=15.0.27005.2)
Mobile-Entwicklung mit JavaScript (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.WebCrossPlat,version=15.0.27019.1)
Betroffene Komponenten
Android SDK-Einrichtung (API-Ebene 23) (globale Installation) (Component.Android.SDK23,version=15.0.27128.1)
Android SDK-Setup (API-Ebene 19 und 21) (Component.Android.SDK19,version=15.0.27128.1)
Android SDK-Setup (API-Ebene 22) (Component.Android.SDK22,version=15.0.27128.1)
Google Android-Emulator (API-Ebene 23) (globale Installation) (Component.Google.Android.Emulator.API23.V2,version=15.0.27128.1)
Java SE Development Kit (8.0.1120.15) (Component.JavaJDK,version=15.0.26403.0)
Same for the x64-version of the JDK.
It turned out that the Oracle-Website needs a License-Accepted-cookie to download the files. While Microsoft seemingly tried to add it to the download routine it doesn't work for me and the installation won't proceed beyond the point where it tries to install the JDK.
So I downloaded the files manually. But where do I have to put them so that the Visual Studio installation knows that it won't need to download them again?
While searching the web for some hours I finally found the solution here:
Turns out you have to search for the following folder:
There you create a subfolder with the package name as written in the error message/error log (in my case "JavaJDKV2,version=1.8.2,chip=x86") and put the manually downloaded .exe file in there.
Restart the VS-installer and start the installation process.

Wrapped .exe with launch4j and jdk8 takes very long to start. Using jdk7 instead starts almost instant

I have the following problem:
I used to have a launch4j config to create a wrapped executable from my runable jar using a bundeled jdk/jre7 for quite some time.
The Programm (launched with that .exe) starts almost immediatly with jdk7.
I now had to switch to jdk8 which results in a VERY slow startup. Everything works just fine, that is not the problem, but the launch process of that .exe takes ~1-2 Minutes and I simply don't get why.
Starting the application from within eclipse (using the same JDK8) it starts within seconds again (as it should!).
So... Any ideas what might cause this and how I can fix it?
Here is my current l4j.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<errTitle>DataUpdater: Kein kompatibles JRE gefunden</errTitle>
<mutexName>DataUpdater v2.6.1</mutexName>
<windowTitle>DataUpdater v2.6.1</windowTitle>
<fileDescription>DataUpdater: Anwendung zum aktualisieren von -Datensätzen mittels externer Datenquellen wie Excel-Tabellen direkt auf Datenbankebene.</fileDescription>
<copyright>Max Mustermann</copyright>
<companyName>Max Mustermann</companyName>
<internalName>DataUpdater v2.6.1</internalName>
<startupErr>DataUpdater konnte nicht gestartet werden. </startupErr>
<bundledJreErr>DataUpdater erwartet ein bundled JRE. Dieses wurde nicht gefunden oder ist beschädigt.</bundledJreErr>
<jreVersionErr>DataUpdater benötigt eine Java Laufzeitumgebung. Diese konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Java 8 auf Ihrem System installiert ist.</jreVersionErr>
<launcherErr>Die Windows Registry verweist auf eine nicht mehr vorhandene oder beschädigte Java Installation.</launcherErr>
<instanceAlreadyExistsMsg>DataUpdater wird bereits ausgeführt.
Es ist immer nur eine DataUpdater-Instanz gleichzeitig erlaubt.</instanceAlreadyExistsMsg>
The executable reacts the same on many different machines so it is not related to my local environment...
Additional Info:
I just noticed, that launching the application from the jar directly instead of the executable results in the same slow startup.
So this MUST be related to the jdk8 somehow and not to l4j.
What I do not understand is why it starts so fast from within eclipse using the same jdk8.
After a long research without any good result i noticed, that this "hang up" is not related to launch4j & Java 8 but related to log4j and Java 8.
Still not clear what excatly causes this but it is the topic of another question.

Magento Fatal error: Class ‘Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Form_Renderer_Config_DateFieldsOrder’

I get this error message
Fatal error: Class ‘Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Form_Renderer_Config_DateFieldsOrder’ not found in \app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Layout.php on line 564
when I click on system -> configuration-> catalog. The version of my Shop is Magento 1.6.2 and the Extension is 0.9.18-Unirgy_Giftcert.
I am grateful for any help
Thanks in advance
Ich bekomme diese Fehlermeldung, wenn ich auf System ->Konfiguration-> Katalog klicke. Die Magento-Version ist Magento 1.6.2 und die Erweiterung ist Unirgy_Giftcert-0.9.18.
Ich bin dankbar für jede Hilfe wink
Vielen Dank im Voraus
Does your system have a file at
app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Form/Renderer/Config/DateFieldsOrder.php ?
If so is this file readable by PHP? Does it contain the same class definition as a stock installation of your system? Has your Varien_Autoload class been modified?
Magento's trying to instantiate a Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Form_Renderer_Config_DateFieldsOrder object but can't find the class.
