Multiple Input Paths in newHadoopAPI for spark to read Lzo files - hadoop

I am working on a Spark Application that has to read multiple directories (i.e. multiple paths) from S3 Bucket and HDFS. I read that newHadoopAPI provides a great way to read Lzo compressed / indexed files in a good performant way. But, how do we read multiple folder paths / directories have several Lzo files and Index files in an RDD using newHadoopAPI?
The folder structure is like partitioned Hive Table on two columns.
Ex: as below. Partition on date and batch
..... and so on.
Now I use the below code to read data from S3. This treats both Lzo and Lzo.Index files as input which crashes my application, as I dont want to read .lzo.index files, but just the .lzo files using the index for speed.
val impInput = sparkSession.sparkContext.newAPIHadoopFile("s3://my-bucket/myfolder/*/*", classOf[NonSplittableTextInputFormat],classOf[],classOf[])
val impRDD =
Could anyone please help me to understand how can I do that?
1). Read all (mulitple) folders under the root for the Lzo files using the newHadoopAPI so that I can utilize the .index file for my benefit.
2). Read the data from HDFS in the similar fashion.

Adding a suffix to your HDFS path may help.
val impInput = sparkSession.sparkContext.newAPIHadoopFile("s3://my-bucket/myfolder/*/*.lzo", classOf[NonSplittableTextInputFormat],classOf[],classOf[])


What should be the minimum size of a valid ORC file with snappy compression

The scenario I am dealing with here is each hour 10k orc files are getting generated in HDFS by spark streaming application and after the end of the hour, a spark merge job runs and merge those small files in some bigger chunk and write it to hive landing path for external table to pick up. Sometimes, a corrupt ORC file is making the merge job to fail. The job would be to find out the corrupt ORC file and move it into a badrecordspath and then let the spark merge job begin. After going through the theory of ORC file, it seems a valid ORC file will have "ORC"(as a string) followed by another byte in the end of the file. How do I check that in optimised way so that it won't take much time to validate those 10K orc files. I thought of writing bash shell script but it seems to take some good amount of time to validate HDFS orc files. My idea is to narrow down the validation if I know the minimum size of a valid ORC file coz most of our corrupt files are very tiny in size(mostly 3 bytes). So if I get any suggestion, that would be very helpful.
PS: I can't use set spark.sql.files.ignoreCorruptFiles=true because I have to track the files and move those to bad records path.
Found out a solution. We can use set spark.sql.files.ignoreCorruptFiles=true and then we can track the ignored files using the below method:
def trackIgnoreCorruptFiles(df: DataFrame): List[Path] = {
val listOfFileAfterIgnore = df.withColumn("file_name", input_file_name)
.map(x => new Path(x(0).toString))
input_file_name is an in built spark udf which returns the complete path of the file and we are getting it as a column in that dataframe df.This method returns the list of path of those files remain after ignore by spark. The list diff will give you the actual list of files ignored by spark. Then you can easily move those list of files to a badRecordsPath for future analysis.

How to merge HDFS small files into a one large file?

I have number of small files generated from Kafka stream so I like merge small files to one single file but this merge is based on the date i.e. the original folder may have number of previous files but I only like to merge for given date files to one single file.
Any suggestions?
Use something like the code below to iterate over the smaller files and aggregate them into a big one (assuming that source contains the HDFS path to your smaller files, and target is the path where you want your big result file):
val fs = FileSystem.get(spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
fs.listStatus(new Path(source)).map(_.getPath.toUri.getPath).
foreach(name =>
This example assumes text file format, but you can just as well read any Spark-supported format, and you can use different formats for source and target, as well
you should be able to use .repartition(1) to write all results to 1 file. if you need to split by date, consider partitionBy("your_date_value") .
if you're working within HDFS and S3, this may also be helpful. you might actually even use s3-dist-cp and stay within HDFS.
There's a specific option to aggregate multiple files in HDFS using a --groupBy option based n a regular expression pattern. So if the date is in the file name, you can group based on that pattern.
You can develop a spark application. Using this application read the data from small files and create dataframe and write dataframe to big file in append mode.

Hadoop or Spark read tar.bzip2 read

How can I read tar.bzip2 file in spark in parallel.
I have created a java hadoop custom reader that read the tar.bzip2 file but it is taking too much time to read file as only one core is being used and after some time application failed because only one executor get all the data.
So as we know bzipped files are splittable so when reading a bzipped into an RDD the data will get distributed across the partitions. However the underlying tar file will also get distributed across the partitions and it is not splittable therefore if you try and perform an operation on a partition you will just see a lot of binary data.
To solve this I simply read the bzipped data into an RDD with a single partition. I then wrote this RDD out to a directory, so now you have only a single file containing all the tar file data. I then pulled this tar file from hdfs down to my local file system and untarred it.

What is the best place to store multiple small files in hadoop

I will be having multiple small text files around size of 10KB, got confused where to store those files in HBase or in HDFS. what will be the optimized storage?
Because to store in HBase I need to parse it first then save it against some row key.
In HDFS I can directly create a path and save that file at that location.
But till now whatever I read, it says you should not have multiple small files instead create less big files.
But I can not merge those files, so I can't create big file out of small files.
Kindly suggest.
A large number of small files don´t fit very well with hadoop since each file is a hdfs block and each block require a one Mapper to be processed by default.
There are several options/strategies to minimize the impact of small files, all options require to process at least one time small files and "package" them in a better format. If you are planning to read these files several times, pre-process small files could make sense, but if you will use those files just one time then it doesn´t matter.
To process small files my sugesstion is to use CombineTextInputFormat (here an example):
CombineTextInputFormat use one Mapper to process several files but could require to transfer the files to a different DataNode to put files together in the DAtaNode where the map is running and could have a bad performance with speculative tasks but you can disable them if your cluster is enough stable.
Alternative to repackage small files are:
Create sequence files where each record contains one of the small files. With this option you will keep the original files.
Use IdentityMapper and IdentityReducer where the number of reducers are less than the number of files. This is the most easy approach but require that each line in the files be equals and independents (Not headers or metadata at the beginning of the files required to understand the rest of the file).
Create a external table in hive and then insert all the records for this table into a new table (INSERT INTO . . . SELECT FROM . . .). This approach have the same limitations than the option two and require to use Hive, the adventage is that you don´t require to write a MapReduce.
If you can not merge files like in option 2 or 3, my suggestion is to go with option 1
You could try using HAR archives:
It's no problem with having many small different files. If for example you have a table in Hive with many very small files in hdfs, it's not optimal, better to merge these files into less big ones because when reading this table a lot of mappers will be created. If your files are completely different like 'apples' and 'employees' and can not be merged than just store them as is.

What's the recommended way of loading data into Hive from compressed files?

I came across this page on CompressedStorage in the documentation and it has me a bit confused.
According to the page, if my input files (on AWS s3) are compressed gzip files, I should first load the data with the option STORED AS TextFile and then create another table with the option STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE and insert the data into that. Is that really the recommended way?
Or can I just load the data straight into a table set with the option STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE?
If the former method is really the recommended way, is there any further explanation as to why it is?
You must load your data in its format. It means, if your files are Text Files then you should load them as TextFile and if your files are Sequence Files then load them as SEQUENCEFILE.
For Hive the compression format doesn't matter because it will decompress them on fly using the extension of the file as reference (If the compression codec was configured properly in Hadoop).
The suggestion in the page that you are sharing is that it's better work with Sequence Files than Compressed Text Files. That is because a Gzip file is not splittable and if you have a very big Gzip file all the file have to be processed with only one Mapper not allowing work in parrallel distributing the effort among the cluster nodes.
Then the Hive's suggestion is convert Compressed Text Files into Sequence Files to avoid that limitation. It is only about performance.
If your files are small, then it doesn't matter (< 1 Hadoop block size - 128MB by default).
