Show plain password in joomla - joomla

I would need a readout of joomlas user password in plain style to give special users the ability to send a mail in a custom module with login details like:
password = testuserpassword
For that reason I need the plain passowrd out of the DB. Is there a way to show/read out password from joomla-db in plain style?
Thx in advanced!

Joomla saves the passwords in the database using a one way encryption mechanism, which means that you cannot know what the password is.
I am sure what you're doing can be done in a different method - if you want to login users automatically once they click on a link then you can have a different authentication plugin that will use a random, unique, one-time-use, and time-sensitive hash that will be associated with a Joomla user account.

You need to create a plugin with function after joomla user save
you need to store password in another table with user id and then you can use with sql query to get password.

This is a bad idea for the following reasons:
email is sent in plain text
email often is stored on several systems along the way to your mailbox
email often is stored on your computer in plain text or other unencrypted format
many copies may exist in many places, even after "deletion"
even encrypted email can be broken in to, given enough computing time
your account's security may have been compromised even before you read your email (changing the password will not help in this case)
However, you definitely can email the user their password upon initial registration by going to Global Configuration > Users and setting Send Password to "Yes" (default setting in Joomla 3.x).
If you are looking for a way to send this password after the registration event, as others have mentioned, you are out of luck. What Joomla! provides is a secure password reset functionality to reset a password to something the user can remember. This will be the best approach for you, as well.
Resources: Sending Passwords in Email, Stop Joomla Sending Passwords in Emails


Best practice to create a user in table and invite them to login

I am working on a Laravel project. I need to be able to create a user, mark that user with a number for their 'plan_id', and then invite them to log in and change their password. Currently, I am creating a user, adding the 'plan_id', and setting the password to a generic term like 'password'. I don't have info like their SSN or DOB that I could set it to initially.
While this does work, I don't know that it follows best practices. The only other thing I can think of is setting up another table that matches up the user's email address to the 'plan_id'. I don't want to do this because it makes it possible that the user accidentally signs up with another email and can't figure out why their portal is not working.
It doesn't sound like a great idea to set all new passwords to "password". It looks like your application is creating users, then letting each user know they have an account, as opposed to the user initiating this process. This would mean that you can't have the user pick a password.
Consider not creating a password at all, but sending an email to each new user containing a link to your system with a unique key that you store in the database user record. The user could then access the system, and it would ask them to pick an email and password to be registered with. You could have the keys expire after a number of days.
The easiest way to do this would be to generate a completely random password for the user and then email them a password reset link. The potential pitfall of this is that password reset links expire, by default after 1 hour though you can change it in config/auth.php.

oracle apex email and sms authentication

I want to Create a user screen with Two authentications (SMS and Email)
User will receive email to verify and activate his account first.
After that he set password and he will receive SMS massage to verify the password.I want to do this in Oracle apex.I have tried Custom Authentication but i didn't found fruitful, Any one have some good idea to achieve this.
after u take care of the email and sms verification, u should store that data in the data base and create a function to use in your custom authentication that verifies if the user is already validated.
put the function in shared components -> authentication schemes -> settings -> Authentication Function Name
(the function must return true or false to allow the login)
I'm not a fan of using SMS for Two-Factor Authentication, but if you must, perhaps this might demo implementation for Time-based One Time Password (TOTP) might give you some ideas:
I provided some background information here as well:
Good luck!
I have achieved this in one of my APEX project but only with the e-mail. For the sms I use it in another context but you could still do it. You will need a smtp server ( you can run one on your server ) and for the sms you will need an external provider. In your oracle database, create a table called OTP ( one time password ).
This table contains a foreign key to a user. When the user creates an account, run a dynamic action in pl/sql that will generate a random 6 digit number that will be encrypt in your OTP table. This dynamic action will also send an email to the user with APEX_MAIL. The full documentation for how to use APEX-MAIL is here and it is pretty easy to use. You can send the user the password for authentication trough email.
Create a new session user called user_na (not authenticated) and make it so that when he connects, the only page he can see is a page with a text field to enter the password he receive through email. After he enters it, encrypt it the same way you did when he created an account and compare the password in the OTP table. If they match , change his account type to user and then he will be able to access every page that you made accessible for the users.
If you also want to send an sms, I recommend using this tutorial. The sms provider have a free trial if you want to test. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask I can easily help you with this.
NOTE: if you don’t want to create different session_users you can just add a column in your user table named authenticated. Set it to 0 by default and to 1 when he enters the email password. Then, when he log in, check if this value is 0 or 1 to know which page you should redirect him to.

how to encrypt data in database and reuse it to authenticate users

I'm developping an application with Spring MVC, and I want to add the security aspect to my authentication.
In my application I have the login and the password are registred in the database and any one who has access to it can see the login and the password clearly.
I want to have data encrypted in the database so that I will be sure that no one can use or divulgue them .
I've searched in the net but I found that there are some algorithms which may encrypt data such as md5 ,but the problem it's irreversible.
Could some body help me ?
I agree with Danny H, but wanted to address the other half of your question too: protecting the login (usually an email address). Most people ignore the need to protect it, but for website that want to maintain secrecy of their customers (not just Ashley Madison but also medical websites), then you'd want to add a layer of protection for the other data.
First, a reference on protecting the password: Secure Salted Password Hashing. Use either bcrypt, scrypt, PBKDF2, or argon2.
Now what about protecting the login? You can actually do a similar thing for protecting it, but you will need a fixed salt for it (for passwords, the salt must not be fixed!). Let's assume bcrypt is used for my example below.
Consider how the user would login: User enters his login id and password. System applies bcrypt to login id with fixed salt to look up user in database. From that, system gets the user's password salt, and system computes bcrypt on user provided password with salt to see if it matches hashed password in database. If so, user is granted access. Therefore, system granted access without storing the user’s login id in plaintext form in the database.
What about user forgetting password? No problem if the login id is the email address: the user enters login (email address) on forgot password page, system applies bcrypt with fixed salt on user entered email address to see if the user exists in database, and assuming yes, then emails the user a secret link for password reset. Within the database, we have to associate that secret link to this user to make sure he only resets his own password (not somebody else’s!).
What if the database is exposed? Anybody could determine if a specific user is in the database by computing bcrypt on that user’s email address and looking for a match in the database, but nobody is going to be able to reverse the entire collection of email addresses, which is a big improvement over the present situation.
I discussed this idea in a blog of mine more than 2 months ago, see:
Why is it a problem that the encryption of passwords is irreversible?
When the user creates an account, salt and hash their password before saving. I prefer using bcrypt.
When the user logs in, you can use bcrypt's checkpw to compare the users credentials to the hashed ones saved in the db. Having them irreversible(undecryptable) ensures that if someone gains access to your db, they don't get all of your users passwords as well
I haven't used BCrypt with java before but I just glanced over this tutorial and it seemed like it may be a good starting place for you
Edit : Just realized he was using jBCrypt but the differences in the two should be very minimal
Edit2 : Here is a pretty good article on cracking passwords that are found in the database and a reason I recommend bcrypt and why you should use one-way encryption
MD5 is a hash function which is not reversible - it is not an encryption function. Hashes give the same output for a given input every time, that's why they work. Hashing would work in the scenario you described because the users who could see the hashes wouldn't know the original password - that said, it still sounds like a bad idea.
Ideally you would hash the passwords then encrypt the hash and other users wouldn't be able to see these values encrypted or not. That would be my suggestion, but if you choose only to encrypt the passwords RSA encryption would work just fine.

Should I, for any reason, allow a Super Admin to see the users' password through the UI?

Currently I am developing an application with 3 roles: 1 for customers, 1 for the company employees and another one for a Super Admin.
Is it a good practice to allow Super Admin users to see/edit the users' passwords through the UI? Or should it only be modified directly through the DB?
UPDATE: I am using membership provider and MySQL. Therefore, there is a table in the DB called my_aspnet_membership which stores two fields: Password and PasswordKey. The field PasswordKey seems to be the encrypted password. However, the Password field is stored in plain text. So, can anyone tell me why this is designed in this way if it is not a good practice? Thank you all for your responses!
UPDATE: For those who asked if it really stores the password in two different fields:
Your password should not be stored un encrypted inside your database and as such, shouldn't be visible to users of the UI nor the database.
As for whether it should be modifyable, sure.
In this case the password should be re-generated through user or administrator request. Again, this should be encrypted in the database. My preference would be to auto generate the new password for the user rather than have an administrator type it themselves.
Given this, the only way to change the password directly in the database would be to encrypt it first before insertion. It's quicker to do this through an UI that deals with the encrypting.
In answer to your update, you should specify in your web.config that the password format be hashed:
<add [...]
as outlined here:
There is never a reason to allow someone to see a password they do not own, under any circumstance.
Update for the OP Update: Of course I have no way to know why your DB was designed like this. Thinking optimistically, it contains the plain password so that if a user forgets their password it can be mailed to them -- a bad excuse, but an unfortunately common one. A better alternative is to have the system mail them a freshly generated temporary password -- one which works only to allow setting of a permanent password (and does not destroy the current password until the change occurs).
No user should be allowed to see the Plaintext password of any other user whatsoever. The password must be encrypted atleast if not hashed even in the database.
You MAY allow the super admin to change any user's password, but allowing him to see it in plaintext is taboo.
EDIT: Are you absolutely certain the password field stores the password in plaintext, while there exists another passwordkey field? Because, it sounds similar to a 'salt' mechanism to me. Where, the password is first encrypted with one key, and then re-encrypted with the passwordkey field.
EDIT 2: I am now almost absolutely certain that your database is using a salted password. Salted passwords are often used to increase the security level of the database. For more information on salt, check this.
You should always save passwords encrypted. Therefore you don't have any possibility to show the superadmin the password of another user.
You should never ever store password as is in any database. Always use a hash function to save the password.
You should save all passwords encrypted in DB.. Not in plaintext!!

Retrieve password in text format from Hash_Secret format ie from salt in Rails

I'm writing a very simple login system for a Rails app. I'm using RESTful authentication. It's a fairly conventional setup, where I'm sending the email and password to authenticate the user.
Here, I used REMEMBER ME?, if same user again wanna login then by using cookie, user can re-login. Now thing is like, I want to print email and password in its respective text-box. Email is inserted into the textbox but I am facing a problem to show password in text-field.
At the time of login, such condition is used
#person.password_hash == BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(#password, #person.password_salt)
How can I get my password in text form?
[irony]Why are you even hashing them if you want to display it in text form?[/irony]
But to be serious: hashing is one way operation, you can't revert it.
Therefore you can't display user password (and btw - you shouldn't do it anyway, it's violation of the security principles).
When writing "remember me" feature, look at way devise is doing it: If you want that feature to be really safe, there is some amount of work required to code it.
After a lot of searching the web, I found that BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret is one-way encryption of password. This means there is no way to reverse the process. So if you are trying to make password text from BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret, you cannot do it.
