Microdata for dictionary : can I use yandex - microdata

I'm willing to use microdata/microformat/etc. for the part of my website which is an online dictionary. Basically I just want to tag word and definition to help search engines to grab the most important data in every page belonging to the dictionary, and maybe have Google use them as "rich snippets" in results page.
Main problem is it's hard to find dedicated vocabulary for words and definitions (no problem for recipes, movies and hotels though) and I'm not sure if I have to use the "http://schema.org/Article" tree for my lexicographic work. (To my mind, it makes sense to tag something when it's specific enough).
I have found something interesting at Yandex, for words and encyclopedia, I want to ask what to do with. See there :
It looks like it is very close to my request. But I'm sorry I dont know what is Yandex... will it work with Google ?
I'm asking here if that page, from Yandex, is a working model, is still on use, what are the pros and cons ? Will Google be able to use the specific vocabulary from Yandex and understand my Yandex-tagged data ? is it worth using that vocabulary for an online dictionary, or is something else I have missed of better use ?
(http://webmaster.yandex.ru/vocabularies/term-def.xml, which should be the vocabulary url, gives me a 404).
One more question, please : am I allowed to write (duplicate) the most important data in the header, something like (I believe I am, because Google microdata testing tool prooves to be able to extract the data from that code) :
<html itemscope itemtype="http://webmaster.yandex.ru/vocabularies/term-def.xml">
<meta itemprop="term" content="My term" />
<meta itemprop="definition" content="My definition" />
Just to mention I was interested, though not happy with these close discussions :
schema.org and an online dictionary

Yandex is Russia's version of Google, and typically they both recognize and honor each other's search engine result implementations.
These articles you are referencing are incredibly outdated; I recommend you seeking out fresher sources, preferably where the term being defined uses the proper HTML element.
Here's the Yandex URL that is 404ing, the Wayback Machine is your friend!
Back to fresher documentation/resources, in this case the correct element as of 2016-10-05 is the <dfn> element. I know you want added semantics, but semantics is the proper place to start, and I'd follow that up by marking the entire dictionary up within a Definition List element, and placing the definition wrapped in the definition element into the <dt>, and the definition's of the term in the corresponding <dd>s.
I wouldn't waste time trying to find the perfect ontology here; implement [rel="tag" Microformat on all of the definitions], you can always come back and add a more desired one.
I've written a blog post about this, but a much more valuable resource is HTML5 Doctor's Glossary impementation, More importantly, view source - view-source:http://html5doctor.com/element-index/ (why stackoverflow doesn't recognize 'view-source' schema is beyond me)
More References/Resources:
Microformats Definition Examples has some very interesting ideas/code snippets
Utilizing the Underused by Semantically Awesome Definition List - Written Prior to HTML5's Redefinition of <dl> but Relevant


Getting most relevant content from page

I need to create a universal web scraper to parse articles on the different websites. Of course, I know about XPath, but I want to try to make it universal for any website despite the HTML markup of a page.
I need to determine whether there is an article on the page and if it is - parse a text of title, body and tags (if exists).
Frankly speaking, my knowledge in DS is not very huge, but I assume this task (determine whether it is article, and parsing only needed parts) is possible to solve.
What tools should I use? Any help?
Actually, for the second task, I need to implement something similar that google chrome mobile does. When page is not optimised for mobile, then propose to show the page in adaptive mode (just title, and main content).
If you are using Python, some libraries to look at are:
scrapy, which scrapes data and can extract some of the results) and,
BeautifulSoup, which is more geared towards the extraction part itself.
It is possible to request a version of a website (e.g. for Chrome, Safari, Mobile, old-school systems) by creating a custom header for your scraper.
HAve a look at the relevant documentation, and you can get an idea of how to use headers in scrapy here.
I do not know of any more specialised tools. Your tasks are more analytical and are typically not performed with the use of models for estimating e.g. what content is where on a webpage. This might be an intersting research direction though; to see if you can create a model that generalises across many websites to extract the desired content.
That leads me on to my last point, which is to say that creating a single scraper that works for any website *containing your artile type) is not usually possible. People create websites differently, however they see fit, which means they also change them. This usually leads to a good scraper requiring constant updates as time (and developers) moves on.
Then if you have lots of labelled examples, it might be possible to train a model. The challenge might be the look-back range of the model. For example, a typical LSTM model is given a parameter that tells it how far to look back into the past. It is stored within its memory internally. In your case, you might be looking for a start and end HTML tag of an article, to then extract just that part. These tahs could be thousands of words apart. Something a standard LSTM might not be fit to retain and use.
If you could pose your problem a little differently, then there are other approaches that might be plausible. E.g., you could make it a "question-answer" problem, by saying: I have this HTML, where is the article content? If that sounds ok for your use-case, have a look here for some model based approaches.

Where to find documentation for form field types?

I'm getting frustrated with my own inability to find a source of information regarding what options / attributes are to be used when defining the XML file for a form in a component.
The file I'm talking about might be located in /administrator/components/com_report_wiz/models/forms, as an example. It defines the field to be used in the admin form for a component. I used a component creator to build a sample component as a learning experience. It created an xml file in that folder which has fieldset elements that then contain field elements. This us then used with the getLabel and getInput methods of JForm to generate the form shown in the admin interface. That's terrific!
But, after spending hours Googleing everything I could think of, I still can't find any reference that shows what types of fields are available, and their parameters/options. I've found lot's of tutorials and such regarding creating custom field types, and that's been interesting.
In the file I'm looking at, for example, the following creates a simple text input field in the form:
<field name="rpt_appname" type="text"
maxlength="100" />
I would love to find some reference that lists the different possible values for the "type" attribute, and the parameters that can be used with each.
I'm beginning to think I'm dumber than a box of rocks since I can't figure out where to find information on some of the most basic parts of Joomla! development. The docs that are auto-generated from the code are less than helpful to me since they don't explain the parameters to functions. It's nice to know what parameters a method/function expects, but it's more helpful to understand what those parameters are and contain.
The tutorials have been helpful, but are mostly too basic to use for more advanced features, or at least as a source of information. They have been great, and I really appreciate the effort the authors have put into them, but now that I've gone through them, I find it difficult to discover the info needed to write a proper, complex component. With a system as complex and extensive as Joomla, it seems that there should be a place to find out how to use the wonderful abilities it provides without having to resort to reading the source code.
Any suggestions about where to search, search terms would be greatly appreciated!!
The first starting point would be to look at the Joomla! Documentation - I know sometimes it is frustrating to use it, but give it a change. It gets better and better as we speak.
Typing in the search box text will get you to the page Text form field type. Also in the documentation you will find a list of Standard form field types.
My favourite way of doing is directly inspecting the code in JOOMLA_ROOT/libraries/joomla/form/fields for the needed form type. You get to see there all the parameters and quicklier understand why something does not work the way you think it should work.
Since you are new to Joomla, your questions might get a better attention at the Joomla! Q&A site.
Hope this answers your question.

How do I take each line of a text file and insert them into a web form? Specifically, for testing domain name availability

I wrote a Ruby script that appended "data" to the beginning of every word of the English dictionary, and then filtered out various strings using different parameters, and now I want to use a site like namecheap or gandi.net in order to take each of these strings and insert them into the domain name availability checker in order to determine which ones are available.
It is my understanding that this will involve making a POST HTTP request of some kind, as well as grabbing the element in question, but I don't really understand the dynamics of what to read about in order to do this kind of thing.
I imagine that after a few requests I will be limited, but as a learning exercise I am still curious as to how I would go about doing this.
I inspected the element (on namecheap) to see what the tag looked like, to find any uniquely identifiable class/id names that I could use to grab that specific part of the source, and found that inside a fieldset tag, there was a line of HTML that I can't seem to paste here, so here is a picture:
Thanks in advance for any guidance in helping me learn about web scripting!

What is a good approach for extracting keywords from user-submitted text?

I'm building a site that allows users to make sense of a debate by graphically representing arguments for and against a particular issue. (Wrangl)
I'd like to categorise these debates so they are more easily found and connected. I don't want to irritate the person creating the debate by asking them to add tags and categories before they see any benefit, so I'm looking at a way of automatically extracting keywords.
What's a good approach for taking the debate's title and description (and possibly the content of the arguments themselves once there are some) to pull out, say, ten strong keywords that could be used as metadata to connect similar debates together, or even as the content of the "meta" keywords tag in the head of the HTML page where the debate is viewable. Eg. Datamapper vs ActiveRecord
The site is coded in Ruby with Sinatra, using DataMapper for data storage. I'm ideally looking for something which will work on Heroku (I don't have a way of writing files to disk dynamically), and I'd consider a web service, an API or ideally a Ruby gem.
Maybe you can use TextAnalyzer.
I understand that you're wanting to find an easy way of achieving this, I've recently dived into the world of NLP (Natural Language Processing) and Text-mining and its a daunting process of which most went far above my head.
Although i managed to code some functionality that resembles what you're looking for, though I did it in PHP. What i would suggest, that if you want it tailored to your project (Wrangl) then do it yourself.
Using the Porter stemming algorithm which I'm sure there will be Ruby code for.
Ruby Porter stemmer
You can try the salsaAPI to automatically extract keywords and categorize the debates!

Algorithm to find out if a website is a blog?

This is a creative one :-)
I'll be receiving a list of hundreds of new URLs regularly and want to find out if they are linking to a blog or not - between 80% and 95% accuracy would be sufficient.
Obviously I need to analyze the HTML of the page - but how exactly would you approach this (e.g. meta tags, structural analysis, pattern matching, machine learning ...)?
I would look at the generator <meta> tag for known blog editors. For example here's how it looks for Wordpress:
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress.com" />
Building on Darin's solution, I would look for the generator <meta> tag for known blog editors and combine it with a lookup table of common sites, ie. WordPress.com, Blogspot.com, Livejournal.com, and so forth. That should give you 80-95% in the near term, though it won't be robust enough for an ongoing process over an extended period of time.
An extended solution is much harder, given the amorphous definition of the term "blog". In which case, you'll want to consider breaking the list down into its hosting site and defining characteristics and create hard and fast rules on what constitutes a blog:
Is it hosted by a blogging service provider?
Is it listed in a blog aggregator, such as Technorati?
Does it include blog-like services, such as user-generated articles, tags, and the ability to comment?
Does it provide meta information that I can use to easily identify it as a blog?
Does it otherwise identify itself as a blog, via the inclusion of the term "blog" or some other criteria?
I can easily see a neural network constructed to determine if a page is a blog or not, but this serverely oversteps the bounds of your requirements. I'd say start simple, then extend your solution relative to the proposed lifetime of your system.
The above suggestions are good, and probably will work if you're aiming for 80-90% accuracy.
I would go one step further and look for any .xml RSS feed in either a meta tag, or as a link. Then check the feed to see if there are any comment tags (since there are feeds for other purposes too). I would OMIT this for certain blog platforms that don't give you a feed such as Tumblr.
