Heroku deployment error via codeship - heroku

I want to deploy django app to heroku via codeship and it generate an error and that is wget -O/dev/null http://something.herokuapp.com
How to fix the problem

Marko from the Codeship team here. Could you paste some more log output, or open a ticket on https://helpdesk.codeship.com?
Judging from the command you pasted above, I'd guess the check if the Heroku app, that you just deployed to, is running fails and this causes the build itself to fail.
Without any additional configuration we check the root URL for your application at http://HEROKU_APP_NAME.herokuapp.com via wget and see if it returns an HTTP/2xx or HTTP/3xx status code.
If it does, the check succeeds, else the build fails.
You can take a look at the script we use to perform the check at https://github.com/codeship/scripts/blob/master/utilities/check_url.sh


How can I see the changes I make to a Go app running in Heroku local?

I admit I'm a GoLang newbie. In an attempt to learn Go, I developed an app about a year ago (based on the Heroku Getting started repository) and deployed it to Heroku. I used the heroku local server to develop it locally and deployed it successfully. Now I want to make some changes but I don't have the original source, so I have cloned the app from the Heroku repository.
I have got it running locally with the following steps:
export GOPATH=~/project_path
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
go get
go install
heroku local
So far, so good. The problem is that when I make a simple change to the code in main.go, it doesn't show up in the browser. I've tried running go install and restarting the server after making the change but it makes no difference.
I've noticed that the file name in the Procfile is now incorrect (go-getting-started instead of the name of my project folder) but the server still runs and changing the name doesn't make any difference, locally at least. Same goes for the Dockerfile.
What am I doing wrong please?
Every time you make a change to a Go file in the project you need to run go install and stop and restart the heroku local server.
You might want to just run the server yourself with PORT=5000 go run main.go so that you only have to restart one thing. Or you can check out something like https://github.com/pilu/fresh which will listen to filesystem changes and restart your server for you.

How to view output of postdeploy script on heroku?

I specified a postdeploy script in my app.json. The build info in the heroku web interface shows "There was an issue while running the post deploy script."
"scripts": {
"postdeploy": "./bin/heroku_postdeploy"
How can I get the output / logs of my postdeploy script, to see what went wrong? heroku logsdoes not show the output.
When I run the postdeploy script via heroku CLI everything works fine.
In case of a failure of the dynos (in my case mixed paid and non paid dynos), the post deploy log is not displayed, although the error said the postdeploy script had an error. Heroku support figured that out. They said, they're going to make the errors and logs better in the future.
At the moment you would need to contact support. But first check, if you have your dynos configured correctly.

How can I debug my failed deployment on Heroku?

Trying to deploy a Node app and usually have no issues at all. Now I'm having TypeScript resolution errors that only fail on Heroku but work locally and I have no idea how to test it ON Heroku.
I know I can do heroku run bash but then I'm just in an empty directory without my code.
I'd like to heroku run bash after the failed build and look around and run my commands as Heroku would so I can see why I'm having module resolution errors.
Can't find anything about it on Google whatsoever

Parse Dashboard - works locally, blank on Heroku

I am running Parse dashboard locally - works fine
Deployed to Heroku (see references below) - it runs but does now load anything (blank screen). No errors in the log - app is up and running.
I have tried to deploy based on the following links:
The issues came down to the bundles/ directory not being pushed correctly to git (and thus Heroku).
Make sure you run 'npm install' on your local directory
Make sure you add/commit the entire directory to git.

How to run my ruby file in heroku?

Sorry if i cannot make you understand, but this is how i understand and how i can tell you.
I am new to ruby and now i have learned a few and with that i have written a ruby code. It is actually to access the storageroom content management system from the form that i have done with ruby. And i used sinatra so i kept my stylesheet file in public folder and similarly i have a folder named storage_room_gem which i have to keep in the directory where my code is present.And another thing my code writes to a html file and it displays the html file.
Now i ran the code in my machine and it ran well. But i tried to run using heroku and it shows H10 error. what should i do?
By issuing the command
heroku logs --app <your appname here>
you can see the logs. The error should be listed there, as well as the stacktrace. If you post that, it makes it easier to help debug your code. Here is a link to more information on the heroku logs: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/logging#log_retrieval
Also, you can run it locally in a heroku-like environment using foreman. By running locally, you could have more tools at your disposal to investigate the error.
Here is a link to more information on foreman: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/procfile/#developing_locally_with_foreman
