Makefile - Select names from list using mask - makefile

I have Makefile in which I get a list of files from a certain directory. I need to choose only those, in the names of which there are numbers (like 123.txt). What is the best way to do it?

You can use a glob or wildcard, for example:
all.txt: text/*.txt
cat $^ >> $#
$ cd -- "$(mktemp --directory)"
$ mkdir text
$ echo foo > text/1.txt
$ echo bar > text/2.txt
$ make
cat text/1.txt text/2.txt >> all.txt

NUMBER_FILENAMES := $(shell echo " $(LIST) " | sed 's/ [^ 0-9]* / /g')


How to create a bash script to make directories and specific files inside each directory

I wrote a bash script trying to generate one directory named after each file inside the directory from which I run the script.
Original directory= /home/agalvez/data//sims/phylip_format
Directories to create = sim1 sim2
The contents of these new directories should be a copy of the original file that names the new directory and an extra file called "input". This file should contain the name of the .phylip file as well as the following:
"Name of original file"
After that I want to run the following command (sequentially) in all these new directories:
phylip dollop < input > screenout
My approach is the following one but it is not working:
for f in *.phylip;
mkdir /home/agalvez/data/sims/dollop/$f;
cp $f /home/agalvez/data/sims/dollop/$f;
cd /home/agalvez/data/sims/dollop/$f;
echo "$f" | cat > input;
echo "U" | cat >> input;
echo "5" | cat >> input;
echo "Y" | cat >> input;
echo "/home/agalvez/data/sims/trees/tree_nodenames.txt" | cat >> input;
phylip dollop < input > screenout;
Edit: The error messge looks like this:
line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `mkdir'
line 4: ` mkdir /home/agalvez/data/sims/dollop/$f;'
for f in *.phylip;
mkdir /home/agalvez/data/sims/dollop/$f;
cp /home/agalvez/data/sims/phylip_format/$f /home/agalvez/data/sims/dollop/$f;
cd /home/agalvez/data/sims/dollop/$f;
echo "$f" | cat > input;
echo "U" | cat >> input;
echo "5" | cat >> input;
echo "Y" | cat >> input;
echo "/home/agalvez/data/sims/trees/tree_nodenames.txt" | cat >> input;
phylip dollop < input > screenout;
The immediate problem is that you are lacking a do at the beginning of the loop body; but you'll want to refactor this code to avoid hardcoding the directory structure etc.
The first line needs to start with literally the two characters # and ! in order to be a valid shebang.
Notice also When to wrap quotes around a shell variable?
The printf could be replaced with a here document; I like the compactness of printf here.
for f in *.phylip; do
mkdir -p dollop/"$f"
cp "$f" dollop/"$f"
cd dollop/"$f"
printf "%s\n" "$f" "U" "5" "Y" \
"/home/agalvez/data/sims/trees/tree_nodenames.txt" |
phylip dollop > screenout
Going forward, try for diagnosing many common beginner problems in shell scripts.
Assuming you have a directory named pingping in your ${HOME} folder with files 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt. You can accomplish that like this. Modify this code to suit your needs.
#! /bin/bash
cd $working_directory
for f in *.txt
mkdir "${f%%.*}"
if [ -f "${f%%.*}.txt" ]
if [ -d "${f%%.*}" ]
cp ${f%%.*}.txt ${f%%.*}
echo "Done copying"
#phylip dollop < input > screenout
#echo "Succesfully ran the command
echo "not found"

How to stop Makefile from expanding my shell output?

By running this:
GITIGNORE_CONTENTS = $(shell while read -r line; do printf "$$line "; done < "$(.gitignore)")
The contents of the variable GITIGNORE_CONTENTS are the expanded version of the ignore patterns on my .gitignore file, i.e., myfile.txt instead of *.txt
I am using this solution because none of the solution on the question Create a variable in a makefile by reading contents of another file work.
This solution works inside a make rule to print the file names, but not put them inside a variable:
while read -r line; do \
printf "$$line "; \
done < ".gitignore"
This is an issue of shell's wildcard expansion, not of make's. Consider this,
GITIGNORE_CONTENTS:=$(shell cat .gitignore)
.PHONY: all
# or alternatively:
By running this:
GITIGNORE_CONTENTS = $(shell while read -r line; do printf "$$line "; done < ".gitignore")
With the following .gitignore file:
# Comment
It correctly outputs:
echo "*.txt *.var # Comment *.xml *.html "
*.txt *.var # Comment *.xml *.html

What is wrong with my list naming code?

I would like to change the file name from Sub****_Ses1 to HU_TT_12_****_UU;
(**** numbered from 0001 to 1600)
I did the below
#Change file name
cd Subj_id
for abcd in Sub****_Ses1; do
mv Sub$a$b$c$d_Ses1 HU_TT_12_$a$b$c$d_UU;
for and wildcards don't work like this. Use cut to extract the number.
$ touch Sub000{1,2,3,4}_Ses1
$ for f in Sub????_Ses1
abcd=$(echo $f | cut -b4-7)
mv $f HU_TT_12_${abcd}_UU
$ ls HU_TT_12_000*
HU_TT_12_0001_UU HU_TT_12_0002_UU HU_TT_12_0003_UU HU_TT_12_0004_UU
You can use sed and mv
set -x
cd $Subj_id
for i in Sub*_Ses1 ; do
#echo $i|sed -r 's/^.*\([[:digit:]]{4}\).*/HU_TT_12_\1_UU/'
mv $i $(echo $i|sed -rn 's/^.*([[:digit:]]{4}).*/HU_TT_12_\1_UU/ p')

Use sed to print matching lines

Sample data in a stackoverflow.csv file I have:
I know with sed -n /foo/p stackoverflow.csv > foo.csv
I'll get all records matching foo directed to that file, but I don't want to specify the matching pattern on the cli, I'd rather put it in a script and have all records (foo, bar and baz) sent to their own file.
Basically this in a script:
sed -n /foo/p stackoverflow.csv > foo.csv
sed -n /bar/p stackoverflow.csv > bar.csv
sed -n /baz/p stackoverflow.csv > baz.csv
Like this:
sleep 2
sed -n /foo/p > foo.csv
sed -n /bar/p > bar.csv
sed -n /baz/p > baz.csv
This creates the files but they're all empty.
Also, if the script were to have just one print statement, it works.
Any input?
You missed the input filename
sleep 2
sed -n /foo/p stackoverflow.csv > foo.csv
sed -n /bar/p stackoverflow.csv > bar.csv
sed -n /baz/p stackoverflow.csv > baz.csv
You can provide input file as an argument to your script, in that case change the script to read an argument and pass it to the sed command.
Run the script like this: ./ input_filename, where you can specify different input files as argument.
sed -n /foo/p ${file} > foo.csv
sed -n /bar/p ${file} > bar.csv
sed -n /baz/p ${file} > baz.csv
Here's a solution with grep in a loop where you don't need to provideeach term in advance. Assuming a bash shell:
for i in $(sort stackoverflow.csv | uniq); do grep $i testfile > $i; done
The w command in sed allows you to write to a named file.
sed -n -e '/foo/wfoo.csv' -e '/bar/wbar.csv' \
-e '/baz/wbaz.csv' stackoverflow.csv
Not all sed dialects accept multiple -e arguments; a multi-line string with the commands separated by newlines may be the most portable solution.
sed -n '/foo/wfoo.csv
/baz/wbaz.csv' stackoverflow.csv
This examines the input file just once, and writes out the matching lines as it proceeds through the file.
To create a script which accepts one or more file names as arguments, replace the hard-coded file name with "$#".
sed -n ... "$#"

Grep multiple occurrences given two strings and two integers

im looking for a bash script to count the occurences of a word in a given directory and it's subdirectory's files with this pattern:
for example:
str1= yo
str2= uf
n= 3
m= 4
the match would be "yoyoyoufufufuf"
but i'm having trouble with grep
that's what i have tried
for file in $(find $dir)
if [ -f $file ]; then
echo "<$file>:<`grep '\<\$str1\{$n\}\$str2\{$m\}\>'' $file | wc -l >" >> a.txt
should i use find?
#Barmar's comment is useful.
If I understand your question, I think this single grep command should do what you're looking for:
grep -r -c "^\($str1\)\{$n\}\($str2\)\{$m\}$" "$dir"
Note the combination of -r and -c causes grep to output zero-counts for non-matching files. You can pipe to grep -v ":0$" to suppress this output if you require:
$ dir=.
$ str1=yo
$ str2=uf
$ n=3
$ m=4
$ cat youf
$ grep -r -c "^\($str1\)\{$n\}\($str2\)\{$m\}$" "$dir"
$ grep -r -c "^\($str1\)\{$n\}\($str2\)\{$m\}$" "$dir" | grep -v ":0$"
Note also $str1 and $str2 need to be put in parentheses so that the {m} and {n} apply to everything within the parentheses and not just the last character.
Note the escaping of the () and {} as we require double-quotes ", so that the variables are expanded into the grep regular expression.
