I have a web application. The authentication tokens are stored in in-memory cache and not stored in database. I am using Couchbase for caching. During deployment of application, the cache will be lost and all the users will be logged out subsequently as tokens are stored in cache. What can I do to prevent my cache from being lost? I still don't want to use database for storing tokens.
Are you flushing your buckets intentionally? Or you mean you are using "memcached" type of buckets which do not survive reboot?
I would recommend you to setup "couchbase" type of the bucket, and use expiration time when you are storing session. In this case you will have persistent session, but still not run out of space, because of old inactive sessions will be removed automatically.
I was wrong. The cache persists. Even after rebooting the server. Strange but yes it does. May be, couchbase flows cache to disk on rebooting. Also, my use case involved Spring which rules out possibility of using "memcached" type bucket.
I have a questions about Redis cache and laravel. By default laravel uses file which caches views to a file and load them from that cache.
Now here's the thing, I started using ElastiCache with Redis for my Laravel 5.4 project. If I change the driver to redis and it starts to cache (which I can tell by a loading time) but what does it actually cache? Does it automatically cache and retrieve my views? css? js? anything else?
I am also using redis for sessions driver, what does that give me?
Is it worth caching database as well? I was planning to cache whole database every hour and then whenever new item is added to database, add it to the existing cache. Is that possible?
The redis could give you two advantages:
faster data retrieving. Any memory-based cache system can give you this advantage than file-based or DB-based, such as memcached.
flexible data saving in redis. redis support many data-type store such as string, list, set, sorted-set and so on.
About caching what?
Cache the frequent request thing. If your client request something or query something to you, and you do not have cache, you will have to query it from your database, which give you an disk I/O time cost. And if the thing is heavy, then the IO cost will be bigger and slow down your server. So the smart way is , just query once and then save it into redis by suitable data-type store. After that retrive thousands with Cache. But you do not need to cache the overall database. It looks rude. And when you update something in db, just delete from your cache and after next time someone query this, it will save into cache again.
About Session. this is very frequent access thing for http server , so every user'session into cache is more light weight than file or db if your app server many many many people.
Cache the static file. Actually I has not dealt with this. But it can do this definitely! E.g. In modern architecture, there is often a Http server stand before your laravel such as nginx. In this way, you will use nginx serve the static file directly. And if you want decrease the disk io about this, you can add a module like redis2-nginx-module for nginx to do a same thing : save the static file into redis once and serve thousands.
I am very much new to redis. I have been investigating on redis for past few days.I read the documentation on cache management(lru cache), commands ,etc. I want to know how to implement caching for multiple microservice(s) data .
I have few questions:
Can all microservices data(cached) be kept under a single instance of redis
Should every microservice have its own cache database in redis?
How to refresh cache data without setting EXPIRE? Since it would consume more memory.
Some more information on best practices on redis with microservices will be helpful.
It's possible to use the same Redis for multiple microservices, just make sure to prefix your redis cache keys to avoid conflict between all microservices.
You can use multi db in the same redis instance (i.e one for each microservice) but it's discouraged because Redis is single threaded.
The best way is to use one Redis for each microservices, then you can easily flush one of them without touching others.
From my personal experience with a redis cache in production (with 2 million keys), there is no problem using EXPIRE. I encourage you to use it.
Please find below the answer to all your questions -
Can all microservices data(cached) be kept under a single instance of redis server? Ans - Yes you can keep all the data under single redis instance, all you need to do is to set that data using different key Name. As redis is basically a Key-Value Database.
Should every microservice have its own cache database in redis? Ans - Not required. Just make different key for each microservice. Also please note that you can use colon (:) to make folders in redis, to identify different microservices easily on Redis Desktop Manager.
Example - Key Name X:Y:Z, here Z is placed in Y folder and Y is in X. SO you will get a folder kind of structure. That would be helpful to differentiate different microservices.
How to refresh cache data without setting EXPIRE? Since it would consume more memory. Ans - You can set data again on the same key if you have any change in Microservice response. That Key value will get over written in that case.
Can all microservices data(cached) be kept under a single instance of redis server?
In microservice architecture it's prefirible "elastic scale SaaS". You can think your Cache service is perse a microservice (that will response on demand) Then you have multiple options here. The recommended practice on data storage is sharding https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/best-practices-caching/#partitioning-a-redis-cache .See the diagram below for book Microservices, IoT and Azure
Should every microservice have its own cache database in redis? It's possible to still thinking "vertical partition" but you should consider "horizontal partitions" so again consider sharding; additionally It's not a bad idea to have "local cache" specialy to avoid DoS
"Be careful not to introduce critical dependencies on the availability of a shared cache service into your solutions. An application should be able to continue functioning if the service that provides the shared cache is unavailable. The application should not hang or fail while waiting for the cache service to resume."
How to refresh cache data without setting EXPIRE? Since it would consume more memory.
You can define your synch polices; I think cache is suitable for things that have few changes.
"It might also be appropriate to have a background process that periodically updates reference data in the cache to ensure it is up to date, or that refreshes the cache when reference data changes."
For cahe best practices check
Caching Best Practices
I understand that memcached is a distributed caching system. However, is it entirely necessary for memcached to replicate? The objective is to persist sessions in a clustered environment.
For example if we have memcached running on say 2 servers, both with data on it, and server #1 goes down, could we potentially lose session data that was stored on it? In other words, what should we expect to see happen should any memcached server (storing data) goes down and how would it affect our sessions in a clustered environment?
At the end of the day, will it be up to use to add some fault tolerance to our application? For example, if the key doesn't exist possibly because one of the servers it was on went down, re-query and store back to memcached?
From what I'm reading, it appears to lean in this direction but would like confirmation: https://developers.google.com/appengine/articles/scaling/memcache#transient
Thanks in advance!
Memcached has it's own fault tolerance built in so you don't need to add it to your application. I think providing an example will show why this is the case. Let's say you have 2 memcached servers set up in front of your database (let's say it's mysql). Initially when you start your application there will be nothing in memcached. When your application needs to get data if will first check in memcached and if it doesn't exist then it will read the data from the database and insert it into memcached before returning it to the user. For writes you will make sure that you insert the data into both your database and memcached. As you application continues to run it will populate the memcached servers with a bunch of data and take load off of your database.
Now one of your memcached servers crashes and you lose half of your cached data. What will happen is that your application will now be going to the database more frequently right after the crash and your application logic will continue to insert data into memcached except everything will go directly to the server that didn't crash. The only consequence here is that your cache is smaller and your database might need to do a little bit more work if everything doesn't fit into the cache. Your memcached client should also be able to handle the crash since it will be able to figure out where your remaining healthy memcached servers are and it will automatically hash values into them accordingly. So in short you don't need any extra logic for failure situations in memcached since the memcached client should take care of this for you. You just need to understand that memcached servers going down might mean your database has to do a lot of extra work. I also wouldn't recommend re-populating the cache after a failure. Just let the cache warm itself back up since there's no point in loading items that you aren't going to use in the near future.
m03geek also made a post where he mentioned that you could also use Couchbase and this is true, but I want to add a few things to his response about what the pros and cons are. First off Couchbase has two bucket (database) types and these are the Memcached Bucket and the Couchbase Bucket. The Memcached bucket is plain memcached and everything I wrote above is valid for this bucket. The only reasons you might want to go with Couchbase if you are going to use the memcached bucket are that you get a nice web ui which will provide stats about your memcached cluster along with ease of use of adding and removing servers. You can also get paid support down the road for Couchbase.
The Couchbase bucket is totally different in that it is not a cache, but an actual database. You can completely drop your backend database and just use this bucket type. One nice thing about the Couchbase bucket is that it provides replication and therefore prevents the cold cache problem that memcached has. I would suggest reading the Couchbase documentation if this sounds interesting you you since there are a lot of feature you get with the Couchbase bucket.
This paper about how Facebook uses memcached might be interesting too.
Couchbase embedded memcached and "vanilla" memcached have some differences. One of them, as far as I know, is that couchbase's memcached servers act like one. This means that if you store your key-value on one server, you'll be able to retreive it from another server in cluster. And vanilla memcached "clusters" are usally built with sharding technique, which means on app side you should know what server contain desired key.
My opinion is that replicating memcached data is unnessesary. Modern datacenters provide almost 99% uptime. So if someday one of your memcached servers will go down just some of your online users will be needed to relogin.
Also on many websites you can see "Remember me" checkbox that sets a cookie, which can be used to restore session. If your users will have that cookie they will not even notice that one of your servers were down. (that's answer for your question about "add some fault tolerance to our application")
But you can always use something like haproxy and replicate all your session data on 2 or more independent servers. In this case to store 1 user session you'll need N times more RAM, where N is number of replicas.
Another way - to use couchbase to store sessions. Couchbase cluster support replicas "out of the box" and it also stores data on disk, so if your node (or all nodes) will suddenly shutdown or reboot, session data will not lost.
Short answer: memcached with "remember me" cookie and without replication should be enough.
I store data in
HttpContext.Current.Application.Add(appKey, value);
And read data by this one:
This has the advantage for me that is using a key for a value but after a short time (about 20 minutes) it does not work, and I can not find [appKey],because the application life cycle in iis data will lose.
i want to know is that another way to store my data by key and value?
i do not want sql server,file,... and want storing data on server not on client
i store users some data in it.
thanks for your helping
Since IIS may recycle and throw away any cache/memory contents at any time, the only way you will get data persisted is to store it outside IIS. Some examples are; (and yes, I included the ones you stated you didn't want just to have the list a bit more complete, feel free to skip them)
A SQL database (there are quite a few free ones if the price is prohibitive)
A NoSQL database (same thing there, quite a few free ones and usually simpler to use for key/value)
File (which you also stated you didn't want)
Some kind of external memory cache, a'la AppFabric cache or memcached.
Cookies (somewhat limited in size and not secure in any way by default)
you could create a persistent cookie on the user's machine so that the session doesn't expire, or increase the session timeout to a value that would work better for your situation/users
How to create persistent cookies in asp.net?
Session timeout in ASP.NET
You're talking about persisting data beyond the scope of a session. So you're going to have to use some form of persistent storage (Database, File, Caching Server).
Have you considered using AppFabric. It's actually pretty easy to implement. You could either access it directly from your code using the nuget packages, or you could just configured it as a session store. (I think) doing the latter would mean you'd get rid of the session timeout issue.
Do you understand that whatever you decide to store in Application, will be available for all users in your application?
Now regarding your actual question, what kind of data do you plan on storing? If its user sensitive data, then it probably makes sense to store it in the session. If it's client specific and it doesn't contain any sensitive information, than cookies is probably a reasonable way forward.
If it is indeed an application wide data and it must be the same for every user of your application, then you can make configuration changes to make sure that it doesn't expiry after 20 minutes.
I have webRole with some data stored in Session. The data is some tens of small variables (strings), and one-two big objects (some megabytes). I need to run this webRole in multiple instances. Since two requests from the single user can go to different instances, Session became useless. So, i am looking for most efficient and simplest method of storing volatile user data for this case. I know that i can store it in cookies at client side, but this will fail for big objects. I also know that i can user data in Azure storage - but this seems to be more complicated than Session. Can anybody suggest both efficient and simple method, like Session state? Or probably some workaround to get Session state working correctly when multiple instances enabled.
This may help
You need to use another session state storage than memory. In Azure you can use Cache, Storage tables or SQL server to share session data between instances.