Mongolab API with ajax - ajax

I'm trying to build an app with comment system and wanna know if
is there any safe way to use the mongolab api without share my key with everyone?
if not what you guys recommend to use instead of mongolab api key with ajax.

Unfortunately there is no way to use the mLab Data API with Ajax and keep the API Key safe. We recommend implementing your own RESTful API server on top of your mLab database that can act as a gatekeeper to the database. Your client application would then make Ajax requests to the API server.
Although this tutorial uses Angular instead of Ajax, here is a good example of the architecture I've described:


How to work in Laravel app with external api?

in my Laravel 5.7/mysql app I need to make external api to read some data from external
app with get request and to write some data to my db with post request.
Which tools/scripts are there for this and how to make these requests safe?
Thanks for feedbacks, but looks like I badly put my question
The external app(I do not know what is it written with) need to read data from my app
and write data to my Laravel 5 app.
And how have I to test these requests while on development locally ?
Looks like I have to use Guzzle as in provided link?
Which steps have I to take for safety on my side?
These three libraries are popular for your use-case:
If the database is local you can use Eloquent, If not, remote connection to that database may help. otherwise, if you only have API access you should consume eighter of above libraries or any alternative options to make an HTTP request your application might require.
Security-wise, as long as you are only making a request to a remote server, the Suggested way is to store any key or secret string related to authorizing your request (if applicable) in your .env to prevent it from committed to your version control systems. Needless to say to always handle any possible HTTP error your remote API might throw in order to prevent any unwanted error on your application side.
And as Abir Adak mentioned in the comment check this thread for further details.
Updated Answer: On the case of MODIFIED part, generally you have 3 popular options,
This blog post is a detailed walkthrough written for Laravel
This one from Stack Overflow can help you with designing you API
This last one can help you to develop a widely accepted API response and endpoints by following its specifications.
Can save some time for developing your API, but I suggest to make sure that the consumers of your API are happy to use this option.
Laravel Package for GraphQL
If using Laravel isn't a must, and you are using PostgreSQL, you might want to look at Hasura as well.
Have little knowledge on this option for Laravel, just know folks coding using C# and .net are happier to expose their API with this protocol. read more about it on WikiPedia
Postman is a great tool for testing your API or any other API.

Consuming Laravel Passport API with javascript (React + Axios) from another application

I have managed to make run Laravel 5.4 and implemented the API Authentication (Passport).
What I would try to achieve is to make this as my API server and build React applications that would interact on this API.
Does this mean I have to make routes on routes\api.php?
Let's say I have a React app name requestform on development and running on How will I consume an api route with axios or jquery?
I can't seem to make the correct keyword to search on google and all the samples I can get are the ones that the API and the javascript application is on the same domain.
This post may have been answered by now. But if not then...
I think you are in the right track..
Does this mean I have to make routes on routes\api.php?
Yes. Your API routes will depend on this file.
Let's say I have a React app name requestform on development and running on How will I consume an api route with axios or jquery?
Make sure your API Server is running, say it's on, you can consume the API in another app by[your-routes].
I can't seem to make the correct keyword to search on google and all the samples I can get are the ones that the API and the javascript application is on the same domain.
This is a matter of what front-end programming you know. You can use any javascript knowledge to consume your own API with the same domain. There is already a Vue integration packaged in Laravel 5.4+ or just plain vanilla javascript or jQuery.

Examples of Datastore read/write from ajax?

My single page app is hosted on Google's cloudstore. I love that I don't have to worry about a server. The app is, naturally, javascript heavy.
Now I would like to add a feature where users can store some data, generate a link to be shared with others and retrieve stored data. Think of a pastebin where some snippet of text is saved and a unique link is generated to be shared with others.
In fact, if it helps, think of this as my attempt to create a pastebin without having to setup a server.
It looks like Google's cloud datastore nosql solution is what I want. Given a key, it will return a snippet of text. However, all the examples on the documentation page imply that I have to setup a back end service using python, node, etc.
Can't I just read and write from a web page, perhaps using ajax style http call (since I need to get and put text snippets once data has already been loaded)? I believe I can take care of cross-origin issues by changing some configs in the cloudstore static website server.
Obviously I don't want to serve any encryption keys from the web page. I'm hoping that since my site is served from Google as well, I can configure the nosql service handle permissions intelligently for this scenario.
Is there any documentation which shows how to do this correctly?
Google Datastore is not supposed to be used from client side, it's a served side database. You cannot do that w/o having server side code to authenticate, authorize and validate db related requests.
But there're an alternative. Firebase is a ready to use backend for client side applications, including Javascript apps. It's a separate project, that belongs to Google but not (yet?) part of Google Cloud. Take a look -
Although the API Rest is still beta, it is possible now to connect from a web client or anything RESTful capabilities.

What is the Best way to consume a RESTful API: jQuery.ajax versus .NET4.0 HttpClient

I am developing a client to access weather information from a RESTful API ( I am using ASP.NET MVC4 and i have two choices as of my limited knowledge.
using jQuery.ajax({....});
using .NET4.0 HttpClient.
The API requires a key parameter key=xxxxxxxxxxxx as part of the request, and i do not want to reveal the key to the users of the site.
Please guide me someone and also let me know if there are some best practices/standard way of doing this?
If you don't want to reveal the key to users of the site, then you have no choice but to use HttpClient from within your ASP.NET web site. If you allow the call to be made by jQuery in the client browser then it is impossible to hide that key.

is it possible to use twitter Bootstrap->front-end + Spring-Hibernate->Backend in a web app that requires storage of session data

I want to create a web app that uses Twitter Bootstrap for the front end, and the backend uses Spring+Hibernate.
Now, some data has to be stored in each user's session-- how do I store/manage such data?
Do I have to use a 3rd party JS framework like Angular (by Google) or some other framework for this purpose?
Also, in such a hybrid app, should I use the JS framework (like Jquery or Angular JS) for storing the data and then send it to the Spring + Hibernate API? What I mean is, I can as well store the object-> relational DB mapping in the js framework, and use Spring only for basic database inserts/updates/selects?
Twitter bootstrap is a CSS framework with some javascript plugins, and is not a language in itself. Using it or not using it will have no impact on what you can/can't use on your backend.
As for sessions; sessions should always be stored server-side... therefore using Bootstrap will have no affect on your implementation of sessions.
Finally, in regards to keeping any of your database logic client side in javascript, NEVER do this. Javascript code can extremely easily be modified by the user, so anything client side should be considered unsecure. Do not ever put anything unsecure in your database.
We can use Twitter Bootstrap for the front end, and Spring MVC -> REST API for the back end...
For simple apps, ex search-only apps we can straightaway create an API and use JQuery to connect to the API and fetch data.
For more complex apps, the problem is that REST APIs dont store session data... For this, however we can use Spring MVC-> REST API as that has support specifically to handle sessions.
Refer that explains how to store session data using Spring MVC- and the front end is a simple HTML/CSS web page.
