How to align horizontally a multiline CLI help text with OptionParser - ruby

I am trying to make the output of my CLI Ruby gem my_command --help cleaner.
There is some CLI options and flags that need a couple of sentences to explain them. I don't have found a way to properly align this text in their column when the explanation is too long to fit inside a regular terminal width view.
I want to have something like this:
ab --help as an example, note how some flags have a multiple line explanations with a proper alignment.
Right now, I am doing something like this in OptionParser to keep text aligned in their column in case we need multiple lines to explain something:
opts.on("-d", "--directory PATH", String, "Directory to save the downloaded files into\n\t\t\t\t Default is ./websites/ plus the domain name") do |t|
options[:directory] = t
It's working, but it doesn't seem optimal nor clean to have \t everywhere to force formatting. Plus, I can see cases where it's not being formatted correctly in other terminal configurations.
How can I align horizontally a multiline CLI help text with OptionParser in a clean way?

You can force line breaks without needing to add tabs by adding more parameters to opts.on:
opts.on("-d", "--directory PATH", String,
"Directory to save the downloaded files into",
"Default is ./websites/ plus the domain name") do |t|
options[:directory] = t
This isn't very clearly documented in official documentation, but you can see it used in the complete example.


bash: how to make a clickable link with query parameters?

I am trying to dump url on the terminal that needs to be clickable, and the url comes with a query parameter. For example --
orgname='foo bar'
echo "details: $orgname ($gsearch)"
But the problem is that the clickable link totally omits everything after the q=, i.e. does not include the string 'foo bar', please see the image below --
How do I make a clickable link that includes the query (i.e. the whole url in the braces above)?
Please also note that I am adding quote in the search parameter since the it may contain spaces.
Single quotes are not valid in URLs. Use the URL encoding %27 instead:
echo "details: $orgname ($gsearch)"
Note that it's the terminal and not your script that decides what's considered part of a URL for the purpose of selecting or clicking. The above results in
which is more clickable in most terminals. The script can't specify what's the extent of the URL except through expressing it in such a standard way that each individual terminal emulator has a decent chance of recognizing it.
PS: I don't think Google cares about surrounding single quotes.

How to syntax-highlight function arguments inside function in Sublime?

I would like to highlight the arguments of a Ruby function in Sublime, when they are used inside the function. Like so:
def my_func(arg1, arg2 = nil)
puts arg1 # should be highlighted
puts arg2 # should be highlighted
I've been messing with Sublime's plist syntax highlighting format for a while (same as Textmate's), but having trouble figuring out how to capture one group (the args in the def line) and use them to match more expressions in another group (the whole method)
I have seen \1 and \2 being used in EndCapture groups before, which gives me hope that this is possible, for example by using \1 in a match group. But I just can't seem to get it to work. Anybody have any ideas?
(too long for comment)
If writing regexes in XML/PLIST is driving you batty, try installing the PackageDev plugin via Package Control. There is an option to convert PLIST .tmLanguage syntax files to YAML, and when you're done editing you can convert it back to PLIST. This way, you don't have to mess around with trying to get all the <dict><array><whatever> tags correct in the .tmLanguage file, and you can focus on the regexes, capturing groups, etc. It also uses the Oniguruma syntax, which I assume you're at least somewhat familiar with if you're a Rubyist. I maintain an improved syntax for Python, and my work has been so much easier since I started using the .YAML-tmlanguage format.
Good luck!

Ignore commented out code when using YARD

I have some Ruby code that looks like this:
# some_string = "{really?}"
where the curly braces need to be part of the string. This line is commented out code that I'd like to remain there. I'm additionally using YARD to document code, so when I run yard doc it (naturally) throws a warning about being unable to link "really".
Is there a way I can tell YARD to ignore commented out code?
Is there a way I can tell YARD to ignore commented out code?
On the one hand, YARD is documented as supporting Rdoc markup. And Rdoc is documented to support a couple of ways to hide parts.
RDoc stops processing comments if it finds a comment line starting
with -- right after the # character (otherwise, it will be treated as
a rule if it has three dashes or more). This can be used to separate
external from internal comments, or to stop a comment being associated
with a method, class, or module. Commenting can be turned back on with
a line that starts with ++.
:stopdoc: / :startdoc:
Stop and start adding new documentation elements to the current
container. For example, if a class has a number of constants that you
don’t want to document, put a :stopdoc: before the first, and a
:startdoc: after the last. If you don’t specify a :startdoc: by the end
of the container, disables documentation for the rest of the current
On the other hand, I have never persuaded Rdoc or YARD to follow that markup. If your luck is better than mine, you can stop reading here.
If you, too, can't persuade YARD to follow that markup, I think your best bet might be to cut that line, and commit the file with a distinctive commit message--one that you'll be able to find easily by grepping the source control logs.
Finally, rake lets you transform text (code) files in arbitrary ways. You can write a Rakefile to delete lines before processing them through YARD.
$ cat silly-ruby-file.src
class Something
def this_method
def that_method
# some_string = "{really?}" # Hide me
I appended the text # Hide me; it's a lot easier to filter that specific text than it is to filter commented lines of arbitrary code.
$ cat Rakefile
task :default => "silly-ruby-file.rb"
sh "grep -v '# Hide me' silly-ruby-file.src > silly-ruby-file.rb"
This tells rake to run grep, copying all lines except those that have the text "# Hide me" to stdout, which is redirected to "silly-ruby-file.rb".

How to handle two dashes in ReST

I'm using Sphinx to document a command line utility written in Python. I want to be able to document a command line option, such as --region like this:
**--region** <region_name>
in ReST and then use Sphinx to to generate my HTML and man pages for me.
This works great when generating man pages but in the generated HTML, the -- gets turned into - which is incorrect. I have found that if I change my source ReST document to look like this:
**---region** <region_name>
The HTML generates correctly but now my man pages have --- instead of --. Also incorrect.
I've tried escaping the dashes with a backslash character (e.g. \-\-) but that had no effect.
Any help would be much appreciated.
This is a configuration option in Sphinx that is on by default: the html_use_smartypants option (
If you turn off the option, then you will have to use the Unicode character '–' if you want an en-dash.
**-\\-region** <region_name>
it should work.
In Sphinx 1.6 html_use_smartypants has been deprecated, and it is no longer necessary to set html_use_smartypants = False in your or as an argument to sphinx-build. Instead you should use smart_quotes = False.
If you want to use the transformations formerly provided by html_use_smartypants, instead it is recommended to use smart_quotes, e.g., smart_quotes = True.
Note that at the time of this writing Read the Docs pins sphinx==1.5.3, which does not support the smart_quotes option. Until then, you'll need to continue using html_use_smartypants.
EDIT It appears that Sphinx now uses smartquotes instead of docutils smart_quotes. h/t #bad_coder.
To add two dashes, add the following:
.. include:: <isotech.txt>
|minus|\ |minus|\ region
Note the backward-slash and the space. This avoids having a space between the minus signs and the name of the parameter.
You only need to include isotech.txt once per page.
With this solution, you can keep the extension smartypants and write two dashes in every part of the text you need. Not just in option lists or literals.
As commented by #mzjn, the best way to address the original submitter's need is to use Option Lists.
The format is simple: a sequence of lines that start with -, --, + or /, followed by the actual option, (at least) two spaces and then the option's description:
-l long listing
-r reversed sorting
-t sort by time
--all do not ignore entries starting with .
The number of spaces between option and description may vary by line, it just needs to be at least two, which allows for a clear presentation (as above) on the source, as well as on the generated document.
Option Lists have syntax for an option argument as well (just put an additional word or several words enclosed in <> before the two spaces); see the linked page for details.
The other answers on this page targeted the original submitter's question, this one addresses their actual need.

Is there a way to delete all comments in a file using Notepad++?

Notepad++ obviously recognizes all comments as such. Is there a way to simply delete all?
Edit: Stat-R's bookmark method has helped greatly, not only for removing comments but for conditionally removing lines in general.
For a general file, first of all you need to know the comment operator of the language you are writing the file in. For example, in java script the comment operator is //.
For the following code...
In NP++, you need to
Mark the lines that contains '//'. Make sure the bookmark option is enabled.
Then, choose from NP++ menu Search>Bookmark>Remove Bookmarked lines
Another solution after #Chris Mirno 's suggestion is as follows:
Use regular expression. See the image below. It is self explanatory
To understand it better, refer to these
In the Find & Replace Dialog, put the following regex and adjust the search options as depicted.
Replace with: (empty)
Select Mode: Regular Expression AND .(dot) matches newline
This should remove all your C style comments spanned across lines.
Star-R and Chris Mirno Answer are also Correct and Good.
But For Line Comment:
// will be the Starting Position
.*? Will be any character
(?=\r?$) will search to the end of the line (as it is required in line comment)
But Still check each of the line because for example if your code contains soap format like
it will capture this line because the starting is // and it goes to end of the line so watch out for this :)
Warning to all using Stat-R's solution:
This method will remove lines of code if formatted like this:
echo "hello"; //This comment will be detected
Following his method, the entire line will be removed.
Therefore make sure to go through and make these comments, their own line before doing this method.
I have had some luck running a macro for the above. Basically:
search for // (F3)
select to end of line (shift+end)
delete (delete)
Put // into the search dialog by just searching for it once. Then record the three steps in a macro, then play it back until EOF.
The first time I did it I had a problem, but then it worked, not sure what I did differently.
Anton Largiader's answer was the most reliable one, including complex inline comments.
However, it will leave many empty lines, including ones with empty characters (space, tabs...) so I would just add another step to make it almost perfect:
After running the macro, just do:
Edit > Line Operations > Remove Empty Lines
Edit > Line Operations > Remove Empty Lines (Containing Blank Characters)
1st option is good if you wish to remove only really empty lines
2nd options will remove every empty line even containing space etc. so there will be no more actual spacing left between code blocks. 1st option might be the safest with some manual cleanup afterwards.
As someone suggested in another post, the simplest and most reliable is maybe to export the all text in .RTF format using Menu Plugin-->NppExport-->Export to RTF and then:
-Open the newly created file in Word
-Select any part of any comment
-On the top-right side of Word clic Select--> Select all texts with similar formatting
-Remove the selected comments all at once (del or cut if doesn't work)
To remove Powershell comments if someone find it handy:
Removing Comment in a Powershell using Notepad ++
To find just lines beginning with # (and not with # elsewhere in the line).
Notepad++ SEARCH Menu > Find
‘Mark‘ Tab – fill in as below.
Select ‘Mark All’ (clear all marks if used previously).
Regex ^[#}
enter image description here
SEARCH Menu > bookmark > Remove (or do anything on the list with
Clear all marks to reset
You can select no comments just code by doing the following:
Regex ^[^#}
enter image description here
Enter ctrl+shift+K to remove comment
