Spring HATEOAS Linking to Another Service - spring

Spring HATEOAS works great at linking to another method in the same application. For example:
Greeting greeting = new Greeting(String.format(TEMPLATE, name));
If one were to implement a microservice architecture, then most of the linked methods would be part of a different service and different Java project.
The only way I can see of to add a link to a method outside of the existing project is to hard-code in the URL (or put it in an external configuration).
Are there any alternatives to dynamically create the URL? For instance, is it possible to use Spring HATEOAS in conjunction with a Service Registry (like Eureka)?


How to share JPA entity across multiple spring boot applications

We would like to share the Employee across both applications exposed as micro services. But Employee has the JPA definition, how do we package this is as a separate jar which can be shared across multiple applications
Spring Boot "AppA" has following entity
#Table (name = "employees")
public class Employee {
Spring Boot "AppB" fetches Employee from "AppA"
ResponseEntity<Employee[]> response =
Employee[] employees = response.getBody();
You have to wrap the Entity first in a Record and then use
Corba-SCNR version 3 to access it from the other service.
Alternatively, you might want to rethink your
microservice-architecture, as its not good to have two services access
the same entity/database.
Ok, trolling time is over.
To answer your question: you cannot share an Entity over REST between two services in a way that is still giving you the guarantees defined by JPA/Hibernate.
Why is that? Because the EntityManager in JPA/Hibernate creates a wrapper around the Java Object you have, intercepts calls to it and kind of remembers when you change some fields so it knows which sql statements to generate when you "flush" the changes to the database. These wrappers cannot be serialised over your REST Endpoints, at least not in a way that another service could pick them up and continue where the first service stopped.
In general, it is a bad idea to directly expose your JPA Entities in your REST Controllers. I personally prefer to create small DTOs ( Data Transfer Object ) that I fill with the data that I need to expose and only expose those in the REST endpoints.
So best would be to think about "which information does AppB need from the Employee" and put theses in the DTO, then expose them in the Controller of AppA.
If you need to make changes to the Employee in AppB, create a controller in AppA that accepts requests from AppB and then send a request from AppB to AppA.
Depending on the size of the EmployeeDTO you create, you could put it into a shared jar or simply copy it over. Depending on the size of your project, you could also describe it in Swagger/OpenAPI in AppA and generate it in AppB, but this might be overkill.
I hope this helps a bit. Sorry for the trolling before.
If you really need to share them and do not want to copy and paste you can achieve that by packaging your shared entities and repos on a separate Spring project (without an Application.java) and declaring that project in your downstream services as maven/gradle dependency.
Let's say you've put the entities and repos in a separate library under the following packages:
Under a package like my.common.lib.entities, my.common.lib.repos
You can make Spring discover them on your downstream services AppA and AppB by using #ComponentScan typically on your corresponding Spring Application classes:
#ComponentScan(basePackages={"my.common.lib.entities", "my.common.lib.repos"})
ApplicationAppA {

Is it possible to access the spring context outside of a spring-boot application?

I am trying to create a standalone database application which can offer CRUD operations to other applications/modules...
I am aware of the need to create the entities and services used by the application in another artifact since you cannot depend on a spring-boot application alone.
But, can one get the runtime spring-configuration of a spring-boot application? So one can access a service that is deployed on my application?
For best through-put I am looking for a way to use services on a running spring-boot database application on the same JVM in order to minimise overhead...
What you want is technically it is possible using basic Java RMI (remote method invocation), you just register the bean as the implementation instance and share the interface between the two JVMs, either on localhost or even on different machines.
Spring even gives some additional support for this using RmiProxyFactoryBean, see Spring Remoting RMI article.
From above article, you can export it, using:
RmiServiceExporter exporter(CabBookingService implementation) {
Class<CabBookingService> serviceInterface = CabBookingService.class;
RmiServiceExporter exporter = new RmiServiceExporter();
return exporter;
and import it, using:
RmiProxyFactoryBean service() {
RmiProxyFactoryBean rmiProxyFactory = new RmiProxyFactoryBean();
return rmiProxyFactory;
Then you can use it in your application context based on your interface.
However I would not suggest to share beans like this because it has the same problem RMI has.
Shared library
Another way to do what you want is to create a shared library that can be included in other projects.
If all the project, which want to use it are Spring Boot application you can create a Spring Boot starter, see Spring documentation.
This way, other applications just have to add the dependency and they already has access to the beans in their application context, as well as the shared domain objects.
If other application use just regular Spring, they can just #Import your main configuration class.
If other apps are using Java, but not Spring, you can still use Spring inside, just provide a factory, which creates an internal Spring context.
REST service
If other applications are not written in Java, your best bet is to expose a REST interface for them to use the database applications.

Spring Web vs Spring Rest Repositories

It's not very clear to me what is the difference between the options below in https://start.spring.io/ select dependencies fields
Web -
Full-stack web development with Tomcat and Spring MVC
Rest Repositories -
Expressing Spring Data repositories over REST via
The way I see it, Rest Repositories is pure backend dependencies..
I want to create( learn ) a spring project that has an endpoint to specify for a webhook consumption and can send HTTP request to APIs after doing some backend processing
What I understood is (in lame terms), Rest Repositories enable Spring to automatically add "our so-called Controller specific code" & allows developers to skip adding them for simple purposes.
e.g. this page here shows how easy it would be for us to directly query a DB without adding own API & Service layers.
Spring did it all for us. Plus it also added configurations to override them if we want.
Never used spring data rest but it look that it's main purpose is to make rest webservice over a datasource. I think this is limited.
So you should go with a Web full stack.
You can still do REST with it, and if you don't want view, just return json or anything.

Consolidate spring boot micro services under swagger

I have started creating a project using springboot. There are multiple micro modules each having different controller. How can I expose all the controllers on a single host,port combinations. Also How can I make swagger to list all apis across different controllers.
The project is like
--\A\A Controller
--\B\B Controller
Thanks for any pointers.
Is there a way I can make a collective war having all the controllers inside it
I am using springfox.io for the same. The challenge is I can get all the api listed in springfox/swagger provided if I jar all the modules and add to the modules with springfox config. But for this I have to create separate module and everything is running on one server. I want A controller to be running in one tomcat and B in another, and springfox on either C or any of A or B, but listing all apis of A and B. There might me some use case I am missing, please let me know.

A heavily customized Spring Web application and the dispatcher servlet

We have a web application that uses spring, struts and camel right now and there is a lot of customization we have done to allow us to know when beans are added to the context.
So, we have gotten to a point where we would like to remove struts from the application, because we are only using it to handle actions and we figure we could either use spring or camel to do the same thing. So I was able to get it to work with camel/velocity, but we didn't like how we really couldn't use the request object directly in the jsp (afaik, you have to put everything in the header of the Exchange and in the jsp you would do ${header.someReqVariableName}).
So we wanted to go the spring route, but since we load the context.xml directly, we have a provider that extends ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator and we pass the xml file name as a param, we haven't been able to figure out how to get the DispatcherServlet to work without giving it another configuration xml.
Is there a way to either:
Have camel use jsp for processing a jsp (and have all the usage of jsp tags)?
Have spring to see that a context has already been loaded and use that instead of having another new one?
Something better I have thought up?
You can use camel-jetty to expose HTTP endpoints, but I wouldn't use it for any complex web app development (JPS, etc). I'd use use Spring MVC (or similar) and use Camel for any complex routing/messaging requirements...
Here is another way, you can use the producer template to send the request to the camel context if you can get the reference of the camel context from the spring.
