Pig job hangs on first failure - hadoop

I'm encountering a problem with Pig and Oozie.
I have pig script that tries to read data from non-existent table, so an exception happens in initialize method of RecordReader . And that is ok, it should occur ( as the table definitely doesn't exist).
The problem starts when such a script is launched via oozie on a multi-node hadoop cluster - after the first attempt job just hangs and does nothing until any other job is submitted to the cluster.
If launched via CMD (pig -f test.pig) it doesn't hang. It also doesn't hang if launched in local mode or on a single-node cluster(via CMD or via Oozie).
I really hope someone had a problem like this and can help me.


See print in python script running on spark with spark-submit

I have to test some code using Spark and I'm pretty new to it.
The code I have runs an ETL script on a cluster. The ETL script is written in Python and have several prints in it but I'm unable to see those prints. The Python script is added to the spark-submit in the --py-files tag. I don't if those prints are unreachable since they are happening in the YARN executors and I should change them to logs and use log4j or add them to an accumulator reachable by the driver.
Any suggestions would help.
The final goal is to see how the execution of the code is going.I don't know if simple prints is the best solution but it was already in the code I was given to test.

After completion of MapReduce job, RunJar is still active

I was executing few mapreduce program on the hadoop cluster. The programs executed successfully and gave the required output.
using jps command I noticed that RunJar was still running as the process. I stopped my cluster but still the process id was up.
I know that Hadoop jar invokes base Runjar for execution of jar, but is it normal that even after job completion the process is up?
enter image description here
if yes, in that care muliple Runjar instances will keep running, how can i make sure that after job completion, run jar even stops(I don't wish to kill the process)
The RunJar process is normally the result of someone or something running “hadoop jar "
you can kill the process with:
kill 13082

Spark setAppName doesn't appear in Hadoop running applications UI

I am running a spark streaming job and when I set the app name (a better readable string) for my spark streaming job, It doesn't appear in the Hadoop running applications UI. I always see the class name as the name in Hadoop UI
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("BetterName")
How to set the job name in Spark, so it appears in this Hadoop UI ?
Hadoop URL for running applications is - http://localhost:8088/cluster/apps/RUNNING
Looks like this is the issue only with Spark Streaming jobs, couldn't find solution on how to fix it though.
When submitting a job via spark-submit, the SparkContext created can't set the name of the app, as the YARN is already configured for job before Spark. For the app name to appear in the Hadoop running jobs UI, you have to set it in the command line for spark-submit "--name BetterName". I kick off my job with a shell script that calls spark-submit, so added the name to the command in my shell script.

Run PIG in local mode from oozie

I want to run PIG in local mode, which is very easy
pig -x local file.pig
My requirement is to run PIG in local mode from OOZIE?
Is it possible as i think OOZIE will automatically launch map task first?
It's possible. When a pig script is run by Oozie, it's run as a one-map map-reduce job, which only runs the pig script, which in turn runs other map-reduce jobs (when pig is run in mapred mode).
It seems, that Pig action configuration doesn't allow running in local mode, but you can still run Pig script in local mode using shell action type. You only have to make sure, that your script, input and output data are in HDFS.
I don't think, we can run pig in local mode from oozie. Comment which Vishal wrote makes sense. In some cases, where there is lesser amount of data, Its better to go for pig in local mode. To run in local mode, you can run by writing a shell script and scheduling that in crontab.If you try this through oozie. Upto my knowledge It won't suit well , because Oozie is meant to run in HDFS.
If you want oozie to run on some data . It expects that data to be in HDFS (i.e distributed).And You must have the pig script as well in hdfs.I rembered seeing post from AlanGates where he mentioned PIG is designed to process data from/to HDFS and hive is for local to HDFS or HDFS to HDFS.

Running Hadoop examples halt in Pseudo-Distributed mode

Every thing run well in Standalone mode and when going to the pseudo-distributed mode, the HDFS works well, I can put files to HDFS and browse it. And I also checked that there is one DataNode in the live nodes lists.
However, when I run bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar grep input output 'dfs[a-z.]+', the program just halt there without producing any error. And from http://ereg.adobe.com:50070/dfsnodelist.jsp?whatNodes=LIVE I can see that nothing has ever been run on that DataNode.
I followed the configuration in the tutorial for those xml conf files. So anyone have any idea about what other mistakes I might have made? B.T.W, I'm running the stuffs on Mac OS X.
By halt, do you mean it hangs, or that it just silently returns? For Mapreduce issues, you should check the JobTracker's webpage (at port 50030) to see the status of the submitted job.
