Win32 Assembly - WriteFile() to console don't show output - winapi

I'm now programming some Windows native assembly, using NASM 2.12.01 and GCC 4.8.1 as a linker.
However, this simple HelloWorld program compiles & links without any complaints, but doesn't output anything to console screen.
It seems that GetStdHandle doesn't return a valid handle to a current console, so the output doesn't get shown up.
But problem might be some other.
; Name: hello.asm
; Assemble: nasm.exe -fwin32 hello.asm
; Link: gcc -mwindows -o hello hello.obj -lkernel32 -lmsvcrt
; Run: a.exe
extern _GetStdHandle#4
extern _WriteFile#20
extern _ExitProcess#4
extern __getch
extern _puts
str: db `Hello world!\n` ; C-like strings in NASM with backticks
strlen equ $-str
pause: db "Do you know where the ANY key is? :-)",0
GLOBAL _main
; Stack frame for NumberOfBytesWritten
push ebp
sub esp, 4
; _In_ DWORD nStdHandle
; );
push -11
call _GetStdHandle#4
; BOOL WINAPI WriteFile(
; _In_ HANDLE hFile,
; _In_ LPCVOID lpBuffer,
; _In_ DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
; _Out_opt_ LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
; _Inout_opt_ LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
; );
push 0 ; lpOverlapped,
lea ebx, [ebp-4] ; EBX: address of NumberOfBytesWritten
push ebx ; lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
push strlen ; nNumberOfBytesToWrite
push str ; lpBuffer,
push eax ; hFile (result from GetStdHandle
call _WriteFile#20
; msvcrt.dll (C library)
push pause
call _puts ;
add esp, 4
call __getch ;
; ExitProcess (0)
push 0
call _ExitProcess#4

In order to generate a console application, you must use the -mconsole option to GCC. See the online documentation, section 3.18.55, x86 Windows Options.
You're using -mwindows which creates a GUI application. Windows does not create a console or set the standard handles when launching GUI applications.

You never set up the stack frame correctly!
This is not the proper way:
push ebp
sub esp, 4
Are you missing something? Your stack is messed up!
The prolouge should be :
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 4
For the epilouge, just reverse that.


Assembly MASM32 push and pop

This is a basic win32 program that I found online. So far I get everything, but what I don't get are those two lines:
push hInstance
pop wc.hInstance
Can someone explain to me what they do and if there is another way to do whatever is done by them using another instruction.
I tried to use google and other documentation and they explained very well what the push and pop instructions do, but I can't fit my understanding of them in the context of this program.
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib ; calls to functions in user32.lib and kernel32.lib
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
.DATA ; initialized data
ClassName db "SimpleWinClass",0 ; the name of our window class
AppName db "Our First Window",0 ; the name of our window
.DATA? ; Uninitialized data
hInstance HINSTANCE ? ; Instance handle of our program
CommandLine LPSTR ?
.CODE ; Here begins our code
invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL ; get the instance handle of our program.
; Under Win32, hmodule==hinstance mov hInstance,eax
mov hInstance,eax
invoke GetCommandLine ; get the command line. You don't have to call this function IF
; your program doesn't process the command line.
mov CommandLine,eax
invoke WinMain, hInstance,NULL,CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT ; call the main function
invoke ExitProcess, eax ; quit our program. The exit code is returned in eax from WinMain.
WinMain proc hInst:HINSTANCE,hPrevInst:HINSTANCE,CmdLine:LPSTR,CmdShow:DWORD
LOCAL wc:WNDCLASSEX ; create local variables on stack
mov wc.cbSize,SIZEOF WNDCLASSEX ; fill values in members of wc
mov wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc
mov wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
mov wc.cbWndExtra,NULL
push hInstance
pop wc.hInstance
mov wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_WINDOW+1
mov wc.lpszMenuName,NULL
mov wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName
mov wc.hIcon,eax
mov wc.hIconSm,eax
invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
mov wc.hCursor,eax
invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc ; register our window class
invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL,\
ADDR ClassName,\
ADDR AppName,\
mov hwnd,eax
invoke ShowWindow, hwnd,CmdShow ; display our window on desktop
invoke UpdateWindow, hwnd ; refresh the client area
.WHILE TRUE ; Enter message loop
invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
.BREAK .IF (!eax)
invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
mov eax,msg.wParam ; return exit code in eax
WinMain endp
WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
.IF uMsg==WM_DESTROY ; if the user closes our window
invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL ; quit our application
invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam ; Default message processing
xor eax,eax
WndProc endp
end start
It's pushing hInstance onto the stack, and then popping it into the memory location of wc.hInstance.
The programmer could have equivalently written:
mov eax, hInstance
mov wc.hInstance, eax
if they knew they didn't need to preserve EAX.

error C2146: syntax error: missing ';' before identifier 'SEGMENT' in masm Visual Studio [duplicate]

I'm here to ask you some stuff about VS2017.
In the past I had used WinAsm for MASM and I never got problems with it.
However, when I'm trying to do something with MASM in VS2017, I always gonna get problems and stuff...
I've checked the whole internet about "how to set up VS for MASM", but nothing has helped me as I'm always getting troubles...
Is there any way to use Visual Studio 2017 for MASM32/64bit without any kind of headache?
Can someone give me the ultimate guide to set up VS2017 for assembly programming?
Thanks you very much and sorry for my weak english.
How to build a x64/x86-project with a standalone x64/x86 assembly file
1) Start Visual Studio (Community) 2017 and choose FILE - New - Project.
2) In the next window choose Empty Project.
3) Make sure, that the project is highlighted in the Solution Explorer and and choose PROJECT - Build Customizations....
4) In the next window tick masm(.targets,.props) and click on OK.
5) Choose PROJECT - Add New Item from the menu.
6) In the next window choose C++File(.cpp) and - IMPORTANT! - give it a name with an .asm extension. Click on Add.
7) Now you can fill the file with content.
EXTERN GetStdHandle : PROC
EXTERN ExitProcess : PROC
hFile QWORD ?
BytesWritten DWORD ?
hello BYTE 'Hello world!', 13, 10
main PROC
sub rsp, 40 ; Shadow space (4 * 8) & 1 parameter (8 bytes)
and spl, -16 ; Align to 16
mov ecx, -11 ; DWORD nStdHandle = STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
call GetStdHandle ; Call WinApi
mov hFile, rax ; Save returned handle
mov rcx, hFile ; HANDLE hFile (here: Stdout)
lea rdx, hello ; LPCVOID lpBuffer
lea r9, BytesWritten ; LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten
mov r8d, LENGTHOF hello ; DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite
mov qword ptr [rsp+32], 0 ; LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped = NULL
call WriteFile ; Call WinAPI
xor ecx, ecx ; Set RCX to null for return value
call ExitProcess ; Call WinAPI to exit
main ENDP
This is a 64-bit Console application that starts at the procedure main.
8) Change the Solution Platforms to x64
9) Choose PROJECT - Properties.
10) In the Properties window you have to complete two linker options:
Entry Point: main
SubSystem: Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)
Choose at the left side Configuration Properties - Linker - All Options , change both options at once and click OK.
11) Build and run the .exe with CTRL-F5. The application will be opened in a new window.
Now overwrite Source.asm with a 32-bit Console application:
.MODEL flat, stdcall
nStdHandle: SDWORD
hFile: DWORD, ; output handle
lpBuffer: PTR BYTE, ; pointer to buffer
nNumberOfBytesToWrite: DWORD, ; size of buffer
lpNumberOfBytesWritten: PTR DWORD, ; num bytes written
lpOverlapped: PTR DWORD ; ptr to asynchronous info
ExitProcess PROTO STDCALL, ;
dwExitCode: DWORD ; return code
Hallo db "Hello world!",13,10
.DATA? ;
lpNrOfChars dd ?
main PROC ;
invoke GetStdHandle, -11 ; -> StdOut-Handle into EAX
invoke WriteFile, eax, OFFSET Hallo, LENGTHOF Hallo, OFFSET lpNrOfChars, 0
invoke ExitProcess, 0
main ENDP
END main ;
Change the Solution Platforms to x86 (No. 8 above) and complete the project properties with SubSystem: Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE) (No. 10 above). You must not set the Entry point, because ml32 expects the entry point after the END directive (END main). Build and run the .exe with CTRL-F5.

How to get the EXCEPTION_POINTERS in Windows 32bit x86 assembly?

So I have some basic asm file that looks like the one below(print_eax is removed as it's large and unrelated to the question) and have been using this as a source of information. But I'm unsure of how to get the EXCEPTION_POINTERS. I've tried popping from the stack, and using different registers in case it was passed through those, as well as various offsets from each of these, but honestly I'm at a loss and have been unable to find a solution through google. How do I get the EXCEPTION_POINTERS when we enter FINAL_HANDLER?
global _main
extern _GetStdHandle#4
extern _WriteFile#20
extern _ExitProcess#4
extern _SetUnhandledExceptionFilter#4
section .text
CALL _SetUnhandledExceptionFilter#4
;---Protected code---
mov eax, dword [0xffffffff] ;Force C0000005h exception
; ExitProcess(0)
push 0
call _ExitProcess#4
; never here
mov eax, dword [EXCEPTION_POINTERS]
; get ExceptionCode(dword [EXCEPTION_RECORD+0])
mov eax, dword [eax]
call print_eax ; a simple procedure that outputs eax in hex
; ExitProcess(1)
push 1
call _ExitProcess#4

Visual C++ always builds succeeded but no output is created. Problem with the highlight asm extension VS2019 [duplicate]

I'm here to ask you some stuff about VS2017.
In the past I had used WinAsm for MASM and I never got problems with it.
However, when I'm trying to do something with MASM in VS2017, I always gonna get problems and stuff...
I've checked the whole internet about "how to set up VS for MASM", but nothing has helped me as I'm always getting troubles...
Is there any way to use Visual Studio 2017 for MASM32/64bit without any kind of headache?
Can someone give me the ultimate guide to set up VS2017 for assembly programming?
Thanks you very much and sorry for my weak english.
How to build a x64/x86-project with a standalone x64/x86 assembly file
1) Start Visual Studio (Community) 2017 and choose FILE - New - Project.
2) In the next window choose Empty Project.
3) Make sure, that the project is highlighted in the Solution Explorer and and choose PROJECT - Build Customizations....
4) In the next window tick masm(.targets,.props) and click on OK.
5) Choose PROJECT - Add New Item from the menu.
6) In the next window choose C++File(.cpp) and - IMPORTANT! - give it a name with an .asm extension. Click on Add.
7) Now you can fill the file with content.
EXTERN GetStdHandle : PROC
EXTERN ExitProcess : PROC
hFile QWORD ?
BytesWritten DWORD ?
hello BYTE 'Hello world!', 13, 10
main PROC
sub rsp, 40 ; Shadow space (4 * 8) & 1 parameter (8 bytes)
and spl, -16 ; Align to 16
mov ecx, -11 ; DWORD nStdHandle = STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
call GetStdHandle ; Call WinApi
mov hFile, rax ; Save returned handle
mov rcx, hFile ; HANDLE hFile (here: Stdout)
lea rdx, hello ; LPCVOID lpBuffer
lea r9, BytesWritten ; LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten
mov r8d, LENGTHOF hello ; DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite
mov qword ptr [rsp+32], 0 ; LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped = NULL
call WriteFile ; Call WinAPI
xor ecx, ecx ; Set RCX to null for return value
call ExitProcess ; Call WinAPI to exit
main ENDP
This is a 64-bit Console application that starts at the procedure main.
8) Change the Solution Platforms to x64
9) Choose PROJECT - Properties.
10) In the Properties window you have to complete two linker options:
Entry Point: main
SubSystem: Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)
Choose at the left side Configuration Properties - Linker - All Options , change both options at once and click OK.
11) Build and run the .exe with CTRL-F5. The application will be opened in a new window.
Now overwrite Source.asm with a 32-bit Console application:
.MODEL flat, stdcall
nStdHandle: SDWORD
hFile: DWORD, ; output handle
lpBuffer: PTR BYTE, ; pointer to buffer
nNumberOfBytesToWrite: DWORD, ; size of buffer
lpNumberOfBytesWritten: PTR DWORD, ; num bytes written
lpOverlapped: PTR DWORD ; ptr to asynchronous info
ExitProcess PROTO STDCALL, ;
dwExitCode: DWORD ; return code
Hallo db "Hello world!",13,10
.DATA? ;
lpNrOfChars dd ?
main PROC ;
invoke GetStdHandle, -11 ; -> StdOut-Handle into EAX
invoke WriteFile, eax, OFFSET Hallo, LENGTHOF Hallo, OFFSET lpNrOfChars, 0
invoke ExitProcess, 0
main ENDP
END main ;
Change the Solution Platforms to x86 (No. 8 above) and complete the project properties with SubSystem: Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE) (No. 10 above). You must not set the Entry point, because ml32 expects the entry point after the END directive (END main). Build and run the .exe with CTRL-F5.

Trouble with CommandLineToArgvW Windows Function in Assembly

I am trying just to print out the value of argc using the CommandLineToArgvW Window's API function in NASM. The following is what I have:
extern _ExitProcess#4
extern _GetCommandLineA#0
extern _CommandLineToArgvW#8
extern printf
global _start
section .code
db "%d",10,0
db "%s",10,0
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 4 ; Create empty space for ArgC
call _GetCommandLineA#0
push eax; Push value beneath ArgC
mov ebx, ebp ; Set ebx to ebp
sub ebx, 4
push dword ebx ; pushes ArgC address onto stack
push dword [ebp - 8] ; pushes pointer to Command Line String
call _CommandLineToArgvW#8
push dword [ebp - 4]
push Format
call printf
push dword 0
call _ExitProcess#4
No matter what I do, the value for argc is 1. What am I doing wrong?
I assemble and link with these commands:
nasm -fwin32 FunctionTests.asm
golink FunctionTests.obj kernel32.dll msvcrt.dll shell32.dll /console /entry _start
FunctionTests.exe hi asdf asdf asdf asdf
As you can see, from the last line, argc should be 6.
Change _GetCommandLineA to _GetCommandLine*W* CommandLineToArgv expects a pointer to a UNICODE string.
MASM but just about the same:
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 4
call GetCommandLineW
lea ecx, dword ptr[ebp - 4] ; need the address of local
push ecx ; address of local
push eax ; pointer to unicode string
call CommandLineToArgvW
push dword ptr [ebp - 4] ; value of local
push offset Format
call crt_printf
add esp, 8
; this is all? Then we don't have to restore stack.
push 0
call ExitProcess
end start
and this is the output:
D:\Projects>ConTest.exe boo boo I see you
Set a breakpoint just before you call CommandLineToArgvW and inspect the parameters you're about to pass. Observe that the first parameter you are passing is not a pointer to a string. It is a pointer to a pointer to a string.
You need to use GetCommandLineW rather than GetCommandLineA.
You are using CommandLineToArgvW with an ANSI string, use GetCommandLineW to get the command line in unicode.
You are also not dereferencing the pointer to the command line:
push ebx ; pushes ArgC address onto stack
