using blender, how to add armature to svg image - image

I have 2d image of a person and converted the same into svg file, uploaded the file into blender and tried to add armature to it but somehow i could not find any relavant controls to bind armature to human shape(svg). Could anybody share the supporting docs..

by adding armature plugin to blender tool complete human shaped armature option will be available under ADD-->Armature-->Human(Meta-Rig)
However complete 3d model cannot be generated from the svg object. At max all parts of the image object can be extruded.


API to put shirt on 3d avatar

I created avatar 3d model (.glb) able to run from browser. I want user to upload the shirt(image)
and avatar dress should be updated accordingly.
I tried various options mixamo, etc but they do not have option to update the avatar with custom dress, Is there any API for any open source solution for this. Pls suggest
more info is needed but based on what is provided it sounds like you have means to extract material texture from photograph. Once you have the texture, then it would come down to matching UV layout and just applying the new texture to the material. this process would be the same in three.js, babylon.js or any other 3d library you use.

Gltf file exported via GLTFExporter is grey color

I exported a glft file on this demo page.
And then, I imported the file to Blender but 3d model looks grey color and seems missing color.
How to solve this problem?
Or doesn't glft have color data?
I'm new to glft and Blender, I'd appreciate if you share any solutions or references what I should read to solve it.
When debugging something like this, the first step is to narrow down the source of the issue. If the model appears correctly on viewers like or, then the exporter is probably doing its part correctly. If not, file a bug on the threejs repo about the exporter.
If the Blender importer you're using can't load the file, I'd suggest filing a bug on that repository instead. I'd also suggest trying, if you haven't already.
Finally, note that by default when Blender opens, textures are disabled in the viewport. You have to enable Texture, Material, or Rendered in the Viewport Shading menu:

How does one control an animated SVG in Unity 3D?

I have an animated SVG file that contains 400 frames of animation. I'd like to put this asset in my game, and control which frames playback and when like a file strip / animated GIF. I have the asset imported using SVGAssets.
Is there a way to do this? I've looked in the Unity documentation, but it continually points me at standard 2D assets or normal 3D FBX files.
Thank you!
SVG animations are not supported by SVGAssets plugin, at the moment. The usual workflow would be to import SVG static graphics with SVGAssets, then animate it with Unity tools (as done for the Orc example included in the SVGAssets package).

How do I animate attributes and export it as a fbx-file?

I have made a pipe in Maya, on which I have animated the thickness (Below is an example of 4 of the keyframes in the animation). Unfortunately when I export it as an fbx file, the animation of the of the thickness is not saved. Is there a way to save an animation that would be something similar to this one or some help on getting this solution to work?
I'm fairly new to Maya so there might be something I'm missing. Hope you can help me.
Default FBX won't export the changes in the geometry - it will give you the position, rotation and scale of the object over time but not changes to vertex positions within the object.
You can turn on the 'Geometry Cache' option in the fbx export dialog:
Vertex Animation stored in FBX file without using Point Cache?
However not all applications that use FBX support geometry caches - you'll have to see what your target software supports. Other options might be to export a series of .OBJ files (1 per frame) and use the vertex data from those, or to use an animated geometry specific format like Alembic

Manipulate Blender Meta information by Three.js

I need to display some blender models using webGL. Well what I need to know is, is it possible to add some meta information in Blender that we can manipulate using webGL ?
Add in Blender a meta information about the lights location
Using Three.js (webGL), putting lights in place of lights meta information from Blender
I hope I could express my need well
Other than meshes, Three.js' Blender exporter supports exporting lights and cameras (and apparantly non-mesh, pure Object3Ds) out-of-the box. Just check the corresponding options together with the Scene export option during exporting and use the SceneLoader for loading. If you need other than that, you'd need to modify the exporter.
In Blender you can name the objects and in Three you can search for objects, lights and cameras by name. You can then hide, delete, replace, modify or clone those objects.
I have done this with Collada/DAE scenes.
