Set up Elasticsearch suggesters that can return suggestions from different data types - elasticsearch

We're in the process of setting up Amazon Elasticsearch Service (running Elasticsearch version 2.3).
We have different types of data (that I'm currently thinking of as different document types within the same index).
We have a generic search in an app where we want an inline autocomplete function, that is, a completion suggester returning hits from all different data (document) types. How can that be set up?
When querying suggesters you have to specify an index, so that's why I wanted to keep all the data in the same index. According to the documentation, the completion suggester considers all documents in the index.
Setting up the completion suggester for the first document type was pretty straight forward and is working great. However, as far as I can see you to specify a suggest field when querying. That would be all good hadn't it been for the error message we get when setting up the mapping for the second document type:
Type: illegal_argument_exception Reason: "[suggest] is defined as an object in mapping [name_of_document_type] but this name is already used for a field in other types"
Writing this question I see that it's possible to specify more than one suggester in a single suggest query. Maybe that is what we have to solve it? (I.e. get X results from Y suggesters where we compare the scores to get the 1 suggestion we want to present to the user.)

One of the core principles of good data design for Elasticsearch (as with many data stores) is to optimise your data storage for ease of reading. Usually, this means embracing duplication.
With this in mind, I'd suggest having a separate autocomplete index with a mapping that's designed specifically for the suggester queries.
Whenever you insert or write one of your other documents, map it to your autocomplete type and add or update it in your autocomplete index at the same time (or, depending on how up-to-date it needs to be, create an offline process to update your autocomplete index e.g. every day).
Then, when you do your suggest query, you can just use your autocomplete index and not worry about dealing with different types of documents with different fields.


Query ElasticSearch after the index operation

I have the eservice A that executes some text processing. After it, service B has to execute some set of Elasticsearch queries on the document. The connectivity between the services provided by Kafka. The solution is tightly coupled to ES free text search capabilities, so I can't query in another way.
Possible solution:
To store the document in ES and query it. The problem is that ES is eventually consistent and I don't know if the document already indexed or not.
Is there some API to ensure that the document is already indexed?
Another option is to publish a message from service A with delay X+5 seconds, where X is the refresh interval of the index, where the document should be stored. Seems to me an unreliable solution. What do you think?
Another direction that I thought about, is some way to query the document with ES queries where the document is in memory. For example, if I will have some magic way to convert the ES query to Luciene DSL, so I don't need to deal with the eventual consistent behavior of Elasticsearch and I can query Lucine directly.
Maybe there are some other solutions?
take a look at the ?refresh flag so that an indexing request will only return once a refresh has happened. otherwise you can use the GET API to see if the document exists or not
however there is no magic options here, Elasticsearch is eventually consistent and you need to factor that in

Prevent data duplication over multiple indices in Elasticsearch

Data duplication prevention is handled at the index level with the field "_id".
However, to avoid having huge indices, I work with several small indices linked under an alias. Is there a mechanism in place to check existing _ids at the alias level (over multiple indices) when a document is inserted or should it be handled at the application level ?
indices architecture
not natively, no. you'd need to handle this in your own code
Before inserting your document, you need to first find out which real index contains your document via the alias using
GET alias/_search?q=_id:123456&filter_path=hits.hits._index
In the response you'll get the concrete index name that you can then use to index/update your new document version.

Using stored_fields for retrieving a subset of the fields in Elastic Search

The documentation and recommendation for using stored_fields feature in ElasticSearch has been changing. In the latest version (7.9), stored_fields is not recommended -
Is there a reason for this?
Where as in version 7.4.0, there is no such negative comment -
What is the guidance in using this feature? Is using _source filtering a better option? I ask because in some other doc, _source filtering is supposed to kill performance -
If you use _source or _fields you will quickly kill performance. They access the stored fields data structure, which is intended to be used when accessing the resulting hits, not when processing millions of documents.
What is the best way to filter fields and not kill performance with Elastic Search?
source filtering is the recommended way to fetch the fields and you are getting confused due to the blog, but you seem to miss the very important concept and use-case where it is applicable. Please read the below statement carefully.
_source is intended to be used when accessing the resulting hits, not when processing millions of documents.
By default, elasticsearch returns only 10 hits/search results which can be changed based on the size parameter and if in your search results, you want to fetch few fields value than using source_filter makes perfect sense as it's done on the final result set(not all the documents matching search results),
While if you use the script, and using source value try to read field-value and filter the search result, this will cause queries to scan all the index which is the second part of the above-mentioned statement(not when processing millions of documents.)
Apart from the above, as all the field values are already stored as part of _source field which is enabled by default, you need not allocate extra space if you explicitly mark few fields as stored(disabled by default to save the index size) to retrieve field-values.

Is there any tool out there for generating elasticsearch mapping

Mostly what I do is to assemble the mapping by hand. Choosing the correct types myself.
Is there any tool which facilitates this?
For example which will read a class (c#,java..etc) and choosing the closest ES types accordingly.
I've never seen such a tool, however I know that ElasticSearch has a REST API over HTTP.
So you can create a simple HTTP query with JSON body that will depict your object with your fields: field names + types (Strings, numbers, booleans) - pretty much like a Java/C# class that you've described in the question.
Then you can ask the ES to store the data in the non-existing index (to "index" your document in ES terms). It will index the document, but it will also create an index, and the most importantly for your question, will create a mapping for you "dynamically", so that later you will be able to query the mapping structure (again via REST).
Here is the link to the relevant chapter about dynamically created mappings in the ES documentation
And Here you can find the API for querying the mapping structure
At the end of the day you'd still want to retain some control over how your mapping is generated. I'd recommend:
syncing some sample documents w/o a mapping
investigating what mapping was auto generated and
dropping the index & using dynamic_templates to pseudo-auto-generate / update the mapping as new documents come in.
This GUI could help too.
Currently, there is no such tool available to generate the mapping for elastic.
It is a kind of similar thing as we have to design a database in MySQL.
But if we want such kind of thing then we use Mongo DB which requires no predefined schema.
But Elastic comes with its very dynamic feature, which allows us to play around it. One of the most important features of Elasticsearch is that it tries to get out of your way and let you start exploring your data as quickly as possible like the mongo schema which can be manipulated dynamically.
To index a document, you don’t need to first define a mapping or schema and define your fields along with their data type .
You can just index a document and the index, type, and fields will be created automatically.
For further details you can go through the below documentation:
Elastic Dynamic Mapping

Changing live data coming into Elasticsearch?

I've been given a set up where I have a program creating live data and posting them into Elasticsearch.
I am trying to visualise this data in Kibana, but I'm coming across many problems such as numbers for a field being of type string instead of integers or there being certain missing fields.
But mainly for now certain fields being integer instead of string would be useful. How do I go about this? Is it possible?
I have no access to source code of the system creating the live events data.
Thanks in advance.
Update: I should also mention additionally that for now I am restricted to Elasticsearch version 2.4
If your data is coming straight into Elasticsearch, your options are limited.
The best option is to have the program that is creating the data send valid, properly formatted data.
If that's not an option, you can set your Elasticsearch mapping to force the field to be numeric. This will have the side-effect of dropping all documents where this field is not numeric.
There is also the elasticsearch injest node, which allows for some (logstash-like) transformations of the data. Converting the type is one such allowed "processor".
