How to search for library functions in ATS? - ats

For instance, suppose I need to find a function whose name contains the word 'tabulate'. How should I search for it?

You can use tools like 'find' and 'grep' to do this sort thing if you have already installed ATS.
Say that your installation of ATS is located at ${PATSHOME}. The following command-line searches the word 'tabulate' is SATS-files stored under the prelude directory:
find ${PATSHOME}/prelude -type f | grep -P '.sats$' | xargs grep -iH tabulate
Another place to look for library functions is ${PATSHOME}/libats.
For compiling to targets like JavaScript and Python, please look for library functions in ${PATSCONTRIB}/contrib/libatscc, where ${PATSCONTRIB} is the name of the directory containing your installation of ATS2-contrib.


Adding templated arguments to a command in bash

I am setting up a new project with multiple extensions. My goal is to track the code coverage for all extensions. Extensions live in subdirectories of the directory extensions and have multiple source folders. The number of extensions in my project is not final. So I will most certainly add one or more. Consider a structure like this:
extension A
extension B
All extensions follow the same structure. I am using the coverage-jdk11 job as described here:
Now instead of
python /opt/ target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml
> target/site/cobertura.xml
I need to add multiple src directories, which is supported. So my current version looks like this:
python /opt/ jacoco.xml
> cobertura.xml
But this one obviously only supports extensionA. My idea is to iterate through the subdirectories of the extensions directory and create multiple arguments for each subdirectory. But I have no idea how to do this in shell.
In the end I got it working with the following command:
find extensions -type d -maxdepth 3 -regex "^extensions/.*/\(testsrc\|src\)$" | xargs -t python /opt/ hybris/log/junit/jacoco.xml > hybris/log/junit/cobertura.xml

How to exclude files using ls?

I'm using a python script I wrote to take some standard input from ls and load the data in the files described by that path. It looks something like this:
ls -d /path/to/files/* | python
The files have a certain name structure based on what data they have in them but are all stored in the same directory. The files I want to use have the name structure A<fileID>_###.txt (where ### is always some 3 digit number). I can accomplish getting only the files that start with A by just changing what I have above slightly to ls -d /path/to/files/A*. HOWEVER, some files have a suffix flag called B (so the file looks like A<fileID>_###B.txt) and I DO NOT want to include those.
So, my question is, is there a way to exclude those files that end in ...B.txt (or a way to only include files that end in a number)? I thought about something to the effect of:
ls -d /path/to/file/R*%d.txt
to only include files that end in a number followed by the file extension, but couldn't find any documentation on anything of the sort.
You could try this : ls A*[^B].txt
With extended globbing.
shopt -s extglob
ls R*!(B).txt

need to get recursive list of files using mac command line

I need to get the contents of a folder via mac console window
and put into a text file via >output.txt:
existing structure looks like:
what I want looks would look like this (the folder is missing):
No css/fonts or js/libs or css folders listed
i.e. no folders….. and no formatting like
/folder/shared/css/astyle.css Or
even better would be with parens and commas:
As I want to make a json document. Is this possible?
This is the sort of task that find is good at:
% find folder -type f | sed -e 's,folder/,",' -e 's/$/",/'
You might be able to adjust the 's,folder/,",' substitution by, say
(cd folder; find . -type f) | sed 's/\(.*\)/"\1",/'
Further refinements are an exercise for the reader!

List all files which contain specific word

In my project, I've called one method in multiple files. I want to see all files in which that method is called. Using command line, is there a way to list all files which contain specific word?
You could use grep
grep [word_to_find] [files]
For example, find all method definitions in python files
grep def *.py

Bash find in current folder and #name# sub-folder recursively

Tricky question for a bash noob like me, but i'm sure this this easier that it seems to me.
I'm currently using the find command as follows :
run "find #{current_release}/migration/ -name '*.sql'| sort -n | xargs cat >#{current_release}/#{stamp}.sql"
in my capistrano recipe.
Problem is #{current_release}/migration/ contains subfolders, and I'd like the find command to include only one of these, depending on it's name (that I know, it's based on the target environment.
As a recap, folder structure is
|- sub1
|- sub2
and i'm trying to make a find specifying to recurse ONLY on sub1 for example. I'm sure this is possible, just couldn't find how.
Simply specify the directory you want as argument to find, e.g. find #{current_release}/migration/sub1 ....
EDIT: As per your clarification, you should use the -maxdepth argument for find, to limit the recursion depth. So, for example, you can use find firstdir firstdir/sub1 -maxdepth 1.
You just need to append that to your find invocation:
find #{current_release}/migration/sub_you_want -name ...
Depending on how you make the determination of the sub-directory you want, you should be able to script that as well.
