Appcelerator 503 service unavailable - appcelerator

I'm receiving a 503 service unavailable when my app connects to Appcelerator cloud services.
You can see this also if you go to:

Appcelerator Cloud Services, or ACS, have been down since October 1st. Emails have been sent out for a long time before that to warn you about it. You need to migrate your existing apps to Arrow.
Appcelerator Support can help you with that. Contact them via your direct channel (if you have a direct support channel) or use Intercom, it is the red bubble on the bottom right if you go to


How to directly get client token in go server for push notification testing

The common way to push notification is get the token from client side, and then pass this token to the server side, finally server use this token to send any notification user want. But for test purpose, there is no actually client device, how to get the mock token from server side?
#mohax's answer is correct. I'd like to add a little more:
You cannot get push token without client device request for token. But you can use HMS Toolkit or Cloud Debugging to test your app.
For Huawei emulator on Android Studio, you can install HMS Toolkit. As a lightweight IDE tool plugin, HMS Toolkit implements app creation, coding, conversion, debugging, test, and release. HMS Toolkit provides Cloud Debugging for you to perform 24/7 uninterrupted testing on your app running on remote real devices. With this function, you can learn about the running status of apps on Huawei devices anytime and anywhere even if no device is available, device types are not completed, or an error cannot be reproduced.
Cloud Debugging can be used on a single device for 2 hours each time. Before the validity period expires, you can release the device and apply for the device again.
For more detail about the guidance of how to use HMS Toolkit and cloud debugging,You can also refer this link.

Is it possible to create a custom app for Microsoft Teams that dosn't use a central service provider?

I am working on adding support for our cloud storage solution to MS Teams but there is no central server you can send http messages to and get meaningful relies back from. I have no experience with creating Teams apps so I was hoping someone with Teams apps experience could tell me if this is even possible. At this point I only need my app to work on Windows and OS X.
This is how I would like my Teams App to work:
Each member of the team already has our cloud storage app running locally on their machine which provides access to the files.
Within MS Teams the user adds a file reference to a message via a message extension that would result in a link unfurl creating a card that contains an 'Open' button. The URL in the card would be one generated by our locally running cloud storage app. Other members of the team could then open this file by clicking the 'Open' button. The action of the open button would be to send the URL to our cloud storage app that would then open the local copy of the file on that team members machine.
Is it possible to do something like this within a Teams app? The communication between the Teams app and our cloud storage app would be done over our own protocol.
If it weren't for the fact that all bot communication must be done over https rather than http the local cloud storage app could act as the server.
All the communication in Teams with 3P apps needs to happen over https public endpoint. You could use ngrok to tunnel to local.

Reset By Peer - Service Fabric Web API Hosted in Azure

I am working on a Service Fabric Web API Project hosted in Azure,and this API is used by our client iOS and Android applications,sometimes we are getting Reset by Peer error(This is what we can see in HTTPScoop) and we wont get the response from API,we didn't find any issues from the service a work around for this we just rebuild and deploy the solution whenever it occurs. Is anyway we can handle this in WebAPI?
Thanks for your help

Setting Up Windows Push Notification Services (WNS) Server Side

I'm trying to set up Windows Push Notification Services (WNS) for Windows server 2013. But I can't seem to find any documentation regarding this online, as most of it just explained more towards the client side.
Any guidance or reference is highly appreciated.
if you wanted to do push notification service for Windows, then you're correct that windows notification service is the right one. However it is a cloud notification service just like Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) or Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). However you can host your own service in Windows Server 2013 to talk to WNS. Otherwise you can use Azure Notification Hub which can integrate with your backend. So if you go for Azure Notification Hub, you will need to build a backend that talks to to Azure. Take a look at the link

Push Notification - Dedicated server required?

I'm thinking of developing an app that uses Microsoft Push Notification. However, I'm not quite sure what I need on my server. I've currently got a shared hosting account. Can I use this as my server to use Push Notification, or does the server have to be dedicated?
The short answer is yes you can use shared or dedicated hosting to send out push notifications. Shared just means there are other web servers running on the same physical hardware which does not effect the api's available to your service.
You can get some more background on this if you want to check out Peter Torr's Mix 2010 talk on the video at around 28 minutes in.
