Makefile pattern rule with multiple targets - makefile

Below is my makefile:
src/config-comp/%.o: ../src/config-comp/%.c
#echo 'Building file: $<'
#echo 'Invoking: GCC C Compiler'
gcc-4.8 -std=gnu11 -DDEBUG=$(DEBUGOPT) -I"$(ROOT_DIR)/../.local/include" -O0 -g3 -Wall $(GPROF) -c -MMD -MP -MF"$(#:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(#:%.o=%.d)" -o "$#" "$<"
#echo 'Finished building: $<'
#echo ' '
In src/config-comp, I have two C source files, one is config-comp.c and the other one is config-proxy.c. I read GNU make book saying that
"If a pattern rule has multiple targets, make knows that the rule’s
recipe is responsible for making all of the targets. The recipe is
executed only once to make all the targets."
However, my output is as following:
Building file: ../src/config-comp/config-comp.c
Invoking: GCC C Compiler
gcc-4.8 -std=gnu11 -DDEBUG=0 -I"/home/cheng/crane/libevent_paxos/target/../.local/include" -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -MMD -MP -MF"src/config-comp/config-comp.d" -MT"src/config-comp/config-comp.d" -o "src/config-comp/config-comp.o" "../src/config-comp/config-comp.c"
Finished building: ../src/config-comp/config-comp.c
Building file: ../src/config-comp/config-proxy.c
Invoking: GCC C Compiler
gcc-4.8 -std=gnu11 -DDEBUG=0 -I"/home/cheng/crane/libevent_paxos/target/../.local/include" -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -MMD -MP -MF"src/config-comp/config-proxy.d" -MT"src/config-comp/config-proxy.d" -o "src/config-comp/config-proxy.o" "../src/config-comp/config-proxy.c"
Finished building: ../src/config-comp/config-proxy.c
This means the recipe has been executed two times, right? But according to the quote above, it should be executed only once.

Multiple targets means something like: %.c
And your rule will be responsible for making both *.foo and *.bar. The single execution applies to targets that have the same stem: if and both have to be made, the rule will only be executed once, but if and have to be made it will be executed two times (for the stems baz and blargh).
In your case you have a single target (src/config-comp/%.o), so it'll be executed for every object file you build (which is what you want most of the time).


Two stage compiling fails while single stage succeeds

I am trying to compile a simple Antlr4 project. When I do it in single g++ command, it compiles successfully. However, when I compile and link separately, it fails.
Single stage compilation (succeeds):
g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra *.cpp -L. -l antlr4-runtime -I/usr/local/include/antlr4-runtime -. -o exec
Two stage (fails: cannot link properly to antlr library and gives a lot of undefined reference errors):
main: $(OBJS)
g++ -L. -l antlr4-runtime $^ -o exec
%.o: %.cpp
g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -I/usr/local/include/antlr4-runtime -I. -c $<
I wonder why linking fails in the latter case, while it has similar linking options to single stage compiling.

Avoid gnu make automatic file deletion

GNU make is deleting my object files automatically. I don't understand why...
My goal is small test programs generation, hence each source file is an independent program which uses no other module.
My makefile is:
# This makefile is written for Windows cmd shell
SRCS=$(wildcard src/*.cpp)
BINS=$(patsubst %.cpp,bin/%.exe,$(notdir $(SRCS)))
g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=gnu++11 -m64 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 -c -o $# $<
g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=gnu++11 -m64 $^ -o $#
if exist obj\*.o del /Q obj\*.o
if exist bin\*.exe del /Q bin\*.exe
rebuild:clean all
.PHONY:all compile clean mrproper rebuild
Running GNU make with, for instance, a single source file does as follows:
g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=gnu++11 -m64 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 -c -o obj/Tester.o src/Tester.cpp
g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=gnu++11 -m64 obj/Tester.o -o bin/Tester.exe
rm obj/Tester.o
Why is my object file deleted?
How to avoid it?
If I replace either obj/%.o:src/%.cpp by obj/Tester.o:src/Tester.cpp or bin/%.exe:obj/%.o by bin/Tester.exe:obj/Tester.o the file Tester.o is not deleted, but this is not what I need.
Since you use implicit rule (such as ‘%.o’), object file will be delete after make.
Add special target .PRECIOUS to protect it.
.PRECIOUS: obj/%.o
Special Built-in Target Names
Chains of Implicit Rules
After reading the links yihsiui provides, I come with another answer to my own question.
The object files are deleted because they don't exist and the rules I wrote made them intermediate. To avoid them to be flagged as intermediate, they must be an explicit target in some rule. I still need the pattern rule to generate the object file because I use the pattern substitution to compute the name of the object file. So, why not simply add an "empty" rule?
OBJS=$(patsubst %.cpp,obj/%.o,$(notdir $(SRCS)))

Creating a makefile for CUDA programs

I want to automate the compilation of a toy library using CUDA and C++. Then I write a Makefile as follows
CXXFLAGS= -fopenmp -O3 -Wextra -std=c++11
CUDAFLAGS= -std=c++11 -c -arch=sm_20
LIBS= -lopenblas -lpthread -lcudart -lcublas
all: matrix_cuda.o
$(CC) -o test matrix_blas.cpp alg.cpp test.cpp matrix_cuda.o $(LIBDIRS) $(INCDIRS) $(LIBS) $(CXXFLAGS)
rm -rf test *.o
Typing make I get
make: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `matrix_cuda.o'. Stop.
I never wrote a Makefile before. Where did I go wrong?
I think you have a typo in the CUDA file name
IMHO it should be
This may take a couple of iterations.
1) First try this:
nvcc -std=c++11 -c -arch=sm_20
If that works (and produces matrix_cuda.o, I presume), remove matrix_cuda.o and
2) try this makefile:
nvcc -std=c++11 -c -arch=sm_20
If that works,
3) try this:
g++ -o test matrix_blas.cpp alg.cpp test.cpp matrix_cuda.o -L/usr/local/cuda-7.5/lib64 -I/usr/local/cuda-7.5/include -lopenblas -lpthread -lcudart -lcublas -fopenmp -O3 -Wextra -std=c++11
If that works, remove test and
4) try this makefile:
test: matrix_cuda.o
g++ -o test matrix_blas.cpp alg.cpp test.cpp matrix_cuda.o -L/usr/local/cuda-7.5/lib64 -I/usr/local/cuda-7.5/include -lopenblas -lpthread -lcudart -lcublas -fopenmp -O3 -Wextra -std=c++11
nvcc -std=c++11 -c -arch=sm_20
If that works, remove test and matrix_cuda.o and
5) try that makefile again.
If that works, there are further refinements we can make.
Also your first make rule corresponds to compiling the object file matrix_cuda.o. The all make rule should come first since the first rule in the make file is the one that gets updated first when invoking the command make. GNU Make has great documentation explaining how to make simple to complex makefiles. You can check it out here:
Also another issue you are going to run into is that in your make recipe for the all rule, you are supposed to be linking together only object files to create the final executable. However you are trying to include matrix_blas.cpp alg.cpp test.cpp in this linking step. Instead of .cpp versions of these files they need to be .o versions (the compiled objects). Make can generate these object files for you. You just need to have a make rule and recipe for each one. For example:
matrix_blas.o: matrix_blas.cpp
$(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) -c matrix_blas.cpp -o matrix_blas.o
I want to add some commentary on this Makefile for future reference and better automation :
1. NVCC=nvcc environment variable is superfluous. There is only one compiler for NVIDIA GPUs and you would nonetheless have to change a lot of flags to compile for other architectures like AMD.
-arch=native is better suited if you want to deploy your code on multiple machines with GPUs having different architectures
-dc is the flag for separate compilation. The architecture must be specified before -dc see (with a generic Makefile):
You should add automatic rule to avoid these typos errors :
nvcc -dc $(CUDAFLAGS) $< -o $#
The Makefile will look for all dependencies ending by .o. If it needs to build one, it looks if it has the corresponding .cu file. I would actually remove the -dc from flags and be explicit here that I want to build object files.
$# is the name of the rule target. $< is the first prerequisite. Only one file at a time can be passed to nvcc with the -dc flag, so here $< is better than $^.
You may add the name of the executable in a variable so that you delete the same executable that you generated (and facilitate name change).
I added a .PHONY rule. This only removes the confusion that happens whenever someone writes a file named clean in the directory.
The Makefile can not differenciate between the file and the make clean rule.
CXXFLAGS= -fopenmp -O3 -Wextra -std=c++11
CUDAFLAGS= -std=c++11 -arch=sm_20
LIBS= -lopenblas -lpthread -lcudart -lcublas
nvcc -dc $(CUDAFLAGS) $< -o $#
all: matrix_cuda.o
$(CC) -o $(PROGRAM) matrix_blas.cpp alg.cpp test.cpp matrix_cuda.o $(LIBDIRS) $(INCDIRS) $(LIBS) $(CXXFLAGS)
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(PROGRAM) *.o

How to restore g++/gcc compiling messages

I'm using CentOS 6.5. When I do a make, I typically see the full gcc/g++ commands that the Makefile is executing, like
gcc -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I/opt/emacs/emacs-24.3/lib -I../src -I/opt/emacs/emacs-24.3/src -g3 -O2 -MT pthread_sigmask.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/pthread_sigmask.Tpo -c -o pthread_sigmask.o pthread_sigmask.c
But in some systems, I only see:
$ make
Building test1.o...
Building test2.o...
Is it possible to change the "Building ..." messages back to the full gcc/g++ command output?
The output that you see when you run make with a given makefile
depends on how the makefile is written. You will see the
output that the author of the makefile wants you to see.
If a command in a recipe in the makefile is prefixed with #,
then make will not echo the command. So if my makefile is, e.g.
foobar: foobar.o
gcc -o $# $<
foobar.o: foobar.c
gcc -c -o $# $<
then the output of make will be:
gcc -c -o foobar.o foobar.c
gcc -o foobar foobar.o
But if I change the makefile to:
foobar: foobar.o
#echo "Linking foobar"
#gcc -o $# $<
foobar.o: foobar.c
#echo "Compiling foobar"
#gcc -c -o $# $<
then the output becomes:
Compiling foobar
Linking foobar
So to see the output that you would prefer to see you will have to edit the
makefile, removing the #-prefixes from the commands you expect to see
and deleting entirely the commands that print the "Building..." messages.
At least, this is what you would need to do if the makefiles that bother
you in this way build the target using recipes that directly invoke gcc/g++. It
is possible that they build their targets using recipes that invoke some intermediate
tool that doesn't echo the compiler commands and instead emits the "Building..."
messages. Without seeing the makefile(s) I can't say.

makefile which get also the name of the file compile

I need a makefile which get also the name of the file compile
For example:
make foo
and the makefile should compile foo.c to foo.
This is my makefile. How to change it?
all: out
out: out.o
gcc -g -m32 -Wall -o out out.o
out.o: out.c
gcc -m32 -g -Wall -ansi -c -o out.o out.c
.PHONY: clean
#Clean the build directory
rm -f *.o out
There is no direct way where you can pass arguments to the Makefile but instead you can take advantage of variables to achieve what you want. Check the modifications done to the Makefile below
NAME ?=out #Default binary generated is out if you dont pass any argument
${NAME}: ${NAME}.o
gcc -g -m32 -Wall -o ${NAME} ${NAME}.o
${NAME}.o: ${NAME}.c
gcc -m32 -g -Wall -ansi -c -o ${NAME}.o out.c
.PHONY: clean
#Clean the build directory
`rm -f *.o ${NAME}`
And you should call the Makefile by typing
$ make NAME=foo
$ make clean NAME=foo
Passing arguments directly to Make is trivially easy.
Your current makefile can be invoked with make foo, and will compile foo.c to produce foo, because Make has implicit rules for handling cases like foo.c => foo; there will be no error even though "foo" is not the target of any rule. (At least, this is the case with GNU Make 3.81, which is what I am using.)
If you want to control the choice of compiler and flags (as in your out rule), there is more than one way to do it. The simplest (though not strictly the best) is to modify a couple of variables in the makefile:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -m32 -Wall -ansi
Another option is to override the implicit rule with a pattern rule of your own:
%: %.c
gcc -g -m32 -Wall -ansi -o $# $<
If you want it to build foo.o in a separate step, you must split the rule into two rule-- and also put in a rule with no recipe to cancel Make's implicit rule:
%: %.o
gcc -g -m32 -Wall -o $# $^
%.o: %.c
gcc -m32 -g -Wall -ansi -c -o $# $<
%: %.c
Further refinements are possible, once you have mastered the basics.
