I'm using HttpClient 4.5.2 where I've setup a CachingHttpClient that uses an EhCache to save files into a persistant diskStore. This works for normal requests, that happen after the initial download has been completed.
I don't know what happens if multiple threads try to download the same file for the first time. Do I have to use a FutureRequestExecutionService, or there is a better way to achieve this? The files that the application will have to download can be huge, and I expect multiple requests for each file.
By default, a caching solution like Ehcache does not resolve the thundering herd problem.
So it depends on the way HttpClient will handle this use case.
Note that Ehcache supports a read-through pattern which will resolve this problem by ensuring only a single requests cause the cache value to be loaded while others do wait.
I have an empty API in laravel code with nginx & apache server. Now the problem is that the API takes a lot of time if I try with different files and the API responds quickly if I try with blank data.
Case 1 : I called the API with a blank request, that time response time will be only 228ms.
Case 2 : I called the API with a 5MB file request, then file transfer taking too much time. that's why response time will be too long that is 15.58s.
So how can we reduce transfer start time in apache or nginx server, Is there any server configuration or any other things that i missed up ?
When I searched on google it said keep all your versions up-to-date and use php-fpm, but when I configure php-fpm and http2 protocol on my server I noticed that it takes more time than above. All server versions are up-to-date with the current version.
This has more to do with the fact one request has nothing to process so the response will be prompt, whereas, the other request requires actual processing and so a response will take as long as the server requires to process the content of your request.
Depending on the size of the file and your server configuration, you might hit a limit which will result in a timeout response.
A solution to the issue you're encountering is to chunk your file upload. There are a few packages available so that you don't have to write that functionality yourself, an example of such a package is the Pionl Laravel Chunk Upload.
An alternative solution would be to offload the file processing to a Queue.
When I searched on google about chunking it's not best solution for
small file like 5-10 MB. It's a best solution for big files like
50-100 MB. So is there any server side chunking configuration or any
other things or can i use this library to chunking a small files ?
According to the library document this is a web library. What should I
use if my API is calling from Android and iOS apps?
True, chunking might not be the best solution for smaller files but it is worthwhile knowing about. My recommendation would be to use some client-side logic to determine if sending the file in chunks is required. On the server use a Queue to process the file upload in the background allowing the request to continue processing without waiting on the upload and a response to be sent back to the client (iOS/Android app) in a timely manner.
If i add spring-session jdbc to my vaadin-spring-boot-application the application is very slow and does a full page reload after a few seconds. Everything else looks like it is working normally.
I do not notice the problem and I have been researching on this issue for a few days and got this Github issue and Vaadin microservices configuration But in these, I did not find a suitable solution to solve this problem, Any one can give me an true example to implemention Spring sessions on Vaadin?
Session replication schemes like spring-session assumes that the session is relatively small and that the content isn't sensitive to concurrent modification from multiple request threads. Neither of those assumptions hold true for a typical Vaadin application.
The first problem is that there's typically between 100KB and 10MB of data in the session that needs to be fetched from the database, deserialized, updated and then again serialized and stored in the database for each request. The second problem is that Vaadin stores a lock instance in the session and uses that to ensure there aren't multiple request threads using the same session concurrently.
To serialize a session to persistent storage, you thus need to ensure your load balancer uses sticky sessions and typically also use a high performance solution such as Hazelcast rather than just deserializing and serializing individually for each request.
For more details, you can have a look at these two posts:
I am trying to implement different cache strategies using ServiceWorker. For the following strategies the way to implement is completely clear:
Cache first
Cache only
Network first
Network only
For example, while trying to implement the cache-first strategy, in the fetch hook of the service-worker I will first ask the CacheStorage (or any other) for the requested URL and then if exists respondWith it and if not respondWith the result of network request.
But for the stale-while-revalidate strategy according to this definition of the workbox, I have the following questions:
First about the mechanism itself. Does stale-while-revalidate mean that use cache until the network responses and then use the network data or just use the network response to renew your cache data for the next time?
Now if the network is cached for the next time, then what scenarios contain a real use-case of that?
And if the network response should be replaced immediately in the app, so how could it be done in a service worker? Because the hook will be resolved with the cached data and then network data could not be resolved (with respondWith).
Yes, it means exactly that. The idea is simple: respond immediately from the cache, then refresh the cache in the background for the next time.
All scenarios where it is not important to always get the very latest version of the page/app =) I'm using stale-while-revalidate strategy on two different web applications, one for public transportation services and one for displaying restaurant menu information. Many sites/apps are just fine with this but of course not all.
One very important thing to note here on the #2:
You could eg. use stale-while-revalidate only for static assets. This way your html, js, css, images etc. would be cached and quickly served to the user, but the data fetched dynamically from an API could still be fresh. For some apps this works, for some others not so well. Depends completely on the app. Of course you have to remember not to change the semantics of your API if the user is running a previous version of the app etc.
Not possible in any automatic way. What you could do, however, is implement a msg channel between the Service Worker and the "regular JS code on the page" using window.postMessage API. You could listen for certain messages on the page and then, from the Service Worker, send a msg when an important change has happened and the cache has been updated. Then you could either show the user a prompt telling that the page really needs to be reloaded right now or even force reload it from JS. You would need to put this logic of determining when an important update has happened into the Service Worker of course.
I have taken over an application that serves around 180 TPS. The responses are always SOAP XML responses with a size of around 24000 bytes. We have been told that we have a dynacache and i can see that we have a cachespec.xml. But I am unable to understand how many entries it holds currently and its max limit.
How can i check this? I have tried DynamicCacheAccessor.getDistributedMap().size() but this always returns 0.
We have a lot of data inconsistencies because of Java hashmap caching layers internally. What are your thoughts on increasing dynacache and eliminate the internal caching ? How much server memory might this consume ?
Thanks in advance
The DynamicCacheAccessor accesses the default servlet cache instance, baseCache. If size() always returns zero then your cachespec.xml is configured to use a different cache instance.
Look for a directive in the cachespec.xml:
<cache-instance name="cache_instance_name"></cache-instance> to determine what cache instance you are using.
Also install the Cache Monitor from the installableApps directory. See
Monitoring and
CacheMonitor. The Cache Monitor is an invaluable tool when developing/maintaining an app using servlet caching.
Using liberty, install the webCacheMonitor-1.0 feature.
The arrival of service workers has led to a great number of improvements to the web. There are many use cases for service workers.
However, from a purely caching point of view, does it makes sense to use the Cache API?
Many approaches make assumptions of how resources will be handled.
Often only the URL is used to determine how the resource should be handled with strategies such as Network first, Network Only, Stale-while-revalidate, Cache first and Cache only. This can be tedious work, because you have to define a specific handler for many URLs. It's not scalable.
Instead I was thinking of using regular HTTP cache in combination with the Cache API. Response headers contain useful information that can be used to cache and verify if the cache can still be used or if a new version would be available. Together with best practice caching (for example https://jakearchibald.com/2016/caching-best-practices/), this could create a generic service worker that has not te be updated when resources change.
Based on the response headers, a resource could be handled by a custom handler. If the headers would ever be updated, it would be possible to handle the resource with a different handler if necessary.
But then I realised, I was just reimplementing browser cache with the Cache API. This would mean that the resources would be cached double (take this with a grain of salt), by storing it in both the browser and the service worker cache. Additionally, while the Cache API provides more control, most handlers can be (sort of) simulated with http cache:
Network only: Cache-Control: no-store
Cache only: Cache-Control: immutable
Cache first: Cache-Control: max-age with validation (Etag, Last Modified, ...)
Stale-while-revalidate: Cache-Control: stale-while-revalidate
I don't immediately see how to simulate network first, but then again this would imply support for offline usage (or bad connection). (Keep in mind, this is not the use case I'm looking for).
While it's always useful to provide a fallback (using service workers & Cache API), is it worth having the resources possibly cached double and having copied the browser's caching logic? I'm aware that the Cache API can be used to precache resources, but I think these could also be precached by requesting them in advance.
Lastly, I know the browser is in charge of managing the browser cache and a developer has limited control over it (using HTTP Cache headers).
But the browser could also choose to remove the whole service worker cache to clear disk space. There are ways to make sure the cache persists, but that's not the point here.
My questions are:
What advantages has the Cache API that can't be simulated with regular browser cache?
What could be cached with the Cache API, but not with regular browser cache?
Is there another way to create a service worker that does not need to be updated
What advantages has the Cache API that can't be simulated with regular browser cache?
CacheAPI have been created to be manipulated by Service Worker, so you can do nearly what you want with it, be you can't interfere or do anything to HTTP cache, it's all in browser mechanic, i'm not sure but HTTP cache is completly wreck when your offline, not CacheAPI.
What could be cached with the Cache API, but not with regular browser cache?
Before caching request, you can alter request to fit your need, or even cache response with Cache-Control: 0 if you want. Even store custom data that will need after.
Is there another way to create a service worker that does not need to be updated
It need a bit of work, be two of solution to achieve that is :
On each page call you communicate with SW using postMessage to compare version (it can be an id, a hash or even whole list of assets), it's different, you can load list of ressource from given location then add it to cache. (Due to javascript use, this won't work if you have to make it work from AMP)
Each time a user load a page, or each 10/20min ( or both, whatever you want ), you call a files to know your assert version, if it's different, you do the same thing on the other solution.
Hope I help