What is the difference between mozconfig vs moz.configure? - firefox

I'm trying to build firefox.
it says to edit my mozconfig file. I see a moz.configure file, but no mozconfig file. Should I edit the moz.configure file or create a mozconfig file?

You should not be changing the moz.configure file, as this is a configuration file used internally by the mach build system.
Instead, you should create your own .mozconfig file (don't forget the initial dot!) and put your customization options in there. Simply touch .mozconfig to create the file, then edit it. A brief overview of that file is available on MDN.


how to see where and what the changes are when file is modified externally

i modify file externally (see below), i want to know where and what the changes are in emEditor,
how to do ?
You can use the ActiveCompare macro, written by Takahiro Kawakami.
When the File changed by another program. Reload with changes? message box appears, select Don't Reload, and run this macro. You will be able to compare the current document with the file on disk.

How to replace the Firefox Portable splash screen?

I'm customizing the Firefox Portable edition, downloaded from Portable Apps, and as a part of the process I want to replace the splash screen. I already replaced the image file named FirefoxPortable.jpg inside the FirefoxPortable > Other > Source folder. Also, I edited the FirefoxPortable.ini not to show the splash screen (for test purposes) and copied that same splash screen image file named as splash.jpg to another folders too. The result: it keeps showing the original PortableApps' splash screen.
Does anybody know how to get rid of it or just to replace it? I think that image file might be cached somewhere.
If anybody found this problem before, I'd be glad to hear how you fixed it.
You will need to move the ini file to the root of the application directory.
FirefoxPortable.ini should be in the same directory as the FirefoxPortable.exe and the data, app, and Other folders.
this is specified the the ini file
# The above options are explained in the included readme.txt
# This INI file is an example only and is not used unless it is placed as described in the included readme.txt
as well as the readme.txt file
The Firefox Portable Launcher will look for an ini file called
within its directory. If you are happy with the default options, it is not necessary,
though. There is an example INI included with this package to get you started within
the Other\Source directory. Note that it will not work from this location as it must
be placed in the same directory as FirefoxPortable.exe.

How to create .lisp files and run them on mac?

As can be seen on the picture TextEdit on mac gives only limited options of file extensions in which I can safe a file. Lisp not included.
Create .lisp files
https://www.tutorialspoint.com/lisp/lisp_environment.htm is describing everything step by step, but it says TextEditor on Mac can save .lisp files, which I wasn't able to do.
Load .lisp file
(load "filename.lisp") leads to error: file with such name doesn't exist
TextEditor on mac has limitations to how file can be saved (.txt, etc.). You can use any other editor, ex: TextWrangler, which allow you to write file extension. Or you can use editors specific for lisp, ex: Emacs (more massive)
It's possible that when you type (load "filename.lisp") it searches in some specific directory, where it's not present. So, to avoid this, you should type full path to the file you want to open. Ex: (load "/Users/macbook/Desktop/foldername/filename.lisp")

How to create a .vm (velocity template file) from command line in Windows?

How to create a .vm (velocity template file) from command line in Windows
Based on you comment I assume what you really mean is how to made file which by default opens with some specific program you have. Here is several thing to be taken into account:
To create .vm file from command line you can use this question
By default windows doesn't show file extensions in explorer - so you won't actually see that it is .vm file in explorer. Reffer this guide to show file extensions.
There is such thing as file associations - e.g. default program to be use when you open file (for example double click). Also this affect icon shown for the file in explorer.
So to summarize - file created from command line(using method from referred question) have .vm extension. You don't see this cause your windows settings doesn't show extensions. You assume it is text file cause notepad++ icon shown for it as well as it opens with notepad++. That's a wrong assumption - simple you have notepad++ associated to open .vm files. If you want to use different program - you need either:
Change file associations (see link above).
Use open with option to open file with another program (right click menu option)
Use Open function from inside your program.

How to set file properties 7zS.sfx self extracting executable

Is it possible to set the file version property on an exe that was created from 7zS.sfx? It seems the default implementation is to tag the exe with the properties of the 7zS.sfx.exe (see below)
Yes. you can change the icon and metadata of the created exe file. You need to have a resource editor for this. I recommend using Resource Hackerâ„¢.
1. After downloading and installing (both installer and portable options available), run the the software and open your exe file which was created using 7z sfx.
2. Go to 'version info' tab in the left side tree view and change required information.
3. Compile script (F5) and save/save as the new exe file.
Now you can see, exe metadata has been changed.
Detailed information on how to use resource hackerâ„¢, can be found on the official website.
