Find minimum cost of tickets - algorithm

Find minimum cost of tickets required to buy for traveling on known days of the month (1...30). Three types of tickets are available : 1-day ticket valid for 1 days and costs 2 units, 7-days ticket valid for 7 days and costs 7 units, 30-days ticket valid for 30 days and costs 25 units.
For eg: I want to travel on [1,4,6,7,28,30] days of the month i.e. 1st, 4th, 6th ... day of the month. How to buy tickets so that the cost is minimum.
I tried to use dynamic programming to solve this but the solution is not giving me the correct answer for all cases. Here is my solution in Java :
public class TicketsCost {
public static void main(String args[]){
int[] arr = {1,5,6,9,28,30};
public static int findMinCost(int[] arr) {
int[][] dp = new int[arr.length][3];
int[] tDays = {1,7,30};
int[] tCost = {2,7,25};
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (j==0){
dp[i][j]= (i+1)*tCost[j];
int c = arr[i]-tDays[j];
int tempCost = tCost[j];
int k;
if (c>=arr[0] && i>0){
for (k = i-1; k >= 0; k--) {
if (arr[k]<=c){
c = arr[k];
tempCost += dp[c][j];
int tempCostX = dp[i-1][j] + tCost[0];
tempCost = Math.min(tempCost,tempCostX);
dp[i][j] = Math.min(tempCost,dp[i][j-1]);
return dp[arr.length-1][2];
The solution doesn't work for {1,7,8,9,10} input, it gives 10 but the correct answer should be 9. Also, for {1,7,8,9,10,15} it give 13 but the correct is 11.
I have posted my solution not for other to debug it for me but just for reference. I was taken a bottom-up dynamic programming approach for this problem. Is this approach correct?

Let MC(d) denote the minimum cost that will pay for all trips on days 1 through d. The desired answer is then MC(30).
To calculate MC(d), observe the following:
If there's no trip on day d, then MC(d) = MC(d − 1).
As a special case, MC(d) = 0 for all d ≤ 0.
Otherwise, the minimum cost involves one of the following:
A 1-day pass on day d. In this case, MC(d) = MC(d − 1) + 2.
A 7-day pass ending on or after day d. In this case, MC(d) = min(MC(d − 7), MC(d − 6), …, MC(d − 1)) + 7.
And since MC is nondecreasing (adding a day never reduces the minimum cost), this can be simplified to MC(d) = MC(d − 7) + 7. (Hat-tip to Ravi for pointing this out.)
A 30-day pass covering the whole period. In this case, MC(d) = 25.
As you've realized, dynamic programming (bottom-up recursion) is well-suited to this.
For ease of coding, I suggest we start by converting the list of days into a lookup table for "is this a trip day?":
boolean[] isDayWithTrip = new boolean[31]; // note: initializes to false
for (final int dayWithTrip : arr) {
isDayWithTrip[dayWithTrip] = true;
We can then create an array to track the minimum costs, and populate it starting from index 0:
int[] minCostUpThroughDay = new int[31];
minCostUpThroughDay[0] = 0; // technically redundant
for (int d = 1; d <= 30; ++d) {
if (! isDayWithTrip[d]) {
minCostUpThroughDay[d] = minCostUpThroughDay[d-1];
int minCost;
// Possibility #1: one-day pass on day d:
minCost = minCostUpThroughDay[d-1] + 2;
// Possibility #2: seven-day pass ending on or after day d:
minCost =
Math.min(minCost, minCostUpThroughDay[Math.max(0, d-7)] + 7);
// Possibility #3: 30-day pass for the whole period:
minCost = Math.min(minCost, 25);
minCostUpThroughDay[d] = minCost;
And minCostUpThroughDay[30] is the result.
You can see the above code in action at:

One recursive solution in Python3.
from typing import List
def solution(A: List[int]) -> int:
if not any(A):
return 0
tickets = {
1: 2,
7: 7,
30: 25,
import sys
min_cost = sys.maxsize
size = len(A)
for length, price in tickets.items():
current_cost = price
idx = 0
last_day = A[idx] + length
while idx < size and A[idx] < last_day:
idx += 1
if current_cost > min_cost:
current_cost += solution(A[idx:])
if current_cost < min_cost:
min_cost = current_cost
return min_cost
if __name__ == '__main__':
cases = {
11: [1, 4, 6, 7, 28, 30],
9: [1, 7, 8, 9, 10],
for expect, parameters in cases.items():
status = (expect == solution(parameters))
print("case pass status: %s, detail: %s == solution(%s)" %
(status, expect, parameters))

public class Main03v3
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] A = {1,7,8,9,10,15,16,17,18,21,25};
System.out.println("Traveling days:\r\n "+Arrays.toString(A));
int cost = solution(A);
System.out.println("\r\nMinimum cost is " + cost);
System.out.println("\r\n" + new String(new char[40]).replace("\0", "-"));
public static int solution(int[] A)
if (A == null) return -1;
int sevenDays = 7;
int dayCost = 2, weekCost = 7, monthCost = 25;
int ratio_WeekAndDays = weekCost / dayCost;
int len = A.length;
if (len == 0) return -1;
if (len <= 3) return len * dayCost;
int cost[] = new int[len];
int i = 0;
while (i < len)
int startIdx = i, endIdx = i + 1;
while (endIdx < len && A[endIdx]-A[startIdx] < sevenDays)
if (endIdx-startIdx > ratio_WeekAndDays)
if (endIdx >= startIdx + sevenDays)
endIdx = startIdx + sevenDays;
int j = startIdx;
cost[j] = ((j == 0) ? 0 : cost[j-1]) + weekCost;
while (++j < endIdx) {
cost[j] = cost[j-1];
i = j;
cost[i] = ((i == 0) ? 0 : cost[i-1]) + dayCost;
int finalCost = Math.min(cost[len-1], monthCost);
return finalCost;

Find minimum cost of tickets in JavaScript
case 1 : if input is [1,7,8,9,10] then the required output is 9
case 2 : if input is [1,7,8,9,10,15] then the required output is 11
function calMinCosts(arr){
if(!arr || arr.length===0)
return 0;
var len = arr.length;
var costsOfDateArr = Array.apply(null,{length:arr[len-1]+1}).map(()=>0);
var price1=2,price2=7,price3=25;
var days=7;
var index=0,n=costsOfDateArr.length;
for(var i=1;i<n;i++){
costsOfDateArr[i] = Math.min(costsOfDateArr[i-days-1]+price2, costsOfDateArr[i-1]+price1);
costsOfDateArr[i] = Math.min(costsOfDateArr[0]+price2, costsOfDateArr[i-1]+price1);
costsOfDateArr[i] = costsOfDateArr[i-1];
return Math.min(price3,costsOfDateArr[n-1]);

Here is the C++ solution including print outs
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
int compute(std::vector<int> &A)
int sum[A.size()][A.size()+1];
for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++)
for(int j =0; j < A.size(); j++)
for (int k = 0; k < A.size();k++)
for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < A.size(); j++)
if (i!=j)
if (sum[i][i] != 7)
int temp = abs(A[j]-A[i]);
if (temp<7 && abs(j-i)>=3)
if (i>j)
for(int k = j;k < i;k++)
for(int k = i;k < j;k++)
for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < A.size(); ++j)
if (sum[i][j]==7)
for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < A.size()+1; ++j)
std::cout<<sum[i][j]<<" ";
int result = 0;
int row = A.size()-1;
int column = A.size()-1;
int value = sum[row][A.size()];
if (value == 0)
int temp = sum[row][column];
result += temp;
row = row-value;
column = column-value;
while (sum[row][column+1]==7 && row>=0)
if (row < 0)
return result;
int solution(std::vector<int> &A) {
if (A.size() > 24)
return 25;
if (A.size() <= 3)
return A.size() * 2;
return std::min(25,compute(A));
int main()
std::vector<int> AA={1,2,3,4,5,29,30};
std::vector<int> B={1,2,3,4,5};
std::vector<int> A={1,2,3,4,5,9,10,11,12,13,14,17,18,20,21};
std::vector<int> C={1,2,3,12};
std::vector<int> D={1,2,3,4,12,13,14,15,29,30};
std::vector<int> DD={1,2,3,4,5,14,17,18,19,20,23,28,29,30};
std::vector<int> CC={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,14,17,18,19,20,23,28,29,30};
return 0;

Solved using the same approach of bottom-up dynamic programming. Here is the full solution :
public class PublicTicketCost {
public static void main(String args[]){
int[] arr = {1,7,8,9,10,15,16,17,18,21,25};
int[] tDays = {1,7,30};
int[] tCost = {2,7,25};
System.out.println(minCost(arr, tDays, tCost));
public static int minCost(int[] arr, int[] tDays, int[] tCost) {
int[][] dp = new int[arr.length][tDays.length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < tDays.length; j++) {
int prevDayIndex = findPrevDayIndex(arr,i,tDays,j);
int prevCost = prevDayIndex>=0 ? dp[prevDayIndex][tDays.length-1] : 0;
int currCost = prevCost + tCost[j];
currCost = Math.min(currCost, dp[i][j-1]);
dp[i][j] = currCost;
return dp[arr.length-1][tDays.length-1];
private static void print(int arr[][]){
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < arr[0].length; j++) {
System.out.print(arr[i][j]+" ");
private static int findPrevDayIndex(int[] arr, int i, int[] days, int j){
int validAfterDate = arr[i] - days[j];
if (validAfterDate<1){
return -1;
for (int k = i-1; k >= 0; k--) {
if (arr[k]<=validAfterDate){
return k;
return -1;


Finding number of pairs, product of whose indices is divisible by another number X

Given an array and some value X, find the number of pairs such that i < j , a[i] = a[j] and (i * j) % X == 0
Array size <= 10^5
I am thinking of this problem for a while but only could come up with the brute force solution(by checking all pairs) which will obviously time-out [O(N^2) time complexity]
Any better approach?
First of all, store separate search structures for each distinct A[i] as we iterate.
i * j = k * X
i = k * X / j
Let X / j be some fraction. Since i is an integer, k would be of the form m * least_common_multiple(X, j) / X, where m is natural.
Example 1: j = 20, X = 60:
lcm(60, 20) = 60
matching `i`s would be of the form:
(m * 60 / 60) * 60 / 20
=> m * q, where q = 3
Example 2: j = 6, X = 2:
lcm(2, 6) = 6
matching `i`s would be of the form:
(m * 6 / 2) * 2 / 6
=> m * q, where q = 1
Next, I would consider how to efficiently query the number of multiples of a number in a sorted list of arbitrary naturals. One way is to hash the frequency of divisors of each i we add to the search structure of A[i]. But first consider i as j and add to the result the count of divisors q that already exist in the hash map.
JavaScript code with brute force testing at the end:
function gcd(a, b){
return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a;
function getQ(X, j){
return X / gcd(X, j);
function addDivisors(n, map){
let m = 1;
while (m*m <= n){
if (n % m == 0){
map[m] = -~map[m];
const l = n / m;
if (l != m)
map[l] = -~map[l];
m += 1;
function f(A, X){
const Ais = {};
let result = 0;
for (let j=1; j<A.length; j++){
if (A[j] == A[0])
result += 1;
// Search
if (Ais.hasOwnProperty(A[j])){
const q = getQ(X, j);
result += Ais[A[j]][q] || 0;
// Initialise this value's
// search structure
} else {
Ais[A[j]] = {};
// Add divisors for j
addDivisors(j, Ais[A[j]]);
return result;
function bruteForce(A, X){
let result = 0;
for (let j=1; j<A.length; j++){
for (let i=0; i<j; i++){
if (A[i] == A[j] && (i*j % X) == 0)
result += 1;
return result;
var numTests = 1000;
var n = 100;
var m = 50;
var x = 100;
for (let i=0; i<numTests; i++){
const A = [];
for (let j=0; j<n; j++)
A.push(Math.ceil(Math.random() * m));
const X = Math.ceil(Math.random() * x);
const _brute = bruteForce(A, X);
const _f = f(A, X);
if (_brute != _f){
console.log(X, JSON.stringify(A));
console.log(_brute, _f);
console.log("Done testing.")
Just in case If someone needed the java version of this answer - explanation has been provided in that answer.
I spent lot of time in understanding the javascript code so I thought the people who are comfortable with java can refer this for better understanding.
import java.util.HashMap;
public class ThisProblem {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int t = 1000;
int n = 100;
int m = 50;
int x = 100;
for(int i = 0; i<t; i++) {
int[] A = new int[n];
for(int j = 0; j<n; j++) {
A[j] = ((int)Math.random()*m)+1;
int X = ((int)Math.random()*x)+1;
int optR = createMaps(A, X);
int brute = bruteForce(A, X);
if(optR != brute) {
System.out.println("Wrong Answer");
System.out.println("Test Completed");
public static int bruteForce(int[] A, int X) {
int result = 0;
int n = A.length;
for(int i = 1; i<n; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j<i; j++) {
if(A[i] == A[j] && (i*j)%X == 0)
return result;
public static int gcd(int a, int b) {
return b==0 ? a : gcd(b, a%b);
public static int getQ(int X, int j) {
return X/gcd(X, j);
public static void addDivisors(int n, HashMap<Integer, Integer> map) {
int m = 1;
while(m*m <= n) {
if(n%m == 0) {
map.put(m, map.getOrDefault(m, 0)+1);
int l = n/m;
if(l != m) {
map.put(l, map.getOrDefault(l, 0)+1);
public static int createMaps(int[] A, int X) {
int result = 0;
HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Integer>> contentsOfA = new HashMap<>();
int n = A.length;
for(int i = 1; i<n; i++) {
if(A[i] == A[0])
if(contentsOfA.containsKey(A[i])) {
int q = getQ(X, i);
result += contentsOfA.get(A[i]).getOrDefault(q, 0);
} else {
contentsOfA.put(A[i], new HashMap<>());
addDivisors(i, contentsOfA.get(A[i]));
return result;

Maximum product prefix string

The following is a demo question from a coding interview site called codility:
A prefix of a string S is any leading contiguous part of S. For example, "c" and "cod" are prefixes of the string "codility". For simplicity, we require prefixes to be non-empty.
The product of prefix P of string S is the number of occurrences of P multiplied by the length of P. More precisely, if prefix P consists of K characters and P occurs exactly T times in S, then the product equals K * T.
For example, S = "abababa" has the following prefixes:
"a", whose product equals 1 * 4 = 4,
"ab", whose product equals 2 * 3 = 6,
"aba", whose product equals 3 * 3 = 9,
"abab", whose product equals 4 * 2 = 8,
"ababa", whose product equals 5 * 2 = 10,
"ababab", whose product equals 6 * 1 = 6,
"abababa", whose product equals 7 * 1 = 7.
The longest prefix is identical to the original string. The goal is to choose such a prefix as maximizes the value of the product. In above example the maximal product is 10.
Below is my poor solution in Java requiring O(N^2) time. It is apparently possible to do this in O(N). I was thinking Kadanes algorithm. But I can't think of any way that I can encode some information at each step that lets me find the running max. Can any one think of an O(N) algorithm for this?
import java.util.HashMap;
class Solution {
public int solution(String S) {
int N = S.length();
if(N<1 || N>300000){
System.out.println("Invalid length");
HashMap<String,Integer> prefixes = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
String keystr = "";
for(int j=i; j>=0; j--) {
keystr += S.charAt(j);
int newval = prefixes.get(keystr)+keystr.length();
if(newval > 1000000000)return 1000000000;
int maax1 = 0;
for(int val : prefixes.values())
maax1 = val;
return maax1;
Here's a O(n log n) version based on suffix arrays. There are O(n) construction algorithms for suffix arrays, I just don't have the patience to code them.
Example output (this output isn't O(n), but it's only to show that we can indeed compute all the scores):
4*1 a
3*3 aba
2*5 ababa
1*7 abababa
3*2 ab
2*4 abab
1*6 ababab
Basically you have to reverse the string, and compute the suffix array (SA) and the longest common prefix (LCP).
Then you have traverse the SA array backwards looking for LCPs that match the entire suffix (prefix in the original string). If there's a match, increment the counter, otherwise reset it to 1. Each suffix (prefix) receive a "score" (SCR) that corresponds to the number of times it appears in the original string.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#define MAX 10050
using namespace std;
int RA[MAX], tempRA[MAX];
int SA[MAX], tempSA[MAX];
int C[MAX];
int Phi[MAX], PLCP[MAX], LCP[MAX];
int SCR[MAX];
void suffix_sort(int n, int k) {
memset(C, 0, sizeof C);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
C[i + k < n ? RA[i + k] : 0]++;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max(256, n); i++) {
int t = C[i];
C[i] = sum;
sum += t;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
tempSA[C[SA[i] + k < n ? RA[SA[i] + k] : 0]++] = SA[i];
memcpy(SA, tempSA, n*sizeof(int));
void suffix_array(string &s) {
int n = s.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
RA[i] = s[i] - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
SA[i] = i;
for (int k = 1; k < n; k *= 2) {
suffix_sort(n, k);
suffix_sort(n, 0);
int r = tempRA[SA[0]] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
int s1 = SA[i], s2 = SA[i-1];
bool equal = true;
equal &= RA[s1] == RA[s2];
equal &= RA[s1+k] == RA[s2+k];
tempRA[SA[i]] = equal ? r : ++r;
memcpy(RA, tempRA, n*sizeof(int));
void lcp(string &s) {
int n = s.size();
Phi[SA[0]] = -1;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
Phi[SA[i]] = SA[i-1];
int L = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (Phi[i] == -1) {
PLCP[i] = 0;
while (s[i + L] == s[Phi[i] + L])
PLCP[i] = L;
L = max(L-1, 0);
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
LCP[i] = PLCP[SA[i]];
void score(string &s) {
SCR[s.size()-1] = 1;
int sum = 1;
for (int i=s.size()-2; i>=0; i--) {
if (LCP[i+1] < s.size()-SA[i]-1) {
sum = 1;
} else {
SCR[i] = sum;
int main() {
string s = "abababa";
s = string(s.rbegin(), s.rend()) +".";
for(int i=0; i<s.size(); i++) {
string ns = s.substr(SA[i], s.size()-SA[i]-1);
ns = string(ns.rbegin(), ns.rend());
cout << SCR[i] << "*" << ns.size() << " " << ns << endl;
Most of this code (specially the suffix array and LCP implementations) I have been using for some years in contests. This version in special I adapted from this one I wrote some years ago.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "abababa";
String prefix;
int product;
int maxProduct = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= input.length(); i++) {
prefix = input.substring(0, i);
String substr;
int occurs = 0;
for (int j = prefix.length(); j <= input.length(); j++) {
substr = input.substring(0, j);
if (substr.endsWith(prefix))
product = occurs*prefix.length();
System.out.println("product of " + prefix + " = " +
prefix.length() + " * " + occurs +" = " + product);
maxProduct = (product > maxProduct)?product:maxProduct;
System.out.println("maxProduct = " + maxProduct);
I was working on this challenge for more than 4 days , reading a lot of documentation, I found a solution with O(N) .
I got 81%, the idea is simple using a window slide.
def solution(s: String): Int = {
var max = s.length // length of the string
var i, j = 1 // start with i=j=1 ( is the beginning of the slide and j the end of the slide )
val len = s.length // the length of the string
val count = Array.ofDim[Int](len) // to store intermediate results
while (i < len - 1 || j < len) {
if (i < len && s(0) != s(i)) {
while (i < len && s(0) != s(i)) { // if the begin of the slide is different from
// the first letter of the string skip it
i = i + 1
j = i + 1
var k = 1
while (j < len && s(j).equals(s(k))) { // check for equality and update the array count
if (count(k) == 0) {
count(k) = 1
count(k) = count(k) + 1
max = math.max((k + 1) * count(k), max)
k = k + 1
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
max // return the max

Algorithm for Adding/Subtracting numbers to find if number can be made?

I was wondering if there is an efficient premade algorithm for determining if the sum/difference of a group of numbers can equal a different number. Example:
5, 8, 10, 2, using + or -, to equal 9.
5 - 8 = -3 + 10 = 7 + 2 = 9
If there is a preexisting algorithm, what is it called. If not, I can figure out how to program it, though it may not be efficient.
Thank you!
Yeah, this is basically knapsack problem, but it can be computed in pseudopolynomial time using dynamic programming.
I did it few month ago, so maybe this java code can help you, if you want to implement it :
public void solve() {
while (this.isEnd() == false) {
int priceSum = this.getItemsInstance().getTotalPrice()/divide;
int numOfItems = this.getItemsInstance().itemCount();
int maxWeight = this.getItemsInstance().getMaxWeight();
int[][] array = new int[numOfItems + 1][priceSum + 1];
boolean[][] arrayCounted = new boolean[numOfItems + 1][priceSum + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfItems + 1; i++) {
array[i][0] = 0;
arrayCounted[i][0] = true;
int max = 0;
int price = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < priceSum + 1; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i < numOfItems + 1; i++) {
int temp = W(i, j, array, arrayCounted);
if (temp <= maxWeight) {
max = temp;
price = j;
private int W(int i, int c, int[][] array, boolean[][] arrayCounted) {
if (c < 0) {
return MAX_PRICE / divide;
if (i == 0) {
if (c == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return MAX_PRICE / divide;
if (arrayCounted[i][c]) {
return array[i][c];
arrayCounted[i][c] = true;
array[i][c] = Math.min(W(i - 1, c, array, arrayCounted), W(i - 1, c - this.items[i - 1].price/divide, array, arrayCounted) + this.items[i - 1].weight);
return array[i][c];
its not an NP problem, if the problem is to find a given number from adding or subtracting each elements of a list/array. if you think about AP. here is a sample code in C++
int Np( int mn, list<int>a, int c )
int size = a.size(), rst = 0, maxI = 0;
std::list<int>::iterator it;
while( size > c )
maxI += a.back();
rst = 0;
for( auto ele : a )
rst += ele;
cout << rst << endl;
if( (rst - maxI) == mn or (maxI - rst) == mn or (maxI + rst) == mn )
return mn;
return rst;
this should help. i think.
I actually wrote a simple java program, I was not actually aware of knapsack strategies. This is my own solution. Hope this helps
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Puzzle {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int targetNumber = 0;
int min = 2147483647;
int[] numbers = {-10, -30, -20, -50};
//int[] numbers = {0,0,0,0};
//int[] numbers = {7, 2, 10};
//int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//int[] numbers = {1000, 2, 3, 4, 100};
char set[] = {'+', '-'};
min = getNumberClosestToTarget(numbers, set, min, targetNumber);
System.out.println(String.format(" %d is closest to %d", min, targetNumber));
private static int getNumberClosestToTarget(int[] numbers, char[] set, int min, int targetNumber) {
List<String> operators = new ArrayList<>();
computeAllOperatorsCombination(set, "", set.length, numbers.length - 1, operators);
for (String operatorString : operators) {
String[] ops = operatorString.split("");
int sum = computeSum(numbers, ops, numbers.length - 1);
min = getClosestToTarget(min, targetNumber, sum);
return min;
static int computeSum(int[] numbers, String[] operators, int index) {
int result = numbers[index];
if (index == 0) {
return result;
} else {
switch (operators[index - 1]) {
case "+":
return computeSum(numbers, operators, index - 1) + result;
case "-":
return computeSum(numbers, operators, index - 1) - result;
return result;
static void computeAllOperatorsCombination(char set[], String prefix, int n, int k, List<String> result) {
if (k == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String newPrefix;
newPrefix = prefix + set[i];
computeAllOperatorsCombination(set, newPrefix, n, k - 1, result);
private static int getClosestToTarget(int min, int targetNumber, int r) {
int distance = Math.abs(targetNumber - r) < Math.abs(r - targetNumber) ? Math.abs(targetNumber - r) : Math.abs(r - targetNumber);
if (distance < Math.abs(min)) {
min = distance;
if (r < 0) {
min = -distance;
return min;

Number of binary trees with equal values

There is array of values:
1 - n_1 times
2 - n_2 times
k - n_k times
How many trees with this nodes exist?
I create simple algorythm:
int get_count(const vector<int> n_i) {
if (n_i.size() <= 1) {
return 1;
} else {
int total_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_i.size(); ++i) {
vector<int> first;
vector<int> second;
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
if (n_i[i] != 1) {
second.push_back(n_i[i] - 1);
for (int j = i + 1; j < n_i.size(); ++j) {
total_count += (get_count(first) * get_count(second));
return total_count;
#(n_1, n_2, ... n_k) = #(n_1 - 1, n_2, ..., n_k) + #(n_1) #(n_2 - 1, ... n_k) + ... + #(n_1, ..., n_k - 1)
#(0, n_i, n_j, ...) = #(n_i, n_j, ...)
But my code is so slow.
Is there a final formula via Cathalan's numbers, for example?
I guess that the problem can be split into calculating the number of permutations and calculating the number of binary trees of given size. I converted my initial recursive Java code (which gives up on n1=10,n2=10,n3=10) into this iterative one:
static int LIMIT = 1000;
static BigInteger[] numberOfBinaryTreesOfSize = numberOfBinaryTreesBelow(LIMIT);
static BigInteger[] numberOfBinaryTreesBelow(int m) {
BigInteger[] arr = new BigInteger[m];
arr[0] = BigInteger.ZERO;
arr[1] = arr[2] = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int n = 3; n < m; n++) {
BigInteger s = BigInteger.ZERO;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
s = s.add(arr[i].multiply(arr[n - i]));
arr[n] = s;
return arr;
static BigInteger[] fac = facBelow(LIMIT);
static BigInteger[] facBelow(int m) {
BigInteger[] arr = new BigInteger[m];
arr[0] = arr[1] = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int i = 2; i < m; i++)
arr[i] = arr[i - 1].multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
return arr;
static BigInteger getCountFast(int[] arr) {
// s: sum of n_i
int s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { s += arr[i]; }
// p: number of permutations
BigInteger p = fac[s]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { p = p.divide(fac[arr[i]]); }
BigInteger count = p.multiply(numberOfBinaryTreesOfSize[s]);
return count;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(getCountFast(new int[]{ 150, 150, 150, 150, 150 }));
The LIMIT limits the sum of the n_i. The above example takes about two seconds on my machine. Maybe it helps you with a C++ solution.

Knapsack 0-1 path reconstruction (which items to take) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to find which elements are in the bag, using Knapsack Algorithm [and not only the bag's value]?
(4 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I know how to solve knapsack 0-1 problem with dynamic programming approach, but I am having troubles figuring out which items to take without compromising the complexity of O(N * C) (N items, C capacity).
Any ideas (I would prefer a bottom-up approach)?
Suppose, right now you're storing results in array bool[] a, where a[i] is true when sum i can be achieved.
You'll need another array int[] b, where b[i] is a last element you've placed into knapsack to achieve sum i.
So, where you had
a[i] = true;
you'll need
a[i] = true;
b[i] = current_item;
Then, finding which items can be taken to achieve sum i is a simple loop.
PS I use two arrays for simplicity, but obviously array a can be removed.
Here is a modification to reconstruct path in O(n) times
int knapsack(int weight[], int profit[], int no_of_items, int capacity) {
for (int var = 0; var <= capacity; ++var) {
dp[0][var] = 0;
for (int var = 0; var <= no_of_items; ++var) {
path[var] = false;
int using_item_i, without_using_item_i;
for (int i = 1; i <= no_of_items; ++i) {
for (int j = 1; j <= capacity; ++j) {
without_using_item_i = dp[i - 1][j];
using_item_i = 0;
if ((weight[i]) <= j) {
using_item_i = dp[i - 1][j - weight[i]] + profit[i];
if (using_item_i >= without_using_item_i) {
taken[i][j] = true;
dp[i][j] = using_item_i;
} else {
taken[i][j] = false;
dp[i][j] = without_using_item_i;
//Reconstructing back the path
int j = capacity;
for (int i = no_of_items; i >= 0; --i) {
if (taken[i][j]) {
path[i] = true;
j = j - weight[i];
return dp[no_of_items][capacity];
boolean[] solution = new boolean[nItems];
for (int i = nItems, c = maxCapacity; i > 0 && c > 0; i--) {
int iThItemAddedValue = value[i - 1][c - weights[i - 1]] + values[i - 1];
int iThItemInheritedValue = value[i - 1][c];
if (iThItemAddedValue > iThItemInheritedValue) {
solution[i - 1] = true;
c = c - weights[i - 1];
} else {
solution[i - 1] = false;
Check the sol in the attached image
public class Knapsackproblem {
private static int[][] cache;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int val[] = new int[]{60, 100, 120};
int wt[] = new int[]{10, 20, 30};
int W = 50;
int n = val.length;
System.out.println(knapSack(W, wt, val, n));
* This method will find the result with
* more value with weight less than or equal
* to given weight
* #param w given weight
* #param wt arrays of weights
* #param val array of values
* #param n length of the array
* #return max value we can obtain
private static int knapSack(int w, int[] wt, int[] val, int n) {
cache = new int[n+1][w+1];
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= w; j++) {
if(j < wt[i-1]){
cache[i][j] = cache[i-1][j];
}else {
cache[i][j] = Math.max(cache[i-1][j],(cache[i-1][j-wt[i-1]])+val[i-1]);
for (int[] aCache : cache) {
return cache[n][w];
private static void printValues(int[] wt, int[] val) {
int m = cache.length-1;
int n = cache[0].length-1;
private static void util(int[] wt, int[] val, int m, int n) {
if(m <=0 || n<=0) return;
if((cache[m][n] != cache[m-1][n]) && (cache[m][n] != cache[m][n-1])){
util(wt, val, m-1, (n - wt[m - 1] + 1));
if(cache[m][n] == cache[m-1][n]){
else if(cache[m][n] == cache[m][n-1])
Print the tmpList in the caller and you will get the answer
