context:property-placeholder comma-separated list of resources don't work with system property placeholder - spring

I can't entirely configure property-placeholder from system property because I can't give comma-separated list of resources.
I'm trying to do like:
<context:property-placeholder location="${config-location}" />
I use system property to configure this. It works if I give one location only, like "", but it does not if I'm trying this: ",".
If I use this latter exact value directly in xml configuration it works fine. I guess it resolves comma-separation earlier than placeholders. It should be the other way around.
P.S : version 4.3.4

Another possible worth tryout would be,
<context:property-placeholder location="#{systemProperties['config-location']}" />
how to read System environment variable in Spring applicationContext


Conventions for naming

In my Spring application, I am trying to use property-placeholder with profiles test,dev,prod. Also I would like to be able to load the default properties common which are common for all profiles.
This however doesn't work correctly. I am not yet using the variable ${}, because it doesn't work correctly even without it. What happens is that whatever is after the hyphen application- is loaded in alphabetical order. Loaded is only the first one, the other one is ignored. So in this case, only -common is loaded. Strange thing is, if I remove the hyphen, it load both files.
Is there some hidden behaviour I am not aware of?
You can use #PropertySource to load 'common' property file.
Load environment specific property file by using while running your application.
For example ,

How to configure address in JAX-WS CXF Client using JNDI lookup

I am looking up my JNDI value of endpoint (properties file is not an option) on server like this
<jee:jndi-lookup id="MyEndpoint" jndi-name="endpoint.url" />
I would like to use the above looked up value in the place of address.
<jaxws:client id="helloClient"
address="http://localhost:9002/HelloWorld" />
I tried address="${MyEndpoint}". Did n't work. Looks like I have to use another bean, which uses jndi value and use its method to return as string i.e. address="#{MyBean.geyMyEndpoint()}". Doesn't look clean that way. Any suggestions?
You should be able to use Spring Expression Language to get the behavior you want, without using another bean. The following works for me in Tomcat 7:
<jee:jndi-lookup id="MyEndpoint" jndi-name="java:comp/env/MyEndpoint" />
<jaxws:client id="helloClient"
address="#{MyEndpoint}" />
Also on another note from Spring 3.1 - Spring has unified property management. so instead of the above solution you can do this
<jaxws:client id="helloClient" serviceClass="demo.spring.HelloWorld" address="${endpoint.url}" />
endpoint.url could be any property(system, environment etc) and it will automatically resolve the property. so no need to do separate JNDI lookup and your code looks clean.

Get config setting in custom taglib using Spring "context-property-placeholder"

I'm creating a custom taglib, and would like to use some config options that are loaded via the underlying Spring framework using:
<context:property-placeholder location="" />
How would I get access to these variables in my taglib?
The JSP taglibs have nothing in common with the Spring context's lifecycle, they're managed by the servlet container. This can complicate things a bit, for example: inject-dependency-into-a-taglib-class, how-to-write-tag-in-my-spring-project.
Since you're only mentioning the need for contents of the properties file, you could use plain old java.util.ResourceBundle (or, if you need more flexibility, Apache Commons' org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration).
(One could also argue that requiring access to configuration in your tags indicates a design problem...)

How to retrieve context parameters in Spring 3.1 xml context

It seems like there's been a few iterations of property support in spring it's hard to tell what's best practice and the manuals are written from the point of view of someone who is familiar with every other iteration. I feel like this should be a simple and common requirement but given how hard it's been please correct me if there's a more idiomatic way.
What I want is to pass an additional properties file to my spring web app based on a context property which the client is setting using a tomcat descriptor like so
<Context path="/foo" reloadable="true">
<Parameter name="foo.config" value="file:${catalina.base}/conf/"/>
In spring for the live profile I have this
<beans profile="live">
<context:property-placeholder location=",${timetabling.config}"
ignore-resource-not-found="true" />
So I'd assumed this doesn;t work because I'm trying to configure placeholder suppport with a placeholder. If I use a system property however then this works fine. I know that spring 3.1 has baked in support for system and environment properties so I guess my question is how can I augment this support with something context aware before the placeholder is resolved?
looking at particularly at footnote 1, I would expect to have a DefaultWebEnvironment which should already have aceess to context init params. Now I am more confused, can someone provide me with a concrete example of context property retrieval? At this point I feel like I've read every javadoc available and they are just not helpful.
<context:property-placeholder /> sets up a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer which reads from .properties, system properties and environment variables. A Tomcat context.xml however sets up a servlet context init parameter. So what you need is a ServletContextPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.

Spring application-context, not able to load (property-placeholder) .properties file

I have a web-app, which loads a application-context files from many locations.
One of the application-context file is in a .jar file (this jar is present in WEB-INF/lib).
This application-context has an entry like this:
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:META-INF/spring/" ignore-unresolvable="true" ignore-resource-not-found="true"/>
But the is never found. I keep getting errors about
Could not resolve placeholder 'db.driver' - something that is defined in and referred in application-context via ${db.driver}
It is almost as if property-placeholder is being ignored. I tried giving absolute path to my too.. even that wouldn't work.
Have you solved this problem? I've encoutered the same recently. My solution is simple and unlikely to be the case but... in my case there were two types of placeholders of different types. One type was configured using
the other type was configured as a bean of type ServletContextPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. Removing one type of placeholder solved the problem.
Because Spring allow exist only one <context:property-placeholder/>, When Spring find a <context:property-placeholder/>,it will ignore the remains. So put all the properties conf in one place.
reference to :
