Unable to open terminal in mac - bash

I am unable to open the terminal or iTerm in my Mac OS, since my last update using brew. Not sure what I upgraded using brew :(
Below is the error message I get when I open terminal. Any help is much appreciated.
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.6.dylib
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/bash
Reason: image not found
[Process completed]
Thanks in advance!

The problem is two fold:
Upgrade bash from brew, using "brew upgrade bash"
The solution (aka step 1) requires Terminal to be opened, which doesn't.
So this is what I did. As it turns out the old bash version is incompatible with the newer upgrade of readline. So the deal is to hunt the location of readline in finder.
In my case, it is at /usr/local/Cellar/readline
Inside the above readline directory I found two directories: "6.3.8" and "7.0".
I renamed "7.0" to "7.0-old"
Created new directory "7.0" and copied contents of "6.3.8" in it.
Hurray! The Terminal now opens-up.
Now, run "brew upgrade bash" from terminal. And in the mean time, restore the readline directory to previous state like below:
Delete "7.0" directory you created
Rename "7.0-old" to "7.0"
You're now good to go. Cheers!

I found that the above solution did not work in my case.
Here is what did work:
Open the default Terminal app, then click on Preferences
change "Shells open with" to /bin/bash
quit terminal
open terminal again, you should be back to a prompt now
Now, run brew upgrade bash from terminal

Don't forget that you may also need to update your Terminal preferences if you've specified a custom shell path there (which I had totally forgotten about):


Mas OS Big Sur update - Python3 / conda / pip not found

Sorry if this is a stupid question. I use python/jupyter a lot and it's stopped working after updating from Mac OS High Sierra to Big Sur. I'm trying to figure out why, but I'm not great with command line stuff.
The problem. When I try python3, pip -v, conda, etc. it says "command not found". python still seems to run, but it's 2.7 and I know I had 3 (I probably had a few versions from untidy file systems). I want to avoid reinstalling all my packages and things again, because I know it's still there and I've done this a few times already.
Some clues. I know this OS upgrade moves me from bash to zsh. I've tried just switching back to bash with chsh -s /bin/zsh but it still says command not found. I also noticed the OS update creates a Mac HD (below System/Volumes) within my Mac HD, and in that second one seems to be still all my python3/conda/pip/etc. folders. Not sure if/how this matters. Or if this is just a path issue.
I just want to get Jupyter running again on my Mac without reinstalling all my myriad packages from square one. Any help appreciated!
After extreme toil and research, I finally found something that worked for me.
Find the location of your Anaconda3. For me it was in ~/opt/anaconda3
Open terminal and type source <location of anaconda3>/bin/activate and then in the next line, write conda init zsh
Close your terminal and open it again. You should see a prefix (base) when you open it again.
All in all, for me it was
rko3 ~ % source opt/anaconda3/bin/activate
rko3 ~ % conda init zsh
Let me know if this works for you!
PS. You may be tempted to change $PATH variables. Anaconda advises against that. Use this reference instead that suggests the above. https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/mac-os/
I've just resolved this exact issue on my machine after upgrading to Big Sur from Mojave.
The issue: MacOS, as of Catalina, no longer lets you use the system root folder. Anaconda used to install in this folder. After upgrading from Mojave to Big Sur, you'll likely find your anaconda3 folder, including all your environments and packages, located here: /System/Volumes/Data/anaconda3.
Here is what to do to fix it:
Open Terminal
Move the anaconda3 folder:
sudo mv /System/Volumes/Data/anaconda3 ~/
Download Anaconda's Conda Prefix Replacement (crp) tool:
curl -L https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/misc/cpr-exec/cpr-0.1.1-osx-64.exe -o cpr && chmod +x cpr
Run the CRP tool (this will take a few minutes):
./cpr rehome ~/anaconda3/
Source anacoda3
source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate
Initiate conda
conda init
Quit Terminal and open it again.
Edit: Someone didn't like that I ended this answer with "That's it! Enjoy". In the scenario described, the steps above were indeed all it took to resolve the issue. If you're experiencing the same issue, I hope this helps resolve it, so you can get back to enjoying your updated OS.
Seems like your environement is not activated. Zsh sources ~/.zshrc while bash sources ~/.bashrc.
You can copy lines related to conda from your ~/.bashrc to your ~/.zshrc.
Open the Anaconda navigator and click on the Environments section. There you will see the base (root) and a green triangle next to it.
Click on the triangle and select Open Terminal.
Now, in the terminal you will be already in the necessary directory for anaconda and you can then update any packages.
For example, just by writing conda update --all you can update all packages available for updates.

Homebrew version of vim won't open files

I installed vim via brew so I could have the latest version (7.4) and get syntax highlighting for Clojure. No big deal. Unfortunately, the brew version of vim seems to be broken on my system. I also aliased the vim command:
brew install vim # Install went successfully
alias vim=/usr/local/Cellar/7.4.052/bin/vim # Shouldn't be any problems here
When I open the brew version of vim, it fails to load any of my plugins (I use spf13) throwing a bunch of "Undefined variable" and "Invalid expression", etc errors for every plugin in my bundle directory; I just hit enter to continue. My .vimrc loads properly. When I open a file, it opens two tabs, both blank. One is a new file, the other is the file I tried to open, except there's nothing in it.
Potentially useful information: echo $VIM returns an empty line, while echo $ZSH returns /User/bsima/.dotfiles as expected.
Here are my dotfiles, but I don't think the problem lies in those configuration files.
Is this a known bug? Or is something wrong with my vim install?
I have no idea what's going on and I really miss my vim :( As good as Textmate is, I can't be without vim forever.
Edit: MacVim, installed via Homebrew, kinda works. It still opens 2 tabs on startup, but it does open files for editing and saves.
I found the problem: it was with my spf13 vim config. The following commands fixed the issue, in addition to double-checking that symlinks such as ~/.vim and ~/.vimrc were correct:
> which vim # This should output /usr/local/bin/vim since I'm using Homebrew
> cd ~/.spf13-vim-3
> ./bootstrap.sh # Basically re-installs spf13

Run gedit on OSX Mavericks?

The Version of Gedit on the gnome.org site does not seem to run on OSX Mavericks. Is there any way to fix this?
When I tried it, the problem was the version of libxml2 packaged with gedit.
Use the command "brew install libxml2"
then cp /usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.1/lib/libxml2.2.dylib /Applications/gedit.app/Contents/Resources/lib/.
In the current version of brew, the directory has changed to 2.9.2 so:
then cp /usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.2/lib/libxml2.2.dylib /Applications/gedit.app/Contents/Resources/lib/.
Having MacPorts installed and comments from above I was able to simply rm /Applications/gedit.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libxml2.2* and it used the system/macports library instead of the bundled one without error.
Just to Revise:
Having macports installed correctly. (If you just updated from e.g. OSX Lion you need to migrate macports to your new Maverics OSX System, https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Migration)
Downloading gedit-3.2.6-3
sudo port install libxml2
and rm /Applications/gedit.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libxml2.2*
Open gedit and start Coding!
For my 13-inch, Early 2011 Macbook pro it worked just fine.
If you want to use gedit from Terminal:
alias gedit="open -a gedit"
Gedit 2.30.2 works.
But your own plugin won't work on Gedit 2.30.2.
I dont know what your goal is, but i found a easier way with another program. If installing all of this starts to get tiersome (that's what i figured out at least, since xcode needed downloading and tampering), i found sublime text 2 to work very nicely.
I found that the version of "libxml2.2.dylib", distributed with Gedit 3.2.6 is outdated.
Install "Xcode" from the App Store (if you have not already done so), then:
$ cp -p /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib /Applications/gedit.app/Contents/Resources/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
One solution (I'm still interested in others) is the following:
The latest version of Gedit (3.2.6-3)for OSX on the Gnome.org website crashes.
The older Gedit 2.30.2 still runs.
try version 2.26.3 of Gedit – it’s working for me on MOJAVE !
If I am guessing correctly, your aim is a GUI Text editor for convenience.
open /path/to/file
performs the same action as of double clicking on the file from Finder
Also if you want to use it with a specific application like sublime text
open -a 'Sublime Text' /path/to/file

bash __git_ps1 command not found

I am a beginner trying to setup a developer environment on my new Mac following the steps from this link: http://vanderveer.be/setting-up-my-perfect-developer-environment-on-osx-10-8-mountain-lion-10-8-2-final-edition/.
After executing the files from git, my terminal window now shows:
rbenv: version `1.9.3-p194' not installed
-bash: __git_ps1: command not found
The first line only shows when I open a new terminal window, while the second shows everytime I press return no matter what I type into the terminal.
I have read through many questions on stackoverflow and tried to mimic their solutions to no avail. I think I've made a mistake in installing the package from git as I am not so experienced and I think now I may have messed up the configurations, and was also wondering if there is any way to go back to default settings for bash?
Many thanks!
If you've not installed a newer version of Git on your Mac, start by doing that. You can grab the download from here: http://git-scm.com/download
Once it's installed, you should source git-completion.sh and git-prompt.sh from your ~/.profile (or ~/.bashrc, if you have it):
source /usr/local/git/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
source /usr/local/git/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh
That should fix the __git_ps1 error.
I'm not a Rubyist, but the rbenv error is coming from the fact that the setup in the dotfiles you are following is trying to set the default Ruby version to "1.9.3-p194". The rbenv tool is there to make a number of different Ruby versions available, but you have to install them first. In your case, I think you need to run this:
rbenv install 1.9.3-p194
After that, the version will be available, and you shouldn't see the warning anymore.

Compiled vim from source on Mac OSX and getting 'shell returned 127' error?

On my Mac OSX 10.6 machine, I started to use MacVIM for vim. Then I noticed my terminal version was different to the MacVIM version (MacVIM was 7.3 and my terminal version 7.2)... I thought they used the same vim?
I need 7.3 for some of the features. So I set about wanting to update the terminal version. I basically cloned it using Mercurial (the perferred way according to the official site) and then did the usual to compile it. This did work and I now have 7.3 in my terminal. But, on some commands when exiting, I can this error:
/bin/bash: q: command not found
shell returned 127
Press ENTER or type command to continue
...I've tried my hardest to try and fix this problem, but trying to reinstall MacVIM, deleting the vim in my /usr/local/bin and compiling again and I just can't get rid of this annoying error.
Can anyone possibly help me? Am I doing this all wrong? ...most of the time I will be using MacVIM, but it'd be nice for me to have it in the Terminal - exactly how I'd have it on my Ubuntu servers.
Any help would be fantastic!
:!q is not :q!. This is probably not a bug.
The error message you're seeing is is most likely the result of accidentally typing :!q instead of :q!, which would be user error, not a bug. :!q shells out to run q, and your shell (bash) is not finding such a command and bails with 127. (For comparison, you might try :!true, :!false, :!vim %, to get a feel of this.)
There isn't really a “fix” for this, and ! is really useful for other purposes; maybe with more practice you'll make the typo less often. You could also try using ZQ instead of :q!; this has other disadvantages (a typo ZZ will instead save the file if it's edited, and ZQ specifically is a vim extension), but at least you see this error again.
The upshot here is basically check to make sure you typed in your commands right, I guess.
I'm not sure on the exact path, but somewhere a few folders deep into the Applications/MacVim.app folder is the vim executable that will also run in a terminal (Use the -g option to launch it in GUI mode).
You should be able to throw this in your .bashrc:
alias vim=/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/vim
This is the homebrew formula for vim. Try these settings for "configure" or just install homebrew and install vim from there.
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}",
system "make"
system "make install"
