Joomla Error Messages for Specific User Group - joomla

I'm trying to set up customer error messages for different user groups in Joomla 3.6. We have locked content on the front-end of our site, currently there is a generic message that tells the user to login to see it, however we recently adjusted our user groups to create multiple levels of access so even after logging in there may still be content the user can't see. In those instances I need to be able to show a message specific to that user group rather than a generic "please login".
I have used Language Overrides for custom messages before but there's no option I've found to have it show to specific groups. I don't know a lot about code, and Google revealed no existing answers for this.

This might be something to get you going:
$groups = JUserHelper::getUserGroups((int) $user->user_id);
if(in_array(8, $groups))
$level = 'admin';
} elseif (in_array(4, $groups)) {
$level = 'globalmoderator';
} elseif (in_array(3, $groups)) {
$level = 'moderator';
} elseif (in_array(2, $groups)) {
$level = 'user';
} else {
$level = 'guest';

Without some programming it'll not be easy for you to achieve. But in short, you can create a pretty simple plugin, which will capture certain Joomla events.
For example, Joomla has onUserLogin even, which allows you to do different stuff, when user logs in. Your custom plugin can capture this even, check for some parameters and then add a group specific message to the queue. More over, you can get current message queue, parse or empty it and then add group specific message.
You can do the same for any other Joomla event like onUserLogout, onUserLoginFailure and so on. There're plenty events to choose from.
As for message specific groups, you can add your own generic messages similar to this:
Then you just take "COM_USERS_ERROR_LOGIN_" string and add a group name (or ID, when language is non-English) to it. That's it.
The task doesn't seem too complex, but you still have to know some coding to create a plugin, which will capture Joomla events. There's no other way to do this.

Try to use articles for messages and filter it with permissions for user groups.


How to understand what message from the telegram bot answered the user?

I use Laravel Framework and Telegram Bot SDK. I looked at a lot of guides, and all say how easy it is to create a command and get an answer, but I can’t understand how to create dialogs between the user and the bot. In my webhook I can do for example:
$message = Telegram::getWebhookUpdates()->getMessage();
if ($message->getText() == 'something')
foreach (Service::get() as $item => $value){
if($value->name == $message->getText()) {
$credential = Credential::find($value->id);
if($credential) {
'chat_id' => $message->getChat()->getId(),
'text' => 'Enter the data'
And after the user sends the data (in numerical format) I need to process the response. But how can I check the message text with a conditional statement, to know that this is the answer to my previous message, if it is any number. For example:
$message = Telegram::getWebhookUpdates()->getMessage();
if($message->getText() == '/start'){
elseif($message->getText() == **HERE USER RESPONSE WITH DATA**){
This is only part of the functionality, there are still different commands, variations of keyboards, and therefore I need to understand how to correctly process incoming messages in order to know which particular question I received the answer.
P.S. I found solutions that say that you need to create a database table with message history and based on this do handlers. Are there any other ways?
You can do it by ForceReply in Telegram Bots API. If user's message is a reply, you should find out which message a user replied to. Just check message's text using it's message id. If it's the first question, it means it has been answered and now you can send the second question.
PS: The solutions that you found is probably the better way to do the job. Just create a database table with message history.

How to create user-specific content in Joomla! 3.0?

I need to create a User-Specific content page, I have registered users and I need to create a module/page/menu/feed or whatever that displays articles that are for only one or some users.
For example, in my site, I show to public some projects (articles redacted as some architecturing project) for example: news, finished projects, etc, some people register and can access to other content that is intended for registered users, for example: new projects that only registered clients would be interested, so far, I managed to make this work, but now, I have work that is for a specific user and he/she only can see it in his/her feed, for example: status of their project made by us, some galleries with photos of the work in progress, etc.
So, This feed must be a module/page/menu that shows articles with a specific category and for registered users. But I want to be able to post an article that is only intended for a specific user or a set of users and shows in this feed (module) or at least a whole new module that shows user-specific content without having to create a category and an access level for each user.
Is there an extension or plug-in that helps me do this?
you need to make do two things:
Make a new user-group (Users->User group) as a sub-group of
registered. Add the users that need the special permission to this
Make a new access-level (Users->access-levels) and add you
new user-group to this access level
Set the access-level on the article(s) that you want to restrict access on.
The module should check the access-level before it displays it to the users, and only display the restricted articles to those that have the correct privileges.
The system don't really support what you ask for, but you could use the following setup:
Make a content-plugin ( In the event onContentPrepareForm, you modify the created_by_alias-field to use it for your special user allowed to view this content article.
function onContentPrepareForm($form, $data){
// first check that context is right
// Then change the type of the field. This should allow to select
// the user when you create the article.
$form->getField('created_by_alias')->__set('type', 'user');
In the event onContentPrepareData, check if the data in the created_by_alias references a valid user in the user group your users shoud be in
public function onContentPrepare($context, $article, $params, $page){
// first check that context is right
//Then fetch the user data:
if(is_int($article->created_by_alias)){ // ( Optionally check if the article is in a specific category )
$allowedgroup=2; // the registered users group
$sql="select from #__users inner join #__user_usergroup_map ug ( where ug.group_id={$allowedgroup}";
//Unset the article content to prevent unothorized users from seeing the content.
Finally, create a module ( that feeds articles for a particular user, containing at least:
$sql="select * from #__content where created_by_alias={$user->id}";
// ( also add sql to check that the user has access,
// the article is published, the correct category etc)
if(!count($list)) return;
else return;
print_r($list); // Prints the content articles
This scheme should protect unauthorized users from viewing the content of the articles ment for a specific user. The module should (after nicely outputting what you want to display) display a list of articles for the logged inn user. The module can link to the article in the normal way, and the authorized user will have access. So it should be "safe enough", and provide the functionality you need without too much hassle.
I'll try anotherone here:
You could just install a messageing system on your site. UddeIM is one such system. This will allow you to make specific content for your users. UddeIM can be configured so only administrators can send messages. There is also some modules for this component to show latest messages etc.

Magento Admin Panel Customization

In Manage Customers tab, by default last 20 registered users are listed with their emails. I would like to hide the list or change it only 1. This is being done to make sure that call center agents are not easily copying customer's email information.
I am very new to this so, if its not too much trouble, provide full path to the file.
You might want to go a slightly different direction, by developing a set of permissions for your Agents, so that perhaps they can't access the email in the first place, if you don't want them to see that information.
If you want to modify the page size, you can rewrite this class
And you'll want to override this method:
protected function _preparePage()
You may also want to get rid of the pagination dropdown in
because it will be confusing for them to see it but when they use it for it to not function.

CakePHP, organize site structure around groups

So, I'm not quite sure how I should structure this in CakePHP to work correctly in the proper MVC form.
Let's, for argument sake, say I have the following data structure which are related in various ways:
This is generally how sites are and is quite easy to structure and make in Cake. For example, I would have the a model, controller and view for each item set.
My problem (and I'm sure countless others have had it and already solved it) is that I have a level above the item sets. So, for example:
In my site, I need the ability for someone to view the site at an individual group level as well as move to view it all together (ie, ignore the groups).
So, I have models, views and controls for Depart, Team, Task and Equipment.
How do I structure my site so that from the Department view, someone can select a Department then move around the site to the different views for Team/Task/Equipment showing only those that belong to that particular Department.
In this same format, is there a way to also move around ignoring the department associations?
Hopefully the following example URLs clarifies anything that was unclear:
// View items while disregarding which group-set record they belong to
// View items as if only those associated with the selected group-set record exist
Can I get the controllers to function in this manner? Is there someone to read so I can figure this out?
Thanks to those that read all this :)
I think I know what you're trying to do. Correct me if I'm wrong:
I built a project manager for myself in which I wanted the URLs to be more logical, so instead of using something like I could use
I added a custom route to the end (!important) of my routes so that it catches anything that's not already a route and treats it as a "variable route".
Router::connect('/project/:project/:controller/:action/*', array(), array('project' => '[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+'));
Whatever route you put means that you can't already (or ever) have a controller by that name, for that reason I consider it a good practice to use a singular word instead of a plural. (I have a Projects Controller, so I use "project" to avoid conflicting with it.)
Now, to access the :project parameter anywhere in my app, I use this function in my AppController:
function __currentProject(){
// Finding the current Project's Info
App::import('Model', 'Project');
$projectNames = new Project;
$projectInfo = $projectNames->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Project.slug' => $this->params['project'])));
$project_id = $projectInfo['Project']['id'];
$this->set('project_name_for_layout', $projectInfo['Project']['name']);
return $project_id;
And I utilize it in my other controllers:
function overview(){
$this->layout = 'project';
// Getting currentProject id from App Controller
$project_id = parent::__currentProject();
// Finding out what time it is and performing queries based on time.
$nowStamp = time();
$nowDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s' , $nowStamp);
$twoWeeksFromNow = $nowDate + 1209600;
$lateMilestones = $this->Project->Milestone->find('all', array('conditions'=>array('Milestone.project_id' => $project_id, 'Milestone.complete'=> 0, 'Milestone.duedate <'=> $nowDate)));
$currentProject = $this->Project->find('all', array('conditions'=>array('Project.slug' => $this->params['project'])));
For your project you can try using a route like this at the end of your routes.php file:
Router::connect('/:groupname/:controller/:action/*', array(), array('groupname' => '[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+'));
// Notice I removed "/project" from the beginning. If you put the :groupname first, as I've done in the last example, then you only have one option for these custom url routes.
Then modify the other code to your needs.
If this is a public site, you may want to consider using named variables. This will allow you to define the group on the URL still, but without additional functionality requirements.
It may require custom routes too... but it should do the job.
Since web is stateless, you will need to use sessions (or cookies). The question you will need to ask yourself is how to reflect the selection (or not) of a specific department. It could be as simple as putting a drop down selection in the upper right that reflects ALL, HR, Sales, etc. When the drop down changes, it will set (or clear) the Group session variable.
As for the functionality in the controllers, you just check for the Session. If it is there, you limit the data by the select group. So you would use the same URLs, but the controller or model would manage how the data gets displayed.
// for all functionality use:
You don't change the URL to accommodate for the functionality. That would be like using a different URL for every USER wanting to see their ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, or BILLING INFO. Where USER would be the group and ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER< and BILLING INFO would be the item sets.
The other option would be to put the Group filter on each page. So for example on Team/index view you would have a group drop down to filter the data. It would accomplish the same thing without having to set and clear session variables.
The conclusion is and the key thing to remember is that the functionality does not change nor does the URLs. The only thing that changes is that you will be working with filtered data sets.
Does that make sense?

Joomla - Determining whether logged-in user is an Admin

I am having tons of fun working on a big project that was, for reasons hard to justify, based on Joomla! (which I don't mean to criticise, Joomla! is great, just not for the task I am faced with currently) and when I googled for a way of determining whether the currently logged-in user is an Admin, I found a post that quite boldly recommends using the following code:
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
if($user->usertype == "Super Administrator" || $user->usertype == "Administrator"){ ... }
To me, this looks like a rather strange way of checking for Admin users. I would appreciate a $user->isAdmin() method to do this rather than a couple of hard-coded strings.
I fail to find a more elegant solution to checking for admin users within the Joomla! framework. Can anyone help?
Actually, as the Access levels are hard coded into the database in Joomla! 1.5, the only way this string comparison could fail is when someone deliberately hacked new groups into it. Strings can be changed in the .ini-Files (so that non-english installations still use the english words in the database - this is not true for other tables like the names of plugins or components.)
You could get the group id via JFactory::getACL(), and then $acl->getGroupsByUser($userid, false) (see docs), but assuming that a greater id means greater privileges as well, seems a bit hacky, too (though true for a standard installation).
Other than that, you could take over a Joomla! capability: define more explicitly, what a "admin user" is: someone who can install new software? who can change the system's configuration? Just make a reasonable assumption, something related to what you want him to do as a admin user, use it in a authorize()-Call (see docs), and maybe document it in your interface.
The only clean solution (that I know of) would be to define new entries for the ACL-authorize-lookuptable (currently implemented in php only, not SQL). This is the only way to ensure that it will be Joomla! 1.6-proof, where custom user groups will be possible (and so the admin user can choose to give this authorization to a user group or not). For example:
$acl =& JFactory::getACL();
$acl->addACL('{com_nameOfExtension}', '{action}', 'users', 'super administrator');
$acl->addACL('{com_nameOfExtension}', '{action}', 'users', 'administrator');
And there we have them again, hard-coded groupnames. Well.
I concur on the joomla sentiments, we use .net/php here as well and have a few projects that were started on joomla for some unknown reason !!
amnyway, another finer grained approach may be to examine the actual rights that the user has, rather than them being suoper admin etc. you can get to this info along the following lines:
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
if ($user->authorize('com_content', 'edit', 'content', 'all')) {
echo "<p>You may edit all content.</p>";
} else {
echo "<p>You may not edit all content.</p>";
if ($user->authorize('com_content', 'publish', 'content', 'own')) {
echo "<p>You may publish your own content.</p>";
} else {
echo "<p>You may not publish your own content.</p>";
i know it's still hardcoded but at least it's user specific, rather than priviledge specific. this approach does however allow you to target specific 'component' related priviledges, so might be useful for you.
I'll track the replies to see if there's a 'proper' answer as it definately is an omission.
The following could be a hack on Joomla. I tried it and got worked.
Take the case of sessions
This will give the type of user logged in you can use this in any conditional statements
You can check 'assigned user groups' of the logged in user using getUser() function.
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$assigned_usergroups = $user->groups; // Array of assigned User Group
if (in_array(8, $assigned_usergroups)) {
echo "Super Admin";
else if (in_array(7, $assigned_usergroups)) {
echo "Admin";
else {
echo "Other"; //Any of Guest/Public/Others
You can see the following snapshot of the Joomla's predefined IDs for each User Group in the Database:
Snapshot here
If ur joomla administrator username is admin then u can use below code aspeter described before
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
if($user->usertype == "Super Administrator" && $user->username == "admin")
//... do what ever
