Golang: steering window covering - go

I want to operate my window coverings with my smartphone. Now every time I change the position on my phone a method
func main() {
OnUpdate(func(tPos int) {
cPos = tPos
is called where tPos is an integer between 0 and 100 which is is target position. There also is a variable for the current position cPos. OnUpdate should call a function which either open or closes the window covering depending of the order relation between cPos and tPos. This function looks like this.
func wc(tPos int, cPos int){
case tPos == 0:
case tPos == 100:
case tPos > cPos:
t := time.Duration( (tPos - cPos)*10*openTime)
time.Sleep( t * time.Millisecond)
case tPos < cPos:
t := time.Duration( (cPos - tPos)*10*closeTime)
time.Sleep( t * time.Millisecond)
My problem now is that there should be some delay. I want that after OnUpdate is called there is a timer for like 3 seconds and then wc is called unless OnUpdate is called again during that 3 seconds.
But I don't know how to do this. Can someone tell me what is a good way to do that?

Not completely sure about your meaning, but I'll give it a go anyway. What calls OnUpdate? Is that on you phone? Do you simply want to sleep before calling wc inside the callback you provide to OnUpdate?
With that in mind please have a look at : https://play.golang.org/p/4vVpEEUcqg
My understanding is that you want make sure wc is not called too often. The for/select statements in run makes sure that wc is only called once every 3 seconds at most.


Doesn't go routine and the channels work in order of call?

Doesn't go routine and the channels worked in the order they were called.
and go routine share values between the region variables?
var dataSendChannel = make(chan int)
func main() {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
func a(c chan<- int) {
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
go b(dataSendChannel)
c <- i
func b(c <-chan int) {
val := <-c
> go run main.go
Channels are ordered. Goroutines are not. Goroutines may run, or stall, more or less at random, whenever they are logically allowed to run. They must stop and wait whenever you force them to do so, e.g., by attempting to write on a full channel, or using a mutex.Lock() call on an already-locked mutex, or any of those sorts of things.
Your dataSendChannel is unbuffered, so an attempt to write to it will pause until some goroutine is actively attempting to read from it. Function a spins off one goroutine that will attempt one read (go b(...)), then writes and therefore waits for at least one reader to be reading. Function b immediately begins reading, waiting for data. This unblocks function a, which can now write some integer value. Function a can now spin off another instance of b, which begins reading; this may happen before, during, or after the b that got a value begins calling fmt.Println. This second instance of b must now wait for someone—which in this case is always function a, running the loop—to send another value, but a does that as quickly as it can. The second instance of b can now begin calling fmt.Println, but it might, mostly-randomly, not get a chance to do that yet. The first instance of b might already be in fmt.Println, or maybe it isn't yet, and the second one might run first—or maybe both wait around for a while and a third instance of b spins up, reads some value from the channel, and so on.
There's no guarantee which instance of b actually gets into fmt.Println when, so the values you see printed will come out in some semi-random order. If you want the various b instances to sequence themselves, they will need to do that somehow.

does go ++ operator need mutex?

Does go ++ Operator need mutex?
It seems that when not using mutex i am losing some data , but by logic ++ just add +1 value to the current value , so even if the order is incorrect still a total of 1000 run should happen no?
package main
import (
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
i := 0
for r := 0; r < 1000; r++ {
go func() {
fmt.Printf("%d Done", i)
To "just add 1 to the current value" the computer needs to read the current value, add 1, and write the new value back. Clearly ordering does matter; the standard example is:
Thread A Thread B
Read: 5
Read: 5
+1 = 6
+1 = 6
Write: 6
Write: 6
The value started at 5, two threads of execution each added one, and the result is 6 (when it should be 7), because B's read occurred before A's write.
But there's a more important misconception at play here: many people think that in the case of a race, the code will either read the old value, or it will read the new value. This is not guaranteed. It might be what happens most of the time. It might be what happens all the time on your computer, with the current version of the compiler, etc. But actually it's possible for code that accesses data in an unsafe/racy manner to produce any result, even complete garbage. There's no guarantee that the value you read from a variable corresponds to any value it has ever had, if you cause a race.
just add +1 value to the current value
No, it's not "just add". It's
Read current value
Compute new value (based on what was read) and write it
See how this can break with multiple concurrent actors?
If you want atomic increments, check out sync/atomic. Examples: https://gobyexample.com/atomic-counters

Golang for loop continues counting

I am trying to make a for loop stop when a string contains a certain numeral. The only problem is it stops adding value to the string after adding 31 to the counter. I feel it is going to fast before it can play catch up. I know there's always another way to complete the task but I would just want to understand why it does this.
What I'm trying to accomplish is having the counter act as the height. The theSlice = 8 and webSlices is a list. The whole text says "Height is a 1" so I am trying to see what number is the height and make counter equal that.
func breakDownSlice(theSlice int, webSlices []string) {
counter := 0
done := false
for done == false {
done = strings.Contains(webSlices[theSlice], string(counter))
if done == true {
log.Printf("The height is %d", counter)
} else {
the line
done = strings.Contains(webSlices[theSlice], string(counter))
string(counter) can't work here, use strconv.Itoa(counter) instead

Golang concurrency and blocking with a single channel, explanation needed

I'm playing around with the code presented on https://tour.golang.org/concurrency/5. My idea was that I could simplify the code by getting rid of the quit channel and still keep the correct program behavior - just for learning purposes.
Here is the code I've got (simplified it even more for better readability):
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
func sendNumbers(c chan int) {
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
c <- i
func main() {
c := make(chan int)
go func() {
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
time.Sleep(0 * time.Second)
In this code, the go routine I spawn should be able to receive 2 numbers before it returns. The sendNumbers() function I call next sends exactly 2 numbers to the channel c.
So, the expected output of the program is 2 lines: 0 and 1. However, what I'm getting when I run the code on the page, is just a single line containing 0.
Note the
time.Sleep(0 * time.Second)
though that I deliberately added before calling sendNumbers(c). If I change it to
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
The output becomes as expected:
So, I'm confused with what happens. Can someone explain what is going on? Shouldn't both sends and receives block regardless of how much time is passed before I call sendNumbers()?
In Go, the program exits as soon as the main function returns regardless of whether other goroutines are still running or not. If you want to make sure the main function does not exit prematurely, you need some synchronization mechanism. https://nathanleclaire.com/blog/2014/02/15/how-to-wait-for-all-goroutines-to-finish-executing-before-continuing/
You don’t absolutely have to use synchronization primitives, you could also do it with channels only, arguably a more idiomatic way to do it.

Correct way to test code that uses time.Ticker?

I'd like your advice on the correct way to test code that uses time.Ticker
For instance, let's say I have a countdown timer like below (just an example I thought up for the purposes of this question):
type TickFunc func(d time.Duration)
func Countdown(duration time.Duration, interval time.Duration, tickCallback TickFunc) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
for remaining := duration; remaining >= 0; remaining -= interval {
If I wanted to test this, I'd want to provide a mock so that I can have tests that run quickly and predictably, so I'd need to find a way to get my mock into the Countdown function.
I can think of a few ways to do this:
Create a Ticker interface and a first class function internal to the package that I can patch for the purposes of testing: http://play.golang.org/p/oSGY75vl0U
Create a Ticker interface and pass an implementation directly to the Countdown function:
If I do it the latter way, am I revealing too much information about how Countdown works and making it more difficult for potential clients to use this code? Instead of giving a duration and interval, they have to construct and pass in a Ticker.
I'm very interested in hearing what's the best approach when testing code like this? Or how you would change the code to preserve the behaviour, but make it more testable?
Thanks for your help!
Since this is a pretty simple function, I assume you are just using this as an example of how to mock non-trivial stuff. If you actually wanted to test this code, rather than mocking up ticker, why not just use really small intervals.
IMHO the 2nd option is the better of the two, making a user call:
foo(dur, NewTicker(interval)...
doesn't seem like much of a burden.
Also having the callback is serious code smell in Go:
func Countdown(ticker Ticker, duration time.Duration) chan time.Duration {
remainingCh := make(chan time.Duration, 1)
go func(ticker Ticker, dur time.Duration, remainingCh chan time.Duration) {
for remaining := duration; remaining >= 0; remaining -= ticker.Duration() {
remainingCh <- remaining
}(ticker, duration, remainingCh)
return remainingCh
You could then use this code like:
func main() {
for d := range Countdown(NewTicker(time.Second), time.Minute) {
log.Printf("%v to go", d)
Here it is on the playground: http://play.golang.org/p/US0psGOvvt
This doesn't answer the how to inject the mock part, but it seems like you are trying too hard.
if the example is representative of what you actually are testing, then just use small numbers.
Countdown(5, 1, func(d time.Duration) {
log.Printf("%v to go", d)
Now, if you are testing code that calls Countdown (rather than testing Countdown), then I'd probably just create a flag you can set for your module that scales the numbers to be as fast possible with the same invocation count.
if testMode {
duration = duration/interval
interval = 1
