Fatal error: 'QuickTime/QuickTime.h' file not found - xcode

I updated my macOS to Sierra, and some of my files vanished. The most important were Allegro's library. I am trying to install it again like the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJtmJfWNTJY) which I saw the first time which I installed, but the follow error message has been showing:
'$Users/macbookpro/Downloads/allegro/include/allegro5/platform/alosx.h:43:12: fatal error:
'QuickTime/QuickTime.h' file not found'
#import <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
I searched for it and I discovered that is just change parameters in Xcode, however, I am not using Xcode to compile my code, although terminal. Any hint?

There are a lot of projects out there experiencing this problem, due to Apple's habit of deprecating commonly used libraries. You are not the only one having this issue. See links below. You could copy paste the deprecated SDK's into Xcode as a workaround. Or edit your code to use AVFoundation.framework instead. See Apple's table on deprecated frameworks.
Xcode 8/macOS 10.12 removed QtKit support
QuickTime/QuickTime.h: file not found
Here is a workaround explained:
Solved: macOS Sierra, Xcode 8, missing quicktime.h


Xcode Workspace "Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule"

After updating Xcode to version 13.2 i can't build my project anymore. I have a strange error "Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule" related to my Workspace file.
It's definitely related to SPM because Xcode is not loading SPM packages also. I tried to "Reset package caches", "Resolve package caches" and also "Updating to latest package caches" but after all of these operating nothing happens. Deleting derived data, cleaning didn't help too...
I tried also to resolve packages from Terminal using xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies but I get error message:
--- xcodebuild: WARNING: The directory /Users/ptocicki/Developer/KFC/kfc-ios also contains the legacy project 'project.pbxproj' - ignoring it and using 'KFC.xcodeproj'.
xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies:
Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule"
Apple is aware of the issue.
We're currently investigating this issue — thank you to those who have
filed bug reports so far. To workaround this issue, please re-download
Xcode 13.2 directly from the Downloads page.
🎊 Fixed on v13.2.1 and you can download from here
This bug is reported and the v13.2.1 AppStore version but As  Apple suggest here, you should download the Xcode manually from the developer center
Manual download of any Apple developer software
✅ The always working and preferred workaround!
Download directly from Apple:
Latest Release version or
Latest Beta version or
Any version you need and all other downloadable contents
Then extract and move it where you like. This has so many benefits compared to AppStore updates. (like the ability to resume download, not replacing the old one, not wasting hidden directories and etc.)
Note that you should use safari to download it.
⚠️ Important note for developers like me!
The page you’re looking for can’t be found.
If you The page you’re looking for can’t be found message, you may need to use a VPN if you are in a country that the US sanctioned like mine. Because Apple is blocking some IP address ranges.
If you’re using Swift packages either standalone or as dependencies in an Xcode project or workspace, the Mac App Store version of Xcode fails during package resolution with the error “Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule.” (86435800)
Workaround: Download Xcode 13.2 directly from the Apple Developer website.
I just got the issues late at night after Xcode updated on its own while I was working on my project, which was not a cool surprise. It appears to be affecting all dependencies. You are not alone in this it's affecting everyone. I did what they recommended and downloaded Xcode directly from the Apples developer site and it fixed all my issues super happy right now!!!!!!!
XCode was updated to 13.2.1 at 12/19 which fix the issue.
If you’re using Swift packages either standalone or as dependencies in an Xcode project or workspace, the Mac App Store version of Xcode fails during package resolution with the error “Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule.” (86435800)
Workaround: Download Xcode 13.2 directly from the Apple Developer website.
Seems local package still working. So there is a temporary solution: We can download the dependencies then add them to the project as local paclages.
Please update to Xcode 13.2.1.
If not, download Xcode 13.2 from the Apple Developer website.
Updating from Xcode 13.2 to 13.2.1 from App Store fixed the issue for me.

What's wrong with iTunes Framework and Xcode on 10.14?

everything worked without issues, now with MacOS Mojave i get this in Xcode:
#import <iTunesLibrary/ITLibrary.h>
Error: File not found
Already tried reading the Framework, ensured the search paths are set, but nothing changes...
The funny part is, Xcode knows about the framework, because it suggests it while typing the Command, but on compile, it fails, cannot create App Updates anymore due this reason.
Solved it myself, the new Xcode broke all the Framework Search Paths, had to remove all entries and fix other Frameworks by hand, but it works now

Unexpected code bundle "Alcatraz.xcplugin"

I came to know about Alcatraz from Apress book "Troubleshooting Xcode". I'm getting the following warning upon xcode launch after installing Alcatraz.
The “Alcatraz.xcplugin” code bundle is not provided by Apple. Loading
code not provided by Apple can have a negative effect on the safety
and stability of Xcode or related tools.
I've searched for Alcatraz here and many developers seem using it. Just wanted to know whether it's worth using with this warning message?
It is just warning from Apple. No problem with it. If you using Alcatraz you can install alot of plugin very userfull. You can reference to:
Xcode Plugins
Xcode Plusgins NSHipster
You can try it.

Mac App Store Upload Fail: Validation Error (SFML)

I'm working on a SFML App in Xcode 7.2, and I'm trying to upload my project build to the Mac App Store, and I'm getting the following error:
An error occurred during validation
Couldn't find platform family in Info.plist CFBundleSupportedPlatforms or Mach-O LC_VERSION_MIN for A
I've tried, among other things, adding a new entry to my Info.plist for CFBundleSupportedPlatforms with an entry for OSX. I've tried changing dylibs vs frameworks, i've tried universal vs standard architectures. All of these modifications have yeilded no success.
This question is following a previous problem with freetype that I fixed. Is it possibly still a problem with freetype? any suggestions?
OK, I've gone through and reset up a whole new project following the App Distribution Guide. I Did see some issues with some of my build settings, and fixed them. But I'm Still getting the same error. Does anyone have a clue what I'm doing wrong?
I fixed it!
The problem was that I had only edited my project-info.plist. I went and added the same lines for CFBundleSupportedPlatforms to the info.plist's for each of my external frameworks.
CFBundleSupportedPlatforms => array,
item0 => MacOSX
Seems to have done the trick.

Lexical or Preprocessor Issue, file not found on Xcode

I have been trying to fix some errors appearing on a code I am currently using. I did all the actions at the ReadMe files,I followed all the instructions given at git, and I still get errors at almost every header (i.e. Lexical or Preprocessor Issue Group
config.hpp:19:10: 'boost/config.hpp' file not found)
After some tries, I think that my Xcode project doesn't read the libraries, as it should. I started fixing the problem manually, by setting the exact path of every header, but there is no point to do that, since I am going to use this project in a different computer too, where the repository won't be the same.
After that, I installed AFNetworking 3.0 and CocoaPods, since I read that it would help, but I didn't managed to solve the errors.
I am using
-OS X Yosemite version 10.10.5
-Xcode version 7.0
