Ghostscript cuts off part of image - image

I have this eps image named "input.eps".
I run the following command on it:
gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q -sDEVICE=ps2write -sOutputFile=output.eps input.eps
The resulting output file "output.eps" has the right side of the figure chopped off. Why?
Note: The reason I'm using GhostScript is to change the fonts in the input.eps file, which I'll do by specifying the -I switch with the path to the fonts. I haven't put that in the code snippet as it is not relevant to the issue.

EPS files do not request a media size (they are intended for inclusion in a PostScript program by applications). So, if you don't tell Ghostscript what size media to use it has no choice but to use its default.
Depending on your operating system (and locale if appropriate), this is likely to be either Letter (612 by 792 units) or A4 (596 by 842 units). Your EPS file claims it has a Bounding Box of 1008 units by 504 units.
So clearly your EPS won't fit across the media, and will therefore be cropped.
You can either wrap the EPS up as is normal for inclusion in a PostScript program, and request the media there, or you can use the -dEPSCrop switch which reads the Bounding Box from the comments and uses that for a media request.
Note that, despite the existence of the BoundingBox, this is not technically a valid EPS file. It has the wrong DSC identifier and executes showpage.
As a final note, you won't be 'changing' the fonts in the EPS file, as the EPS file does not contain any fonts, just references to font names.


Ghostscript - EPS (with embedded TIFF with transparent background) to PNG conversion

I'm trying to convert an EPS file with an embedded TIFF that has a transparent background to a PNG using GhostScript. The problem that I am having is that the background of the TIFF image becomes white in the PNG. It looks like the following:
When I export from Adobe Illustrator, it comes out correct:
I was reading that there is not transparency in EPS, only marked and unmarked areas. I was wondering if there was a call that I was missing that would create the PNG through Ghostscript similar to that of Illustrator? Or if there is any other alternative that doesn't just replace white with transparency through ImageMagick?
I am using Windows and have Ghostscript 9.25 installed. Here is the command (one of many) that I've tried:
-q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r300 -dEPSCrop NamePlatePNG.png NamePlate.eps
I can get the EPS file to you if needed. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Here is the EPS file (Hopefully this link works):
Also, I should have mentioned that the images I uploaded were just screenshots of the PNGs open in an image editor. The checkered portion is indeed fully transparent alpha channel. I was trying to easily accentuate the difference.
Your file doesn't look like its transparent, it looks like its masked, possibly with a stencil mask, possibly chroma-keyed. Without seeing the file I can't tell for sure.
You are correct that PostScript (and hence EPS) doesn't support transparency, but it does support several features which have somewhat similar effects.
The color space is irrelevant, and in fact the only kind of 'transparency' supported in PostScript works when the color space is CMYK, but not when its RGB (and certainly not sRGB, which isn't even a PostScript color space, you have to manufacture it from CIEBasedABC)
As far as I can see the command line you are using is correct, but as I say I can't tell much without seeing the actual EPS program.
So the Ghostscript rendering is correct, that's what is in your EPS file, there is no transparency of any kind there. So how is Illustrator able to make a transparent PNG ? Well the answer is that Illustrator isn't using the PostScript part of the EPS file.
About 1/3 of the way through the EPS file you'll see a line which reads:
What follows that is an Adobe Illustrator file format. When AI reads the file it finds that line, throws away the PostScript portion of the file, and reads the AI representation of the content from the portion of the file beginning with that comment.
Now stored somewhere in there will be the information that portions of the content are transparent. Although PostScript can't represent that, Illustrator's internal format can. So when you write a PNG file from Illustrator it knows that portion is transparent and writes it as such.
Ghostscript, however, is constrained by the PostScript portion of the file, it can't read the Illustrator native format, and so renders the image with a white background.
It 'might' be possible to save a different kind of EPS from Illustrator (level 3 instead of level 2 possibly, I notice this is a language level 2 EPS file) which duplicate the effect, but from what you have here, there isn't anything a standard PostScript interpreter can do which will give you the result you want.

how to convert PS image to PNG and fit to page or to multiple pages

I am analyzing a model (compiled with -pg option so it would generate "gmon.out") and then generated a PS file (using and piping that to "dot") that charts how much time is spent in each subroutine. When I use ghostscript to convert to a PDF it is cutting off some of the right hand side of the figure. So I tested outputting to multiple pages, but the first page still has the right side cut off and the second page is blank.
These are the 2 commands I have tried:
gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dPDFFitPage -sOutputFile=myfile.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dPDFFitPage -sOutputFile=out%d.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks!
Your title says you want a PNG (and you render a PostScript program to PNG, not "convert a PostScript image", PostScript is a programming language not an image format) but your description says you are creating PDF files. So which is it, PNG or PDF ?
Using PDFFitPage scales the requested media size to fit an actual (already set up, fixed) media size, since you haven't set a fixed media size on the command line, no scaling will be performed.
So, what media size are you getting, and why is that not correct ? I would 'guess' that your PostScript program does not request a media size, if it did then pdfwrite would create a PDF with the same media size.
In the absence of a media request, the pdfwrite device uses the default. Depending on your system and configuration that will most likely be either A4 or US Letter. It then reproduces the PostScript drawing program by either rendering to a bitmap, or as a PDF page description, using that media size. If the original PostScript required a different media size, then bits will be clipped.
Since you have not supplied an example its not possible for me to do more than guess of course.
However, you should probably try setting -sPAPERSIZE to something like A3. Or set a specific media size using -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS and -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS.
If you supplied an example I could probably be more specific.
It would also be a decent idea to mention what version of Ghostscript you are using too.

The right part is lost when using ghostscript to convert .prn file to pdf

I am using ghostpcl-9.20-win32.
I have tried this:
gpcl6win32 -dNOPAUSE-dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.prn
The right part of the input file is lost in the output.
input file:
output file:
Your PCL file (actually it appears to be simple text, not even PCL) doesn't contain a media request.
In the absence of a media size, GhostPCL (NB NOT Ghostscript, GhostPCL) uses its default media size. Depending on a number of factors that will be either A4 or US Letter, portrait.
If you want different media, then you need to tell GhostPCL what you want. You need to use -sPAPERSIZE or -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS -dDEVICEHIGHTPOINTS or any of the other media selection switches.

GhostScript PDF to PostScript

I have to convert pdf files (created with jasperreports) to postscript.
I'm using ghostscript (Version 9.19) to make the conversion.
The commmand i'm using is:
gswin64c -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=ps2write file.pdf
The conversion is done without problem, but when i open the postscript file generated (using GSview 5.0), the top margin is crop by 2-3 cm, and some information to print is lost.
I have changed the device from ps2write to eps2write, used the property -g<width>x<height> with the page size in pixels, but the problem persist.
The file is to be printed in a preformated paper, so i can not use the postscript generated to print.
Can someone help?
Its not possible to say with great certainty, but it sounds like the PDF mediaBox is larger than the media you have specified to GSView.
You can try using the -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS and -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS along with -dFIXEDMEDIA and -dPDFFitPage, that should allow you to set up a specific media size, override the size in the PDF file and scale the result to fit the specified size.
Perhaps you could post an example PDF file, without that its very hard to comment sensibly.

Fit to page size in ghostscript (with a possibly corrupt input)

I'm trying to use ghostscript to convert a .ps file to a series of .png files, largely because I don't have a tolerable ps viewer.
This is the command I've used:
gs -dBATCH -dEPSCrop -dEPSFitPage -sDEVICE=png16m -r300 -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=neptune_111115_ob1-2_13pca_boloplots_%d.png
(the .ps file is a multi-page postscript).
The outputs are partly off the page. I'd like the images to fit inside the page.
I can include example files, but they're pretty large - is there any particular part of the .ps file that would be helpful?
My suspicion is that the .ps file is specifying the bounding box incorrectly, but hacking the BB values didn't have any effect. The .ps file is written by IDL (ittvis' Interactive Data Language). I've also tried the above command without the -dEPS* commands without luck.
-dEPSCrop and -dEPSFitPage are mutually exclusive:
One crops the EPS to the BoundingBox specified in the comments.
The other scales up the EPS from the %%BoundingBox specified in the PS file's internal comments to fit the current media.
You can't really use both at the same time.
The file can't be an EPS file anyway, because you can't have multiple pages in an EPS file. So actually neither switch will have any effect (as you've discovered).
Either the PostScript requests a media size using setpage or setpagedevice, or it just uses whatever the currently set media is. My guess is that its just using the current media. Try setting -sPAPERSIZE=a4 and -sPAPERSIZE=letter.
If that works then the program does not request a media size. If it has no effect, then set -dFIXEDMEDIA in addition which will ignore subsequent requests to change the media size.
That should allow you to specify the correct media size, if you don't know what the media size should be then you can use the Ghostscript -sDEVICE=bbox device to find out.
Lastly, Ghostscript has a rudimentary display device which you can use to view the rendered output without first going to a PNG.
