What is the limit of holding the data in viewstate? - viewstate

What is the limit of data we hold in ViewState? And are the limitations of Viewstate?

Viewstate does not have any size limitations. But nothing comes for free, and view state is no exception. It certainly imposes performance hits whenever an Asp.net webpage is requested.
On all page visits, during the save view state stage the Page class gathers the collective view state for all of the controls in its control hierarchy and serializes the state to a base-64 encoded string. (This is the string that is emitted in the hidden __VIEWSTATE form filed.) Similarly, on postbacks, the load view state stage needs to deserialize the persisted view state data, and update the pertinent controls in the control hierarchy.
The __VIEWSTATE hidden form field adds extra size to the Web page that the client must download. For some view state-heavy pages, this can be tens of kilobytes of data, which can require several extra seconds (or minutes!) for modem users to download. Also, when posting back, the __VIEWSTATE form field must be sent back to the Web server in the HTTP POST headers, thereby increasing the postback request time.
If you are designing a Web site that is commonly accessed by users coming over a modem connection, you should be particularly concerned with the bloat the view state might add to a page. Fortunately, there are a number of techniques that can be employed to reduce view state size. You just have to turn off the view state tracking for that control.
For additional information you can go through - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972976.aspx


Should I make multiple Ajax requests or combine into one

I am building some html reports. The user can choose to view additional data for individual elements of the report, or choose to view all additional data.
To view a single line of additional data, an Ajax request is made.
My question is that if a user clicks "View all additional data", should I make 20 or so asynchronous Ajax calls, or just make a single Ajax call that might take a little longer.
Aside from usability, are there any best practices as far as making lots of smaller Ajax requests vs one larger one?
I would say normally you would want to make one call. Your sending a request to the server - while you are there - just get all the data you need before coming back. Depending on the situation you could always cache some of the data (by storing in a variable) - to limit the amount of information you are retrieving.

crudGetList action does not delete from state data not present in response

WARNING: This question is specific to react-admin framework
I'm trying to do an in app manual, that uses data from server to load content pages. To doing so I'm doing a custom page that fetches manual pages on componentDidMount. In this function I call react-admin crudGetList(resourceName, pagination, sortingById, filters), where filters is {and:[{condition},{language: currentLanguage}]} since I want to have the manual in different languages. I noticed that having pages in different languages in database and using crudGetList action with filters fetches the correct instances, however the state maintains old data. For example if I initially fetch data in English language, change language and go back to manual page, redux state will have pages for both languages instead of the current selected one.
Is this expected behaviour? Making the new request for manual pages shouldn't replace redux-state data to data coming from request? If is not expected should I open an issue?
React-admin uses a pattern called optimistic rendering. That means that if the app has fetched some entities in the past, if it needs to display these entities, it first shows the stale entities, then fetches the backend, and if the response differs, re-render the screen with up to date data.
For instance, when a user fetches a list of posts, react-admin stores these posts in a dictionary indexed by id:
123: { id: 123, title: "hello" },
456: { id: 456, title: "world" },
React-admin also stores the list of identifiers that the list should display:
[123, 456, ...]
Using these two properties, react-admin can now display the list. But it can also display the detail of a post without hitting the server first. So when a user clicks on an item in the list, react-admin uses the data from the first structure to display it right away, without waiting for the server response.
The purpose of optimistic rendering is performance: since the user doesn't need to wait for a round trip with the server, the interface is super snappy.
In your particular case, I understand that this can cause problems, because the store contains stale data that is not in the desired language. I suggest that you create a custom saga, which reacts to the language change action, and clears the store to avoid this kind of problem.
Check the documentation for custom sagas in the react-admin site:
You have to configure how the redux store responds to new incoming data.
More specifically, this is what a "reducer" is for; your "action" (in your case crudGetList) feeds the data into the "reducer", which is just a function with instructions to the store on how it should adjust its shape based on the new data.
Somewhere in your app there's probably a reducer that responds to your fetch action, but it's configured to just shove the new results alongside the old, rather than replace them. It's very difficult to know, however, without seeing the code describing the entire redux "cycle".
The redux docs are excellent. I'd start there and make sure you have a good understanding if the entire flow of data through redux, and then go hunting for that reducer.

AngularJs - Persistence, storage, ajax requests, data integrity

I'm evaluating whether AngularJS will work as a solution for my moderately simple web application.
The aim is to cut down the amount of AJAX server requests for data as much as possible.
My actual question is simple, yet the repercussions of that request is leading to confusion.
In a nutshell: "Can Angular modify parts of JSON data received from a backend through user input and maintain state until I'm ready to return that data.
Grab JSON data from the server that contains a root name & associated address details for each root name. The list is rendered to screen along with an 'Edit Address' button for each item.
The user clicks 'Edit Address', Angular displays a form with the address data for the root name.
The user edits the data, clicks submit, the client sends JSON data to the server and, for arguments sake, we get a success return. The address details are modified.
This is where the meat of my question - and lack of understanding - comes to the fore.
Do I need to get the entire list of 10 items back from the server with the single modified address details, just from editing a single list item OR can I simply update that single item client side and hold state as the user returns to the list, say, to edit another item?
IOW, we get a success, but no data is actually returned aside from 'success' - our client has stored the changes.
This is where the data integrity issue rears it's ugly head.
** OR **
Grab a list of root items without associated address data.
The user clicks on an 'Edit Address' button for the root item.
We fetch the address data for the root name from the server and the form is displayed, the user edits the data, submits, send data asynchronously, get a success.
User returns to the list and another server request is made to grab the list from the server again.
This is hellishly difficult to explain, but the bottom line is about persistence and data integrity.
Is it best practice to make a server requests after each user edit of data, or can modified data be stored client side - with persistence?
obviously validation will be done server side, as well as client side.
What you're asking is more of a server-side question, on how to design a good RESTful API that allows changes to individual entities without sending/loading the entire list each time. So the answer to your question is that it's entirely up to you... angular does a great job of binding UI elements to the javascript objects in your controllers for you, but when it comes time to save that data to the server, you can do it however you want.
In an ideal world (IMO) your server-side API would support the following:
Get a list of addresses (angular stores them in $scope.addresses)
Get a single address
PUT/PATCH to update an address (when a user makes a change to a single address and confirms it) and return 204 no content
POST to create new addresses, and return the created address with a server-provided identifier (like "id"), that you can use in angular to determine whether an address has been persisted server-side or not. After POSTing, you rewrite the angular scope object with what you got from the server to save the id field.
DELETE to remove them (returning nothing)
With this, when you have the client create an address, you should send a POST to the server to create one, take the response JSON and copy it over the object you just saved, so that now it has an "id" field (or similar). You can use angular templates to visually represent that anything with an "id" field is saved to the server. This way you don't have to re-grab the whole list every time you save.
For updating addresses, this is why PATCH is useful: you can send only the changes to individual fields to the server and ensure that only things the user has changed get sent.
Deleting addresses can work by checking if the "id" field is there, and if so, send a DELETE to the server, and if not, the object was never "saved", so just remove the address from the scope. Upon successful deletion you can just remove the address from the scope, no need to reload everything.
When it comes to the "data integrity", ie. if there's other addresses created since you've done the original data request, you'll have to do this on your own... Ideally similarly to how Stack Overflow or Github does it, which is to hint in the UI that there has been server-side changes and you should click to refresh. How to determine refreshes is up to you, but you can keep it simple with polling at intervals, or you can go all out and do WebSockets/Server-side events and actually push changes to the browser.
The best way to create UIs that persist to the server is a complicated topic and there are a lot of best practices. Angular will support whatever you want, but you need coordination on the server to do it.

Minimizing the JSF ViewState for large page

I'm currently developing a JSF application with single-page-per-app design, such like in desktop apps. the sections are placed in tabs, and every suboperation, such as editing or inserting item, in displayed in dialog.
What is becoming the issue, it is both the size of ViewState and the processing time of each request. At the moment, the initial size of ViewState in POST is 200kb (and the compression is enabled). The request last from 200 to 400 ms (on my own machine, with no users except me).
Setting state saving to session greatly reduces the request, but greatly increases the processing time - now it's from 350 to 600 ms. Because this is intranet application, net transfer is cheap, so better to send more that process longer.
I don't know how to deal with that problem. Is it possible to reduce the space consumed by JSF components? Most of them don't change on every click, but they seem to be deserialized and processed anyway. Or should I throw out every data (such as dictionaries for drop-down lists) from JSF beans and use intensive caching in service layer? Or there are other options/tricks/improvements I could use?
As you have already figured out, the View State of the entire form is being serialized on every ansynchronous post back so that the server and client can stay in sync. ASP.NET works in pretty much the exact same way.
The Primefaces team has added functionality to many of their Ajax enabled components that allow for Partial Page posts.
The partialSubmit property will only serialize form elements that are specified in the process attribute of the component or <p:ajax>. Of course this is only a solution for Primefaces components, but it has significantly reduced the request size on some of my larger JSF pages.
You can utilize IFrames and session variables to reduce component trees. Each iframe will maintains its own view. Of course in back end process your application is no longer a single page application. However user will still seamlessly see it as a single age applications.

VieModel collection not saved during State Save/Tombstone

If I lock my phone while running my application and unlock it say after 30 minutes or 60 minutes, my screen appears blank. All my data (its a huge list compare it to a user's twitter feed) which was in an Observable collection in my ViewModel has disappeared. When I refresh I get NullReferenceException. Note that I am not handling any state save while locking and unlocking the phone. Is that the reason for the loss of my data? How can I handle it? Since there is a limit on the state data which can be saved of 4Mb Max, will it affect the functioning of my application even if I do implement it?
I have tried the following things:
1) http://www.scottlogic.co.uk/blog/colin/2011/05/a-simple-windows-phone-7-mvvm-tombstoning-example/
2) http://www.scottlogic.co.uk/blog/colin/2011/10/a-windows-phone-7-1-mango-mvvm-tombstoning-example/
and many more.
The problem which I now face is that my application's viewModel contains an observable collection which I have binded to the UI. This observable collection is a collection of my user-defined class which contains complex data members. One of them is a dictionary. When i try to save my viewModel using XMLSerialization it throws an error as XML serialization doesn't support Dictionary.
I have also tried to write my viewmodel after Data contract serialization onto the IS during App_Deactivated and retrieve it on App_Activated. But my collection is null on resume. On opening the IS file it shows that the collection was not written onto the file. Am I missing some key ingredient in-order to solve this problem?
Note: I need my list. I cannot refresh data.
I'd suggest that this is the wrong approach.
Tombstoning is designed to allow you to save your state, not your data. You want to store the following:
The page you're currently on
The parameters, if any, that were used to get your list of data that you are currently showing
Any selection state (has the user selected a row, etc)
Any page state (is it in edit-mode, etc)
Not all of these things will apply, but it should provide you with an idea of what you should be storing.
This will be a significantly smaller set of data using simple data types rather than large chains of complex objects.
Store the properties/parameters that you use to get your data
When the app resumes go get your data again using the params. If this take a while give the user some form of progress notification. If you can't accurately do this then display activity on the screen until the load finishes so the user knows that something is happening.
