How to display values with decimal places in Grafana with elasticsearch datasource? - elasticsearch

I am trying to visualize time series data stored in elastic search using grafana.
I have the legend setup to show 2 decimal places but it does not reflect in the UI.
The decimal places show up for other dashboard panels with a tsdb datasource. So this issue is specific to using grafana with elasticsearch. Is there any other configuration setup I am missing here which will help me achieve this?

Just found out that elastic search does not allow displaying values without some sort of aggregation and in my case aggregation is resulting in values getting rounded.
There was a related request which seemed to not get much traction in kibana.
In short not feasible as of [2.x] elastic search.


Kibana filtering keyword count

I am using Kibana 6.2.2 to visualize DNS traffic, and I want to filter out data with more than 4 answers, like this. However, I can't seem to filter the count of it. I tried using Terms count on the visualization tab, but I can't figure out how to group the answer section per query.

Elasticsearch with UI Dashboard Design in Kibana

I am new for developing the ELK. So, I have an idea to do with the Elasticsearch data with some dashboard design using Kibana. I have tried we are able to create dashboards like pie, graph etc. However, they are all based on the count and average related. So, I want data like table with whole data. But, a way of the form the query based on that it will generate table. I would like to know whether it is possible in Kibana?

ElasticSearch - Kibana raw data chart

I have set-up an elasticsearch server and I am feeding data to it with logstash. My data consists of various numeric fields which are logged through time. I want to create a chart in Kibana that will display the raw data as points, and the average of my data as a line chart on top of that. Pretty much something like the picture below... (This is from Kibana's homepage)
I have a real problem displaying the raw values of my data and I cannot find a way to do it in the documentation. Has anybody else encountered the same problem? Is this doable in Kibana?

How can I do scripted aggregation in Kibana + Elasticsearch?

Let's say I have a log of events of ad displays and ad clicks stored via Logstash in Elasticsearch and displayed in Kibana 4. I would like to calculate a simple metric like CTR (Click-Through-Rate) of the events , which is :
CTR = #clicks/#displays.
First of all, does anyone know if it's possible to do in Elasticsearch + Kibana? I don't see a possibility to do it in Kibana.
I was thinking about doing it in raw Elasticsearch by scripted aggregation. But I don't know how to define such in Kibana.
Any ideas on how to do it would be very welcome! Comments explaining that it's impossible to do it would be also valuable.
Kibana 4 includes support for Elasticsearch scripting. You can go to Settings > Indices (pick your pattern) > Scripted Fields and add a new scripted field that computes your CTR. Take a look at "Scripted Fields" at elastic blog for more info.
I had to do something similar for a customer, but couldn't manage to get it done using scripted fields, because I had to sum UP all the values on each aggregation. I ended up developing a custom visualization (Plugin). This was for Kibana 4.1 and 4.5.1.
Let me know if this is what you are looking for, or if you want to give it a go yourself I can give you some pointers.

How to plotting aggregated data in kibana?

How do i plot in kibana the data that is returned from an aggregate query in elastic search.
I have tried the existing methods but could not achieve this.
Kibana does not currently have a way to display output of an aggregate request according to the bug tracker on github. It looks like maybe it's coming in 4.0.
