docker current not installed - bash on ubuntu on windows 10 - bash

I've installed docker on bash on ubuntu on windows 10:
sudo apt-get install -y docker
but when i try to use it:
docker -v
it gives me the following error:
The program 'docker' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install docker
When I try to reinstall it, I get this message:
docker is already the newest version.
It seems that one of the pre-requisites for installing docker this way: which works on my dedicated ubuntu machine is:
your kernel must be 3.10 at minimum
Whereas ubuntu on win 10 is 3.4
Is there a way to update this?

Run it as root :
sudo docker -v


Can i install Rstudio in kali linux?

I have installed anaconda on my kali linux OS. I am getting Rstudio as an option to install on navigator but when I click on it, it just loads and there is no progress. I even used terminal to do so, but it just points out some problems and is unable to fix it. I can't even find an option on Rstudio website to install for kali linux OS.
Use the following command to install Rstudio on Kali linux:
sudo apt update<br>
sudo apt -y upgrade<br>
sudo apt -y install r-base<br>
sudo apt install ./rstudio-1.2.5042-amd64.deb<br>
If you encounter any dependency problems, run:
sudo apt -f install
For starting Rstudio, run:<br>
$ rstudio

How to install JLink in Docker's ubuntu?

I want to install JLink in my docker's ubuntu container. I downloaded JLink_Linux_V680_x86_64.deb and copied it from host OS to ubuntu container and tried to run
apt-get install ./JLink_Linux_V680_x86_64.deb
But couldn't install it.
How can I install JLink in the ubuntu container?
You can try below command.
sudo docker cp JLink_Linux_x86_64.deb <container_id>:/home/JLink_Linux_x86_64.deb
ls /home/
dpkg -i /home/JLink_Linux_V647f_x86_64.deb
Check this for more details

AWS EC2 : sudo: apt-get: command not found error

I have installed Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type second number of os in list (AWS console) in my instance.
It connect to putty successfully.
Now I want to install node in my server.
For that I go to /var folder. Then I run this command.
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
And then I got error this.
## Populating apt-get cache...
+ apt-get update
bash: apt-get: command not found
Error executing command, exiting
To fixed this I have fire follow commands.
1) apt-get update
2) sudo apt-get update
3) yum update
4) sudo yum update
Still I have same issue. Anyone can help me.
Install node version manager (nvm) by typing the following at the command line.
curl -o- | bash
Use nvm to install Node.js because nvm can install multiple versions of Node.js and allow you to switch between them.
Activate nvm by typing the following at the command line.
. ~/.nvm/
Use nvm to install the version of Node.js you intend to use by typing the following at the command line.
nvm install 4.4.5
Installing Node.js also installs the Node Package Manager (npm) so you can install additional modules as needed.
Test that Node.js is installed and running correctly by typing the following at the command line.
node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)"
This should display the following message that confirms the installed version of Node.js running.
Running Node.js v4.4.5
More Info :

cloudera director client installation

I am trying to install apache-spot and Cloudera on AWS following these tutorials:
But when I run:
sudo apt-get install cloudera-director-client
The Ubuntu terminal gives me:
E: unable to locate package cloudera-director-client
I already ran this code to fix:
$ wget
$ wget
$ sudo apt-key add archive.key
$ sudo mv cloudera-director.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d
$ sudo apt-get update
Anyone able to help me? Thanks
The cloudera-director.list file that you have installed is likely old. The one in the URL you have listed is for Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin). Make sure that you pick the release that matches your OS version.
Cloudera Altus Director 2.x is available for Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) at
Cloudera Altus Director 6.0.0 is available for Ubuntu 16.04 and 14.04 at or
Please try installing again with a new cloudera-director.list and archive.key

Install docker-machine on OSX WITHOUT Docker Toolbox

Am I correct to assume that installing Docker Toolbox is now the required method for installing docker-machine on OSX? I have a script that I've been using for onboarding my team of developers, which installs docker related tools like docker-machine, but it pulls it in through curl. This stopped working with the latest version. All their documentation says I need to install Docker Toolbox, with no indication of an alternative. Is there still a way to install it through the command line?
I installed virtualbox, docker, docker-machine and docker-compose all via homebrew, and worked like a charm to me.
$ brew install docker docker-compose docker-machine
if you don't have installed virtualbox, you could install it using homebrew cask.
$ brew cask install virtualbox
One important thing you obtain when you installing it this way, is the bash completion. You need to install bash-completion, previously, for this benefit.
$ brew install bash-completion
Answered my own question. It's undocumented, but if you go to their github page, then click on releases, you'll see all the latest releases for the OS you're looking for. Find the download you need, then run this:
$ curl -L > /usr/local/bin/docker-machine
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine
You can install it also with Homebrew
$ brew install docker-machine
