Change build configuration artifacts manually - teamcity

I am using TC10.x and one of my build generates an artifact which is then loaded in one of my custom configuration tabs.
Now after 10 runs, I wanted to change something in that file, so i edited all the artifacts that are created in .buildserver/../../artifacts folder.
When i go to the build configuration and downloaded the artifacts and see the contents are all changed but when i click on the link in the teamcity, it still loads the old stuff how can i work around this?
Do i need to bounce the teamcity server instance or the agent?

Restarting the apache web server resolved the issue. New files were taken up.
Could not see cache folder mention in the conf file, nor found any cache folder under apache or c:\program data etc.


Is it possible prevent copying of resources to build directory in Gradle project and directly use them from original location?

I come from Grails background and there was a feature where our changes to CSS, HTML & JS files were instant and didn't needed rebuilding code again.
Now, while building a Micronaut project I would like to have something similar but I am unable to figure how to configure Gradle for same.
Till now, I found out if I make changes to copied resources inside build folder, changes are reflected on browser and don't require rebuilding code but this forces me to do changes to original file later.
Can I somehow make Gradle directly use src/main/resources from it's original location rather than Gradle copying it to build folder?
You might be looking for ./gradlew run --continuous but depending on what things you are changing in the resources/ folder, those changes may nor may not affect the running app without restart.
More information is available at
I hope that helps.

archiva extra file not visible

I'm trying to also upload a deployment plan for certain web application projects.
This file has the extension '.dat'.
I can upload the file to archiva successfully using the deploy:deploy-file command. (checked by calling the url and it's there)
The problem i'm having is that i can't see the file in the downloads box on the screen when browsing to it, which makes it pretty pointless to upload it to archiva if noone can see that it's there.
Is this archiva only showing certain file types or is this a caching issue?
Where can I find more information about what is being shown in that box?
archiva version:
Apache Archiva 1.3.3
What you need to do is go to the "Repository Scanning" tab, and ensure that **/*.dat files are included in the list of artifacts to be detected. Afterwards, you will need to go t the "Repositories" tab and scan the repository again to have it appear.
Uhm that's not part of the visible files.
BTW that should work with last 1.4*

How should I move NuGet artifacts to a new TeamCity server?

We've been using TeamCity as a NuGet server with great success. Last week I migrated TeamCity to a new server machine. The database remained where it was on an external server. I copied the artifacts folder to the new server and I can see them all listed on the project configuration page. However, the old packages are not showing up in the NuGet package feed. What else do I need to do to get the new TeamCity server to list those old packages in the feed?
Other projects that depend on older versions of these packages are currently broken because they can't be found.
New builds of those NuGet packages are showing up in the feed, but I also need all the old ones.
thanks demis. you put me on the right path to resolving this for me.
to make the answer here a little more complete and formal:
overwriting the following files:
in \system\caches\buildsMetadata
with the same files from the old build server worked for me (before creating new builds - not sure you'd be able to get a merge done after the fact).
I don't remember now exactly what I did to fix this, but it had something to do with the files inside this folder on the server running TeamCity: C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\system\caches\buildsMetadata
Did you move the old artifacts from older builds as well?

appharbor not deploying static content

I just started hosting a web application on AppHarbor, and i configured it to listen to my github repository commits.
After each commit, I see on AppHarbor the build running the tests, and deploying, but when i go to my app page, hosted on AppHarbor I don't see any images, and the js scripts are missing.
I can actually see them in the github source, but when I download the package from AppHarbor, they seem to be missing from my 'static' folder...
Anyone else run into this problem ?... Any possible causes for this ?...
I solved the problem -
The reason this was happening because the content wasn't being copied to the output directory. I don't know exactly how AppHarbor build there Deployment scripts, but I changed the Copy To Output Directory option value to Copy Always and this solved the problem.
(The Build Action was already set to Content)
Make sure that the files are included in the C# project, and that their Build Action is set to Content.

In Hudson or Jenkins, how can you restore deleted builds?

I accidentally deleted some builds for a job that I would have rather kept. I restored the builds on disk from backup, but they still do not show up when I am on the status page for that job.
I have tried both triggering another build for the job and re-starting Hudson.
How can I fully-restore these builds? Is there a DB that Hudson uses to store this type of information?
Inside your %HUDSON_HOME% directory is a subdirectory called "jobs". Under "jobs" are subdirectories for every project. Inside each one are subdirectories for each build.
You need to make sure that jobs\<projectname> exists, and then copy the missing build directories inside.
Click "Manage Hudson/Reload Configuration From Disk" to make Hudson recognize the newly added builds. Not necessary to restart your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat) if you use one.
Depends what you restored. It sounds like you restored the workspace folder, but this folder is irrelevant for historical information. I would first shut down Hudson and than restore the build folder and the modules folder. Than you can restart Hudson. For more information ask the Hudson project.
In addition to Williams ( answer you'll need to re-add it to all the custom views.
