KSH shell prompt overwritten - shell

I have customised my ksh shell prompt. It is as follows:
export PS1=$'\E[31;1m$(date +%H:%M:%S) \E[32;1m${PWD##*/} \E[33;1m$ \E[0m'
Sometimes when I press backspace the cursor will jump to the very beginning of the window and overwrite the prompt. I heard this can be a problem with escaping the colours however the examples I have seen online resemble what I have above.
Any idea what can be causing this?


How to show vi mode in prompt with tcsh

I use vi keybindings when working within my terminal shell to keep continuity between my shell and vim editor. Because of IT requirements, I need to now switch to tcsh from bash and zsh and I am looking at recreating some of my configurations within tcsh. The biggest friction point that I have hit now is that I can't view which vi mode I am currently in within my prompt which can lead to unexpected behavior when I am working. Through zsh and bash there is a lot of information on how to achieve this. I haven't been able to find anything about tcsh except for this link. I wasn't able to work through the only answer that actually provided an answer. What can I do to retrieve my vi mode (insert/normal) I am in when using the tcsh shell?

Paste bash command, but make sure it doesn't run

Sometimes when you ctrl-v with bash it will run the command even though you didn't intend to run it yet - is there a way to paste a command into the bash shell / terminal making sure you don't actually run any of the command(s)?
if you could set what was on the terminal prompt programmatically, you could do this with bash on MacOS:
export BASH_PROMPT="$(pbpaste)"
which ties into my other question that I just asked:
How to change the value that's in the prompt
There is a Readline variable:
When set to On, Readline will configure the terminal in a way that will enable it to insert each paste into the editing buffer as a single string of characters, instead of treating each character as if it had been read from the keyboard. This can prevent pasted characters from being interpreted as editing commands. The default is off.
To turn this on, put something like
set enable-bracketed-paste on
into your ~/.inputrc.
This was introduced in Bash 4.4 / Readline 7.0.
Use ^X^E aka Ctrl+X Ctrl+E in bash to open your $EDITOR for command entry.
Paste and/or edit as much as you want, across as many lines as you want. When you're done, save and exit, and bash will run it.
(In vi mode, the shortcut is v)

For further research: terminology about manipulating command before hitting RET in terminal

I just found out in zsh if I have a variable, namely abc="cba", and if I type echo ${!abc} and pressing enter, it doesnt go as command but instead open new prompt below with expanded variable echo ${abc="cba"}.
And probably included that powerful zsh plugin that let us automatically insert sudo just by double tapping Esc.
So for further studying and probably opening new possibilities, what is the right terminology about that typed-command-but-not-entered manipulation?
Those seem to be unrelated. The first is zsh asking you to verify history expansion. The second is a ZLE (Zsh Line Editor) widget with a keybinding to modify the current command line. You can see what this ZLE widget looks like in oh-my-zsh the source code.

Why is my mac terminal acting buggy when I use the up arrow key?

I normally use the up arrow key to scroll through previous commands in my terminal. I've noticed that over the past few months, when I do this, I do not get previous commands but instead a 'buggy behavior'. For example, when I press the up arrows key, it might enter gibberish and apparently random spaces and a small part of my command. Does anybody have any ideas as to what might be causing this? Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work. It's starting to get very annoying. (fyi, I'm using yosemite and osx if that has any relevance)
I know this is an old question, but I recently had the same issue. The problem is likely your PS1 prompt. You may not be fully enclosing your non-printing characters with \[ ... \]
To solve:
in your terminal echo $PS1 - this will show you your current PS1 setting.
Make sure that any options (such as color options) are enclosed by \[ and \] and set it. e.g. PS1='\[\e[95m\]\u \[\e[93m\]\w:\[\e[92m\]\$'
Save your new PS1 permanently in your .bash_profile or wherever you keep your bash settings.
My faulty PS1 was \[\e[95m\]\u \[\e[93m\]\w: \e[92m\]\$
I was missing the opening encloser, \[ after the \w:
My corrected PS1 is \[\e[95m\]\u \[\e[93m\]\w:\[\e[92m\]\$
In my case, the up-arrow stopped working properly for me in OSX shortly after I changed my .bashrc to use "HISTSIZE=-1". My unconfirmed guess is that the bash version is too old to handle the -1 option, so bash stopped recording a history entirely. My up-arrow key was being interpreted correctly, but there was no history to retrieve. Once I changed my HISTSIZE, the up-arrow (and the history command) in new terminals started working again.
To be clear, I can't say if your problem is from the same cause. I don't recall getting gibberish in the history, though I did see some odd behavior such as an errant "." somehow appearing in ls commands. Still, if someone is having problems with using the up-arrow to retrieve previous bash commands, it seems worth a shot. Try checking your HISTSIZE setting, and/or invoke the history command directly, to make sure that you have a history for the up-arrow to retrieve.
I've had this problem for a while myself on my work computer I was able to resolve it when changed from ksh shell to the bash shell.
I'd recommend this Lynda course it explains most of what you need but simply type bash to change shell.

Terminal shows "?

I was editing .bash_profile and after I saved it ,terminal shows nothing.How can I reset it to previous mode.This is how it looks now.
I changed the value of PS1 variable.I don't have any knowledge about terminal.Please help.
The PS1 environment variable defines what the bash prompt looks like. The default varies among distros, but is generally something like this:
PS1='\h:\W \u\$ '
The bash manpage has an explanation of PS1 values under the heading "Prompting".
You can apply PS1 values to your current terminal session by pressing Control+C several times, then pasting in the line of code above and pressing return or enter. That should get your environment behaving normally long enough to edit your bash profile unless something else is wrong.
If something else is wrong with your profile, and bash is completely broken, you can temporarily use a different shell (one that doesn't care about your bash_profile) with the "New Command..." option in Terminal.app's file menu. When prompted for a command, enter /bin/zsh. You should then get a usable terminal window which you can use to edit or move your .bash_profile.
