I'm trying to run standard ruby training programs, but I had a problem with this program, please take a look. Thank you very much!
q = 9999 #last 4-digit number
while q > 1000 #from 9999 to 1000, for exemple, the cycle has arrived to 6784
d = #transform 6784 to array [6, 7, 8, 4]
p = d # create sample array with [6, 7, 8, 4]
tmp = p[0]; # tmp = 6;
p[0] = p[3]; # 6 = 4;
p[3] = tmp; # 4 = 6
g = p.join.to_i # transform [4, 7, 8, 6] to 4786
f = q - g # 6784 - 4786
if f == 27 # i need to find the smallest 4-digit number that decreases by 27 when moving its last digit to the first position
puts q #print 4-digit number that decreases by 27 when moving its last digit to the first position
q = q - 1;
But the result does not appear, it is because it is not, or somewhere a mistake.
In general, the condition of the task is:
Find the smallest 4-digit number that decreases by 27 when you move its last digit to the first position. (Use the find or detect method). Thank You!
I will first create a helper method to convert an array of digits to an integer.
def digits_to_int(arr)
arr.reduce { |n,d| n*10 + d }
For example,
digits_to_int [1,2,3,4]
#=> 1234
This tends to be faster than arr.join.to_i (see sawa's answer here).
We can then simply compute
(1..).find { |n| n-27 == digits_to_int(n.digits.rotate.reverse) }
#=> 30
See Enumerable#reduce (a.k.a. inject), "Endless range", Integer#digits, Array#rotate and Array#reverse.
Here is an example calculation.
n = 243
a = n.digits
#=> [3,4,2]
b = a.rotate
#=> [4,2,3]
c = b.reverse
#=> [3,2,4]
d = digits_to_int(c)
#=> 324
n - 27 == d
#=> 243 - 27 == 324 => false
and another
n = 30
a = n.digits
#=> [0,3]
b = a.rotate
#=> [3,0]
c = b.reverse
#=> [0,3]
d = digits_to_int(c)
#=> 3
n - 27 == d
#=> 30 - 27 == 3 => true
I would define a method to "rotate" the number using string manipulation.
def rotate_number_one_digit(n)
s = n.to_s
Then I would use #upto to deal with the iteration.
1000.upto(9999) do |x|
Each time around you'll check that the "rotated" number plus 27 equals x. If so, print it and break the loop to prevent further unnecessary iteration.
1000.upto(9999) do |x|
if rotate_number_one_digit(x) + 27 == x then
puts x
Or we can just use the #find method from Enumerable.
1000.upto(9999).find { |x| rotate_number_one_digit(x) + 27 == x }
Or using break to return a value from the loop.
1000.upto(9999) { |x|
break x if rotate_number_one_digit(x) + 27 == x
I am trying to write a simple script, where the input would be a start date, end date and a total amount of hours (150) and the script would generate a simple report containing random date-time intervals (with ideally weekdays) that would sum the entered amount of hours.
This is what I am trying to achieve:
Start: 2020-01-01
End: 2020-01-31
Total hours: 150
Jan 1, 2019, 08:02:20 – Jan 1, 2019, 08:55:00: sub time -> 52:40 (52 minutes 40 seconds)
Jan 1, 2019, 09:00:00 – Jan 1, 2019, 09:38:13: sub time -> 38:13 (38 minutes 13 seconds)
Jan 3, 2019, 13:15:00 – Jan 3, 2019, 14:45:13: sub time -> 01:30:13 (1 hour 30 minutes 13 seconds)
TOTAL TIME: 150 hours (or in minutes)
How do I generate time intervals where the total amount of minutes/hours would be equal to a given number of hours?
I assume the question is loosely-worded in the sense that "random" is not meant in a probability sense; that is, the intent is not to select a set of intervals (that total a given number of hours in length) with a mechanism that ensures all possible sets of such intervals have an equal likelihood of being selected. Rather, I understand that a set of intervals is to be chosen (e.g., for testing purposes) in a way that incorporates elements of randomness.
I have assumed the intervals are to be non-overlapping and the number of intervals is to be specified. I don't understand what "with ideally weekdays" means so I have disregarded that.
The heart of the approach I will propose is the following method.
def rnd_lengths(tot_secs, target_nbr)
max_secs = 2 * tot_secs/target_nbr - 1
arr = []
loop do
break(arr) if
l = [(0.5 + max_secs * rand).round, tot_secs].min
arr << l
tot_secs -= l
The method generates an array of integers (lengths of intervals), measured in seconds, ideally having target_nbr elements. tot_secs is the required combined length of the "random" intervals (e.g., 150*3600).
Each element of the array is drawn randomly drawn from a uniform distribution that ranges from zero to max_secs (to be computed). This is done sequentially until tot_secs is reached. Should the last random value cause the total to exceed tot_secs it is reduced to make the total equal tot_secs.`
Suppose tot_secs equals 100 and we wish to generate 4 random intervals (target_nbr = 4). That means the average length of the intervals would be 25. As we are using a uniform distribution having an average of (1 + max_secs)/2, we may derive the value of max_secs from the expression
target_nbr * (1 + max_secs)/2 = tot_secs
which is
max_secs = 2 * tot_secs/target_nbr - 1
the first line of the method. For the example I mentioned, this would be
max_secs = 2 * 100/4 - 1
#=> 49
Let's try it.
rnd_lengths(100, 4)
#=> [49, 36, 15]
As you see the array that is returned sums to 100, as required, but it contains only 3 elements. That's why I named the argument target_nbr, as there is no assurance the array returned will have that number of elements. What to do? Try again!
rnd_lengths(100, 4)
#=> [14, 17, 26, 37, 6]
Still not 4 elements, so keep trying:
rnd_lengths(100, 4)
#=> [11, 37, 39, 13]
Success! It may take a few tries to get the correct number of elements, but for parameters likely to be used, and the nature of the probability distribution employed, I wouldn't expect that to be a problem.
Let's put this in a method.
def rdm_intervals(tot_secs, nbr_intervals)
loop do
arr = rnd_lengths(tot_secs, nbr_intervals)
break(arr) if arr.size == nbr_intervals
intervals = rdm_intervals(100, 4)
#=> [29, 26, 7, 38]
We can compute random gaps between intervals in the same way. Suppose the intervals fall within a range of 175 seconds (the number of seconds between the start time and end time). Then:
gaps = rdm_intervals(175-100, 5)
#=> [26, 5, 19, 4, 21]
As seen, the gaps sum to 75, as required. We can disregard the last element.
We can now form the intervals. The first interval begins at 26 seconds and ends at 26+29 #=> 55 seconds. The second interval begins at 55+5 #=> 60 seconds and ends at 60+26 #=> 86 seconds, and so on. We therefore find the intervals (each in ranges of seconds from zero) to be:
[26..55, 60..86, 105..112, 116..154]
Note that 175 - 154 = 21, the last element of gaps.
If one is uncomfortable with the fact that the last elements of intervals and gaps that are generally constrained in size one could of course randomly reposition those elements within their respective arrays.
One might not care if the number of intervals is exactly target_nbr. It would be simpler and faster to just use the first array of interval lengths produced. That's fine, but we still need the above methods to compute the random gaps, as their number must equal the number of intervals plus one:
gaps = rdm_intervals(175-100, intervals.size + 1)
We can now use these two methods to construct a method that will return the desired result. The argument tot_secs of this method equals total number of seconds spanned by the array intervals returned (e.g., 3600 * 150). The method returns an array containing nbr_intervals non-overlapping ranges of Time objects that fall between the given start and end dates.
require 'date'
def construct_intervals(start_date_str, end_date_str, tot_secs, nbr_intervals)
start_time = Date.strptime(start_date_str, '%Y-%m-%d').to_time
secs_in_period = Date.strptime(end_date_str, '%Y-%m-%d').to_time - start_time
intervals = rdm_intervals(tot_secs, nbr_intervals)
gaps = rdm_intervals(secs_in_period - tot_secs, nbr_intervals+1)
nbr_intervals.times.with_object([]) do |_,arr|
start_time += gaps.shift
end_time = start_time + intervals.shift
arr << (start_time..end_time)
start_time = end_time
See Date::strptime.
Let's try an example.
start_date_str = '2020-01-01'
end_date_str = '2020-01-31'
tot_secs = 3600*150
#=> 540000
construct_intervals(start_date_str, end_date_str, tot_secs, 4)
#=> [2020-01-06 18:05:04 -0800..2020-01-09 03:48:00 -0800,
# 2020-01-09 06:44:16 -0800..2020-01-11 23:33:44 -0800,
# 2020-01-20 20:30:21 -0800..2020-01-21 17:27:44 -0800,
# 2020-01-27 19:08:38 -0800..2020-01-28 01:38:51 -0800]
construct_intervals(start_date_str, end_date_str, tot_secs, 8)
#=> [2020-01-03 18:43:36 -0800..2020-01-04 10:49:14 -0800,
# 2020-01-08 07:55:44 -0800..2020-01-08 08:17:18 -0800,
# 2020-01-11 00:54:36 -0800..2020-01-11 23:00:53 -0800,
# 2020-01-14 05:20:14 -0800..2020-01-14 22:48:45 -0800,
# 2020-01-16 18:28:28 -0800..2020-01-17 22:50:24 -0800,
# 2020-01-22 02:59:31 -0800..2020-01-22 22:33:08 -0800,
# 2020-01-23 00:36:59 -0800..2020-01-24 12:15:37 -0800,
# 2020-01-29 11:22:21 -0800..2020-01-29 21:46:10 -0800]
See Date::strptime
START -xxx----xxx--x----xxxxx---xx--xx---xx-xx-x-xxx-- END
We need to fill a timespan with alternating periods of ON and OFF. This can be
denoted by a list of timestamps. Let's say that the period always starts with
an OFF period for simplicity's sake.
From the start/end of the timespan and the total seconds in ON state, we
gather useful facts:
the timespan's total size in seconds total_seconds
the second totals of both the ON (on_total_seconds) and the OFF (off_total_seconds) periods
Once we know these, a workable algorithm looks more or less like this - pardon
the functions without implementation:
# this can be a parameter as well
def fill_periods(start_date, end_date, on_total_seconds = 150*60*60)
total_seconds = get_total_seconds(start_date, end_date)
off_total_seconds = total_seconds - on_total_seconds
# establish two buckets to pull from alternately in populating our array of durations
on_bucket = on_total_seconds
off_bucket = off_total_seconds
result = []
# populate `result` with durations in seconds. `result` will sum to `total_seconds`
while on_bucket > 0 || off_bucket > 0 do
off_slice = rand(off_total_seconds / MAX_PERIODS / 2, off_total_seconds / MIN_PERIODS / 2).to_i
off_bucket -= [off_slice, off_bucket].min
on_slice = rand(on_total_seconds / MAX_PERIODS / 2, on_total_seconds / MIN_PERIODS / 2).to_i
on_bucket -= [on_slice, on_bucket].min
# randomness being random, we're going to hit 0 in one bucket before the
# other. when this happens, just add this (off, on) pair to the last one.
if off_slice == 0 || on_slice == 0
last_off, last_on = result.pop(2)
result << last_off + off_slice << last_on + on_slice
result << off_slice << on_slice
# build up an array of datetimes by progressively adding seconds to the last timestamp.
datetimes = result.each_with_object([start_date]) do |period, memo|
memo << add_seconds(memo.last, period)
# we want a list of datetime pairs denoting ON periods. since we know our
# timespan starts with OFF, we start our list of pairs with the second element.
So I'm doing one of those programming challenges on HackerRank to help build my skills. (No this is NOT for an interview! The problem I am on is the Prime Digit Sum. (Full description: Basically given a value n, I am to find all numbers that are n digits long that meet the following three criteria:
Every 3 consecutive digits sums to a prime number
Every 4 consecutive digits sums to a prime number
Every 5 consecutive digits sums to a prime number
See the link for a detailed breakdown...
I've got a basic function that works, problem is that when n gets big enough it breaks:
require 'prime'
def isChloePrime?(num)
num = num.to_s
num.chars.each_cons(5) do |set|
return false unless {|sum, i| sum + i.to_i})
num.chars.each_cons(4) do |set|
return false unless {|sum, i| sum + i.to_i})
num.chars.each_cons(3) do |set|
return false unless {|sum, i| sum + i.to_i})
return true
def primeDigitSums(n)
total = 0
(10**(n-1)..(10**n-1)).each do |i|
total += 1 if isChloePrime?(i)
return total
puts primeDigitSums(6) # prints 95 as expected
puts primeDigitSums(177779) # runtime error
If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome. Not necessarily looking for a "here's the answer". Ideally would love a "try looking into using this function...".
UPDATE here is version 2:
require 'prime'
#primes = {}
def isChloePrime?(num)
num = num.to_s
(0..num.length-5).each do |i|
return false unless #primes[num[i,5]]
return true
def primeDigitSums(n)
total = 0
(10**(n-1)...(10**n)).each do |i|
total += 1 if isChloePrime?(i)
return total
(0..99999).each do |val|
#primes[val.to_s.rjust(5, "0")] = true if [3,4,5].all? { |n| val.digits.each_cons(n).all? { |set| set.sum } }
I regard every non-negative integer to be valid if the sum of every sequence of 3, 4 and 5 of its digits form a prime number.
Construct set of relevant prime numbers
We will need to determine if the sums of digits of 3-, 4- and 5-digit numbers are prime. The largest number will therefore be no larger than 5 * 9. It is convenient to construct a set of those primes (a set rather than an array to speed lookups).
require 'prime'
require 'set'
primes = Prime.each(5*9).to_set
#=> #<Set: {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43}>
Construct transition hash
valid1 is a hash whose keys are all 1-digit numbers (all of which are valid). The value of the key 0 is an array of all 1-digit numbers. For 1-9 the values are arrays of 2-digit numbers (all of which are valid) that are obtained by appending a digit to the key. Collectively, the values include all 2-digit numbers.
valid1 = (0..9).each_with_object({}) { |v1,h|
h[v1] = { |i| 10 * v1 + i } }
valid2 is a hash that maps 2-digit numbers (all valid) to arrays of valid 3-digit numbers that are obtained by appending a digit to the 2-digit number. Collectively, the values include all valid 3-digit numbers. All values are non-empty arrays.
valid2 = (10..99).each_with_object({}) do |v2,h|
p = 10 * v2
b, a = v2.digits
h[v2] = (0..9).each_with_object([]) { |c,arr|
arr << (p+c) if primes.include?(a+b+c) }
Note that Integer#digits returns an array with the 1's digit first.
valid3 is a hash that maps valid 3-digit numbers to arrays of valid 4-digit numbers that are obtained by appending a digit to the key. Collectively, the values include all valid 4-digit numbers. 152 of the 303 values are empty arrays.
valid3 = valid2.values.flatten.each_with_object({}) do |v3,h|
p = 10 * v3
c, b, a = v3.digits
h[v3] = (0..9).each_with_object([]) do |d,arr|
t = b+c+d
arr << (p+d) if primes.include?(t) && primes.include?(t+a)
valid4 is a hash that maps valid 4-digit numbers to arrays of valid 4-digit numbers that are obtained by appending a digit to the key and dropping the first digit of key. valid5.values.flatten.size #=> 218 is the number of valid 5-digit numbers. 142 of the 280 values are empty arrays.
valid4 = valid3.values.flatten.each_with_object({}) do |v4,h|
p = 10 * v4
d, c, b, a = v4.digits
h[v4] = (0..9).each_with_object([]) do |e,arr|
t = c+d+e
arr << ((p+e) % 10_000) if primes.include?(t) &&
primes.include?(t += b) && primes.include?(t + a)
We merge these four hashes to form a single hash #transition. The former hashes are no longer needed. #transition has 294 keys.
#transition = [valid1, valid2, valid3, valid4].reduce(:merge)
#=> {0=>[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
# 1=>[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19],
# ...
# 9=>[90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99],
# 10=>[101, 102, 104, 106], 11=>[110, 111, 113, 115, 119],
# ...
# 97=>[971, 973, 977], 98=>[980, 982, 986], 99=>[991, 995],
# 101=>[1011], 102=>[1020], 104=>[], 106=>[], 110=>[1101],
# ...
# 902=>[9020], 904=>[], 908=>[], 911=>[9110], 913=>[], 917=>[],
# 1011=>[110], 1020=>[200], 1101=>[], 1110=>[], 1200=>[],
# ...
# 8968=>[], 9020=>[200], 9110=>[], 9200=>[]}
Transition method
This is the method that will be used to update counts each time n, the number of digits, is incremented by one.
def next_counts(counts)
counts.each_with_object({}) do |(k,v),new_valid|
#transition[k].each do |new_v|
(new_valid[new_v] = new_valid[new_v].to_i + v) if #transition.key?(k)
prime_digit_sum method
def prime_digit_sum(n)
case n
when 1 then 10
when 2 then 90
when 3 then #transition.sum { |k,v| (10..99).cover?(k) ? v.size : 0 }
counts = { |k,_| (100..999).cover?(k) }.
(n - 4).times { counts = next_counts(counts) }
counts.values.sum % (10**9 + 7)
Note that, for n = 4 the hash counts has keys that are valid 4-digit numbers and values that all equal 1:
counts = { |k,_| (100..999).cover?(k) }.
#=> {1011=>1, 1020=>1, 1101=>1, 1110=>1, 1200=>1, 2003=>1, 2005=>1,
# ...
# 8902=>1, 8920=>1, 8968=>1, 9020=>1, 9110=>1, 9200=>1}
#=> 280
As shown, for n >= 5, counts is updated each time n is incremented by one. The sum of the values equals the number of valid n-digit numbers.
The number formed by the last four digits of every valid n-digit numbers is one of count's keys. The value of each key is an array of numbers that comprise the last four digits of all valid (n+1)-digit numbers that are produced by appending a digit to the key.
Consider, for example, the value of counts for n = 6, which is found to be the following.
#=> {1101=>1, 2003=>4, 2005=>4, 300=>1, 302=>1, 304=>1, 308=>1, 320=>1,
# 322=>1, 326=>1, 328=>1, 380=>1, 382=>1, 386=>1, 388=>1, 500=>1,
# 502=>1, 506=>1, 508=>1, 560=>1, 562=>1, 566=>1, 568=>1, 1200=>7,
# 3002=>9, 3020=>4, 3200=>6, 5002=>6, 9200=>4, 200=>9, 1020=>3, 20=>3,
# 5200=>4, 201=>2, 203=>2, 205=>2, 209=>2, 5020=>2, 9020=>1}
Consider the key 2005 and note that
#=> [50, 56]
We see that there are 4 valid 6-digit numbers whose last four digits are 2005 and that, for each of those 4 numbers, a valid number is produced by adding the digits 0 and 6, resulting in numbers whose last 5-digits are 20050 and 20056. However, we need only keep the last four digits, 0050 and 0056, which are the numbers 50 and 56. Therefore, when recomputing counts for n = 7--call it counts7--we add 4 to both counts7[50] and counts7[56]. Other keys k of counts (for n=6) may be such that #transition[k] have values that include 50 and 56, so they too would contribute to counts7[50] and counts7[50].
Selective results
Let's try it for various values of n
puts "digits nbr valid* seconds"
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 20, 50, 100, 1_000, 10_000, 40_000].each do |n|
print "%6d" % n
t =
print "%11d" % prime_digit_sum(n)
puts "%10f" % (
puts "\n* modulo (10^9+7)"
digits nbr valid* seconds
1 10 0.000000
2 90 0.000000
3 303 0.000200
4 280 0.002200
5 218 0.000400
6 95 0.000400
20 18044 0.000800
50 215420656 0.001400
100 518502061 0.002700
1000 853799949 0.046100
10000 590948890 0.474200
40000 776929051 2.531600
I would approach the problem by pre-calculating a list of all the allowed 5-digit sub-sequences: '00002' fails while '28300' is allowed etc. This could perhaps be set up as a binary array or hash set.
Once you have the list, then you can check any number by moving a 5-digit frame over the number one step at a time.
I have a 2 time objects, one object has a greater month:
t =, 8, 1)
n =, 9, 1)
How can I set the month of both objects with only one input?
I thought something like this would work:
month1 = gets #This works
month2 = month1 + 1
t =, month1, 1) #This works too
n =, month2, 1) #But this doesn't work
> month1 = gets.to_i
> 5
> month2 = month1 + 1
> t =, month1, 1)
#=> 2017-05-01 00:00:00 +0530
> n =, month2, 1)
#=> 2017-06-01 00:00:00 +0530
You just need to convert user's input to integer.
in your code month2 = month1 + 1 , month1 is String and you are adding an integer value which is throwing you an error
In Rails:
If you are using rails then there is Time#change inbuilt method is available, you can change any parameter with any of these keys: :year, :month, :day, :hour, :min, :sec, :usec :nsec of time object
for eg:
>, 8, 1)
#=> 2017-08-01 00:00:00 +0530
>, 8, 1).change(month: 7)
#=> 2017-07-01 00:00:00 +0530
How about this instead since your question clearly disregards the time portion of the object any way and your solution will have to handle cases in which the value is not between 1 and 11 otherwise an error will be raised for the month being out of range:
require 'date'
loop do
puts "Enter the first month:"
#first_month = gets.to_i
if (1..12).include?(#first_month)
puts "Incorrect value a month must be between 1 and 12."
puts "Please Try Again."
t =,#first_month,1)
n = t >> 1
This uses Date#>> which simply returns a new Date object incremented by n month(s). For example
d =,11,1)
d >> 1
#=> #<Date: 2017-12-01 ((2458089j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
d >> 2
#=> #<Date: 2018-01-01 ((2458120j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
# It can accept negative numbers too
# Although this is usually represented as d << 10
d >> -10
#=> #<Date: 2017-01-01 ((2457755j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
d >> -10 == d << 10
#=> true
The only thing i need to do, is to convert the string i read in, to an integer:
month1 = gets.to_i
Then my code runs very well.
In ruby how can i count number of months between two months using their names
Feb to Oct => 9
Dec to Mar => 4
Apr to Aug => 5
How can i achieve this ?
def months_between( start_month, end_month)
month_names = %w[ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ]
(12 + month_names.index( end_month ) - month_names.index( start_month ) ) % 12 + 1
You could define an array of 12 elements, containing your possible month names. Then, when you need to find the number of months between month1 and month2, you need to find their indexes, possibly using a hash, like this:
#let month1 and month2 be the values
array = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
hash = Hash[] # => {"a"=>0, "b"=>1, "c"=>2}
#(hash[month2] + 12 - hash[month1]) % 12 should yield the desired result
However, the solution above does not deal with years. If month1 is 'Jan' and month2 is 'Feb', then the result will be 1, regardless of the year of month1 and the year of month2.
I am not fluent in Ruby, so my code might have errors in its syntax.
Use can use DateTime::strptime to get number represented the order of the month in a year. From there it should be easy
require 'date'
def distance(start_month, end_month)
distance = DateTime.strptime(end_month,"%b").month - DateTime.strptime(start_month,"%b").month + 1
distance < 0 ? distance + 12 : distance
If you have the month name then you can parse that month and get the sequence number of that month, like this:
require 'date'
month1 = Date.parse("Feb").month
month1 = Date.parse("Apr").month
Or You can use array of 12 month to find their sequence number.
And for counts between months:
result = ((month2 > month1) ? (month2 - month1) : (month1 - (month1 - month2)) + 1)
This will work for the sequence of the months. If the month1 id 'Dec' and month2 is 'Mar', then it will return count 4, not 9.