Selenium 2.53.6 not working in Firefox 48.0.2 - firefox

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Can't load the profile. Profile Dir: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\2\tmpc2_p3ubt If you specified a log_file in the FirefoxBinary constructor, check it for details.
When I try to run my Python script, Firefox is timing out. Does anyone have any suggestions on which versions i need to match?

Uninstall current firefox version than Download Firefox from this link and then try again
Note : you have to uncheck automatic upgrade of firefox after install of 46 using below setps:
Goto Options
Goto advance
Under Firefox updates: Never check for updates (not recommended: security risk)
If you want to run on firefox >= 48 then you need to upgrade to selenium 3beta.

It wont and its a known issue, Refer thread here
Can't fix.
In Firefox 48, Mozilla requires extensions to be signed. They have
refused to sign Selenium's Firefox driver extension (webdriver.xpi).
Feel free to contact them and/or log an issue for them at
The way forward now is to use GeckoDriver. Which is now the default
implementation used in 3.0-beta
This issue has been known as a long time coming, I highly recommend
pinning your automation to use Firefox 45 ESR until a release of using
GeckoDriver/marionette is stable enough for your tests.
Gecko Driver is a way forward.


How do we install firefox-esr 52.9.0 on Debian 9?

I'm working on a project where I need a firefox-esr version 52.9.0 or lower on a Debian 9 but when I check firefox-version with apt-cache policy firefox-esr I only have 60.x versions available.
I've tried so many things to downgrade my actual version or to download directly the 52.9.0 version like using dpkg -i and mozilla ftp, ppa list such as jonathonf's one without success.
I'm really looking for help to finally have this 52.9.0 firefox's version I need so if anyone have a secret solution, I'm taking it :)
I feel your pain... I too want to keep my legacy XUL browser. Here's how to do
Download the release for your machine architecture...
Disable your internet connection !important
Install FF52.9.0esr
goto [about:config]
Start Firefox and Type [app.update.] into the searchbar
Toggle the options to [false] for all boolian [app.update] entries
Now your Firefox won't (silently) auto-update to the latest esr the minute you go online.
For me, this was necessary to regain use of the 130+ "legacy" xul addons that I've
come to depend on over the years... addons that Mozilla, in its infinite wisdom
has removed from thus being dorks about user preference. Well
here's how to get around this too.
Install whichever XUL extension you like.
Hope this solves your issue.
--[ Hummer ]--

How can I install WebExtensions for personal use most easily?

I created a few WebExtensions for Firefox that are for personal use. However, now that I want to start using them I find that there is a fairly cumbersome signing process. Because these plugins are for my own use only, and will not leave my computer, I prefer to install them without having to go through the signing process. What is the easiest way to do this?
I have tried to install an unsigned package (just like this question). However, even though I set xpinstall.signatures.required to false in my about:config, Firefox still doesn't let me install this plugin. However, I now read that I must have Developer Edition, Nightly, or ESR version for this to work. So, with a regular Firefox edition (version 50), what is the easiest way to get this done?
If I go to about:debugging then I can install my plugins just fine and they work great, so I was thinking perhaps there is a way to automate this and always activate them through about:debugging upon starting Firefox?
You can sign your extension but keep it unlisted, you describe this as "cumbersome" but without any elaboration...
You can also disable signing in the unbranded Firefox builds:

I am unable to run my scripts on firefox

My scripts are not running with firefox and I am using firefox version-49.0.1, Here is the error Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError: unable to obtain stable firefox connection in 60 seconds (
Downgrade your Firefox to 47.0.1 and try again.
Downgrade is an oppertunity but if you want to be sure that your tests run with the newest version of Firefox, you can run the Selenium-RC server look here.
In my case this fixed many compatibility issues. This works with every Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer version so far. Hower in my opinion your whole project would be ordered better.

How to disable the incompatible add-ons prompt at Firefox start?

I'm running some Robot Framework integration tests with Firefox 21.0 for Ubuntu. Recently my Firefox was updated and now it always pops up a prompt about incompatible add-ons when it starts. That's unacceptable, as then the tests cannot continue. The prompt looks like this:
There are several instructions about this on the web, but they are all either for some old version of Firefox or for some similar but not the same situation (like when Firefox asks whether to disable 3rd party plugins), or they require one to disable the compatibility check for each version of each add-on separately, so none of them seem to work. How do I get rid of the prompt for good?
Find the prefs.js file from your Firefox profile directory, then add this line into it:
user_pref("extensions.showMismatchUI", false);
Presto! No more warnings about incompatible add-ons.

Selenium doesn't load on Firefox 4

After a recent upgrade to Firefox 4, all of my automated selenium tests seem to be hanging on the initial 'Launching Firefox...' command during testing.
Has anyone seen a fix for this, or is my best bet to downgrade?
Have you updated to Selenium 2.0b3? Earlier versions don't support FF4.
** EDIT* *
RC2 is now available:
I was having the same issue. 'Launching Firefox' command, a blank Firefox window opens and the test hangs. Looking at the Firefox Add-ons the three extensions that Selenium installs were all incompatible and disabled. Turns out my test was still accidentally starting up the wrong selenium version. Switching to 2.0b3 fixed the issue.
Recommend you to use latest version of selenium with firefox 4. for me it is working fine withoutany problem.
I am using :
Selenium Server : selenium-server-2.0b2
I hope it helps.
