Does MS-Build Definition inherit property from projects? - visual-studio

I've some sql projects with the property "Treat Warnings as Errors" enabled for every build configuration set (Debug, Release, etc.).
Building locally this property works without problem (so every warning is managed as error).
Using instead the MSBuild-Definition tool the same warnings are not managed as errors but just as warnings.
I cannot add the MS Build Argument /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=True to the Build level because in the same build definition there are other projects (not only sql projects) where the property "Treat Warnings as Errors" isn't enabled, so every build is going to fail.
What I want is to have the possibility to set my Build definition so that they can manage some project as "TreatWarningsAsErrors" and some other not.
I read in some documents that the build definition should inherit its property from the project built.
Is this wrong? Should I just add some configuration to my Build Process Template?
I am using the TfvcTemplate.12.xaml
If you need some other details just ask me.
Hope you can help me

I have tested in my VS 2015.3 + TFS 2015.3, and used XAML Build with default build process template TfvcTemplate.12.xaml, but couldn't reproduce your issue.
If I enable "Treat Warnings as Errors" for one project in a solution, I would get an error for XAML build. If I disable this option, there is no error but warning in XAML build:
Please compare your environment with mine, and double check whether
you have checked in your solution after you enable the "Treat Warnings
as Errors" option.


Disable built-in HLSL Compiler in Visual Studio 2017?

I am trying to get custom effects in Direct2D working in my c++ project which is included in an c#/XAML solution. I have been trying to adapt the CustomPixelShader project from the D2DCustomEffects solution from the Windows-universal-samples git repo.
My problem (I think) is that they are configuring a Custom build step in the project solution to get fxc to compile the shader. When I have tried to mimic their configuration, I have noticed that in my project property pages I have an additional property - HLSL compiler - that is not present in the CustomPixelShader example project (see image).
When I try to build the project without trying to configure HLSL Compiler, I get the error
Error X1507 failed to open source file: 'd2d1effecthelpers.hlsli'
which is a file that is clearly indicated in the custom effects example as important for the shader compilation. The path to d2d1effecthelpers.hlsli is included in the Custom build step config and I have checked that the file is there. However, if I add the path to d2d1effecthelpers.hlsli to Additional include directories in the HLSL Compiler config, that error message disappears but I get other problems instead. I’m interpreting this as if the HLSL compiler tries to compile the shader, even though I really want to use a Custom build step to do that instead.
My questions are: is it possible to disable the Visual Studio HLSL compiler in any way? I have noticed that if I exclude any shader files from the project the HLSL compiler disappears from the project property page, but how to do that manually?
Alternatively, is there any documentation on the Visual Studio built-in HLSL Compiler anywhere? I haven't really found any. I have tried but failed to get the HLSL Compiler to build according to the same rules as the Custom build step from the example.
I’m using Visual Studio Community 2017 v 15.3.5.
The first thing is that Visual Studio HLSL compiler is actually fxc. If you want to compile your shader manually as a part of Custom build step then you can disable hlsl compilation performing the following steps: right click on .hlsl file in Solution Explorer; select "Properties" in context menu; change Configuration Properties -> General -> Item Type entry from HLSL compiler to Text or Does not participate in build;
I got the answer in another forum (link to answer).
Summary: right click on the .hlsl-file in the solution explorer in Visual Studio. That will result in showing the properties for that file. Under Configuration Properties -> General you can change Item Type to something other than "HLSL Compiler". Changing it to "Text" worked for me, "Does not participate in build" was suggested in the answer in the other forum. If that does not do the trick, changing the value for Exclude from build to "No" could work. For me, just changing the Item type of the .hlsl-file was enough.
This should result in the HLSL Compiler disappearing from the project property pages (see the image in the question), and the HLSL Compiler will not try to compile the .hlsl-file.

Resharper 7: MSTest not working - "Test wasn't run"

Since I upgraded to VS2012 and Resharper 7, my previously working MS Tests are not running anymore.
The tests are run in an ASP.NET environment. I use the following Attributes:
[AspNetDevelopmentServerHost("C:\\Projekte\\****\\Website", "/")]
Any idea how to fix this?
As odd as it is, using VS2012, using Resharper 8.0, using NUnit, I was receiving this error because of an entry in my app.config file. I added an EntityFramework connection string and this behavior started. Removing the entire connection strings section shows the test runner starts/works again. Viewing output shows the app.config is not valid - this was causing this specific behavior in the test runner - "Test wasn't run".
I had the testproject set to AnyCPU and the project set explicitly to x86 when this happened. Setting the testproject to x86 solved it for me.
I'm using VS2012 R#8 and nUnit
Try running the Unit Tests using the MSTest Test Explorer. You might find more details in the output window of the root cause.
For me, it was a referenced assembly that was using a more recent version of NUnit than the one that was referenced in the test project. Using the same up-to-date version fixed the problem.
System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.
I'd same problem I just..
Changed methods access modifier from private to public.
Removed static keyword from methods.
That's it. It worked for me. But that is for C#.
In my case it was the NUnitTestAdapter nuget that needed to be removed.
Check that any references that you have in the test project are set to Copy Local True.
I had the same problem. Couldn't get the Visual Studio test runner to work, so I tried debugging a test instead. This threw a ConfigurationErrorsException, which didn't have much of a stack trace but contained the phrase "ClientSettingProvider". I searched my solution and found that something had added a appSetting key for "ClientSettingProvider.ServiceUri" to my app.config. I deleted this (along with an empty connectionStrings element) and rebuild everything - fixed the problem!
Double check your app.config and try deleting any empty elements or anything that looks fishy.
Another (silly) problem it might be; I accidentally had the project set to not build. Go to Build/"Configuration Manager", and ensure the project is set to build.
Using VS2010 and ReSharper 9.1 the issue was that the file LocalTestRun.testrunconfig was missing but was referenced in my .vsmdi file.
The test without VS were running properly but I always had the "Test wasn't run" error in ReSharper test UI.
So I simply restored my old LocalTestRun.testrunconfig file and everything run perfectly.
I probably could have updated my .vsmdi file to not reference the missing file... I did not test that.
On VS2012, Test Project don't work on Shared Folders like \XXXXXX\XXX
I solved it copied the Test Project on local devices.
Good Luck
I found that the settings file for the unit test may need checking as to which one is being pointed to by ReSharper. I had the same thing happening and it was down to my unit tests for the RS Harness pointing to the wrong file.
I had the same issue because the test class name had the characters '<' and '>' in it (also '(' and ')' caused this issue).
Removing those symbols fixed the problem.
I could use symbols in identifiers thanks to F#'s Unicode support.
I had the exact same issue and nothing helped.
eventually I saw that I had a mismatch in my namespaces of the unit project and the unit test project.
The namespace of my unit project is unit.project and the test project was named unit.project.tests but the default namespace of the test was the same as the unit, both was unit.project.
Once I've updated the namespaces to be different (one namespace for each project) everything worked!
I had a similar problem with NUnit test, which would not be executed, but R# would only mark them as "Test wasn't run".
Executing them with the native NUnit runner revealed, that the app.config file had an error (actually, 2 ConnectionString sections). Fixing this also made the tests running in R# test runner.
I kept getting "Test wasn't run" in Resharper.. I tried all the recommendations but nothing worked. What solved it for me was running Visual Studio as Administrator. (VS2013 w/ Resharper 8.1)
Just an excerpt from MSDN regarding
The code generated by Visual Studio when creating unit tests includes
an Inconclusive statement as a placeholder.
It happens if something is wrong with the solution, the most often a misconfiguration, like wrong or mismatched namespaces, inconsistent build targets etc, what leads to the fact that UnitTestExplorer is unable to use provided unit tests properly. So the general solution is to check latest changes and fix errors.
I had the same problem in C#: Unit tests run by ReSharper all just stopped with "Test wasn't run". No other information.
It turned out to be due to my custom section in App.Config. Removing that and it worked.
Configuration: Visual Studio C# 12, ReSharper 8.2.3
It could be also that Your solution contains multiple versions of i.e. nUnit installed in different projects. In my case this was the reason of the problems. After unifying the nUnit version in the solution, the problem was gone.
Just to add to this, I had written over my app.config file with a new one that was missing some sections I needed. I added the sections back in, at which point I got this same error in resharper. Thanks to the comments above I compared it to an older version and found that I was missing the section names in the configSections.

Is there any way to catch compile errors in all build configurations?

I made a simple change of a property to an auto property and broke the build because the property was referenced in a conditional compilation section. I was building in debug and the reference was in a section of code that's only compiled in release configuration. Is there any way to catch these errors without manually switching the build configuration in Visual Studio and building in each mode?
I have a CI server so the error was caught right away but I hate breaking the build.
You need to build each configuration to see if something conditional breaks one of them. You can avoid the manual step using the 'batch build' option from the build menu though.
You have to build under each configuration.
Remember that if you were to use all the conditional compiled sections at the same time, its likely that it wouldn't build i.e. if is debug use a, if not use b.
You don't need to do it manually though - that said, double compilation time is an awful thing.

Visual Studio enable assert

I am trying to add assert statements to a project, but they keep being skipped. Is there an option I need to enable somewhere?
The assert statement is:
Debug.Assert(false, "Deserialization failed", "Deserialization failed");
And I am running in debug mode. I could be doing something silly; I am not sure.
Make sure the DEBUG conditional compilation symbol is defined. In VS2008 that's on the project's property page on the Build tab: "Define DEBUG constant". This should be the case by default for a debug build, but it's possible that it got switched off.
It may be set/unset in similar but different ways in other IDEs (possibly with an edit control instead of a checkbox).
It's also possible (but rather unlikely) that it is being disabled by a configuration file setting, either with an <assert assertuienabled="false" /> setting or because the DefaultTraceListener has been removed from the Listeners collection. See the documentation for the Debug.Assert() method for more details if you think this might be what's going on.

Excluding Code Analysis rule in source

In a project I'm working on FxCop shows me lots of (and I mean more than 400) errors on the InitializeComponent() methods generated by the Windows Forms designer. Most of those errors are just the assignment of the Text property of labels.
I'd like to suppress those methods in source, so I copied the suppression code generated by FxCop into AssemblyInfo.cs, but it doesn't work.
This is the attribute that FxCop copied to the clipboard.
[module: SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization",
Scope = "member",
Target = "WindowsClient.MainForm.InitializeComponent():System.Void",
MessageId = "System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Text(System.String)")]
Anyone knows the correct attribute to suppress this messages?
PS: I'm using Visual Studio 2005, C#, FxCop 1.36 beta.
You've probably got the right code, but you also need to add CODE_ANALYSIS as a precompiler defined symbol in the project properties. I think those SuppressMessage attributes are only left in the compiled binaries if CODE_ANALYSIS is defined.
In FxCop 1.36 there is actually a project option on the "Spelling & Analysis" tab that will supress analysis for any generated code.
If you don't want to turn analysis off for all generated code, you need to make sure that you add a CODE_ANALYSIS symbol to the list of conditional compilation symbols (project properties, Build tab). Without this symbol defined, the SupressMessage attributes will be removed from the compiled code so FxCop won't see them.
The other problem with your SuppressMessage attribute is that you are listing a "Target" of a specific method name (in this case WindowsClient.MainForm.InitializeComponent():System.Void) and listing a specific "Scope". You may want to try removing these; otherwise you should add this SuppressMessage to each instance of the method.
You should also upgrade to the RTM version of FxCop 1.36, the beta will not automatically detect the newer version.
Module level suppression messages need to be pasted into the same file as the code that is raising the FxCop error before the namespace declaration or in assemblyinfo.cs. Additionally, you will need to have CODE_ANALYSIS defined as a conditional compiler symbols (Project > Properties > Build). Once that is in place, do a complete rebuild of project and the next time you run FxCop the error should be moved to the "Excluded in Source" tab.
Also, one small tip, but if you are dealing with a lot of FxCop exclusions it might be useful to wrap a region around them so you can get them out of the way.
