Read IOPS limits for RDS read-replica? - performance

I've noticed strange thing happened on my PostgreSQL Amazon RDS Read replica.
We've done "stress-test" of dozens parallel high-load read requests. Performance was really good in the beginning of the test, but then rapidly decreased while PostgresSQL itself kept holding dozens of select queries which were performed fast before it stacked.
I've opened Monitor statistics tab in RDS console and have seen that along with visible performance reducing Read IOPS number also decreased from 3000/sec to 300/sec and didn't go upper then 300/sec iops for long time.
At the same time CPU usage was really low ~3%, there weren't any problems with RAM or storage space.
So my question: are any documented limitations of Read IOPS for read replica? It looks like Amazon RDS automatically reduced high limit of IOPS after really high load (3000/sec).
Read-replica server runs on db.t2.large instance with 100 GB General Purpose (SSD) storage type with disabled fixed IOPS feature.

The behavior you describe is exactly as documented for the underlying storage class GP2.
GP2 is designed to [...] deliver a consistent baseline performance of 3 IOPS/GB
GP2 volumes smaller than 1 TB can also burst up to 3,000 IOPS.
3 IOPS/GB on a 100GB volume is 300 IOPS.
See also for a description of how IOPS credits work. While your system isn't busy, it will build up credits that can be used for the next burst.


How to calculate my applications iops utilization

I'm trying to figure out how I determine the IOPS my application is driving so I can property size our cloud infrastructure components. I understand what IOPS are between a database and the storage layer but I'd like to understand how I go about calculating what my application drives. Here are some of my applications characteristics:
1) 90% write and 10% read
2) We have a java based application that ultimately inserts into an HBase database
3) Process about 50 msg/sec where each message results in probably 2 HBase inserts
Here is what I'm not sure about:
1) Is the only way to calculate the IOPS is by running iostat or something on the actual server during load?
2) Is there a general way I can calculate what needed from the data volume/size coming in and not on the actual storage unit?
3) Is there any relationship to the # of transactions and the # of bytes in each transaction (I read somewhere an IO is usually 3K, most inserts don't contain that much info so it doesn't matter).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Not very familiar with Hbase. But from the documentation, it uses a log structure, which means the writes will be sequential writes. It also has compactions, which will cause both sequential reads and writes of multi-MB. The read queries will cause random reads on the storage layer.
So here is the answer to your questions:
As far as I know, yes. The only way to get IOPS is running iostat. You can probably get some compaction stats from the application level. But it is hard to extract IOPS level details.
Compaction will cause more storage than the entire data size. And if your application is write heavy(compaction might not catch up with the speed of inserts), the size of actual data volume will be much larger. Given the 50 msg/sec in your question, this should not be the case. I will provision disks double the size of expected data volume per instance.
As mentioned above, Hbase is log structured. Writes are accumulated in memory and flushed to disk together. So it doesn't matter the size of each transaction.

Find ES bottleneck in bulk (bigdesk screenshots attached)

Updated: Beware long post
Before I go big and move to a bigger server I want to understand what's wrong with this one.
This is an MVP of an elasticsearch server in AWS (EC2). Two micro-s with just 600mb ram each.
I want to understand what's wrong with this configuration. As you can see there's a bottlenecking in the bulk command. The OS memory is quite full, heap memory is still low and although the process CPU is running at maximum, the OS cpu is low.
I reduced the complexity of each document in the bulk-feed and set unwanted field to not be indexed. The screenshots below is my last attempt.
Is it an I/O bottleneck? I store the data on a S3 bucket.
Server Info:
2 Nodes (one in each server), 3 indexes each of them running with 2 shards and 1 replica. So it's a primary node with a running backup one. Strangely "Iron man" node never took over a shard.
I run again the feeder with the above cluster state and the bottleneck seems to be on both nodes:
Here is the beginning of the feeder:
Secondary (secondary has the bottleneck):
After 5 minutes of feeding:
Primary (now primary has the bottleneck)
Secondary (secondary now is better):
I'm using py-elasticsearch so requests are auto-throttled in the streamer. However after the big bottleneck below it threw this error:
ConnectionError(HTTPConnectionPool(host='IP_HERE', port=9200):
Read timed out. (read timeout=10)) caused by:
ReadTimeoutError(HTTPConnectionPool(host='IP_HERE', port=9200):
Read timed out. (read timeout=10))
And here below is a very interesting screenshot on the same "bulk-feed". The Queue reached 20, the python threw the expression above and the refresh command runs until now that I'm writing.
My objective is to understand which source (CPU, RAM, Disk, Network...) is the inadequate or even better to use the existing sources more efficiently.
So Nate's script was (among others) reducing the refresh interval. Let me add some other findings as well:
The refresh rate was stressing the cluster however I continued searching and found more "errors". One gotcha was that I have a deprecated S3.Gateway. S3 is persistent but slower than the EC2 volume.
Not only did I have S3 as data storage but on a different region (ec2 virginia -> s3 oregon). So sending documents over the network. I got down to that because some old tutorials have S3 as cloud data storage option.
After solving that, the "Documents deleted" below was better. When I was using S3 it was like 30%. This is from Elasticsearch HQ plugin.
Since now we have optimized I/O. Let's see what else we can do.
I found out that CPU is an issue. Although big desk says that the workload was minimal, t1.micros are not to used for persistent CPU usage. That means that although on the charts CPU it is not fully used that's because Amazon throttles it in intervals and in reality they are fully used.
If you put a big more complex documents it will stress the server.
Happy dev-oping.
Can you run the script against index you are bulk indexing to, we can then see if the performance improves. I think that the refresh rate is degrading performance and is perhaps causing stress on the cluster, leading to problems. Let me know and we can work this out.

AWS RDS Provisioned IOPS really worth it?

As I understand it, RDS Provisioned IOPS is quite expensive compared to standard I/O rate.
In Tokyo region, P-IOPS rate is 0.15$/GB, 0.12$/IOP for standard deployment. (Double the price for Multi-AZ deployment...)
For P-IOPS, the minimum required storage is 100GB, IOP is 1000.
Therefore, starting cost for P-IOPS is 135$ excluding instance pricing.
For my case, using P-IOPS costs about 100X more than using standard I/O rate.
This may be a very subjective question, but please give some opinion.
In the most optimized database for RDS P-IOPS, would the performance be worth the price?
The AWS site gives some insights on how P-IOPS can benefit the performance. Is there any actual benchmark?
In addition to the answer that zeroSkillz wrote, I did some more research. However, please note that I am not an expert on reading database benchmarks. Also, the benchmark and the answer was based on EBS.
According to an article written by "Rodrigo Campos", the performance does actually improve significantly.
From 1000 IOPS to 2000 IOPS, the read/write(including random read/write) performance doubles. From what zeroSkillz said, the standard EBS block provices about 100 IOPS. Imagine the improvement on performance when 100 IOPS goes up to 1000 IOPS(which is the minimum IOPS for P-IOPS deployment).
According to the benchmark, the performance/price seems reasonable. For performance critical situations, I guess some people or companies should choose P-IOPS even when they are charged 100X more.
However, if I were a financial consultant in a small or medium business, I would just scale-up(as in CPU, memory) on my RDS instances gradually until the performance/price matches P-IOPS.
Ok. This is a bad question because it doesn't mention the size of the allocated storage or any other details of the setup. We use RDS and it has its pluses and minuses. First- you can't use an ephemeral storage device with RDS. You cant even access the storage device directly when using the RDS service.
That being said - the storage medium for RDS is presumed to be based on a variant of EBS from amazon. Performance for standard IOPS depends on the size of the volume and there are many sources stating that above 100GB storage they start to "stripe" EBS volumes. This provides better average case data access both on read and write.
We run currently about 300GB of storage allocation and can get 2k write IOP and 1k IOP about 85% of the time over a several hour time period. We use datadog to log this so we can actually see. We've seen bursts of up to 4k write IOPs, but nothing sustained like that.
The main symptom we see from an application side is lock contention if the IOPS for writing is not enough. The number and frequency you get of these in your application logs will give you symptoms for exhausting the IOPS of standard RDS. You can also use a service like datadog to monitor the IOPS.
The problem with provisioned IOPS is they assume steady state volumes of writes / reads in order to be cost effective. This is almost never a realistic use case and is the reason Amazon started cloud services to fix. The only assurance you get with P-IOPS is that you'll get a max throughput capability reserved. If don't use it, you pay for it still.
If you're ok with running replicas, we recommend running a read-only replica as a NON-RDS instance, and putting it on a regular EC2 instance. You can get better read-IOPS at a much cheaper price by managing the replica yourself. We even setup replicas outside AWS using stunnel and put SSD drives as the primary block device and we get ridiculous read speeds for our reporting systems - literally 100 times faster than we get from RDS.
I hope this helps give some real world details. In short, in my opinion - unless you must ensure a certain level of throughput capability (or your application will fail) on a constant basis (or at any given point) there are better alternatives to provisioned-IOPS including read-write splitting with read-replicas memcache etc.
So, I just got off of a call with an Amazon System Engineer, and he had some interesting insights related to this question. (ie. this is 2nd hand knowledge.)
standard EBS blocks can handle bursty traffic well, but eventually it will taper off to about 100 iops. There were several alternatives that this engineer suggested.
some customers use multiple small EBS blocks and stripe them. This will improve IOPS, and be the most cost effective. You don't need to worry about mirroring because EBS is mirrored behind the scenes.
some customers use the ephemeral storage on the EC2 instance. (or RDS instance) and have multiple slaves to "ensure" durabilty. The ephemeral storage is local storage and much faster than EBS. You can even use SSD provisioned EC2 instances.
some customers will configure the master to use provisioned IOPS, or SSD ephemeral storage, then use standard EBS storage for the slave(s). Expected performance is good, but failover performance is degraded (but still available)
anyway, If you decide to use any of these strategies, I would recheck with amazon to make sure I haven't forgotten any important steps. As I said before, this is 2nd hand knowledge.

At what requested disk size does Amazon RDS use striping?

From the Amazon RDS FAQ Page
"Depending on the size of storage requested, Amazon RDS automatically stripes across multiple EBS volumes to enhance IOPS performance"
What disk size do I need to request to trigger disk striping? I've only heard rumors of 300GB.
I had a conversation with upper management at AWS regarding this. Here is the direct answer provided by them.
You will realize improvements with RDS throughput by scaling storage as high as 500GB, and this effect starts at a level well under 100GB (ie: striping occurs at a far lower level than 300GB).
The most important factor in realizing this throughput potential is the instance class. Specifically, the following instance classes are considered High I/O instances:
These instances have large network bandwidth available to them, so the upgrade that you mentioned on stackoverflow (to the m2.2xlarge instance) was likely the main reason you saw a leap in throughput. If you stripe your current storage as high as 500GB, this will continue to increase. With provisioned IOPS support for RDS (PIOPS-announced last night), throughput will now scale linearly all the way to 1TB.
With PIOPS, the throughput rate you can expect is currently associated with the amount of allocated storage. For Oracle and MySQL databases, you will realize a very consistent 1,000 IOPS for each 100GB you allocate – resulting in a potential throughput max of 10K IOPS. The (current, temporary) downside is that you will need to unload/load data to migrate an existing app to the PIOPS RDS.
Last I checked 300gb triggers back-end striping
I was told recently by an AWS engineer on an architecture review that 100GB will trigger EBS striping

Are Amazon's micro instances (Linux, 64bit) good for MongoDB servers?

Do you think using an EC2 instance (Micro, 64bit) would be good for MongoDB replica sets?
Seems like if that is all they did, and with 600+ megs of RAM, one could use them for a nice set.
Also, would they make good primary (write) servers too?
My database is only 1-2 gigs now but I see it growing to 20-40 gigs this year (hopefully).
They COULD be good - depending on your data set, but likely they will not be very good.
For starters, you dont get much RAM with those instances. Consider that you will be running an entire operating system and all related services - 613mb of RAM could get filled up very quickly.
MongoDB tries to keep as much data in RAM as possible and that wont be possible if your data set is 1-2 gigs and becomes even more of a problem if your data set grows to 20-40 gigs.
Secondly they are labeled as "Low IO performance" so when your data swaps to disk (and it will based on the size of that data set), you are going to suffer from disk reads due to low IO throughput.
Be aware that micro instances are designed for spiky CPU usage, and you will be throttled to the "low background level" if you exceed the allotment.
The AWS Micro Documentation has good information of what they are intended for.
Between the CPU and not very good IO performance my experience with using micros for development/testing has not been very good. (larger instance types have been fine though), but a micro may work for your use case.
However, there are exceptions for a config or arbiter nodes, I believe a micro should be good enough for these types of machines.
There is also some mongodb documentation specific to EC2 which might help.
