TYPO3 How insert tag <script> in RTE - typo3-7.6.x

I use Typo3 7 and I try use the following code, the tag iframe and embed works fine, but tag script when processed in FE appear look like: "&lt ;script" instead < script>.
RTE.default {
proc {
allowTags := addToList(iframe,embed,script)
allowTagsOutside := addToList(iframe,embed,script)
entryHTMLparser_db.allowTags < RTE.default.proc.allowTags

Add in Page TSConfig the line:
RTE.default.removeTagsAndContents := removeFromList(iframe,embed,script)


Is it possible to open embedded HTML file using Xamarin.Essetianls.Browser

Need to present fairly large T&Cs embedded document in Xamarin Native (NOT Xamarin.Forms). Xamarin.Essetianls.Broswser.OpenAsync("url") works brilliantly for the website page, but getting error:
The specified URL has an unsupported scheme. Only HTTP and HTTPS URLs are supported.
if trying
await Browser.OpenAsync("file://Data/TsAndCs.html")
In android, you can put the your local html page to the Assets folder, please notice the Build Action to the AndroidAsset.
Then you can create a interface to get the html file path.
public interface IBaseUrl
string Get();
Achieve it in the Android folder.
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(BaseUrl_Android))]
namespace MyWebView.Droid
public class BaseUrl_Android : IBaseUrl
public BaseUrl_Android()
public string Get()
return "file:///android_asset/";
For IOS achievement, you can refer to this thread:
Notice: If you want to Interaction between JS code and control of xamarin forms before html page displayed, please put this part code to Navigated="MywebView_Navigated"
Here is my local html.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<span id="myfont">This is Local Html</span>
<script type="text/javascript">
function factorial(num) {
if (num === 0 || num === 1)
return 1;
for (var i = num - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
num *= i;
return num;
Here is running screenshot.

How to stop html template from escaping

I have an html template where i want to insert some JavaScript code from outside of template itself. In my template data struct i have created a string field JS string and call it with {{.JS}}. The problem is that everything in browser is escaped:
newlines are \n
< and > are \u003c and \u003e
" is \"
Same symbols inside of a template are fine. If I Print my JS field into console it is also fine. I have seen some similar problems solved by using template.HTML type instead of string. In my case it does not work at all.
The actual context is
<script language="JavaScript">
var options = {
Either change the field's type to template.JS like so:
type Tmpl struct {
// ...
JS template.JS
Or declare a simple function that converts a string to the template.JS type like so:
func toJS(s string) template.JS {
return template.JS(s)
And then register the function with the Funcs method and use it in your template like so:
{{toJS .JS}}
Try setting the type of JS to template.JS:
import "html/template"
type x struct {
JS template.JS
Documentation can be found here.

Print parts of a web-page's source in Golang like PHP

I'm trying to generate a web page in Go lang. I'm currently using the Goji framework ( http://goji.io ) and I want to generate all of the heads and parts of the body of the web-page, but then I want some of the content to be written based on results from the code.
For example as in PHP, one can write HTML, js, or CSS and then in the PHP tags, write the code which is interpreted there.
How can I write my html, css, and js and then have Golang code within it that is complied and executed as the page is rendered?
As mentioned in issue 13, use Go html/template package.
// Shorthand
type M map[string]interface{}
func viewHandler(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
title := c.URLParams["title"]
p, err := loadPage(title)
if err != nil {
// do other things
template.ExecuteTemplate(w, "results.html", M{
"title": title,
"results": results,
"pagination": true,
{{range .Results }}
<h1>{{ Result.Name }}</h1>
<p>{{ Result.Body }}</p>
{{ end }}
Using a template is also recommended in zenazn/goji/example/main.go.
elithrar also references in the comments the "Writing Web Applications article, section The html/template package" for more.

jquery - load all text files and display them

I have been using jQuery pretty long time, but I never learned AJAX, so here I come..
we have this code :
Simple enough, now let's say I have multiple text files (I don't know their names) I want to load,
Can I do that ?
Maybe I need to loop all the text files and load them somehow ?
Thanks in Advance
Assuming you have text files in the server in a specific location you can do this:
HTML markup:
<div id="fileList">
here list of files will be loaded so that user can select which one to load
<div id="file-content">
content of selected file will be loaded here
JQuery part :
url : "FileServer/GetFileNames", // this is just a url that is responsible to return files list
success : function(data){
//here a JSON data including filenames expected
var $fileHolder = $("<div></div>");
JSON Structure expected
filename : "text1.txt"
filename : "text2.txt"
filename : "text3.txt"
implementing file listing in the server side is up to you.
Javascript does not have access to the local file system for obvious
security reasons. This is not possible.
Unless you are trying to loop through files on your server, in which
case you wouldn't want to use jQuery anyway but something like ASP.NET
or PHP or whatever framework you are using.
Foreach file in directory jQuery
Try this out
var files;
url: "http://homepage/folder",
success: function (txt) {
files = txt.split('<A href="');
var fList = new Array();
$(files).each(function () {
if (this.indexOf('.txt') > -1) {
for (i = 0; i < fList.length; i++) {
fList[i] = fList[i].split('">')[0];
fList[i] = fList[i].replace('"');
for (i = 0; i < fList.length; i++) {
Run FTP list command (there are various ways to do so, Web-Sockets is one..)
A simpler, more common ans secure-solution is a server-side listing of the files, and "cooking" the HTML (meaning- embedding the file-listing within it),
*you can use raw HTML or put it in var statement to be used by JavaScript (for example).
see following answer:

Validating HTML 5 with REL

I have browsed for a question similar to this but haven't happened to find exactly what i need but apologies if it has been answered somewhere.
I have started using java script light-boxes in my webpage to display images and am told to place on the links:
This means that the images now open in lightboxes however an HTML 5 validator says that 'lightbox' is obviously not an allowed link type.
How can i relate the required links to the lightbox java script so that it validates?
thanks alot in advance,
Ignore the validation errors (as they don't cause any problems), or
Change from rel="lightbox" to something like data-lightbox="true". Any attribute starting with "data-" is allowed and valid in HTML5.
Matthew's answer works, but you must remember to customize your lightbox source code as well. The example of such a modification you can see here: http://wasthere.com/lightbox2/js/custom-lightbox.js - it works (you can see here e.g. http://wasthere.com/asia/en/show-entry/141/kerala---munnar-(india) ), HTML5 validation passes. Check the comments in source file above, if you decide to use it - just change all "rel" attributes relevant to light box images to "data-rel" on your site.
Best regards,
what helped me validating it, is based on what was stated above:
function externalLinks()
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++)
var anchor = anchors[i];
if (anchor.getAttribute("href") && anchor.getAttribute("rel") == "external")
anchor.target = "_blank";
if (anchor.getAttribute("href") && anchor.getAttribute("rel") == "lightbox")
window.onload = externalLinks;
<a href='assets/newsTemplate/07_350wtd.jpg' rel='lightbox' title='DumbThumb'><img src='assets/newsTemplate/07_350wtd.jpg' alt='dumb'></img></a>
A si lo solucione:
Modifico el html:
<a href="img/2.jpg" data-rel="lightbox" title="" >
Modifico el javascript:
jQuery(function($) {
$("a[data-rel^='lightbox']").slimbox({/* Put custom options here */}, null, function(el) {
return (this == el) || ((this.rel.length > 8) && (this.rel == el.rel));
